Paper 1 Persuasive Practices

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Date: 9/23/2023

Name: Sofia Perez

Grade: 11 A

Persuasive text Analysis Paper 1 Template

Paragraph Content of paragraphs Draft

Introduction  Start with a brief introduction that provides context for the Recently, the consequences of years of neglecting the environment
text, including the title, author, date, and a brief overview of have been more and more prominent. These consequences can be
the text's central argument/purpose. seen as climate change, and it largely is due to factors like the
 State your thesis (go over briefly the author's persuasive emission of greenhouse gases. The speech that is going to be
techniques and their effectiveness). analyzed was delivered in April of 2019, to the members of
Parliament in London, and was written by Gretta Thunberg. This
speech is titled “Can You Hear Me”, a short phrase that was meant
to be impactful on the minds of the audience. In this speech, Greta
Thunberg uses certain stylistic and structural features to enhance
her message of taking action with respect to the climate crisis.
Paragraph 1  Provide background for the text, including its historical, social, Greta Thunberg is a climate crisis activist that wants to convince
or cultural background. people to start taking action in helping prevent any more damage
 Write a summary of the author's main argument. to the environment that already is present. In this speech, she
want to convince the audience of how inaction will lead to worse
consequences and taking action necessary. She talks about how
people are actively avoiding taking action concerning the
continuous emissions of greenhouse gases that harm the
environment. She states that even though the exact solution to
the climate crisis is not known, people should still take action to
the extent that is possible, and do what they have access to doing,
to make a change. People are so used to their routines that, solving
this global issue requires a substantial change in daily routine, and
especially on everyone’s mindset, since people are going to have to
be concerned about this issue in a day to day basis, in order to take
efficient and impactful action. Greta mentions the adaptability of
humans beings, stating that this is an issue that we can possibly
Date: 9/23/2023

Name: Sofia Perez

Grade: 11 A

Persuasive text Analysis Paper 1 Template

adapt to with enough work and effort. The future generations are
at risk due to the climate crisis and this put more emphasis on the
importance on taking action.
Paragraph 2 Identify and analyze the specific persuasive techniques used by the The author’s use of rhetorical questions invokes reasoning and
author. Including: reflection on the audience. For example, “So, exactly how do we
 Rhetorical questions: The author employs rhetorical questions to solve that?”, Greta writes this for the audience to reflect on their
engage the reader and provoke thought, such as (quote an example). own words. The author connotes the idea that it is easy to be told
 Appeals to emotion: The author appeals to the reader's emotions exactly what to do, and that this is not the case, specialists on this
(pathos) by using expressive language and vivid imagery, as seen in
topic are figuring out methods and researching but we don’t know
(quote an example).
enough information to be told what to do accordingly so we must
 Appeals to logic: The author builds a logical argument (logos) through
statistics, facts, or reasoning, for instance, (quote an example). take action to the extent that we can. The author appeals to logos,
 Credibility (ethos): The author establishes credibility through their when stating, “We have to start treating the crisis like a crisis – and
knowledge/expertise, as evidenced by (quote an example). act even if we don’t have all the solutions”. This sentence proves to
the audience that any efforts can be accounted for when taking
action in regard to helping the climate crisis despite not being
knowledgeable enough to know all the solutions and methods that
can be applied. The author conveys the importance of solving this
global issue with the use of pathos by bringing up the possible
effects that it could have on the future generation. In the last part
of the speech, Greta states, “We children are doing this for you to
put your differences aside and start acting as you would in a crisis.
We children are doing this because we want our hopes and dreams
back.”, in concern to how this issue affects the younger generation
whose future is dependent on the actions taken today. The author,
in a way, calls out present parents that have children, of which
could be affected in the future with the actions they take, and this
appeals to emotion.
Paragraph 3 Analysis the author's use of stylistic devices to enhance persuasion:
 Imagery: The author uses vivid imagery to create a powerful
mental picture for the reader, such as (quote an example).
Date: 9/23/2023

Name: Sofia Perez

Grade: 11 A

Persuasive text Analysis Paper 1 Template

 Metaphors and similes: These metaphorical language devices
strengthen the author's message by comparing two unlike
things, for example, (quote an example).
 Repetition: The author uses repetition for emphasis, as seen in
(quote an example).

