Women Empowerment in Black Widow Film Directed by Cate Shortland

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Women Empowerment in Black Widow Film

Directed by Cate Shortland




Women Empowerment in Black Widow Film Directed by
Cate Shortland


Presented to:
Universitas Brawijaya
In partial fulfillment of the requirements
For the degree of Barchelor in English Literature

Dikna Rizky Jayanti



Herewith I,

Name : Dikna Rizky Jayanti

NIM : 155110100111017

Address : Jl. Sumatera no.17B Pekalongan Barat, Kota Pekalongan.

Declare that:

1. this undergraduate thesis is the sole work of mine and has not been written in

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2. if at a later time it is found that this undergraduate thesis is a product of

plagiarism, I am willing to accept any legal consequences that may be imposed

upon me.

Malang, 30 Januari 2023



(Dikna Rizky Jayanti)

NIM 155110100111017


This is to certify that the undergraduate thesis titled Women Empowerment

in Black Widow Film Directed by Cate Shortland by DIKNA RIZKY JAYANTI has
been approved by the Board of Examiners as one of the requirements for the
degree of Sarjana Sastra.

Examination Date (dd/mm/yyyy):


Sri Utami Budi, S.S., M.A., Chair/

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Juliati, S.S., M.Hum., Member/ Supervisor

Employee ID Number. 19720929 200604 2

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Sahiruddin, S.S., M.A., Ph.D. Employee

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Alhamdulillah, praise to Allah SWT, for the blessing so the writer can complete

this final project. During this writing of this final project, from nothing to this,

from the first to the end, there were many people who help and pray for me until

this final project assignment was completed. For all forms of assistance, the writer

will say thank you to the honorable :

1. Mrs. Hamamah, S.Pd., M.Pd., Ph.D. as the Head of Faculty of Cultural

Studies, Universitas Brawijaya.

2. Mrs. Isti Purwanintyas, S.S., M.Pd. as the head of Language and Literature

Department, Faculty of Cultural Studies, Universitas Brawijaya

3. Mrs. Juliati, S.S., M.Hum. as my advisor who has provided me with the


4. My love-hate, my beloved husband, Muhammad Galan Albari, who

always support me to complete and finish my undergraduate thesis and for

marrying me and for all the money that he uses to make my mood to write

this undergraduate thesis.

5. All my beloved family, especially my mother, Mrs. Nany Widjajanti and

my father, Mr. Muh. Sodiq Basyaiban, who always encourage me to

continue what I started.

6. All my sisters and brother, Ira Zuqnia Diq Jayanti, M. Amirudin Riziq

Basyaiban, Alama Brizky, Thoifah Rizky Izzati, as my motivation to

complete this study, especially Ira Zuqnia Diq Jayanti who still struggling

with her final project and M. Amirudin Riziq who start his study in

Universitas Tidar Magelang this year

7. Mrs. Dr. Dra. Indah Wanarni, M.A. as my first PA who always guide me

and give me advice about my study.

8. My best friend, Amanda Amelia who always support me. She is the reason

that this final project is happening. I love you sekebon.

9. Mrs. Dr. Lucky Endarwati, S.H., M.H., my aunty, who always wants to

know my progress in the collage.

Nothing is perfect and neither is this thesis. The writer expects that this thesis can

be fruitful for students who still struggle to finish their writing.


Jayanti, Dikna Rizky. 2023. Women Empowerment in Black Widow Film Directed
by Cate Shortland. Study Program of English, Department of Languages and
Literature, Faculty of Cultural Studies, Universitas Brawijaya. Supervisor:
Juliati, S.S., M.Hum.

Keywords: patriarchy, women empowerment, feminism

Black Widow film is trusted by the public as one of the films that contains
a message about women empowerment. Black Widow film is full of the struggle
of Natasha Romanoff who want to take down Red Room and kill Dreykov, and it
show that Natasha Romanoff represents women empowerment in this movie.

The writer is interested in that issue and wants to analyze more about how
Natasha Romanoff struggles from Dreykov in Black Widow Film and how
Natasha Romanoff represents women empowerment. The researcher used
qualitative methods. the researcher chose to use feminism criticism theory,
Women Empowerment theory, and Movie Studies theory to find out if Natasha
Romanoff represents women empowerment or not and how her struggle to free
from Dreykov. Dreykov is a symbol of patriarchy. He takes girls from their
families and trains them into a Widow, he puts a pheromonal lock and chemical
brainwashing in their brain. Natasha tries to free the widows from Dreykov with
many struggles such as protecting her little sister from Dreykov, willing to kill
Dreykov, fighting to take down patriarchy, and saving the widows from Dreykov.
From what she does to free from Dreykov, it shows that Natasha represents
women empowerment in this film.


Jayanti, Dikna Rizky. 2023. Women Empowerment in Black Widow Film

Directed by Cate Shortland. Study Program of English, Department of
Languages and Literature, Faculty of Cultural Studies, Universitas
Brawijaya. Supervisor: Juliati, S.S., M.Hum.
Kata kunci: patriarki, pemberdayaan perempuan, feminisme

Film Black Widow dipercaya masyarakat sebagai salah satu film yang
mengandung pesan tentang pemberdayaan perempuan. Film Black Widow yang
sarat dengan perjuangan Natasha Romanoff yang ingin menjatuhkan Red Room
dan membunuh Dreykov, menunjukkan bahwa Natasha Romanoff
merepresentasikan pemberdayaan perempuan dalam film ini.

