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Describe and old person you know and respect

 I know many old people and i respect all of them

 Actually its in our culture to respect the elderly
 Here i would like to talk about my neighbour
 His name is Mr Ravi
 He is in his early 80s
 He is not that tall but looks very handsome
 I respect him because of many reasons
 First he is a very kind hearted person. I have huge respect for people who treats other with
 He speaks very politely to everyone. He always says that to get respect, you must first learn
to give respect
 Second even at this age he runs an organization- a yoga academy for the elderly.
 He had been working as a government officer, when he started this institution.
 And the most important reason is his discipline. He never misses his morning and evening
 Even at this age he is very agile and light
 He is a role model for many people who know him.
 Sorry i missed one thing. He has a great sense of humor.
 He can turn any situation into a happy one by cracking a joke
 So, Ravi appa, i call him that way, is the person i love and respect a lot

2. Describe a risk you have taken which had a positive result

 We all take risks in our life

 Sometimes we realize we are taking a risk, and sometimes we dont
 For instance, crossing a busy road, boarding a train which had already started are also risk
we take in dat to day life, though we don’t realize them
 Here i would like to talk about a situation when I took a risk and it had positive result
 Few years back one of my friend proposed an idea of us starting a company
 He has experience in the service we were planning to provide and i have experience in
managing operations
 It was a perfect idea since i was between jobs during that period.
 We both were scared as it was a big step. Neither had we got fund nor any security of
 After weighing both positive and negative outcomes we decided to give it a go
 Arranging seed money was difficult, i had to take care of that.
 I knew i could end up in huge debt if things go the wrong way, but it was exciting at the
same time
 In 3 months we started our operations, though it was going slowly in the beginning we catch
up momentum in few months.
 Now i am glad that even if i lose my job, i will have a source of income
3. Describe a mistake you have made

 We all make mistakes in life

 In fact making mistakes is part and parcel of life
 Here i would like to talk about a mistake which i made recently, during lockdown period
 After 2 months of lockdown, when there was a relaxation in time allowed to go out me and
one of my friend decided to stock up.
 We put on our mask and went out to a big supermarket to avoid visiting multiple shops for
 When we reached, there was a huge crowd in the shop as it was the first day of relaxation
and most of the people had come out of their homes
 I should have gone back after seeing the crowd but i made the mistake of going in and
buying the vegetables
 Social distancing was impossible in such a big crowd.
 I somehow brought the vegetables and returned home
 It was all over the news that because of the relaxation many people came out and social
distancing was not followed
 All the news channels were advising people to take care of social distancing
 I felt really bad and stupid, i could have gone some other time.
 I felt that govt is doing their duty very well but it is the onus of the people also that they
themselves realize what is good for them and avoid making such mistakes
 So this is the mistake that i committed recently

4. Describe a volunteering experience you have had

 I have not had many volunteering experiences in my life

 But recently i got an opportunity to volunteer and i liked it
 It was during last Ramadan period.
 Because of the lockdown, many labor class people were jobless all of a sudden.
 These people depend on their daily earnings for their living and in one blow their source of
income was gone
 Me and my roommates were telecommuting during the holy month, so we decided to cook
few food packages everyday and deliver to people in the creek area near our home
 We did that for a whole month and cooked food for these labourers from morning to
 Of course we took precaution and put on mask while distributing to people
 It was very tiring but it gave us great happiness
 I noticed that many people were donating things for these poor people
 For the first time i realized that doing for others give me immense contentment and
tranquility-I also realized that we keep cribbing for our problem which are actually small if
we compare to what so many around us are suffering from
 I have started developing empathy for others and i feel very happy about it and it has
changed my perspective about life a lot
5. Describe a programme or app in your computer or phone

