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Credit Card No Loan s (Existing/Ctosed) Documents for
l. Ban k Type (Auto/satary/personat/Morrgage) Month[y Paymenl submission
2. 1.
2. Employment
3. ) CertificaLe /
3 Monlhs Bank
3. Statement
Bank Accounts
Bank CA/SA # Emait Address (Business): 3. Vatid governmenl
issued lD
l. Emait Address (Personal) :

2. Mobite No.(Business)
3. Mobite No.(Personat)

Dea[er: Sates Rep. DaLe: AppticaLion No.
E New n Passenger Car E Commercial Vehicle tr others
fl Used/Pre-owned n Brand Type ft Year Model
Cash Price PhP Downpayment PhP Amount Financed PhP Term

rs[ Name * Middte Name * Last Name

Bir[hdate Birthplace Gender E Mate No of Dependents Status tr Singte fl wioowed

E Femal.e tr Married E Separated
Spouse's/Co-make/s FirsL Name Middte Name Last Name Birthday of Spouse/Co-maker Educalion f] Elemenlary tr uigh Schoot
tr cottege fl Post Graduate
* Present Home Address ProvinciaI Address * Nationatity

E own n Free Living w/ Parents Years of Residence * Landline

E Rented n others Yrs._Mos.
* Permanent Home Address * E-maiI * Mobi[e


Are you a Director, Officer, or Stockholder of EastWest Bank? EWB Department Rank Position
lf YES, please specify Eves [ruo
Are you a relative* (e.g. parent, grandparent, children, sibting, sibting-in-law, uncle, first cousin, etc..) EWB Department Rank Position
of a Director, Officer, or Stockholder of Eastwest Bank? lf YES, ptease specify Yes E ruo
*relative up to 4th degree (see examples above)

Are you a Director, Stockholder or Key Officer of Eastwest Bank's related parties or entities within EWB Retated Party/ Rank and Position Director/5tockhotder
Fitinvest Company or Officer?
the Fitinvest Group? lf YES, ptease indicate details E Yes E wo
Or are you a retative of a Director, Stockholder or Key Officer of EastWest Bank's related parties Name of Retative EWB Retated Party/ Rank and Position
Fitinvest Company
or entities within the Fitinvest Group? lf YES, please indicate details E Yes E lto
Do you live in the same household as a Director, Officer, Stockholder of EastWest Bank? Name of Director, Rank and Position Director/Stockhotder
Officer, Stockhotder or Officer?
lf YES, ptease specify E Yes E ruo


Source of Funds Own Monthty Satary PhP
Other Income From Spouse's Monthty Satary PhP
Total Monthly lncome PhP
Fixed Month[y Obtigations PhP
Other Living Expenses PhP
Net Monthly lncome PhP

Name of Presenl Emptoyer/Own Business Years On Job Nature of Work/Business Position
Business Address Te[. No Business Phone

Previous Emptoyer Address Years On Job Te[. No.

Spouse's Employer Spouse's Employer Address

PosiIion Te[. No. Phone No. Years On Job

Yrs. Mos.
Spouse's Home Address lf Difterent From Appticant


Any Two Chitdren Studying SchooI Course Year / Grade

Nearest Relative Not Living With You Address Re[a tionsh ip Te[ephone

PersonaI References Address Phone No.


*TlN No. *SSS No. *GSIS No.

*Comm,Taxcert.-lssued-Date- *ACBNo. lssued-Date- *Verificatlon-O.R.No.-Date-



I/We hereby certify that all information and documents Governing EastWest Auto Loans as found in the Bank's
given in this application are complete, true and correct and website and the Bank's data privacy policy published in its
that my /ou r sig natu res herein a re gen u ine. we bsite : https / / www. eastwestba n ke r. co m/i nfo/ewj rivary. asp.

I/We agree to abide by and be bound by the said Terms and

Disclosure and Sharing of Information Conditions and data privacy policy, as well as all laws, rules,
regulations and official issuances applicable to EastWest
a. Processing of Application which may hereinafter be issued, including other terms and
conditions governing the use of other facilities, benefits,
I/We hereby consent and authorize EastWest, any of its products or services which shall be made available to
offices, branches, subsidiaries, affiliates, agents, representatives me/us. I/We also agree that EastWest may amend from
and third pafties, to conduct random verification with the time to time its Terms and Conditions, which include the
BIR, any other appropriate government agency or third fees and charges for its products and/or services, and its
patty, including banks and financial institutions, to establish data privacy policy, and I/we agree to be notified of such
the authenticity of the information I/we declared and the changes through notice sent to me/us through any of the
documents I/we submitted in relation to my/our application following means, at the option of EastWest unless I/we
as it may be necessary for the processing and evaluation of request otherwise: (i) mailed and/or emailed notices (sent
mylour application. I/We hereby waive any rights on the to mylour mailing or e-mail addresses indicated in
confidentiality of my/our income information as required by EastWest's records), (ii) notices posted at EastWest's
BSP Circular 622, ds amended by BSP Circular 855. I/We branches or (iii) notices in its website, and I/we agree to be
fu rther consent a nd a utho rize the d isclosu re of persona I bound by such changes unless I/we expressly notify
and sensitive personal information by the Bank, provided EastWest otherwise through the contact information
that such disclosure is in accordance with the provisions of ind icated a bove.
Republic Act No. 10173 or the Data Privacy Act of 20L2, its
Implementing Rules and Regulations, and other rules and
regulations relating to data privacy, including the Bank's APPLICANT'S SIGNATURE
data privacy policy published in its website.