Penulis tertarik dengan isu tersebut dan ingin mengkaji lebih jauh
bagaimana perjuangan Natasha Romanoff melawan Dreykov dalam Film Black
Widow dan apakah Natasha Romanoff mewakili pemberdayaan perempuan dalam
Film Black Widow. Peneliti menggunakan metode kualitatif. peneliti memilih
untuk menggunakan teori kritik feminisme, teori Pemberdayaan Perempuan, dan
teori Studi Film untuk mengetahui apakah Natasha Romanoff mewakili
pemberdayaan perempuan atau tidak dan bagaimana perjuangannya untuk
membebaskan diri dari Dreykov. Dreykov adalah simbol patriarki. Dia
mengambil gadis-gadis dari keluarga mereka dan melatih mereka menjadi Janda,
dia memasang kunci feromon dan pencucian otak kimiawi di otak mereka.
Natasha mencoba membebaskan para janda dari Dreykov dengan berbagai
perjuangan seperti melindungi adik perempuannya dari Dreykov, dia ingin
membunuh Dreykov, berjuang untuk menjatuhkan patriarki, dan kemudian dia
menyelamatkan para janda dari Dreykov. Dari apa yang dia lakukan hingga bebas
dari Dreykov, terlihat bahwa Natasha merepresentasikan pemberdayaan
perempuan dalam film ini.

Table of Contents
DECLARATION OF AUTHORSHIP .......................................................................................i
APPROVAL SHEET ...................................................................................................... ii
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .................................................................................................... iii
ABSTRACT ....................................................................................................................... v
ABSTRAK ........................................................................................................................ vi
CHAPTER I .......................................................................................................................1
1.1. Background of the Study ..................................................................................1
1.2. Problem of the study .......................................................................................4
1.3. Objective of the study ......................................................................................5
CHAPTER II ......................................................................................................................6
REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE ...................................................................................6
2.1. Theoritical Frameworks ...................................................................................6
2.1.1. Feminism Criticism ...................................................................................6
2.1.2. Women Empowerment ............................................................................9
2.1.3. Movie Studies ........................................................................................ 10
2.2. Previous Studies ............................................................................................ 14
2.3. Research Methods ......................................................................................... 16
2.3.1. Deciding the object of the study ............................................................. 16
2.3.2. Collecting Data ....................................................................................... 16
2.3.3. Analyzing and Interpreting Data ............................................................. 16
2.3.4. Drawing The Conclusion ......................................................................... 17
CHAPTER III ................................................................................................................... 18
FINDING AND DISCUSSION ............................................................................................ 18
3.1. Dreykov is a symbol of Patriarchy in Black Widow Movie ............................... 18
3.1.1. Took girl and train them as widows .............................................................. 19
3.1.2. Chemical Brainwash ..................................................................................... 20
3.1.3. Pheromonal Lock ......................................................................................... 21
3.1.4. Hysterectomy .............................................................................................. 22
3.2. Natasha Struggle to Free The Widow from Dreykov ....................................... 24

3.2.1. Protect Her Little Sister .......................................................................... 25
3.2.2. Natasha Want to Kill Dreykov ................................................................. 27
3.2.3. Fight to Take Down Patriarchy ................................................................ 29
3.2.4. Save The Widow..................................................................................... 33
3.3. Natasha is Represented Women Empowerment ............................................ 34
3.3.1. Little Girl do Big Job................................................................................ 35
3.3.2. Independent Women ............................................................................. 37
3.3.3. Natasha Has Her Own Choice ................................................................. 39
3.3.4. Girl Support Girl ..................................................................................... 40
CHAPTER IV ................................................................................................................... 44
CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION .................................................................... 44
4.1. Conclusion ..................................................................................................... 44
4.2. Suggestion ..................................................................................................... 45
REFERENCES.................................................................................................................. 46



1.1.Background of the Study

Film is a moving picture which communicates information and ideas by

showing ways of life that might not be known by many people (Bordwell and

Thompson, 2008). The elements of film include narrative, mise-en-scene,

cinematography, editing, and sound. Film is a very effective medium for

conveying drama, especially for emotional arousal. The art of cinema is very

complex and requires input from almost every other art and a myriad of technical

skills (recording, photography, optics, etc.). This new form of art emerged in the

late 19th century and has become one of the most popular and influential media

since the 20th century. Nowadays, film is one of the forms of mass media that can

provide entertainment value to the community when people are tired of activities

in the daily routine. However, film is not only as an entertainment form but also a

media of communication. Film is a media of communication used to spread the

entertainment featuring stories, events, music, drama, humor, and other technical

presentations to the general (Marselli, 1996: 13).

Film seems to have become an important part that is difficult to be

separated from people’s life especially in postmodern life. Film can reflect its

message as a channel for convey certain messages from and to people. In the

making of film work, there is a message that will be raised and conveyed by the

film maker to wide audience. Among the abundance of possible messages, women

empowerment is one of them. There are a lot of films conveying women

empowerment, one of them is Black Widow. Black Widow film is trusted by the

public as one of the films that contains a message about women empowerment.

This film tells about Natasha Romanoff, a.k.a Black Widow, Yelena,

Melina and Alexi Shostakov a.k.a The Red Guardian’s mission to save the

widows from Drekov’s Red Room. Red Room is a place to train children to

become a spy or in this film they called ‘Widow’. Dreykov proudly insists that he

“recycles” orphaned “trash”, namely young girls, to make them reliable

instruments trained to follow his command. The subculture of trafficking and

exploiting young girls becomes the foundation which he builds his empire. Even

as Dreykov depends on the labour of ‘his’ Widows, he refuses to acknowledge

and respect their humanity as both humans and workers.

The character Natasha Romanoff (Scarlett Johansson), better known as

Black Widow, has held a prominent role within the Marvel Cinematic Universe

(MCU). She has appeared in seven of the films thus far and returned for an eighth

time in her standalone film, Black Widow. In another MCU films, she is designed

with her sex appeal in mind, and within each film she is presented as either a love

interest or a sex object and only play as a side-kick character, but in her

standalone film she jump as a main character and show how smart and powerful

she is.

In this film, Drekov is a symbol of patriachal. The patriarchal social

system is a social system that favors male dominancy and controls women’s

liberty in the way of progress. Women are urged for domestic skills such as child

rearing, looking after the aged members and house management (Naz and Ahmed,

2012). Patriarchy is characterized by power, authority, hierarchy, and competition.

Therefore, patriarchy is a system of social structures and practices in which men

dominate, oppress, and exploit women. Gamble (2006) states that feminism is a

belief in which patriarchal culture should be diminished by women’s struggle in

maintaining gender equality. Women empowerment is often aligned with the

feminist movement, where it refers to the battle in transforming immoderate

systems, equality, rights, and position, into equals between men and women

(Fakih, 2013).