 Apps have become very common since the dawn of smart phones
 These are special programs, which run on mobile devices and make life simpler
 There are apps for making communications instant and easier, such as Whatsapp, Viber,
Facebook and so on
 There are ecommerce apps like noon, amazon, awok etc
 In this world we can communicate wit our friends with messages, call or video chat.
 I have many apps in our mobile but the one i have most utility is whatsapp
 We can be connected with our friends instantly by this provided they also have an account
 Whatapp has changed the way people communicate, i am sure majority of smartphone
users are using this app.
 It has become a verb, you know, like people are saying ‘Whatsapp me’ instead of message
me in whatsapp
 When it was launched it had options only to send media and messages but now we can
place calls or even transfer money. When i was in India i had used beta version of UPI
facility for money transfer and it was flabbergasting
 Maximum amount you can transfer was around 100 USD, but still it was such a brilliant idea
 This app has changed the way people communicate. About 2 decades ago we had to send
letters to our friends and family living abroad and have to wait for weeks, sometimes month
to get a reply. But now they are just a text away, like they are sitting nearby us
 The only drawback of this app is that it is very distracting
 The users want to constantly keep checking their messages. Students focus is effected,
Workplace productivity is also affected
 So, such apps should be used wisely

6. Describe a long car journey you went on

 I have not been on many long journeys by car

 Whenever we have to go on a long journey, we generally go by bus or train
 Here i am gonna talk about a long journey when we took the car
 It happened few years back
 It was a Friday morning, a holiday for some reason, i was at my friends place just hanging
out. One of my friend proposed the idea of a trip to goa.
 Goa is a state on the southwestern coast of India, It is known for its Beautiful beaches
(More than 70 beaches), nightlife party, water sports and so on .
 It was too late for train reservations, so we decided to go by car.
 One of them had a Hyundai Santro, which is a 5 seater car, happened to be the number of
people we were-We started around 3pm same day after packing just a couple of clothes.
 During our journey we halted at many places. We spent that night in the car itself and
reached the destination around 12 in the morning next day
 During the ride, we got lost few times as the route was through the forest and GPS was our
guide. We even ended up in a bridge once which was closed 10 years ago.
 It was a fun ride. Though unplanned, we had the best time.
7. Describe a place you visited that has been effected by pollution

 Well, pollution is a big problem these days

 There is hardly a place which is absolutely pollution free
 Here I am going to talk about a city, Bangalore also called ‘Bengaluru’ which is very polluted
 It has all sorts of pollution-air pollution, sound pollution and water pollution
 I went there last year. In fact i go there quite often as my friends live there
 It is the center of India's high-tech industry, the city is also known for its parks and
 The population of Bangalore is far more for its size. There was this article which
commented that current population of the city has increased between 3 to 4 percent from
previous year.
 There are many vehicles also that causes pollution. There is this joke i remember ,its like- If
you meet a girl while you were in silk board traffic you’d probably be married by the time
you get out of there. Silk board is a 5 way intersection in the city .
 Earlier when i used to go visit my friends, i had no problem in finding a parking space for my
car, but now finding a parking space near their home is a huge problem.
 Because of air pollution, people also suffer many respiratory problem. We used to cover our
faces when we were going out during peak hours, even before corona situation
 I love that city, but living there is not a healthy choice.
 Whenever i come back from Bangalore, i heave a sigh of relief

8. Describe a friend/person who is a good leader

 I know many people who can lead well, but here i would like to talk about my best friend
Nibras as i believe she is an amazing leader
 She has all the qualities needed to be a good leader
 We have been friends since school days, to be precise 12th standard
 I used to be very shy and never used to go to the teachers with my problems
 But she never had any hesitation to speak to the teachers or the principle, she was an
 In fact she used to represent the whole class, if we had any problems or needed to talk to
our school principal
 She has no glossophobia and every year she used to represent for debates and declamation
contests, and won many trophies for the school
 She is herself very disciplined and used to encourage others as well
 Whenever i am in trouble, she is the first person i call as i know she will figure out a
solution sooner than me.
 She is very compassionate, caring and smart
 She chose dentistry as her profession
 Now she runs a small clinic in our hometown with her brother
 Knowing her and being friends with her was one of the best thing that happened to me
9. Describe a dinner you really enjoyed

