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1. State & prove law of conservation of energy in case of freely falling body.
2. What are collisions? Explain the possible types of collisions? Develop the theory of one dimensional elastic
3. Develop the notions of work and kinetic energy and show that it leads to work-energy theorem.
4. Show that the motion of a simple pendulum is simple harmonic and hence derive an equation for its time
period. What is second’s pendulum?
5. Define simple harmonic motion. Show that the motion of (point) projection of a particle performing
uniform circular motion, on any diameter, is simple harmonic.

6. Explain reversible and irreversible process. Describe the working of carnots engine.Obtain an expression
for efficiency
7. Define two specific heats of a gas .which is greater and why? Derive the relation between two specific heats
of a gas on the basis of first law of thermodynamics. Or (CP – Cv = R)
8. State second law of thermodynamics. How heat engine is different from refrigerator


1. State parallelogram law of vectors? Deduce the expression for magnitude & direction of the resultant
2. Show that the trajectory of an object thrown horizontally from certain angle is a parabola?
3. Show that maximum height and range of the projectile are U 2 Sin2 θ/ 2g and U2 Sin2 θ/ g respectively when
the terms have their regular meaning.
4. Show that maximum height reached by a projectile launched at an angle 450 is one quarter of the range.
5. Mention the methods used to decrease the friction? State laws of rolling friction?
6. Explain advantages and disadvantages of friction.
7. State Newton’s second law of that F =ma.
8. Define the terms momentum and impulse.State &prove law of conservation of momentum.Give example.
9. Distinguish between center of mass and center of gravity
10. Define vector product. Explain it with two examples
11. Define angular velocity, show that V=rw.
12. Define angular acceleration and Torque. Obtain the relation between them.
13. State the law of conservation of angular momentum & explain with two examples?
14. Obtain the relation between g and G.
15. Define orbital velocity & derive the equation for orbital velocity?
16. Define escape velocity. Derive the equation for it?
17. What is geo stationary satellite? Write its uses.
18. Describe the behavior of a wire under gradually increasing load.
19. Define Strain energy and derive the equation for the same.
20. Define stress. Mention the types of stress?
21. Define strain. Mention the types of strain?
22. Explain conduction, convection and radiation with examples.
23. In what way is the anomalous behavior of water advantageous to aquatic animals?
24. Write a short note on triple point of water?
1)Why is pulling a lawn roller preferred to pushing it?
2) State and prove parallel axis theorm
3) State and prove perpendicular axis theorm
4)Explain about the center of mass of earth-moon system and its rotation around the sun.
5)Explain surface tension and surface energy.

Junior inter physics 2Marks bits


1) What is the discovery of C V Raman?
A) The discovery of C V Raman is Raman Effect.
It deals with scattering of light molecules.
2) What is the contribution of S.Chandrasekhar to physics?
A) Chandrasekhar limit, structure and evolution of stars.
3) What are the fundamental forces in nature?
A) 1) Gravitational force 2) Electro Magnetic force 3) Strong nuclear force 4) weak nuclear force

2X1=2 marks
4) Distinguish between accuracy and precession.
A) Accuracy Pression
1) It denotes the nearness of a measured 1) It denotes the closeness among the
value to the true value measured value
2) It depends on errors 2) It depends on least counts
5) How can systematic errors can be minimized or eliminated?
A) 1) by improving the experimental techniques
2) by selecting better instruments with higher resolutions
6) Distinguish between fundamental units and derived units?
A) Fundamental units derived units
1) units of fundamental quantites are 1) units of derived quantaties are called
Called fundamental units derived units
2) ex : Kg, m,sec 2) ex: m2 , m/s ,N
7) If A= i + j what is the angle between the vector A with x-axis
Cos α = ax / |a |= 1 /
Cos α =1/  α = 450
8) When two right angled vectors of magnitudes 7 units and 24 units combine. What is the magnitude of their
P=7, Q=24, θ=900


R= since (COS900=0)

R=25 units
9) Two forces of magnitudes 3 units and 5 units acts at 600 with each other.what is the magnitude of their resultant
P=3, Q=5, θ=600