Women as a part society have endured unequality. Women empowerment

has been remained a key concern of the feminist scholars in last few decades. The

more emphasis is given to remove gender inequality through empowering woman

for the socio-economic development. The aspect of women’s empowerment is

mandatory for the socio-economic development of any country. In this regard,

eradication of gender inequality is a primary concern for improving autonomy and

independence among women. Moreover, gender discrimination and gender

inequality are the constraints to the empowerment of women (Zebaet al, 1994).

Discrepancies between women and men are noticed at large in the developing

countries (Sharif, 2009). Women have less resources and opportunities to improve

themselves in many parts of the globe. They are restricted in almost all spheres of

life, such as, education, financial opportunities, ownership of property, and

decision making (Mikkola & Carrie 2007).

All of the explaination above is the reason why the researcher wants to

analyze more about women empowerment in this movie. The researcher will

apply movie studies analysis and use feminism approach regarding how the movie

Black Widow presents its characters and the thought of women empowerment.

The use of movie studies is expected to contribute to film analysis through its

elements namely the narrative, mise-en-scene, cinematography, and sound by

using textual analysis and Feminism. By doing so, the researcher will be able to

evaluate whether the main character of movie Black Widow delivers the issues of

women empowerment that exists in society.

The researcher hopes that this study can provide knowledge by

understanding and analyzing the meaning of women empowerment in Black

Widow movie, she also hopes to act as a tool to convey messages about women

empowerment. The researcher believes, it willbe useful for future studies since the

film industry will continue to grow and will always represent the existing society.

1.2.Problem of the study

Based on the background of the problem above, the problem of the study is

formulated as follows:

1. How Natasha Romanoff struggle to free the widow from Dreykov in

Black Widow Movie?

2. Is Natasha Romanoff represent women empowerment in Black Widow


1.3.Objective of the study

This study is limited to the characterizations of Natasha Romanoff (Scarlet

Johansson) a.k.a Black Widow as the main character in Black Widow film.

According to the problem of the study, the objective of the study is to find out

how Black Widow character represents women empowerment in Black Widow




This chapter presents review of related literature and research method.

Theories connected with feminism and movie studies will be reviewed to gain

deep and holistic framework in conducting the research.

2.1. Theoritical Frameworks

2.1.1. Feminism Criticism

According to Bahsin, feminism is defined as an awareness of women’s

oppression and exclusion in the community, workplace, and family, as well as

conscious actions by women and men to change that awareness (Zen, 2021). The

struggle for equality, dignity, and freedom for women to manage their lives and

bodies, both inside and outside the home, is the essence of feminism today

(Byrnes, Conners, Bik, 1996 : 171).

Feminist criticism is a type of literary analysis based on feminist theories.

It’s often thought to be concerned with feminism’s politics, and it employs

feminist ideals to criticize male-dominated literature. Women’s social, political,

economic, and psychological oppression are at the heart of feminist criticism.

Since the rise of feminism, it has frequently been suggested that women

have been forced to stay away from the pinnacles of creativity in the arts and

sciences due to cultural and social constraints. Even the best writers since

emancipation have been observed to be underappreciated simply because they are

female. This is intolerable to feminist writers, and Helen Cixous asserts in that

feminists are anarchic, and feminist texts pulsate with a rhetoric of rebellion and

rupture. In this sense, feminism is an attack on patriarchy - the hierarchical

institutionalization of unequal roles and a status accorded to two biological

genders - the birthright priority where males rule females, which is an attack on

sexual discrimination and the exclusion of women from all significant fields.

Patriarchy maintains its stronghold by keeping women down, which is why

feminists strive to end male dominance. To actually achieve the goals, they will

have to destroy the structure of culture as we know it, including its art, laws,

nuclear families based on father-right and nation-states, and all images,

institutions, customs, and habits that define women as worthless and invisible

victims. However, being impatient with patriarchal uses of criticism will not

address men’s devaluation of female critics. To break the taboo against women

participating in theoretical exposition that has been in place since adolescence,

feminist criticism must redefine literary theory as the programmatic understanding

of women’s experience in literary form (Sharma : 2016).

Maggie Humm correctly observes:

"An even more important task for feminist criticism, then - more

important than re-evaluating women’s intellect is to re-evaluate the

entire terrain of criticism itself as mapped out and colonized by

men; that is, to shift the language of literary criticism from one of

power and possession to one of emotion and caring." (Humm, p. 83)

Feminists attempt to challenge and deconstruct male-dominated

worldviews. As a result, Raman Selden observes that "feminist criticism

sometimes summons the fury of the furies in order to disturb the complacent

certainties of patriarchal culture and to create a less oppressive climate for women

writers and readers" (Selden page. 128).

Based on Sharma (2016), feminist criticism faces three major issues. The

first is the issue of theme and literature, and this critique focuses on women’s

oppression as the dominant theme of literature. To this end, it aims to examine

masculine texts and show how women within them are often formed within

narrow cultural and social constraints. The second issue of feminist literary

criticism is the issue of creating gender-based readers by offering new methods

and fresh critical practices. The third issue of feminist criticism is the issue of

making women behave as female readers.

All feminist critics share three basic assumptions. First, all literary and

literary criticism must be ideological, as writing manipulates gender for symbolic

purposes. The ideology of female critics is believed to contain more

contradictions than the ideology of men. The second main assumption of feminist

criticism is that there is a "gender-based strategy" in the writing, and the third

assumption is a lasting tradition of literary culture and the economics and

economics it is part of social tradition is based on men norms used to exclude or

underestimate women (Sharma, 2019).

2.1.2. Women Empowerment

Women’s empowerment can be defined as promoting women’s sense of

self-worth, ability to make their own choices, and rights to influence social

changes for themselves and others (Worldvision, 2021). It is particularly

associated with the feminist movement, where it refers to the struggle to transform

oppressive systems, equality, rights, and positions into equals for men and women

(Fakih, 2013). While feminism refers to the movement that seeks gender equality,

women empowerment refers to the process or action that allows women to

participate more fully in all aspects of society. Feminists are motivated by the

concept of ‘equality’, in which women’s empowerment is not limited in any way;

It does not necessarily focus on equality alone, but rather goes beyond

empowering women and the concept of ‘equality’ (Phillips, 2002). Because there

is a gender divide, both women’s empowerment and feminism are concerned with

supporting the female gender. Men are frequently thought to be superior to

women, which gives rise to this ideology (Hanum, 2018).

