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Time: approximately 30 minutes

Note for invigilator: Give students 45 seconds to read the questions before playing the
recording in each part of the test. Notify students that each recording is played twice.
Part 1
Questions 1-7 I probably left it there
For each question, choose the correct answer waiting room
leave cái ví

Do you fancy coming along to the

Nature Society tomorrow?
- fancy + V-ing = thích....

wild animals garden

rainforest river
the last one on river...



usual: bình thường = normal You normally have salad for lunch
unusual I'll go with my usual choice
jealous (adj)
In fact, he wanted to do that, but they only
want security guard

security guard fashion designer

shop assistant
skiing ice hockey snowboarding

Part 2 first-time experience

Questions 8-13 too fast, gave it up in the end
For each question, choose the correct answer can't get enough of it =

= advise sb + to V = recommend sb + to V
if you look online, sometimes there can be too much information

= professional

What about talking to my brother, who is a professional


What about / How about + V-ing (Khuyên

hoặc mời ai làm gì)
diện mạo
I'm not used to mine
shaved a bit jacket: áo khoác - be/get used to = làm
quen với...

đồng nghiệp colleagues = college

surely not going to have it now that

John is sick
carry on: tiếp tục
I can't believe that

( = happen)

Part 3
Questions 14-20
For each question, choose the correct answer

14 Mickey’s parents worked as hairdressers for

A famous TV celebrities
B ordinary people
C government officials
15 Why did Mickey decide to become a hairdresser?
A His friends worked in the industry
B His friend offered him a job
C His parents need his help
16 On a typical day at work, Mickey says that he
A doesn’t get enough time for breaks
B works longer hours than he would like to
C tries to do a range of jobs
17 The part of the job that Mickey likes most is
A when his customers like their haircuts
B when he wants to be creative
C when he can talk with regular customers
18 Mickey hates
A taking courses in his profession
B rude customers
C training new employees
19 How does Mickey feel after finishing a haircut?
A he feels satisfied with his job
B he wants to improve it the next time
C he doesn’t really care that much
20 For Mickey, it is best when hairdressers
A take a full-time job
B always try to learn something new
C realize that the money is worth it

1. B 11. A

2. B 12. B

3. A 13. C

4. C 14. A

5. A 15. B

6. A 16. C

7. B 17. C

8. C 18. A

9. A 19. B

10. C 20. B

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