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KSSM Form 4 Biology ● Chapter Six ● Cell Division

Revision Worksheets

Cell Division Assessment (1)

1. What is the number of chromosomes in the nucleus of a human cell? [1 mark]

2. What are autosomes? [1 mark]

3. Which pair of chromosomes in the nucleus of human cell determine gender? [1 mark]

4. Name three components in nucleotide. [3 marks]

5. Name the structure of DNA. [1 mark]

6. List the sequences of stages of mitosis. [1 mark]

7. Describe the changes of DNA during prophase. [2 marks]

8. What is the function of centriole? [1 mark]

9. Describe two importance of mitosis. [2 marks]

10. Explain the importance of cell division that happens at the tip of plant root. [1 mark]
Cell Division Assessment (2)
1. What stage of mitosis is shown? 6. The figure shows one of the stage in mitosis

The process that occur before and after this

A. Prophase C. Anaphase stage is
B. Metaphase D. Telophase Before After
A Anaphase Telophase
2. A type of plant has a chromosomal number B Metaphase Anaphase
of 2n=36. Which is correctly matched? C Prophase Metaphase
Root tip cell Stem cell Ovule D Metaphase Telophase
A 36 18 18
B 18 18 36
C 36 36 18 7. The figure shows a cell undergoing mitosis
D 36 18 18

3. In human body, active cell division does not

occur in the
A. Bone marrow C. Testis
B. Brain D. Epidermis The parts labeled X and Y represent
4. Which of the following events occurs during A Chromosome Centromere
mitosis? B Chromosome Centrioles
A. Duplication of chromosomes during C Chromatin Centrioles
anaphase D Chromosome Centrioles
B. The nuclear membrane disappears during
metaphase 8. The figure shows one stage in mitosis
C. Sister chromatids are pulled to opposite
poles during anaphase
D. Homologous chromosomes are arranged at
the metaphase plate

5. The figure shows the cell cycle of a cell

Which of the following is true about the
products of cell division?
A. Two daughter cells are produced, each
containing 8 structures of P.
B. Four daughter cells are produced, each
containing 8 structures of P
C. Two daughter cells are produced, each
The division of cytoplasm occurs during
containing 4 structures of P
A. P C. S
D. Four daughter cells are produced, each
B. Q D. T
containing 4 structures of P

Cell Division Assessment (3)

The figure below shows drawings of a cell at various stages in the mitotic cell cycle.

(a) List the letters shown in the figure in the order in which these stages occur during a mitotic cell cycle.
The first stage has been entered for you [2 marks]

(b) Explain what is happening in stage D in the figure. [2 marks]

(c) Describe what happens to the DNA in the nucleus during stage A in the figure. [2 marks]

Cell Division Assessment (4)

The figure below shows the different stages of a cell division in an animal cell.

(a) Name the type of cell division. [1 mark]

(b) Give one reason for your answer in (a). [1 mark]

(c) Arrange the phases of cell division in the correct sequence. [1 mark]

(d) Name structure A. [1 mark]

(e) Describe the event that occurs in stage S. [2 marks]

(f) State two importance of this cell division in animals. [2 marks]

(g) Mark () for the box with ‘two’ as the answer
Number of
Daughter cells Chromosomes Chromosomes Times of
formed in the cell in the daughter cell nuclear division

Cell Division Assessment (5)

The diagram below shows the phases of a cell cycle.

(a) State when the following events take place [3 marks]

(i) DNA replication
(ii) Shortening of spindle fibres
(iii) Separation of sister chromatids

(b) Describe how the arrangement of chromosomes during M2 differs from M3. [2 marks]

(c) During G1 phase, the ratio of cell diameter to nucleus increases. Explain why. [2 marks]

(d) Describe one difference between phase C in an animal cell and a plant cell. [2 marks]

(e) The diagram below shows a cell during meiosis I.

Complete the diagram to show the appearance of chromosomes in each daughter cell formed at the
end of meiosis II. [4 marks]

Cell Division Assessment (6)

The graph below illustrates changes in the DNA content of a cell during the cell cycle.

(a) State the phases I, II, III and IV of the cell cycle. [4 marks]
I : II :
III : IV :

(b) Why is phase I important to a cell? [1 mark]

(c) Describe the importance of phase II. [1 mark]

(d) Name two processes that occur during phase IV. [2 marks]
Process One :
Process Two :

(e) Explain how the processes stated in phase IV bring the quantity of DNA to the original amount. [2

(f) Explain the formation of cancer cells. [2 marks]


Cell Division Assessment (7)

The diagram below shows a cell division process.

(a) State the type of cell division process shown in the diagram above. [1 mark]

(b) State two examples of human cells formed from the cell division process. [2 marks]

(c) Describe an important event that occur during stage X. [1 mark]

(d) Name stage Z. [1 mark]

(e) Explain the significance of stage W for living organisms. [3 marks]

(f) Briefly describe the development of this cell after stage Z. [3 marks]

Cell Division Assessment (8)

Muntjac are small deer found throughout Asia. Cells at the base of the epidermis in the skin continually
divide by mitosis. The figure below shows the chromosomes from a skin cell of a female Indian muntjac
deer at metaphase of mitosis.

(a) (i) State the diploid chromosome number of the female Indian muntjac deer. [1 mark]

(ii) Name X and state its role in mitosis. [2 marks]

Name :
Role :

(b) In the space below, draw one of the chromosomes shown in the figure as it would appear during
anaphase of mitosis. [2 marks]

(c) Outline what happens to a chromosome between the end of anaphase and the start of the next mitosis.
[3 marks]

(d) During the formation of eggs in the ovary of the female Indian muntjac deer, the chromosome number
changes. State what happens to the chromosome number and explain why this change is necessary. [2

(e) (i) On the figure above, shade in a pair of homologous chromosomes. [1 mark]

(ii) In the space below, draw a labelled diagram to show the metaphase I process of a cell in ovary. [3

Cell Division Assessment (9)

The figure below shows the complete set of chromosomes of an individual

(a) State the gender of this individual. [1 mark]

(b) State the total number of chromosome of this individual. [1 mark]

(c) State the genetic disorder of this individual. [1 mark]

(d) Explain how this individual is born with this genetic disorder. [3 marks]

Cell Division Assessment (10)

(a) Describe two events during meiosis that bring about the differences in characteristics between
organisms of the same species. [5 marks]
(b) Explain how the process of meiosis ensures the diploid number of chromosomes in a sexually-
reproduced organism to be maintained from one generation to its following generation. [5 marks]

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