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Netting Script

Stand by all stations (2X), stand by for DX1CC Evening 2 Meter NetCall

To all stations on the frequency, kindly please QRX... and those on QSO, please give way to the DX1CC
net call. Thank you!

To start with, I'm opening the net with a prayer.

Heavenly Father, we thank you for all the blessings you gave us. Forgive our shortcomings against You
and our neighbor. Give us always the strength to do good and resist doing evil.
Guide and bless us as we conduct this evening net call. Teach us to listen to your words. Make us
transmit the same love, you shower us everyday with words and actions. Make us your instruments of
peace, joy and unity through this hobby. We ask these in Jesus’ name. Amen

Good day fellow Hams!

Today is (day) (date today), This is (your call sign), my handle is (your nickname), (your QTH), the net
control for this evening.


The CavCom Amateur Radio and Emergency Rescue, Inc. was incorporated on October 15, 2021. Duly
registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission, Duly licensed by the National
Telecommunications Commission and was given the callsign DX1CC. Also an accredited member of
Philippine Amateur Radio Association.

Before we start the net, we will call for any emergency, priority or medical traffic by which the group can
be of assistance, please call DX1CC

2nd call for any emergency, priority or medical traffic DX1CC listening., Nothing heard.

Emergency, priority or medical traffic can break in anytime during the net, net control will stop the net so
the group can provide assistance.

DX1CC conducts its Evening Net Call every Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays and Sundays at 8 PM to
9PM on frequency 145.780 MHz

You may also join, through the following nodes.channels and reflectors:

AllStarLink node 555340 and 57031

DV Switch Node: 557782
Echolink at DX1CC-L, DX1CC-R and DW1OTT-L
DMR: Talk Group on TGIF: 4107 & 51507 . FreeDMR Talk Group 51507
YSF: DX1CC 04107
Peanut: Category PH Room: DMR4107
M17 - KPH Module Z
Hamshack Hotline - 94174
Also DX1CC has its Morning Net, every Tuesday, Thursday and Quick Net on Saturday at 7:30 AM to
8:30 AM Philippine Standard Time on the same frequency, nodes, channels and reflectors.

For more information please visit our FB Group Page just search for DX1CC

Any announcement from the Club President, Club Officers, Chairman of any committee from the NTC or
PARA or other local Amateur Clubs, this is (your call sign) for DX1CC listening.

2nd Call, Any announcement from the Club President, Club Officers, Chairman of any committee from the
NTC or PARA or other local Amateur Clubs, this is (your call sign) for DX1CC listening.

Nothing heard…

Please be advised that this is a supervised net call and all calls must pass through net control.

All stations are requested to give their complete amateur call sign, designated prefix/district number and
suffix phonetically, followed by their name/location and club affiliation if any.

Those who do not have yet their appropriate amateur call sign, we encourage them to acquire their
Amateur radio license in order to enjoy the full privilege of using the amateur radio frequencies as
specified in the license.

For more information and regarding amateur radio licensing, please visit the website of Philippine
Amateur Radio Association at

Please give 2-3 seconds gap before you transmit to allow other stations to join the net. Relay assistance
from other stations is most welcome. Please refrain from using 10-codes, CB lingo and if possible use
amateur Q codes or plain language of either english/filipino.

We shall now start the net proper…

I’m now calling for stations who would like to join the net please make your call now Net Control is

Acknowledging stations:

Acknowledge the station of (Call sign) (name, location and group if not mentioned by station)

Thank you for checking in and supporting our net

73 Mabuhay! your station is now logged and cleared.

Next station….

Any late check, late traffic, late announcement,(your call sign) for DX1CC, listening.

Last call: Before we close the net... Anymore late check, late traffic, late announcement, (your call sign)

To all our guests and members, Thank you very much for sharing your time with us and for supporting
DX1CC net call. We hope to hear from you again for the next edition of the net.

The DX1CC net call is now closed. Frequency 145.780 Mhz and all other links are now back to a regular
amateur conversation. Please observe proper amateur calling procedure.

On behalf of DX1CC, this is (your callsign and handle) saying Stay safe, and God bless us all… Thank
you and 73!

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