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Narrative Analysis

By Genevieve M. Nangit
February 27, 2024

Narrative Analysis of “City of Sand”: The adult’s concept of death

For adults the concept of death resembles that of number. As the number increases so is its
nearness with the true life.

“It’s as every philosopher from Plato to John Dewey has taught:You don’t go until your number’s
up, and when your number’s up, you go.” Gladys snapped her fingers, smiling. To her, this was
Which is why I’m a fatalist. You can’t quarrel with logic!
And why I’m so good at emergencies, or was.
It was normal life day-to-day I couldn’t play. (Page 35)

When your number’s up, it’s up. Grandma Della seemed to think this was a cheerful fact. (Page

“Blonde” by Joyce Carol Oates. 2000. 4th Estate: London, UK

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