 I have had many special dinners in my life, which i enjoyed

 Some dinners i enjoyed because of the quality of food, some i enjoy because of the
occasion and some i enjoyed because of the company
 Here i would like to talk about a special dinner on which my friend Rekha invited me along
with our 4 other friends
 It was her birthday and we asked for a treat, so she invited us to her home
 Honestly speaking I thought that home-cooked food was not a great idea for a birthday
 But when i reached her home i realized how wrong i was
 She didn't cook the meal, but ordered Chinese food which we all love. It was chefs special
from our favourite restaurant-it was mouth watering-also she bought kaju barfi as dessert-
its an Indian delicacy
 We stuffed ourself-We had gone with a cake, we made her cut it.
 Then we played some games like pictionary and truth or dare
 After dinner we played some music and danced and enjoyed a lot
 So this was the dinner i enjoyed a lot. We had a whale of a time

10. Describe a large company that you are interested in

 There are many large and successful corporations in the world today like Google, Reliance,
Amazon etc
 The company i want to work in is Tata Industries, which has been there since 1860
 Tata Industries is a large Indian origin multinational with many subsidiaries like Tata
Consultancy, Tata Motors, Tata Hotels and so on.
 Actually it even has ventures like Tata salts and Tata water purifiers.
 In India everyone knows about it, because in every sector they have some presence
 Recently it got global recognition too, after its takeover of the failing Jaguar Motors and
converting it into a profitable business within an year
 Admittedly it is not as commercially successful as some of other multinationals, but still it is
my dream company. There are many reasons for it
 First of all, it is one of the few companies which doesn’t run after money only-It runs many
social welfare projects likeTata Hospitals, tata Children Charity, tata welfare home and so on
 The second reason is its work culture. I have a friend who works with Tata motors. It is one
of the few companies which doesnt exploit employees, but encourages to maintain work
life balance. Infact employees are strictly forbidden to work more than 48 hrs a week
 Last but not the least, it would be a matter of pride for me to work for a large indian
company-Unfortunately there are very few large indian mnc’s
 Over the years tata has not only grown domestically, but also spread its roots in other parts
of the world-Tata Industries can help me fulfill both my dreams, I can settle abroad and still
work for an indian company
11. Describe a person in your family you admire

 Mother-name-both gorgeous and smart at the same time-many reasons-main one-attitude

towards life-cool, charismatic and kind- sometimes doubt if i am the older one-homemaker-
way she handles things-never gets tense-makes people feel important and proud about
themselves-for instance-i get tensed-she talks to me like i could be the rank holder-has a
way for calming people-reminds me of this incident-think i was about 13 or 14-we were
living as a joint family then..with fathers brother-one day my cousin fought with her
husband and came back home-she was furious and was like she will file a divorce-only me
and mom was there at home then-she spoke with her, don’t now what and next thing i saw
was she, my cousin,going back all happy. It was impressive-i asked her what did she tell her-
she just smiled and winked at me-my mother is the reason i became a feminist-i learned it
at home-she always treats me and my brother equally, well i have some extra
privileges,because i am their first child-she gave us equal opportunity and encouraged me
to question and demand things if i don’t get what i deserve. She has been my role model as
long as i remember and i am sure it will stay that way.

12. Describe a time when your family member asked for your help

 Brother-asked to teach him trading-stock market trader-have been doing it for last 2 years-
don’t mind teaching-terrible teacher-impatient and short tempered-not a good
combination for teaching-plus its brother-was sure will end up fighting-you know siblings
does not need much to fight about-even without any reason he get on my nerves-so was
reluctant-anyways he convinced me to teach him through his nagging-it was challenging in
the beginning-i get angry every time he doest’t do the way i told him to- eventually it got
better and i ended up being proud of him and myself as well-it was a rollercoaster ride and
we both learned something in the journey-like killing 2 birds with one stone-i started
concentrating more on basics which helped me in my trades and he learned things easily
without watching YouTube videos-it was a memorable experience-we connected like we
used to be when we were kids-i am glad that we did it