R= COS600=1/2


R= =7units

10) if P = 2i +4j+14k and Q =4i +4j+10k find the magnitude of P +Q

P+Q=(2i +4j+14k)+( 4i +4j+10k)=6i+8j+24k

|P+Q|= =

|P+Q|= =26 units

11) Give an example where the velocity of an object is zero. But its acceleration is not zero.
Ans: The body is projected vertically upwards.
12) How is average velocity different from instantaneous velocity? When they are equal?
A) Average velocity: The ratio of total displacement to the total time is called average velocity.
Instantaneous velocity: The velocity of a particle at a particular instant of time.
In case of uniform motion, average velocity is equal to instantaneous velocity
13)1a+b1 =1a-b1 then what is the angle between a and b
A) 1a+b1 =1a-b1 Then ( a2+b2+2abcos θ)1/2 = ( a2+b2-2abcos θ)1/2
=> a2+b2+2abcos θ = a2+b2- 2abcos θ
=>4abcos θ =0 =>cos θ =0 then θ=900.
hence the angle between a and b is 900.
LAWS OF MOTION (2 X 1 = 2marks)
14) Advantages and disadvantages of friction
A) Advantages; 1) friction helps us safe walk on the floor
2) Friction helps in making fire
3) Friction helps in wear cap, ring, and belt
4) Friction helps to hold onto objects
Disadvantages; 1) it produces unwanted heat
2) It reduces efficiency of machines
3) Wear and tear of machines
4) It produces unwanted noise
15) Can the coefficient of friction be greater than one?
A) Yes. If the surfaces are heavily polished, coefficient of friction be greater than one.
16) What happens to the coefficient of friction if the weight of the body is doubled?
A). coefficient of friction is independent of weight of the body. so it remains constant
17) A horse has to pull harder during the start of motion than later. Explain
A) Before starting the motion, a horse has static friction and later it will be converted into kinetic friction .But static
friction is more than kinetic friction.
Hence horse has to exert a greater force during the start of motion than later .
18) Why does a car with a flattened tyre stop sooner than the one with inflated tyres?
A) In case of flattened tyre ,the rolling friction is more due to greater deformation of tyres.
As friction is more it stops sooner.
19) When a bullet is fired from a gun , the gun gives a kick in the backward direction. Explain .
Ans: Due to law of conservation of momentum . Recoil of the gun V=mu /M
20) If a bomb at rest explodes into two pieces, the pices must travel in opposite direction. Explain?
Ans: Due to “ Law of conservation of momentum. m1v1 = -m2v2
21) What is inertia? What gives the measure of inertia?
Ans: The resistance of the body to change its state of rest or uniform motion in a straight line is called inertia.
“Mass“ is the measure of inertia
SYSTEM OF PARTICLES (2 X 1 = 2marks)
22) Is it necessary that a mass should be present at the center of mass of any system?
A): No, example:- uniform circular ring.

23) Why spokes are provided in a bicycle of wheel?

A): To increase moment of inertia.

24)Why should a helicopter necessarily have two propellers?

A): This is due to law of conservation of angular momentum.
If helicopter has one propeller, then helicopter rotates itself in the opposite direction.

25) By spinning eggs on a table top, how will you dispatch a hardboiled egg from a raw egg?
A): Boiled egg – low moment of inertia and high angular velocity.
Raw egg - high moment of inertia and low angular velocity.

26) Why is it easier to balance a bicycle in motion?

A): When bicycle is in motion, pseudo force called centrifugal force acts on it. So it is easier to balance.

