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Period Covered: 1:00 PM December 1, 2020 to 1:00 PM December 2, 2020

CLUSTER Activities/Engagements, Meetings etc. REMARKS

1. Sharing of Press from National Task Force

to End Local Communist Armed Conflict
“President Rodrigo Roa Duterte backs claims To inform the
of the Armed Forces of the Philippines in public the various
identifying the party-lists and organizations legal fronts of
represented by the Makabayan bloc CPP-NPA-NDF
(KOALISYONG MAKABAYAN) as front of and exposing the
terrorist Communist Party of the Philippines-
New People's Army-National Democratic Front agenda of
(CPP NPA NDF). “ at about 9:00 AM of Makabayan block
that serves as
INFRASTRUCTURE December 1, 2020 by PCpl Joan W Lattot,
PNCO, MCADS, Tuba MPS. one of the legal
Engagement with motorist passing QCP San Informing the
Pascual Marcos Highway reagarding the motorist on the
programs of the government to end terrorism, goals of the
war on drugs likewise to ensure public safety government in the
and reiteration of minimum Heath Protocols on fight against
December 1 at about 7:20 AM by PSSg terrorism
Ephraim Carbonel

On December 1, 2020 at about 9:00 AM, To inform the

PSMS Joseph V Boado Jr. together with BET public the
member Brgy. Kagawad Mr. Eugene Pio and programs and
Campaign of the
Brgy. Tanod Mr. Jayson Frianela engaged with
government to
the drivers and passengrs at the loading area end Terrorism in
at Twin Peaks Kennon Road regarding Anti the country.
Terrorism Campaign and observance of
minimum health protocol.

December 1, 2020 at
about 9:40 AM, PSSg
Ephraim Carbonel
engaged with the
motorist passing QCP
San Pascual to ensure
public safety anti criminality efforts Likewise
had a short talk regarding ECLAC Campaign
which is war against Terrorism and reiteration
of minimum Heath Protocols.
On December 1, 2020 at
about 9:00 AM, PSMS
Joseph V Boado Jr.
together with BET
member Brgy. Kagawad
Mr. Eugene Pio and Brgy. Tanod Mr. Jayson
Frianela engaged with the drivers and
passengrs at the loading area lat Twin Peaks
Kennon Road regarding Anti Terrorism
Campaign and observance of minimum health

a. Four (4) PNP/Quarantine Control Point at Palina a. to Intensify Police

Marcos Highway, Camp 1 Kennon Road, San Pascual Operation against
and Tadiangan, Tuba, Benguet by personnel of Tuba CTG’s.
MPS under the supervision of PCAPT. PETER D
CAMSOL JR., ACOP, together with Tuba Rural Health
Unit, Tuba-LGU, Tuba COVID-19 Task Force, HPG and
barangay volunteer.

b. foot patrol- At about 11:00AM of December 01, 2020

at Sitio km. 14 Mount Cabuyao, Poblacion, Tuba,
Benguet by personnel of Sto.tomas Compac together b. to strengthen
with brgy tanod Melchor Pal-oten under the supervision police presence for
of PCAPT PETER D CAMSOL JR., Acting COP. the campaign against
criminality and
lawless elements
within the AOR.

Prepared By: Noted By:

PSMS Marilyn D Dichoso

Chief Supply PNCO

Police Captain

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