There are various attempts in the literature to gain a comprehensive

understanding of empowerment by breaking down the process into key

components. Kabeer’s (2001) understanding of ‘choice’ comprises three inter-

related components: “resources, which form the conditions under which choices

are made; Agency, which is at the heart of the process through which choices are

made, and achievements, which are the outcomes of choices.” The World Bank’s

report on “Engendering Development,” (2001a) defines rights, resources, and

voice as the three critical components of gender equality. Chen (1992) describes

“resources, perceptions, relationships, and power” as the main components of

empowerment, and Batliwala (1994) characterizes empowerment as “control over

resources and ideology.” UNICEF uses the Women’s Empowerment Framework

constructed by Sara Longwe, which encompasses welfare, access to resources,

awareness-raising, participation, and control (UNICEF 1994).

One of the elements related to the concept of empowerment is the "human

agency". This is usually defined as the ability, condition, or condition to exercise

or exercise force, and the person or object or goal on which the force is exercised

has been achieved (Pillai, 2012). According to Amartya Sen, people can earn

agencies by acquiring specific skills and freedoms. Free to develop, Sen defines

agents as “people who act and make a difference, and the results can be judged by

their own values and goals ... especially civilians and participants. The role of the

individual as a in economic, social and political behaviour ...” (Pillai, 2012).

According to skill approach to development, people who lack certain basic

freedoms want to guide another to live like they want. In situations where people

are faced with physical well-being, financial freedom, political voice, or lack of

deprivation of rights, one seeks opportunities or makes decisions to further

achieve life goals. People may not be able to exercise their agency because of this.

An agency plays an important role for possibility of change. An agency is “the

ability of people to help and act on themselves to affect the world” (Sen, 1999).

2.1.3. Movie Studies

Hugo Munsterberg and Rudolf Arnheim (2001, para 1) defined (silent)

film as art because it does not simply mechanically record reality but rather

transforms the normal ways in which the human eye perceives camera angles

through editing as well as black-and-white photography. The film is in the form of

a narrative in which the audience is told stories. It also requires good visualization

to deliver the story. As a result, the audience will be interested in and understand

the message contained within the film.

According to Villarejo (2007, p.36), film analysis includes elements such

as cinematography, mise-en-scene, editing, sound, and narrative. The theatrical

process of staging was referred to as mise-en-scene. In this research, the

researcher will use mise-en-scene, and narrative in particular the dialogue.

Conversation is an important part of social behavior and is one of the main

human ways of expressing emotions, moods, attitudes and personalities. In a

movie, the conversation takes place in the form of a plot or dialogue in which the

character engages to implement the plot in order to make the movie more

interesting and lively. Film dialogue is deliberately designed to convey the

emotions, thoughts and perceptions of the characters depicted (Walker, Lin,

Sawyer, 2012: 1373).

In this research, the researcher uses the dialogue as the main source of

discussion to find data or evidences related to the problem of the study. The

finding of the research through the dialogue.

Mise-en-scene is often used by film researchers around the world to mean

“on stage” in French. It defines all the visuals of the movie, whatever is in front of

the camera. It is this staging element that enhances the visual appeal of the film.

(Lathrop and Sutton, 2015).

Based on Lathrop and Sutton, There are broadly 4 elements of mise en

scene using which the director stages the scene for the film to provide his

audience a visually delightful experience : (1) Setting; (2) Costume; (3) Figure

Behaviour; (4) Lighting.

a. Setting

Settings as an important visual element of the movie include everything

the viewer sees, telling the time and place in addition to the costume. It plays a

very positive role in the film and can be as important as plots and events

throughout the film.

b. Costume

Costumes, clothing, and their accessories are also important visual

elements of the film since it can provide information to the story through

contributions to settings, characters and plots.

c. Figure Behaviour

Like landscapes and costumes, character expression and movement are

important elements of Mise-en-Sene used by directors to support the story and

develop the thematic unity of film. A character’s facial expression refers to the

facial expression and posture of the actor, and a character’s movement refers to all

other actions of the actor, including gestures. The two most important aspects of

learning a film are the appropriateness of the actor’s expression and the director’s

control over the actor’s movements.

Character expression as an element of staging also gives the director

artistic power. Meanwhile the character’s behavior patterns can tell the viewers

the appropriateness or inadequacy of the actor/actress’s expression. If the

character shows the opposite of what the movie shows, viewers may be convinced

that the actor is behaving improperly. Viewers may feel that the actor/actress’s

facial expressions do not match the previously shown behavior patterns when

looking at them. Viewers should always keep in mind that the adequacy or

inadequacy of a character’s behavior should be evaluated in relation to the settings

of a particular scene and the overall nature of that particular character.

d. Lighting

For film directors, lighting is more than lighting that allows viewers to see

what’s going on. Like other aspects of Mise-en-Sene, lighting is a tool used by

directors to convey a particular meaning to a character or story to the viewer.

Lighting helps to define scene settings and emphasizes the behavior of characters

in the movie.

All of four elements above, the researcher will use the figure behaviour

only as the second main source of analysis. The character’s facial expression and

posture, and a character’s movement will be analyzed to reveal how the main

character, black Widow, embodies woman empowerment spirit.

2.2. Previous Studies

There have been many criticisms and analyses about women issues.

However they are about how women struggle against patriachy and being

subordinate to men or gender discrimination. Two of them are The Struggle of

Afgan Women Againts Men Subordinate in Mariam and Laila in Khaled

Hosaini’sA Thousand Splendid Suns by Hilga Clarissa (2011), and Existential

Feminism Represented by Arya Stark in HBO’s Television Series Game of

Thrones byAditya Dennis Prasetyawan.

