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• Andita Maharani 2019111005 as Dita
• Mona Kaforina 2019111012 as Mona
• Ivan Maulana 2019111022 as Ivan
• Ria Sujiati 2019111025 as Ria
• Titha Mifthahul Fithona 2018111023 as Titha

Mona, Ria, and Ivan are three friends who have known each other since they were
young. When they entered high school, they met Titha and Dita who became part of
their friendship. At noon after class, the five of them meet in the campus gate while
waiting to be picked up.
Dita : "Will you come to Adzra's event this weekend?"
Ria : “Definitely. Adzra herself gave the invitation, feeling bad if she had to refuse.”
Mona : "There's nothing wrong with coming anyway. Adzra is also a good friend to
us. She also often helps active in class.”
Ivan : “But her event are always lacking in my opinion. Yesterday was the olympic
victory celebration, the food menu was just like that."
Titha : "Why do you say that?"
Ria : "Yes. Yesterday the food was delicious and the portions were big. The menu is
also complete.
Mona : “What are you doing, Ivan? Suddenly said so."
Ivan : “You guys want to eat like that again? It should be if you give us expensive
food. You guys have also helped Adzra a lot to win."
Dita : “Everyone's ability is different, Ivan. I'm sure she tried her best yesterday to
serve us the best."
Titha : “What's the use of friends if they don't help each other? We help her also
sincerely and do not ask for anything in return. Her intentions are good and should be
Ivan : “Appreciated, you say? I can even prepare a better and more expensive meal
than what she served yesterday.”
Ria : "I'm disappointed with your words."
Ivan's four friends were confused by the arrogant words that came out earlier.
Feeling no longer happy with Ivan's words, they finally decided to leave the place. The
four friends left for the Adzra event and left Ivan, who was still contemplating his

Mona, Ria, dan Ivan merupakan tiga sahabat yang sudah saling mengenal satu sama
lain sejak mereka kecil. Saat masuk ke SMA, mereka bertemu dengan Titha dan Dita
yang secara perlahan menjadi bagian dari pertemanan mereka. Pada siang hari
sepulang kampus, mereka berlima bertemu di depan gerbang kampus sembari
menunggu jemputan mereka.
Dita : “Nanti kalian datang ke acaranya Adzra akhir minggu ini?”
Ria : “Pastinya. Adzra sendiri yang memberikan undangannya, merasa tidak enak
kalau harus menolak.”
Mona : “Lagipula tidak ada salahnya kita datang. Adzra juga seorang teman yang baik
kepada kita. Dia juga sering membantu aktif di kelas.”
Ivan : “Tapi acara dia menurutku selalu ada kurangnya. Kemarin acara syukuran
kemenangan olimpiade, menu makanannya cuma begitu.”
Titha : “Kok kamu ngomongnya begitu?”
Ria : “Iya nih. Kemarin makanannya enak kok dan porsinya banyak pula. Menunya
juga lengkap.:
Titha : “Kamu kenapa, Ivan? Tiba-tiba bilang begitu.”
Ivan : “Kalian mau makan seperti itu lagi? Harusnya kalau kasih kita makanan yang
mahal. Kalian kan juga sudah banyak bantu Adzra buat menang.”
Dita : “Kemampuan setiap orang kan berbeda, Ivan. Aku yakin dia kemarin sudah
berusaha memberikan hidangan yang terbaik buat kita.”
Titha : “Apa gunanya teman kalau tidak saling membantu? Kita membantu dia juga
ikhlas dan tidak meminta imbalan apapun. Niat dia baik dan sudah seharusnya
Ivan : “Dihargai, katamu? Aku bahkan bisa menyiapkan makanan yang lebih baik dan
mahal dari apa yang dihidangkan dia kemarin.”
Ria : “Aku kecewa dengan perkataanmu.”
Keempat teman Ivan merasa bingung dengan perkataan sombong yang terlontar
tadi. Merasa sudah tidak lagi senang dengan perkataan Ivan, mereka akhirnya
memutuskan untuk pergi dari tempat tersebut. Keempat teman tersebut pergi ke
acaranya Adzra dan meninggalkan Ivan yang masih merenungi perkataannya.


1. How many characters are there in the drama script? Mention!

Answer :
In the drama there are 5 characters, namely Dita, Ivan, Mona and Ria.

2. What is the drama about?

The drama is about arrogance.

3. Who is the antagonist in the drama? And why?

The antagonist in the drama is Ivan. Because he felt he could give a
dish that was more expensive than Adzra.

4. How will the drama end?

At the end of the play, all of my friends were disappointed with Ivan's
arrogance. And decided to leave the place of their conversation.

5. What moral values can we take from the drama script?

The message we can take from the drama is: As fellow human beings,
we must be able to respect others, and not be proud of ourselves.
because pride will only harm yourself.

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