13. Describe and unpleasant job you did?

Everybody would have done one or many unpleasant jobs in their lifetime-talk about a job i did
not that long ago-when i moved to Dubai-i had been working as a software engineer in India
before i moved to Dubai-when i reached, naturally, i was looking to get a job in similar field- aIf i
had known bout the job market or had done some research, It would have been easy-i kept
looking and nothing seemed to be working out-my visit visa was about to get expired-so i
decided to go with any job i could get-in no time i got an offer to work as an administrative
assistant-it was a contract only for few months-company was planning to resume their operation
after some break time-my job involved organizing all data, call up their old clients, send mails
and so on-it was a menial job, not something which require a professional degree-but i had to
take it up because of my situation-remuneration was good and i could telecommute-it was a
win-win as this gives me time to look out for other opportunities-i remember days when i had
severe shoulder pain and headaches-used to sit for hours in front of computer-anyways it helped
me boost my typing speed and organization skills though it came with a price-it was one such
period which i wont forger-it made me realize all jobs are equally important in an organizations-
had a new found respect for people who does this on a daily basis

14. A time when you did not tell the truth to someone

 I would like to talk about something which happened when i was in college-it was during our
cultural fest- one of my friend met with an accident-i was her next of kin-i got the call from
hospital and had to rush there-i was really worried and couldn't get to talk to people about
it as i had never been to such a situation before-once i reach there, one of the staff nurse
told me i need to arrange some blood-her blood group was o+ so was mine-nurse asked me
if i had donated in last 3 months i said no, though it was a lie-it was easier for me to give my
blood than trying to arrange and i don’t think it is no big deal to donate as long as you are
healthy-it was a white lie-my friends well being weighed more then-fortunately, she
recovered soon and everything turned out to be a happy ending-i am of the opinion that
white lies are better than blunt truth-it can save peoples life, i my case, or could make
someone happy. I am sure if had to go through that situation again-i would repeat the
same thing-sometimes honesty has to take a back seat for practicality-

15. Describe a time when someone cheated you/ someone lied to you/ someone did not tell you
the truth

 After college days-me and my friend sradha were discussing the idea of joining a
certification program in Java-it was my idea actually-she didn’t want to enroll, her point was
that we have been studying continuously for about 14 years, so we better take som rest-it
was a valid point-i didn’t want to waste my time although her proposal for taking a gap was
tempting-after days of badgering she decided to join with me, well nagging works-the
course was somewhat expensive, so we had to convince our parents to pay for it-anyways
we commenced the course 2 months after graduation-syllabus was kinda tough and sradha
was not at all interested to study-after 3 months we had to give an examination-i thought i
did ok-shradha told me the same-when the results were out-i was at my aunts place, so i
asked her to check mine as well-back then smartphones were not so popular-i was using a
basic set-she checked and told me that i failed-it was devastating-i have never failed on any
exams before-she told me she also didnt get through-and her parents are mad at her-
requested me if i can speak with them-i called them and told it was a tough exam and we
will make sure to pass the supplementory exam-i came back home and started preparing for
the same-my parents were very supporting, it was difficult for me to hold my own-i felt like
letting them down-during that time i happened to meet a tutor of the institution- i was
reluctant to go and talk to her, embarrassed actually-i worked up the courage and went and
greeted her-first thing she asked was why i didnt go and collect my certificate-i was
surprised, i told her i failed, she might have mistaken my name with someone else- she said
no, only shradha failed and she is sure of it-i went directly to the institute and they handed
over my certificate-i felt betrayed and angry at the same time-i called her in rage and asked
how could she do such a thing to me-i lashed out all m frustration on her-she didnt say
anything-just cut my call-i was mad at her, so didnt bother to call back-then after few days i
felt bad and tried to call her, but the number was blocked-when i checked social medias also
she blocked me everywhere-i couldnt reach her anywhere to talk it out-it was kinda my
faullt-i pushed her to do the course-if i hadnt done that, she wouldnt have failed in the first
place or we would still be friends-anyways that was a time when someone lied to me

16. Describe a time when you got lost in a place you did not know about

 Few years back-me and few of my friends decided to take ta road trip from Bangalore to Goa
through Gokarna. We had all been under work pressure for a long time and really decided
we need to get away from it all. So it seemed to us, hitting the open road was the best way
to do it, particularly we all love having fun spending time together-none of us have been to
Goa by road before, so we were relying completely on google maps-everything was going
when till we entered into a forest area-it was sometime around 4 in the morning-we totally
lost the signal and no signs were visible-it was not smart to stop as we were in the middle of
nowhere and not safe-we kept on driving-and ended up in a bridge which was ruined and
we had to stop abrupty-we decided not to go back and waste fuel as it was almost dawn
and were hoping to see people-by around 7am we saw one guy who delivers milk and asked
about the the route-he said we took a wrong turn about 5 km back and told us the right
way-we took the path he mentioned and got in the right track-and our GPS was back-it was
a fun ride-best part was when we were waiting near the bridge for someone to show up, we
were making ghost stories and trying to scare each other-it was a memorable trip