Paragraph 4  Analyze the author's tone and its impact: The author's tone The author engages the targeted audience as she brings up phrases
shifts from (describe the tone) to (describe the tone), affecting that have been stated by some individuals who are part of the
the reader by (explain the effect). target audience for example, “That’s not an answer”. This phrase is
 Consider how the author engages the targeted audience: The common, people want direct instructions to follow and no
author effectively styles the text to appeal to (describe the uncertainty within the plan to solve the climate crisis, but this is
audience), engaging them by explain the engagement not the case. The author engages adults when mentioning
children, this targets parents and future parents, making them
reflect on their actions and convincing them to take initiative in
helping the climate crisis.
Paragraph 5  Evaluate the overall effectiveness of the persuasive techniques The features and rhetorical devices that the author uses are
and stylistic devices: The combination of rhetorical questions, significantly effective in making an effect on the audience and
appeals, and vivid imagery effectively (state the persuasive invoking taking an initiative on this global issue. The target
outcome), showing the author's skill in persuasion. audience in emphasized throughout the speech since, the main
 Discuss the impact of the text on the reader or audience: purpose of the speech is to convince people to act. The use of
 The text successfully (state the impact, e.g., "evokes empathy," rhetorical question induces reasoning and reflecting by the
"strengthens the argument," "motivates action") by (explain audience on their own actions and things they have said. The
the impact). author is able to question the current doings of people and
convince them to reflect as well.
Conclusion Summarize your main points.
 Recap the significance of the author's persuasive techniques in
achieving the text's purpose.
 Offer a closing thought on the overall effectiveness of the text
in persuading its audience.
Date: 9/23/2023

Name: Sofia Perez

Grade: 11 A

Persuasive text Analysis Paper 1 Template

- Sentence starters for persuasive text analysis(paper1):
 To introduce a quote: "As evidenced in the text, [quote]..."
 To analyze persuasive techniques: "The author purposefully employs [technique] to..."
 To explain the impact: "This technique helps or serves to [explain the impact], as it..."
 To move between paragraphs: "Moving on to the author's use of [next technique]..."
 To conclude:” To sum up, the author effectively makes use of persuasive techniques and stylistic devices...

Insert your final assignment here:

Recently, the consequences of years of neglecting the environment have been more evidently prominent. These consequences can be seen as
climate change, and it is largely due to factors like emissions of greenhouse gases. The speech that is going to be analyzed was delivered in April of 2019, to
the members of Parliament in London, and was written by Gretta Thunberg. This speech is titled “Can You Hear Me”, a short phrase that is meant to be
impactful on the minds of the audience. In this speech, Greta Thunberg uses certain stylistic and structural features to enhance her message of taking action
with respect to the climate crisis.

Greta Thunberg is a climate crisis activist that wants to convince people to start taking action in helping prevent any more damage to the environment that
already is present. In this speech, she wants to convince the audience of how inaction will lead to worse consequences and taking action necessary. She talks
about how people are actively avoiding taking action concerning the continuous emissions of greenhouse gases that harm the environment. She states that
even though the exact solution to the climate crisis is not known, people should still act to the extent that is possible, and do what they have access to doing,
to make a change. People are so used to their routines that, solving this global issue requires a substantial change in daily routine, and especially on
everyone’s mindset, since people are going to have to be concerned about this issue in a day-to-day basis, in order to take efficient and impactful action.
Greta mentions the adaptability of human beings, stating that this is an issue that we can possibly adapt to with enough work and effort. The future
generations are at risk due to the climate crisis, and this puts more emphasis on the importance on taking action.

The author’s use of rhetorical questions invokes reasoning and reflection on the audience. For example, “So, exactly how do we solve that?”, this question is
not meant to be answered but rather reflected on. The author connotes the idea that it is easy to be told exactly what to do, and that this is not the case,
specialists on this topic are figuring out methods and researching but we don’t know enough information to be told what to do accordingly so we must take
action to the extent that we can. The author appeals to logos, when stating, “We have to start treating the crisis like a crisis – and act even if we don’t have
all the solutions”. This sentence proves to the audience that any efforts can be accounted for when taking action in regard to helping the climate crisis
Date: 9/23/2023

Name: Sofia Perez

Grade: 11 A

Persuasive text Analysis Paper 1 Template

despite not being knowledgeable enough to know all the solutions and methods that can be applied. The author conveys the importance of solving this
global issue with the use of pathos by bringing up the possible effects that it could have on the future generation. In the last part of the speech, Greta states,
“We children are doing this for you to put your differences aside and start acting as you would in a crisis. We children are doing this because we want our
hopes and dreams back.”, in concern to how this issue affects the younger generation whose future is dependent on the actions taken today.

The author, in a way, calls out present parents that have children which could be affected in the future with the actions they take, and this appeals to
emotion. The author engages the targeted audience as she brings up phrases that have been stated by some individuals who are part of the target audience
for example, “That’s not an answer”. This phrase is common, people want direct instructions to follow and no uncertainty within the plan to solve the climate
crisis, but this is not the case. The author engages adults when mentioning children, this targets parents and future parents, making them reflect on their
actions and convincing them to take initiative in helping the climate crisis.

The features and rhetorical devices that the author uses are significantly effective in making an effect on the audience and invoking taking an initiative on this
global issue. The target audience in emphasized throughout the speech since, the main purpose of the speech is to convince people to act. The use of
rhetorical questions induces reasoning and reflecting by the audience on their own actions and things they have said. The author can question the current
doings of people and convince them to question their efforts to make a change in the climate crisis.

In conclusion, Greta effectively uses rhetorical devices like rhetorical questions and appeals to logos and pathos to persuade the audience to take action
regarding the climate crisis.

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