West Java Administrative

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West java administrative

Since the creation of West Java Province,[10] the province of West Java was subdivided into
four cities (Kota) and sixteen regencies (Kabupaten), excluding the four regencies which
were separated off in 2000 to form the new Banten Province. Subsequently five new
independent cities were created between 1996 and 2002 by separation from their surrounding
regencies - Bekasi on 16 December 1996, Depok on 27 April 1999, Cimahi and
Tasikmalaya on 21 June 2001, and Banjar on 11 December 2002. A 17th regency was
formed on 2 January 2007 – West Bandung Regency – from the western half of Bandung
Regency, and an 18th regency was formed in October 2012 – Pangandaran Regency – from
the southern half of Ciamis Regency. On 25 October 2013, the People's Representative
Council (DPR) began reviewing draft laws on the establishment of 57 prospective new
regencies (and eight new provinces),[11] including a further three regencies in West Java –
South Garut (Garut Selatan), North Sukabumi (Sukabumi Utara) and West Bogor (Bogor
Barat) – but none of these three prospective regencies are shown separately on the map
below, nor in the following table.

These 9 cities and 18 regencies are listed below with their areas and their populations at the
2010 Census [12] and 2020 Census, [6] together with official estimates as at mid 2022.[1] They
are divided into 627 districts (Kecamatan) as at 2023, which comprise 663 urban villages
(Kelurahan) and 5,294 rural villages (Desa).[10] The table also includes the average
population density as at mid 2022 for each regency or city, and the projected populations as
at mid 2025 and 2030 (as estimated by BPS[13]).

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