27)We can’t open or close the door by applying force at the hings.why?
A)Torque ( T )= r x F = rF sin θ .Torque is required to open or close the door.
If the force is applied at the hings r=0 then Ꚍ =0. So it is not possible to rotate the door by applying force at the hings
28)Define viscosity. What are its units and dimensions? A) The property of a fluid, which opposes the
relative motion between different layers is called viscosity. Units are “poise”. Dimensions = ML -1 T -1
29) Why are drops and bubbles spherical?
A) The surface tension of a liquid tends to have minimum surface area.
30) What is magnus effect?
A) The dynamic lift due to spinning of a ball is called Magnus effect
31) What is angle of contact?
A) The angle between tangent to the liquid surface at the point of contact and solid surface inside the liquid is
know as angle of contact .
For pure water = 00 , and mercury 1400.
32) What is the principle behind the carburetor of an automobile?
A): Bernoulli`s principle.
33) Give the expression for excess pressure inside a liquid drop?
A) P =2T/ r
T=Surface tension r=radius of the drop
34) Give the expression for excess pressure in the soap bubble in air?
A) P =4T/ r
T=Surface tension r=radius of the soap bubble
35) Mention two examples that obey Bernollius theorem &justify them
A) 1) In heavy winds, house roof are blown off
2)when fan is rotating ,papers are blown off from the table top
According to Bernollius theorem,pressure is low at large velocity and vice versa.
36)Define average pressure .Mention its units
A)Force acting per unit area is called average pressure. P = F /A Units: N /m2
Thermal properties of matter ( 2+2 = 4marks )
37).Distinguish between heat and temperature.
1) It is the form of energy 1) It is degree of hotness or coldness of a body.
2) It is a cause 2) It is effect
3) units: joule 3) units: kelvin
38) Why gaps are left between rails on a railway track?
A) Small gap is left between the two rails because to allow linear expansion of rails in summer.
39) Ventilators are provided in rooms just below the roof. Why?
1) Hot air has less density, so it moves upwards due to convection
2) To escape this hot air out off the room, ventilators are provided just below the roof.
40) The roof of buildings are often painted white during summer? Why
1) White paint is a good reflector of heat. good reflector is a bad absorber of heat.
2) So buildings that are painted white to keep cool during summer
41) What is specific gas constant?. Is it same for all gases?
1) It is the universal gas constant for unit mass. r = R/M
2) No. It is not same for all gases.
42) Can a substance contract on heating? Give an example.
Yes. Ex: cast iron, rubber
43) Why utensils are coated black ?why the bottom of the utensils are made of copper?
1) Black bodies are good absorbers of heat. so utensils are coated black to absorb heat energy falling on them.
2) copper is a good conductor of heat. Hence it promotes the distribution of heat over the bottom of a vessel for
uniform cooking.
44) What is latent heat of vaporization?
The amount of heat required to change unit mass of a liquid into vapour is called latent heat of vaporization.
KINETIC THEORY (2+2 = 4marks)
45) State Boyle's law and Charles law
A) Boyle's law: At constant temperature, the volume of the given mass of the gas is inversely proportional to pressure.
Charles law: At constant pressure, the volume of the given mass of the gas is directly proportional to absolute
46) state Dalton's law of partial pressures?
A) The total pressure of a mixture of ideal gases is equal to to sum of the partial pressures.
P= P1 + P2+ P3+………….
47) Define mean free path?
AIt is the average distance covered by a molecule between two successive collisions.
48) When does a real gas behave like an ideal gas?
A) At low pressure and high temperatures
49) What is the expression between pressure and kinetic energy of a gas molecule?
A) P=2/3 E(N/V) (OR)P = 2EN/3V
where E=kE, V=total volume, N=total number of molecule.
50) Pressure of an ideal gas in container is independent of shape of the container. Explain?
A) Pressure P=1/3 nmV2. This equation does not contain area A
So Pressure of an ideal gas is independent of shape of the container
1) A machine gun fires 360 bullets per minute and each bullet travels with a velocity of 600m/s . if the mass of each
bullet is 5gm . find the power of the machine gun .
2) A bullet moving with a speed of 150 m/s strikes a tree and penetrates 3.5 cm before stopping .what is the magnitude
of its retardation in the tree and the time taken for it to stop after striking the tree?
3) A force 2 i + j - k N acts on a body which is initially at rest .At the end of 20 seconds, the velocity of the body is 4i
+ 2 j -2k m/s .what is the mass of the body
4) Find the torque of a force 7i + 3 j - 5 k about the origin. when the force acts on a particle whose position vector is i- j
+ k.
5) What is the length of a simple pendulum which ticks Seconds?
6) If the diameter of a soap bubble is 10 mm and its surface tension is 0.04 N/m. find the excess pressure inside the
7) The error in measurement of radius of a sphere is 1% what is the error in the measurement of volume?
8) The percentage error in the mass and speed are 2% and 3% respectively .what is the maximum error in kinetic
energy calculated using these quantities.
9) A car travels the first one third of the distance with a speed of 10 kmph, the second third 20 kmph and last third at
60 kmph .what is its mean speed over the entire distance?
10) The absolute temperature of a gas is increased by 3 times .what will be the increase in rms velocity of the gas
11) Find the increase in temperature of aluminum rod if its length is increased by 1%( α =25x10 -6 /0c .
12)Find the center of mass of three particles at the vertices of equilateral triangle. the masses of the particles are
100g, 150g, 200g respectively.each side of equilateral 0.5m long.