The first previous study discusses about how Mariam and Laila’s struggle

to gain freedom and happiness in Afganistan society by using feminist approach.

The patriachal society consider women as a subordinate to men as their potition

on society and family. Women are inferior in marriage because men assume that

women are naturally destined to serve their husbands and families. This woman’s

special situation can also be seen in Afghanistan. The result of this previous study

show that even though women are oppressed and subordinate by men, they always

struggle to defend themself. They are not weak and strive for a better life.

The same thing in this first previous study and this study is both use

feminism theory to analyze the object. In the previous study, the main characters

struggle againt patriarchy in their country, on the other hand in this study, the

main character struggles to knock down the patriarchy in her and her friends’ life.

Both the studies are related to women empowerment. The difference is on the

concern. The previous study concern about the characters action to face the gender

descrimination, while this study concerns on how the main character actions

represent women empowerment.

The second previous study is by Aditya Dennis Prasetyawanis about Arya

Stark, a woman from a noble family who fights for her presence as a woman who

goes against the noble traditions that limit her freedom. He uses real-life feminist

theory, patriarchal concepts, dialogue and film studies such as Mise en scene as

supporting theories to analyze this television series. Arya Stark’s action of

existential feminism is triggered by a patriarchal culture that influences her daily

life as a lady. Aristocratic traditions limit their freedom and passion. She refuses

to follow tradition and insists on learning swordsmanship that is not a woman’s

job. Arya escapes the castle and survives the civil war. Her adventures face

numerous dangers, including kidnapping, sexual abuse, and the threat of

assassination. She improves her fighting skills to survive, finds a surviving family

and tries to avenge her death. The expression of existential feminism shows Arya

not only in her resistance to social construction, but also in her struggle against all

forms of objectification against her who may alienate her existence.

The second previous study is similar to this study in representing

characters who struggle to get freedom. They fight and survive for their important

things. In this second previous study, Prasetyawan used existential feminism

theory to analyze his object of the study, while this study uses feminism because

Black Widow knows who she is and what she wants, she does not need to prove

about her existence.

2.3. Research Methods

The researcher will explain the research method in four main processes. It is

about the process of deciding the object of the study, collecting the data,

analyzing and interpreting the data and drawing conclusion.

2.3.1. Deciding the object of the study

The researcher chose a movie entitled Black Widow because the researcher has

interest with women empowerment in this movie.

2.3.2. Collecting Data

In collecting the data, here the researcher will take notes while watching the

movie. To get the facts that support the study, the researcher will read the articles,

news and watch another movie that related with study. After collecting the data

from the movie, the researcher will separate the result based on the problem of the

study. Then, writer will validate the data from watching the movie by analyze the

problems. The data of this study are scene on the movie, the acting and the


2.3.3. Analyzing and Interpreting Data

After collecting the data, the researcher will go to the next step namely analyzing

and interpreting the data from the movie using the theory that is already chosen

which is feminism theory. The researcher will analyze the data based on the

feminism concept. The analysis will be written on the third chapter.

2.3.4. Drawing The Conclusion

The last step is drawing the conclusion. It will be written after getting the result of

the research from the whole process of analyzing the object. The conclusion will

answer all of questions in the problem of the study.



this Chapter will discuss about the finding and the discussion of the

research. The use of movie studies is expected to contribute to film

analysis through its elements namely the narrative, mise-en-scene,

cinematography, and sound by using textual analysis and Feminism.

Women’s social, political, economic, and psychological oppression are at

the heart of feminist criticism. In this research, the researcher uses the

dialogue as the main source of discussion to find data or evidences related

to the problem of the study. The finding of the research through the

dialogue. The researcher will use the figure behaviour only as the second

main source of analysis.

3.1. Dreykov is a symbol of Patriarchy in Black Widow Movie

After analyzing the entire data, the researcher was able to conclude

that in the film Black Widow there are patriarchy play role by General

Dreykov. He is an antagonist on this movie. He takes girls and put them

into a place named ‘Red Room’ to be forced to trained as widows.

patriarchy can be conceptualized as a system or systems producing and

reproducing gendered and intersectional inequalities, and men's power and

women's subordination. It is a system of social, political, and economic

structures and practices, in which men as a group/category govern,

oppress, and exploit women as a group/category. “Men as a group” and

“women as group” is used here to underline not all men and not all women

(Strid & Hearn : 2022). There are four scene that show about Dreykov’s

patriarchal action.

3.1.1. Took girl and train them as widows

General Dreykov tooks girls from their family, train them to become

widows, brain wash to control and slave them. He calls his action as

recycle the trash. Here is the dialogue to proof that statement:

NATASHA : “You seem desperate to impress me.”

DREYKOV : “I don’t need to impress you. I don’t need to

impress anyone. These world leaders, these great men, they

answer to me and my widows. Look at them. These girls were

trash. They are thrown out into the street. I recycle the trash.

And I give them purpose. I give them a life.” (Shortland, 2021)

On the line “… Look at them. These girls were trash. They are thrown out

into the street. I recycle the trash. And I give them purpose. I give them a

life” is representing that Dreykov own the widows’ life. That if he did not

take them, they would be trash. This is evidence of patriatchy because he

shows about men’s power and women as the subordinate.

3.1.2. Chemical Brainwash

Yelena explains about General Dreykov brainwashing his Widows with a

chemical that make her willing to obey every comand he gives and make

the widows have no other choice. It seen on many scenes in this movie that

dreykov exploit girls.

Figure 1 - 3.1.2-1

In the scene, they are on the restaurant after running from the other

widows. Yelana tell Natasha about what what happen in her last mission.

She is on the mission to retrieve the anti-dot and the older widow exposed

her with it and free her, but Yelena killed that widow. This the dialogue:

YELENA: “That gas, the counteragent, it was synthesized in secret by an

older widow from Melina’s generation. I was on the mission to retrieve
it, and she exposed me, and I killed the widow that freed me.”
NATASHA: “Did you have a choice?”
YELENA: “What you experienced was psychological conditioning. I’m
talking about chemically altering brain functions. They’re two
completely different things. You’re fully conscious, but you don’t
know which part is you. I’m still not sure.”