I/We expressly waive mylour right under confidentiality

laws in the Philippines including but not limited to The Law Signature Over Printed Name Date
on Secrecy of Bank Deposits (RA1405), The Foreign
Currency Deposit Act (RA6426) and The General Banking
Law (RAB791) and hereby allow disclosure, and/or sharing sPou sE / Co-MAKER'S STGNATU RE
of information regarding mylour account(s).

b. Account Maintenance and Servicing

Signature Over Printed Name Date
I/We hereby autho rize the transfer, disclosure and
communication of EastWest of any information, including By signing in this sectioh, I/we agree that this Application
personal and sensitive personal information, relating to Form may also serve as mylour application for other
mylour account/s with EastWest together with all of the prod ucts of EastWest, such ds, but not lim ited to cred it
documents submitted for this application to any of its cards, home loan, p€rsonal loan, EEL, among others, as
offices, branches, subsidiaries, affiliates, agehts, representatives I/we may subsequently request from EastWest or if I/we
and third parties for application processing, data are deemed qualified by EastWest. I/We undertake to
processing/storage, customer satisfaction surveys, and for submit additional documents as may be required by
any other purpose as EastWest may deem appropriate, EastWest for the processing of mylour application. I/We
and/or as described in the Bank's data privacy policy, and understand that the availment of the other products of
as may be required by law or regulation. I/We hereby also EastWest is my/our option but the approval shall be
autho rize the regular submission and disclosure to any and subject to credit evaluation and sole discretion of
all credit information service providers listed in the Bank's EastWest.
data privacy policy published in its website, of any
information, whether positive or negatiV€, relating to In case of approved credit card application or if I/we are
mylour basic credit data (as defined under Republic Act No. deemed qualified by EastWest for credit card issuance,
9510) with EastWest, as well as any update or correction I/we understand and agree that mylour Card/s may be
thereof. The foregoing constitutes my/our written consent delivered activated subject to EastWest's activation policy
for any such submission and disclosure of information and guidelit'les.
relating to mylour account/s for the purpose indicated
above and under applicable laws, rules and regulations. I/We further authorize EastWest or its official courier to
deliver the Card/s to me/us, to any member of my/our
I/We agree to hold EastWest free and harmless from any household, to any of my/our officemate/co-employee or to
liability that may arise from any transfer, disclosure or any other person that I/we may auth orize through an
storage of information relating to my/our account/s. authorization letter, subject to the existing delivery policy
of EastWest. I/We agree to hold EastWest free and
c. Marketing and Sales Offers harmless from any claim, loss or liability, whatsoever
arising from the delivery of the Card/s to mylour
I/We hereby authorize the transfer, disclosure and a uthorized representative.
communication of EastWest of any informatiofl, including
persona! and sensitive personal information, relating to I/We understand that EastWest can rely on the
mylour account/s with EastWest together with all of the authority/ies given under this section unless l/we explicitly
documents submitted for this application to any of its revoke the same.
offices, branches, subsidiaries, affiliates, ageflB, representatives
and third parties for product and service offers to be made
to me/us through mail/e-mail/fax/SMS/telephone or APPLICANT'S SIGNATURE
through other forms of media, and for any other purpose as
EastWest may deem appropriate, and/or as described in
the Bank's data privacy policy published in its website,
unless I/we expressly notify EastWest otherwise through Signature Over Printed Name Date
the following contact information :

Customer Seruice Hotline: (+632) BBBB-1700 sPou sE / Co-MAKER'S STGNATU RE

E-mail :

I/We understand that this application is subject to

EastWest's credit policies and procedures. In case of Signature Over Printed Name Date
disapproval of mylour application, I/we understand that
EastWest is under no obligation to disclose the reason/s for
such disapproval unless required by law or regulation. The
accomplished application form and requirements I/we
submitted become the property of EastWest, and the Bank
is under no obligation to return the said documents to
me/us regardless of the outcome of the application.
$ eas[wesI )Your dream Ourfocus