13)Find the efficiency of heat engine if the temperature of the source is 1000 c and sink is 270 c.
1. Explain the formation of stationary waves in stretched strings and hence deduce the laws transverse waves in
stretched strings?
2. Explain the formation of stationary in an air column enclosed in open pipe. Derive the equation for the
frequencies of harmonic produced.
3. How are stationary waves formed in a closed pipe? Explain the various modes of vibrations in a closed
pipe & establish the relation between their frequencies?
4. What is Doppler effect? Obtain an expression for the apperent frequency of sound heard when source is in motion
and observer at rest.
5. Explain Kirchhoff’s Laws and obtain the principle of Wheat-stone Bridge.
6. State the working principle of potentiometer .Explain with the help of neat diagram how two emf’s of a cell are
Compared using potentiometer.
7. State the working principle of potentiometer..Determine internal resistance of a cell using potentiometer
with the help of neat diagram
8. Explain the principle and working of a nuclear reactor with the help of a labeled diagram.
9. What is radio activity?state the laws of radio active decay. show that radio active decay is exponential in nature.
10. Explain the source of stellar energy.Explain corbon-nitrogen cycle and proton-proton cycle.
1) Define critical angle. Explain total internal reflection using neat diagram.
2) Explain the formation of rainbow
3) Explain the formation of a mirage
4) Why does the setting sun appears red?.
5) Does the principle of conservation of energy holds for interference and diffraction phenomena. Explain briefly.
6) Derive the expression for the intensity at a point where interference of light occurs. Arrive at the condition for
maximum and zero intensity.
7) Explain Doppler effect in light .Explain red shift and blue shift
8) How do you determine the resolving power of your eye?
9) State and explain columbs law in electricity
10) Derive the equation for the couple acting on electric dipole in a uniform electric field.
11) Derive an expression for the intensity of electric field at a point on the axial line of the electric dipole.
12) Derive an expression for the intensity of electric field at a point on the equatorial line of the electric dipole.
13) Define intensity of electric field. Deduce the expression for intensity due to point charge.
14) Deduce the expression for parallel plate capacitor.
15) Define electric potential. Derive an expression for the electric potential due to point charge.
16) Derive the formula for equivalent capacitance when the capacitors are in series.
17) Derive the formula for equivalent capacitance when the capacitors are in parallel
18) State and explain Biot-Savart’s law
19) State and explain Amperes law.
20) Derive an expression for the magnetic moment of a revolving electron.
21) What are the basic components of a cyclotron.? Mention its uses?
22) Derive the expression for the force per unit length between two parallel current carrying conductors.
23) Obtain an expression for the emf induced across a conductor which is moved in a uniform magnetic field which is
perpendicular to the plane of motion.
24) Describe the ways in which eddy currents are used to advantage.
25) Obtain an expression for magnetic energy stored in a solenoid terms of the magnetic field ,area and length of the
Q No 17) ATOMS
26) What are the limitations of Bohr’s theory of hydrogen atom.
27) Explain different types of spectral series .
28) Write a short note on de-Broglie explanation of Bohr’s second postulate of quantization.
29) Describe how semiconductor diode used as a half wave rectifier
30) Describe how semiconductor diode used as a full wave rectifier
31) Distinguish between half wave and full wave rectifier
32) Explain different types of transistor configuration.
33) Define NAND and NOR gates. Give their truth tables?
34) What is a zener diode.?Explain how zener diode acts as voltage regulator?
1)Compare the properties of para ,dia,and ferromagnetic substance
2)Distinguish between nuclear fission and fusion
3)State the basic postulates of Bohrs theory of atomic spectra Hence obtain an expression for the radius of orbit and
energy of orbital electron in an hydrogen atom.
4)State the principle on which transformer works ?Describe the working of a transformer with necessary theory?
RAY OPTICS 2x1=2Marks
1) Define power of a convex lens. What are its units?
a) Reciprocal of focal length of convex lens is called power of convex lens. P =1/F
UNITS: Diopters
2) What is dispersion? Which color gets more dispersed?
a) The phenomenon of splitting of white light into its component colors is known as dispersion.
Violet color disperses more than all other colors
3) What is myopia? How can it be corrected?
a)It is the optical defect of human eye.
A condition in which closer objects appear clearly, but far one doesn’t.
It can be corrected by means of concave lens
4) What is hypermetropia? How can it be corrected?
a)It is the optical defect of human eye.
A condition in which far objects appear clearly ,but near one don’t.
It can be corrected by means of convex lens
5. A small angled prism of 40 deviates a ray through 2.480. Find the refractive index of prism.
Ans: δ=(μ-1)A; 2.48 = (μ-1)4 => μ=1.62
6.Draw the neat diagram of simple microscope.