NATASHA: “Is that all there is left?”

YELENA: “Mmm-hmm. It’s the only thing that can stop Dreykov and his
network of widows.” (Shortland, 2021)

Based on the explanation in the film, the exploitation of women is

depicted in the film by the process of brainwashing women who are used

as black widows so that they are subconsciously controlled and this

violates human rights to have full awareness without the control of others

to determine their life goals and desires.

3.1.3. Pheromonal Lock

General Drekov is not only brainwashing the widows, he also admit

that he controls her widows by pheromonal lock. It means he can control

her widows’ nervous system using his pheromones to prevents all her

widdows from committinig violence against him.

Figure 2 - 3.1.3-1

In this scene, Natasha try to kill dreykov but her body is deny her

action. Suddenly her body cannot reach Dreykov. Natasha thinks Dreykov

is controlling her, but Dreykov say that because the pheromonal lock on

her body that prevent her from committing violence against him. This is

the dialogue:

DREYKOV: “You’re in trouble.”

NATASHA: “How are you controlling me?”
DREYKOV: “I’m not controlling you, Natasha. Well, not yet. But
there is a pheromonal lock. Smelling my pheromones prevents you
from committing violence against me. I’m very upset with Melina. It’s a
shame I have to kill her.”(Shortland, 2021)

This is a form of denial of women empowerment, that in fact,

women have the right to do whatever they want including breaking away

from oppression.

3.1.4. Hysterectomy

Figure 3 - 3.1.4-1

This scene, Natasha and Yelena save their Father, Alexei. Alexei was trap

by General Dreykov and imprisoned on Seventh Circle Prison. When they

meet each other, Yelena punch her father because she disappointed in him.

Alexei do not accept that and ask if this was her period time. Then Yelena

answer that they do not get their period because Dreykov did hysterectomy

to them when they were in Red Room.

General Dreykov did more than exploit and enslave girls. He abuses

human right, especially girls. He forces every widows to have a

hysterectomy. It proven in this dialogue:

ALEXI: “Why the aggression, huh?”

ALEXI: “Is it your time of the month?”

YELENA: “I don’t get my period. I don’t have a uterus.”

NATASHA: “Or ovaries.”

YELENA: “Yeah. That’s what happens when the Red Room gives you an

involuntary hysterectomy.”

YELENA: “They kind of just go in and they rip out all of your

reproductive organs.”

YELENA: “They just get right in there and they chop them all away.”

YELENA: “Everything out, so you can’t have babies.”

ALEXI: “It means so much to me that you came back for me.”(Shortland,


Based on the conversation above, the line “… the Red Room gives you an

involuntary hysterectomy” meaning that all girls in Red Room get an

involuntary hysterectomoy. It show that in the Red Room, girls have no

choice about their life, including to have children. It opposite with the

essence of Feminism. The struggle for equality, dignity, and freedom for

women to manage their lives and bodies, both inside and outside the home,

is the essence of feminism today (Byrnes, Conners, Bik, 1996 : 171).

3.2. Natasha Struggle to Free The Widow from Dreykov

From the data that researcher get, the researcher find many evidences that

show Natasha Romanoff a.k.a Black Widow struggle to free the other

widow from Dreykov. Natasha is one of the widow who already free

herself from Dreykov and Red Room. When she meet her sister after

years, she know that Dreykov is still alive and controlling the widow with

the chemical brainwash, so she want to give freedom for the other widow.

Mansour Fakih (1996) sees feminism as a movement that deviates

from the perspective of female consciousness. The woman has been

oppressed and exploited all along. Feminism itself exists to eliminate the

exploitation and oppression of women

In this movie, there are four evidences that show Natasha’s Struggle to

free the widow from Dreykov.

3.2.1. Protect Her Little Sister

Figure 4 - 3.2.1-1

In this scene, Little Natasha, Little Yelena, Melina and Alexei arrived in

Rusia. They greeted by General Dreykov. Melina is taken by the soldier to

treated her wounds. The soldier will take Yelena too, but Natasha does not

want they take Yelena and Natasha protect Yelena by take the gun from

the soldier. Alexei who see that action, he come to Natasha and convice

her to give the gun and believe that Yelena will be okay because Natasha

is younger when she came to Red Room for the first time.


NATASHA: “Get away from her! Don’t touch her!”


NATASHA: (IN ENGLISH) “Don’t touch her! I will kill you all!”

NATASHA: (SPEAKING RUSSIAN) “I will shoot. Don’t touch her.”

ALEXEI: (IN ENGLISH) “Honey.”(Shortland, 2021)

In the dialogue that occurs in the scene when the main character is warn

the people around to not take her sister.

It also seen from her figure behaviour. She take a gun on her left and put

her younger sister right behind her and cover with her other hand. In this

scene Natasha is defending Yelena so that she is not taken by those


ALEXEI: “You’re gonna need to hand me that gun.”

NATASHA: “I don’t wanna go back there. (SOBBING) I wanna stay in

Ohio. You can’t take her. (VOICE BREAKING) You can’t. She’s only


ALEXEI: “You were even younger. It’s okay. Come here.” (Shortland,


in this dialogue, Natasha feels that Yelena is too young to be taken. She is

still defending her younger sister even her opinion was not listened.

Natasha Struggle shows in this scene. She is try to protect her little sister

from being taken by the oppression. It hit the essence of feminism about

the freedom for woman to manage her own life, because Natasha does not

want her sister being force to be a widow.

3.2.2. Natasha Want to Kill Dreykov

Figure 5 - 3.2.2-1

Natasha and Yelen are on a restaurant. Yelena do mind reading from

Natasha’s expression. Yelena guessing that Natasha want to find Red

Room and kill Dreykov.

NATASHA: “It was more like an invitation”.

YELENA: “To go to the Red Room and kill Dreykov?”

NATASHA: “Yeah.”

YELENA: “Even though the Red Room is impossible to find and

Dreykov is too slippery to kill?”

NATASHA: “Yeah.”

YELENA: “That sounds like a load of work.”

NATASHA: “Yup. (SIGHS) Could be fun, though.”

