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Growing up in Newark, New Jersey, has deeply influenced my values and aspirations.

Community service has been an integral part of my life, instilled in me by my family's strong
commitment to giving back. Witnessing the impact of their dedication inspired me to create
Elevated, a nonprofit organization focused on engaging the younger generation in community
service. Based in Newark, Elevated aims to continue the legacy of service established by my
family, fostering a sense of unity and purpose within our community. To me, Newark represents
more than just a city; it embodies a collective dedication to making a positive difference.
Through Elevated, I strive to share the spirit of service that defines my family and contribute to
the vibrant tapestry of Newark's community life.

Growing up, education wasn't something I could opt for; it was a non-negotiable path that
directed my journey. Writing became my escape, a way of expressing myself that bloomed
alongside my academic pursuits. Yet, it was in eighth grade that everything changed. Ms. Bass,
my math teacher, challenged my view of learning, imparting an important lesson on mindset and
perspective. This turning point not only flipped my dislike for math into genuine appreciation but
also shaped how I tackle challenges beyond the classroom. Education changed from something I
had to do to something that changed me. Ms. Bass didn't just teach me math; she showed me
how to handle life's challenges. Education became more than just a rule—it helped me see things
differently and deal with tough times.

My cousin has been a huge inspiration in my life. She was able to earn both her high
school diploma and associate's degree at the same time while quickly becoming a teacher, really
motivated me. Her success lit a fire in me to work hard and pursue my own dreams. My cousin's
success showed me that with hard work and determination, anything is possible. Her
achievements weren't just in academics; they inspired me to explore entrepreneurship. Driven by
a natural desire to create, I started various businesses, each one teaching me valuable lessons
about perseverance and passion. My cousin's accomplishments fueled my own academic goals
and taught me that as long as I follow my passions and work hard, there's no limit to what I can
achieve. She continues to remind me that with an entrepreneurial mindset and resilience, I can
overcome any challenge that comes my way..

Growing up in Newark, New Jersey, with a family deeply rooted in community service, I
established my nonprofit, Elevated, to inspire the youth towards community engagement.
Education was not just a choice but an unwavering expectation, shaping my pursuits and
passions. Eighth grade marked a transformative period when my math teacher, Ms. Bass, shifted
my perspective, teaching me the power of mindset and altering not only my perception of
mathematics but also my approach to life's challenges. My cousin, a trailblazer, became my role
model, motivating me to embark on entrepreneurial ventures and teaching me the essence of hard
work and determination. However, as I entered high school, the COVID-19 pandemic presented
unforeseen challenges. Contrary to the notion that it simplified life, the pandemic disrupted
societal rhythms, leading to a desensitization to constant change and a decline in social skills due
to prolonged isolation. Yet, amidst these challenges, I witnessed resilience and adaptability. This
period, though challenging, became a catalyst for personal growth, teaching me flexibility, the
value of connection, and the strength of the human spirit. Looking forward, I aspire to be a math
teacher, bridging educational gaps and leveraging the lessons learned during the pandemic for a
brighter educational future.

Looking towards the future, my goal is to become a math teacher, motivated by the belief
that there exists a significant mathematical gap between middle and high school that hampers
students' progression. I aim to be a bridge, imparting knowledge and fostering a love for
mathematics. Beyond that, I envision pursuing advanced degrees—a master's and a
doctorate—firm in my belief that education is a lifelong journey, and the pursuit of knowledge is
an unassailable asset.

In the heart of Newark, amidst its rich tapestry of diversity and resilience, I have learned
that service, education, and unwavering determination are not just principles but guiding lights
that shape my identity and aspirations. My journey, rooted in community, family, and education,
continues to unfold with each experience, propelling me toward a future where I can make a
meaningful impact on the lives of others.

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