7. Explain Brewster’s law.

Ans: The tangent of the polarising angle is equal to refractive index of surface. μ=taniB
8.what is Malus law ?
Malus' law states that the intensity of plane-polarized light that passes through an analyzer varies as the
square of the cosine of the angle between the plane of the polarizer and the transmission axes of the analyzer .
I =I0 cos2 θ


9)What is the importance of oesterds experiment?
A) Whenever current is passed through a conductor ,a magnetic field is produced around the conductor carrying current
The relation between electric current and magnetism is identified with this experiment.
10)Distinguish between ammeter and voltmeter
Ammeter voltmeter
1.It is used to measure current in amperes 1) It is used to measure potential difference in volts

2.It is always connected in series in the circuit 2) It is always connected in parallel in the circuit

3.Ideal resistance of ammeter is zero 3.Ideal resistance of voltmeter is infinity.

11)How do you convert moving coil galvanometer into an ammeter.
A) By connecting a low resistance parallel to moving coil galvanometer.
12)How do you convert moving coil galvanometer into a voltmeter.
A) By connecting a high resistance in series to moving coil galvanometer
13What is the principle of moving coil galvonometer
A) when a current carrying coil is placed in a magnetic field , it experience a torque.
14)Define magnetic inclination (or) angle of dip
A)At a given place,the angle between ‘total earths field’ and‘ horizontal line in magnetic meridian’
is called magnetic inclination
15) Define magnetic declination.
A) At a given place,the angle between ‘geographical meridian’ and‘magnetic meridian’
is called magnetic declination.
16)Magnetic lines forms continuous closed loops .why?
A) Magnetic lines form continuous closed loops because isolated force does not exist.
17)What happens to compass needles at the Earth's pole?
A) At Earth's pole, the compass needle will not show any particular direction in horizontal plane i'e B H=0
18)What are the units of magnetic moment, magnetic induction and magnetic field?
A) Magnetic moment = A-m2 , magnetic induction -Tesla , magnetic field- Tesla
19)Define magnetic susceptibility? Mention its units?
A)It is defined as the ratio of intensity of magnetization ( I ) to the magnetic intensity (H ) . χ = I / H
It has no units
20)What is the magnetic moment associated with a solenoid?
A) Magnetic moment M= NIA
N= number of turns I =current, A= area of cross section.
21)What do you understand by magnetization of sample
A)Magnetic moment per unit volume is called magnetization of sample.
22).what can you say about the nature of the magnetic fieldA magnetic dipole placed in a magnetic field experience a net
A) A magnetic dipole placed in a magnetic field experience a net force, only when the magnetic field is non uniform


23)Define magnetic flux

A)Magnetic lines of force passing through unit area. ØB =B.A UNITS : Weber

24)Define inductance
It is defined as the ratio of flux linkage to the current . L= N Ø /I
N = Total number of turns I =current in the coil

25)What do you under stand by self inductance

1)Magnetic flux is directly proportional to current passing through the coil. Ø α I => N Ø =LI
L is a constant called coefficient of self inductance.