A member of theF I L I N V ES T Group


For inquiries and feedback, you may ca// Eastl,UestS 24-Hour Customer Seruice Hot/ine at
By signing below , I/we also acknowledge that I/we have (+632) 8888-1700 or e-mai/ cs/ Eastl4/est is regulated by Bangko
fully read and understood the Terms and Conditions Sentra/ ng Pi/rpinas with e-mai/ address at
tr Corporation n Partnership tr ProprietorshiP
Bank Accoun[s Loans ( Existi ng/Ctosed) DocumenLs for submission

Bank CA/SA # Bank Type (Auto/satary/Personat/Mortgage) Month[y Paymenl l. Sec Reg. and
ArLic[es of lncorpora[ion
1 1.
2. ITR
2 2.
3. 3 Months Bank
3 3. Sla[ement

Dea[er: Sales Rep. Date: Apptication No.

n New tr Passenger Car n Commercial Vehicte E others

E Used/Pre-owned tl Brand Type & Year Model

Cash Price PhP DownPayme n[ PhP Amount Financed PhP Term


* Business Name Website/E-maiI Address:
* Office Address Tet. Nos.
Factory Address Years in Operalion
Dale Established:
* Na[ure of Business Major Products
Paid Up Capital: Ptace of lssue:
C Et C]: xTlN No.
*Source of Funds:


Firsl Name Middte Name Last Name

Bir[hdate: BirLhplace: Presenl Address

Nature of Business: Nalure of Work: Position:
Source of Funds: Na[iona[ily:


ls the company owned by a Director, Officer or Stockholder of EastWest Bank? Name of Director, Officer Percentage of Ownership
lf YES, please indicate name of Director, Officer or Stockho[der and % of ! Yes f] No or Stockho[der
Or is the company a Related lnterest of EastWest Bank?
lf YES, please indicate name of Director, Officer or Stockholder and % of E Yes E ruo

ls the company a subsidiary/affitiate of EastWest Bank? Percentage of Ownership

Or does it have a direct/indirect linkage with EastWest Bank? Eves nruo
If YES, indicate %o of

Does the company belong to the Filinvest Group? EYes nruo

)mn1on srocKHoLDERs
Name Address Amounl of S[ocks Owned

First Name: Middte Name: Last Name:

Birlhdate: Birth place: NationaIity: Nalure of work. Source of Funds

Presenl Address:

Firs[ Name: Middte Name: Last Name:

Birthdale: Birthplace: NationaIity: NaLure of work: Source of Funds:
Present Address:

First Name: Middte Name: Las[ Name:

Birthdate: Birlhplace: Nationatity: NaLure of work: Source of Funds:

Present Address:

Surety Name: Company lncome

Surety Address: Surety lncome:


Company Contact Person Address No
Trade / Su ppliers 1.

Loan /
Credit Faci[ities

Credit Cards IBanks / Financing lnstitutions

Bank - Branch Type of Account Account No Current Ba[ance Remarks



I/We hereby certify that all information and documents Governing EastWest Auto Loans as found in the Bank's
given in this application are complete, true and correct and website and the Bank's data privacy policy published in its
that my /ou r sig natu res herein a re gen u ine. webs ite : https / / www. ea stwestba n ke r. co m / info/ ewj rivacy. asp.

I/We agree to abide by and be bound by the said Terms and

Disclosure and Sharing of Information Conditions and data privacy policy, as well as all laws, rules,
regulations and official issuances applicable to EastWest
a. Processing of Application which may hereinafter be issued, including other terms and
conditions governing the use of other facilities, benefits,
I/We hereby consent a nd a utho rize EastWest, a ny of its products or services which shall be made available to
offices, branches, subsidiaries, affiliates, agents, representatives me/us. I/We also agree that EastWest may amend from
and third parties, to conduct random verification with the time to time its Terms and Conditions, which include the
BIR, any other appropriate government agency or third fees and charges for its products and/or services, and its
party, including banks and financial institutions, to establish data privacy policy, and l/we agree to be notified of such
the authenticity of the information l/we declared and the changes through notice sent to me/us through any of the
documents l/we submitted in relation to my/our application following means, at the option of EastWest unless I/we
as it may be necessary for the processing and evaluation of request otherwise: (i) mailed and/or emailed notices (sent
mylour application. I/We hereby waive any rights on the to my/our mailing or e-mail addresses indicated in
confidentiality of my/our income information as required by EastWest's records), (ii) notices posted at EastWest's
BSP Circular 622, ds amended by BSP Circular 855. I/We branches or (iii) notices in its website, and I/we agree to be
fu rther consent a nd a utho rize the d isclosu re of persona I bound by such changes unless I/we expressly notify
and sensitive personal information by the Bank, provided EastWest otherwise through the contact information
that such disclosure is in accordance with the provisions of indicated above.
Republic Act No. 10173 or the Data Privacy Act of 2012, its
Implementing Rules and Regulations, and other rules and
regulations relating to data privacy, including the Bank's APPLICANT'S SIGNATURE
data privacy policy published in its website.