YELENA: “Yup.” (Shortland, 2021)

From the dialogue above, the two characters in the film have the passion to

do the right thing even though it’s not easy. On a mission to end the

cruelty of the antagonist in the film Black Widow, the two main female

characters try to revive the spirit of women to stop exploitation that has

been going on for a very long time and has claimed many victims. Even

though Yelena had convinced Natasha that what they were going to do was

impossible, in the end Natasha gave a positive affirmation that a challenge

can also be an exciting and memorable experience. This can be seen from

Yelena’s statement, ‘Even though the Red Room is impossible to find and

Dreykov is too slippery to kill? That sounds like a lots of work.’ Next,

Natasha replied, ‘Yup. Could be fun, though.’ Natasha is also an optimistic


3.2.3. Fight to Take Down Patriarchy

Figure 6 - 3.2.3-1

Dreykov know about their plan that they want to take down the Red Room.

Drekov lock the system. Natasha with her brave fight alone to kill dreykov

DREYKOV: “So, this was the big plan, huh? Melina was going to land the

Red Room and hand me over to the authorities.”


MELINA: “Oh, no, no, no.”

NATASHA: “So, what now, you’re gonna fold me into your pathetic

little puppeteer act?”

DREEYKOV: “Pathetic, huh?”

NATASHA: “Yeah, what would you call it?”

DREYKOV: “I would call it…” (Shortland, 2021)

Based on the dialogue above, it can be seen that Natasha has the

courage to express her opinion that so far she has only been used as his

little puppeteer act which can be controlled easily. This is a form of

feminism that has been achieved by Natasha because she tried to defend

her rights and fight against all kinds of human rights.

Figure 7 - 3.2.3-2

In this scene, Natasha and drekov have conversation about what he do.

Natasha provoke him to make he angry.

DREYKOV: (SHOUTING) “Don’t tell me to stop!”

NATASHA: “If I don’t tell you when to stop, then how will you know

when to shut up?” (Shortland, 2021)

The dialogue above is also a form of resistance to the denial of

women’s empowerment by other people, especially the oppressor but

Natasha does not stop talking. It shows that Natasha still trying to stop the

patriarchy. Natasha’s facial expression is not showing the slightest bit of

fear. It hit women empowerment that women can be brave fighting for

their right.

Figure 8 - 3.2.3-2

Natasha try to make Dreykov angry and hit her. She do that to make

Dreykov say anything about his project so Natasha can stop it and save the


NATASHA: “God damn it, you’re weak.”

DREYKOV: “Weak?”

NATASHA: “I bet it’s easier to be tough in front of defenseless little

girls, huh?”

DREYKOV: “You wouldn’t be so glib if you had any notion of

the scope of what I’ve built. I own this world. Me.” (Shortland,


It is very important in achieving women empowerment to be able to

stand alone and defend their rights. This can be seen when Natasha tries to

make the oppressor aware that He is a weak person who is only able to

attack little girls who have no one to defend them.

Figure 9 - 3.2.3-3

In this scene Natasha hit her face into the desk to sever the nerve that

causes pheromonal lock. She do that so she can kill Dreykov. It achieve

the struggle to transform oppressive system to get women’s right.

3.2.4. Save The Widow

Figure 10 - 3.2.4-1

DREYKOV: “Nobody leaves this room until she’s dead. Make

her suffer.”

NATASHA: “I don’t wanna hurt you. You don’t wanna hurt

me.” (Shortland, 2021)

In the midst of a difficult situation, namely when Natasha’s safety is

at stake, she still wants to do good by telling the Black Widow agents to

realize that she doesn’t want to harm the agents, instead what Natasha has

been doing all this time is wanting to save them. However, this still needs

to be fought for because the consciousness of the female agents who are

made into the widow is being controlled by the oppressor, Dreykov.

Natasha is willing to be beaten by the widows until Yelena comes with the

antidotes and frees the widows from Dreykov.

This scene is also a evidence to women empowerment that

represented by Natasha Romanoff. The accomplishment of women

empowerment accomplished by Natasha to rise up to protect their

freedoms as people and ladies. As a matter of fact, Natasha actually need

to save different ladies from similar type of mistreatment they

encountered. There is an extremely huge accomplishment of women

empowerment is the point at which a lady feels compassion for all ladies

on the planet and maintains that each lady should have her privileges and

be liberated from mistreatment and subjugation. This should be visible

from Natasha, who has a mission to save ladies who are persecuted and

taken advantage of because of Dreykov’s wrongdoings.

3.3. Natasha is Represented Women Empowerment

From the data that researcher get, the researcher find many evidences that

show Natasha Romanoff a.k.a Black Widow is part of Women

Empowerment. Women Empowerment is particularly associated with the

feminist movement, where it refers to the struggle to transform oppressive

systems, equality, rights, and positions into equals for men and women

(Fakih, 2013) Natasha is a brave, intelligent, Positif and Independent

woman. It shows on her self from a young age and she is fight fot

transform oppressive system to free her friends.

In this movie, there are many evidences that show Natasha’s is represented

women empowerment.

3.3.1. Little Girl do Big Job

Figure 11 - 3.3.1-1

In this scene, Little Natasha, her sister (Yelena) and her parent (Alexie and

Melina) run away from a west people because their cover were reveal.

Here, Natasha is asked for help her mother (Melina) to fly a plane because

Melina got shot. As a little girl, natasha is brave and intelegent enough to

fly the plane. She is quite intelligent for a little girl. She can do exactly like

what Melina said.

Figure 12 - 3.3.1-2

As a little girl, she also feel terifiying for holding tha plane steering while

Melina is still bleeding. For the clear data we can read the dialogue on this

scene :

MELINA: “I need you up here.”

NATASHA: “Okay”.

NATASHA: “Okay.”

MELINA: “I need you to pull right.”

NATASHA: “Mom, you’ve got blood on you.”

MELINA: (GASPS) “It’s okay, baby.”

MELINA: “Hit the accelerator there.”


MELINA: “Hold it steady, hold it steady. You’re gonna pull back at 55

knots. Let’s count together.”





MELINA: “Pull back.”