2)it is the ratio of induced emf to the rate of change of current L= e / di/dt


26)What type of transformer is used in a 6V bed lamp?
A) Step down transformer
27)What is the phenomenon involved in the working of a transformer?
A) Mutual induction
28)what is the expression for the reactance of 1) inductor 2) capacitor
A) 1) inductive reactanceXL = ωL
2) capacitive reactance XC=1 / ωc
29)A transformer converts 200V AC into 2000V AC .calculate the number of turns in the secondary if the primary
has 10 turns.
A) VS / VP = NS / NP =>200/2000 = NS / 10
=> NS =100turns
30)What is transformer ratio?
A) The ratio between number of turns in the secondary coil to the number of turns in the primary coil
VS / VP = NS / NP
31)What is the phase difference between AC EMF and AC current in the following Pure resistor, pure inductor
and pure capacitor?
A) for pure resistor, the phase difference between AC voltage and current is zero.
for pure inductor the current lags behind the voltage by π /2
for pure capacitor the current leads a head the voltage by π /2
32)When does an LCR circuit have minimum impedance ?
A) LCR circuit will have minimum impedance at resonant frequency.
ω =1/√LC
33)Define power factor.on which factor does power factor depends?
A)The cosine of the phase angle (Ø) between the voltage and current is called power factor cos Ø .
Power factor depends on angle () between voltage and current only.
34)Give any two uses of infrared rays.
A)Uses: 1)In earth satellites 2) In remote control system of TV 3)for the treatment of skin diseases.
35)What are the applications of microwaves?
A) Micro waves are used in 1)micro ovens 2)in radar system for air- craft navigation
3)in long distance communication.
36)Micro waves are used in radars. Why?
A)Due to their smaller wave length, microwaves do not bend around the corners of an abstacle and also do not spread.
37) How are micro waves produced?
A) Microwaves are produced by special vacuum tubes called klystrons ,magnetrons and gunndiodes
38)What is the photoelectric effect?
A): The emission of electrons from the metal surface when a light of suitable frequency falls on it is called photoelectric
39)State Heisenberg`s uncertainty principle.
Ans: It is not possible to measure both the position and momentum of an electron at the same time exactly. ∆x.∆p=h/2π.
40)What are cathode rays?
Ans: cathode rays consists of streams of fast moving negatively charged particles called electrons.
41)Write down Einstein`s photoelectric equation.
Ans: hν =1/2mv2 +W0 1/2mv2 =KE W0 = work function
42)What is work function?
Ans: The minium energy required by an electron to escape from metal surface is called work function.
43)Write down de Broglie`s relation and explain the terms there in.
. Ans: λ=h/p =h/mv. Where h= plank constant; p=momentum of the particle; m= mass of particle; v= speed of particle
44)Give examples of photosensitive substances.why are they called so?
A) examples: Lithium, sodium .potassium ,cesium and rubidium
These substance emit electrons when they are illuminated by light.
45)What important fact did Millikans experiment established ?
A) Millikans experiment established that charge is quantized.
46)What are intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductors?
A) A semiconductor which is in pure form is called intrinsic semiconductor
A semiconductor which is in impure form is called extrinsic semiconductor.
47)What is p type semiconductor .what are majority and minority carriers in it?
A) when a trivalent impurities (indium, gallium) are added to a pure semiconductor, it is called p type semiconductor.
Majority carriers are holes minority carriers are electrons.
48)What is an n-type semiconductor. what are the majority and minority carriers in it?
A) when pentavalent impurities ( arsenic and Bismuth )are added to a pure semiconductor then it is called n type
Majority carriers are electrons minority carriers are holes.
49)Draw the symbol of PNP and NPN transistor.
50)Which gates are called universal gates
A) NAND and NOR gates are called universal gates.
51)Define amplifier and amplification factor.
The process of raising the strength of the weak signal is call amplification and the device used to do this is called
The ratio of output voltage to the input voltage is called amplification factor.
52)Define modulation why is it necessary?
A)The process of combining audio frequency signal with high frequency signal is called modulation
Necessity 1)to reduce the size of the antenna
2) Low frequencies cannot be transmitted to long distances.
53)What is sky wave propagation?
A) The waves in the high frequency range (from few Mhz to 30 Mhz ) are reflected by the ionosphere of the atmosphere.
This made of propagation is known as sky wave propagation.
54)Which type of communication is employed in mobile phones?
A) Space wave communication
55)Mention the basic methods of modulation?
A)1) amplitude modulation 2) frequency modulation number 3)phase modulation
56)Mention the frequency range of speech signals?
A) The frequency range of speech signal is from 300Hz 3100 Hz.
57)What are the basic blocks of communication system.?
A)1)Transmitter 2)Medium 9or) channel 3)Receiver
1) A closed organ pipe 70cm long is sounded.if the velocity of sound is 331m/s, what is the fundamental frequency of
vibration of the air column.
2) A wire of resistance 4R is bent in the form of a circle .what is the effective resistance between the ends of the
3) A current in the circuit falls from 5.0 to 0.0A in 0.1s.if an average emf of 200V induced give an estimate of the
self-inductance of the circuit
4) Two long and parallel straight wires A and B carrying currents of 8.0A and 5.0A in the same direction are separated
by a distance of 4.0cm.Estimate the force on a 10cm section of wire A.
5) If one microgram of 92U235 is completely destroyed in an atom bomb, how much energy released .

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