I/We expressly waive mylour right under confidentiality

laws in the Philippines including but not limited to The Law Signature Over Printed Name Date
on Secrecy of Bank Deposits (RA 1405), The Foreign
Currency Deposit Act (RA 6426) and The General Banking
Law (RA 8791) and hereby allow disclosure, and/or sharing CO-MAKER'S SIGNATURE
of information rega rd ing mylou r accou nt(s) .

b. Account Maintenance and Servicing

Signature Over Printed Name Date
I/We hereby authorize the transfer, disclosure and
communication of EastWest of any information, including By signing in this sectior, I/we agree that this Application
personal and sensitive personal information, relating to Form may also serve as my/our application for other
my/our account/s with EastWest together with all of the products of EastWest, such os, but not limited to credit
documents submitted for this application to any of its cards, home loan, personal Ioan, EEL, among others, as
offices, branches, subsidiaries, affiliates, agents, representatives I/we may subsequently request from EastWest or if l/we
and third parties for application processing, data are deemed qualified by EastWest. I/We undertake to
processing/storage, customer satisfaction surveys, and for submit additional documents as may be required by
any other purpose as EastWest may deem appropriate, EastWest for the processing of mylour application. I/We
and/or as described in the Bank's data privacy policy, and understand that the availment of the other products of
as may be required by Iaw or regulation. I/We hereby also EastWest is mylour option but the approval shall be
authorize the regular submission and disclosure to any and su bject to cred it eva luation a nd sole d iscretion of
al! credit information service providers Iisted in the Bank's EastWest.
data privacy policy published in its website, of any
information, whether positive or negative, relating to In case of approved credit card application or if I/we are
mylour basic credit data (as defined under Republic Act No. deemed qualified by EastWest for credit card issuance,
9510) with EastWest, as well as any update or correction I/we understand and agree that mylour Card/s may be
thereof. The foregoing constitutes my/our written consent delivered activated subject to EastWest's activation policy
for any such submission and disclosure of information and guidelines.
relating to mylour account/s for the purpose indicated
above and under applicable laws, rules and regulations. I/We further authorize EastWest or its official courier to
deliver the Card/s to me/us, to any member of mylour
I/We agree to hold EastWest free and harmless from any household, to any of my/our officemate/co-employee or to
liability that may arise from any transfer, disclosure or any other person that l/we may auth orize through an
storage of information relating to my/our account/s. authorization letter, subject to the existing delivery policy
of EastWest. I/We ag ree to hold EastWest free and
c. Marketing and Sales Offers harmless from any claim, loss or liability, whatsoever
a rising from the delivery of the Ca rdls to mylou r
I/We hereby authorize the transfer, disclosure and a uthorized representative.
communication of EastWest of any informatiofl, including
personal and sensitive personal informatiofl, relating to I/We understand that EastWest can rely on the
my/our account/s with EastWest together with all of the auth onty /ies g iven u nder th is section un less l/we explicitly
documents submitted for this application to any of its revoke the same.
offices, branches, subsidiaries, affiliates, ageftB, representatives
and third parties for product and service offers to be made
to me/us through mail/e-mail/fax/SMS/telephone or APPLICANT'S SIGNATURE
through other forms of media, and for any other purpose as
EastWest may deem appropriate, and/or as described in
the Bank's data privacy policy published in its website,
unless I/we expressly notify EastWest otherwise through Signature Over Printed Name Date
the following contact information :

Customer Seruice Hotline: ( +632) BBBB- L700 CO-MAKER'S SIGNATURE

E-mail :

I/We understand that this application is subject to

EastWest's credit policies and procedures. In case of Signature Over Printed Name Date
disapproval of mylour application, I/we understand that
EastWest is under no obligation to disclose the reason /s for
such disapprova! unless required by Iaw or regulation. The
accomplished application form and requirements I/we
submitted become the property of EastWest, and the Bank
is under no obligation to return the said documents to
me/us regardless of the outcome of the application.
o eastwest
A member of the FILLN-V
)Your dream Ourfocus

E S'[ GrouP

For inquiries and feedback, you may ca// EastWest's 24-Hour Customer Seruice Hot/ine at
By signing below , l/we also acknowledge that I/we have (+632) 8888-1700 or e-mail Eastl4/est is regulated by Bangko
fully read and understood the Terms and Conditions Sentra/ ng Pi/rpinas with e-mai/ address at

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