MELINA: “You can do it!” (Shortland, 2021)

In the selected dialogue above, it can be seen that Natasha is forced to help

her parents to fly a plane even though she is still classified as a child. Here,

Natasha as the main character plays the role of women empowerment in a

way that is real because it removes the stigma from society that women are

not smart enough to do big jobs. Thus, the stigma is broken by showing a

young brave and intelligent female character.

3.3.2. Independent Women

Figure 13 - 3.3.2-1

In this scene, Natasha shows that she is an independent woman. Based on

Muzamil in pakvoter.org, Women empowerment is empowering women to

make their own decisions for their personal development as well as social

development. Empowerment of women would mean encouraging women

to be self-reliant, independent, have self-esteem, generate confidence to

face any difficult situation, and incite active participation in various socio-

political development endeavors. So Natasha being independent woman is

the evidence of women empowerment. Here is the dialogue in this scene:

RICK MASON: “I hear things. You know, something about the Avengers

getting divorced…”

NATASHA: “Ugh. It’s fine. I’m actually better on my own.”

(Shortland, 2021)

From the dialogue above, the researcher can analyse that the main

character feels independent and does not depend on other people for his

life. This illustrates a woman empowerment that breaks the stigmatization

that women cannot live alone without the help of others. Also on this

dialogue :

RICK MASON: “Because you can tell me, you know. That’s the way the

whole friends thing works.”

NATASHA: “I know. I have friends.”

RICK MASON: “People who have friends don’t call me.”

NATASHA: “And I don’t pay you to worry.” (Shortland, 2021)

The statement ‘I have friends’ expressed by Natasha is a form of

freedom to express opinions and independence that she has. Even though

she has friends, she does not rely on other people.

3.3.3. Natasha Has Her Own Choice

Figure 14 - 3.3.3-1

This scene, Natasha and Yelena save their Father, Alexei. Alexei was trap

by General Dreykov and imprisoned on Seventh Circle Prison. When they meet

each other, Yelena punch her father because she disappointed in him. Alexei talk

to much. He say that Natasha is doctrined by the west to join Avenger and

Natasha answer that she is not force by anyone but her own choice.

ALEXEI: “Whoa, look at you, huh? All business.”

NATASHA: “Trust me, this isn’t pleasure.”

ALEXEI: “Little Natasha, all indoctrinated into the Western agenda.”

NATASHA: “I chose to go west to become an Avenger.”

NATASHA: “Cause they treated me like family.” (Shortland, 2021)

Based on the conversation above, the main character Natasha tells

Alexei that she chose to become an Avenger due to the good treatment of

the Avengers members. This is where the role of women’s empowerment

is, that when women are treated well, the role of women will be even

greater and many benefits will be obtained. This can be seen from

Natasha’s words, ‘I chose to go west to become an Avenger ‘cause they

treated me like family’. Such should be the character of a woman who is

given the right to choose what is good for her.

3.3.4. Girl Support Girl

Amouzadeh on Femmagazine said :

“Within the feminist movement, the idea of supporting all

women seems, at face value, like a great idea. Women
have it hard enough; as a systematically oppressed group,
we don’t receive much support. Thereby, this sense of
sisterhood becomes a great tool in fighting oppression
from social, political and economic institutions dominated
by men. If this patriarchal society won’t help and support
us, then we will help and support each other.”
(Amouzadeh : 2016)

Figure 15 - 3.3.4-1

This scene, their family is reunited. Natasha and Melina have

conversation that Melina doesnot have her own choice, she report

Natasha, Yelena and Alexei to General Drekov that they are on her

place. Natasha ask Melina why she doing that.

NATASHA: “Why you doing this?”

MELINA: “Why does a mouse born in a cage run on that little wheel? Do

you know I was cycled through the Red Room four times before you

were even born? Those walls are all I know. I was never given a


NATASHA: “But you’re not a mouse, Melina. You were just born in a

cage, but that’s not your fault.” (Shortland, 2021)

In the dialogue above, Melina explains that she also experiences

exploitation like Natasha and Yelena. However, this did not discourage her

from instilling women empowerment in Natasha and Yelena. This was

proven when Natasha gave positive responses and affirmations after

Melina told her story.

Figure 16 - 3.3.4-2

MELINA: “Tell me, how did you keep your heart?”

NATASHA: “Pain only makes us stronger. Didn’t you tell us that? What

you taught me kept me alive.” (Shortland, 2021)

The dialogue between Melina and Natsha is also a form of achieving

women empowerment because they strengthen one another. This was

proven when Natasha remembered Melina’s message, ‘Pain only makes us

stronger. Didn’t you tell us that? What you taught me kept me alive.’

Melina’s message has the meaning that all pain will only strengthen and

make them better. This is where women empowerment has been embedded

in Natasha’s mind so that she can survive in any conditions or hardships.

Natasha accomplished women empowerment by having boldness,

development, and freedom amidst tough spots. This is the goal and reason

for women empowerment. The job of women empowerment to support

humanity as proven by the outcome of human relations to make agreement

and bliss. This was shown by Natasha, who gave positive assertions to

Melina. In this manner, the connection between the two becomes more

grounded in view of regard for one another’s basic liberties which is the

objective of women empowerment.




Natasha as the main character has been caught in the illegal

exploitation network which is a representation of most of illegal

exploitation on the planet that ladies and powerless individuals are placed

in a space to be separated and compelled to comply. In any case, Natasha

actually attempts to protect herself. Here, Natasha as the fundamental

person plays her part to help women empowerment and figures out how to

escape the abuse cycle.

This film gives a representation that ladies truly should be secured,

on the grounds that they may be taken advantage of and exploited that

they become casualties of homicide. Women empowerment centers around

ladies’ privileges to get a legitimate life. With her, the players in Black

Widow need to make the crowd mindful that consciousness of women

empowerment is vital to save young ladies or ladies who are deserted and


4.2. Suggestion

For researchers who want to analyze this film, they can use semiotic

theories as a basis for analyzing this film from semiotic perspective. The

next researcher could also analyze the symbols behind this film and add

new categories that have not been studied by the previous researcher.


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