17. Describe something difficult you would like to succeed in doing

 There is this one thing i have been trying to do for a very long time, but failing repeatedly-its
getting up early in the morning-for me hitting the sack early or getting up in an ungodly
hour are unachievable-i have been trying to do that for years-if i early-i manage to wake up
will be grumpy the entire day-i have seen people waking up to see sunrise and wonder
how-i used to wake u by 6 o clock when i was in school-but now its out of question-it would
be great if could cultivate the habit of waking up by atleast 7 o clock everyday-i know we
could accomplish many things if i could manage to do so-i have tried some techniques from
youtube videos but failed miserably-may be its because i am lazy or i don't ‘have’ to do it-
not a necessity right now-or may be its just my biological reality-i am sure-so in short being
an early bird is something which i would like to succeed in doing

18. What would you like to change at a place where you live?

i would like to talk about something i would like to change in the building currently- i live in the
city centre surrounded by skycrapers and busy roads-i share an apartment with few of my
friends and its more like home-my flat is perfect-its clean, spacious enough and cozy-i am totally
satisfied with my flat but its about the building that i am disappointed-Its a 6 story building-most
of the residents are working professionals-it would be great if they can build a gym or a
recreational area-i am sure it will be a successful business as well- after busy schedule when you
come back home, it would be great if you have a place to warm up nearby- the nearest gym from
my building is around 20 minutes by walk-which is not that attractive-if you have a vehicle, yes it
is not a big deal-it need not be a big facility-nowadays people are leading a sedentary life-
everyday goes by routine of back and forth to office and having a lot of junk food-so in my
opinion, i think it would be beneficial for the welfare of the society as well-anyways that’s
something i want to change at the place i live

19. Describe a foreign country or culture you want to know more about

 Country which i got interested in recently-iran-also called persia during old times-this
happened few months back-way before corona-we were visiting global village, you
know the place in dubai,i think in sheikh Zayed road-It combines cultures of 90
countries across the world at one place-a must visit place in uae- so we were strolling
though different countries and this one country drew my attention-it was iran- what
they did to showcase iran was magnificent- the pavilion was huge and entrance was
guarded by some big animal statues-a bull i guess-it was regal and impressive-i came
back home and started googling about iran- i had learned about their civilization when i
was in school-apparently iran was the leading power of the world-they ruled many
countries for centuries-infact it is considered to be the oldest country in the world-i got
more curious and started watching videos and documentaries-if rulers had taken
effective measure during their reign -they would still be the superpower-they have
everything-like oil, strategic position in world map and so on-i am still learning about
their culture, food and all- but to be honest i am more interested to know about the
history-its all exciting stories

20. Describe a place where you are able to relax

 I live in an apartment which is near to a creek. Well its more like a dock for dhow
cruise. It is my favorite place in Dubai-for someone like me who has a very busy
schedule, the convenience of living so close to a water body is a blessing-I usualy go to
creek for relaxation-there is a park near to it where kids play, people gather for
chitchats-there is also a group of people who practices yoga- there is one place along
the creek where there are steps to the waterbody and you can feed the fishes-some
people do fishing also-almost all weekend i made it a habit to go there and feed fishes-
it very relaxing like there is no worry in the world-watching the movement of fish keeps
me calm-like a meditation-it takes away all the physical and mental tiredness away
from my body-like the tempo of the life has slowed down a little-i feel very
lighthearted after that-even though there is always a great rush in that area, yet one
can find peace and quiet over there-so this is the place i go to relax
21. Talk about something you enjoyed doing in a group

 There are a lot of things i like doing in a group-it depends on with who all i am spending
the time-here i would like to talk about what i love doing the most with my closest
group of friends-we are a gang of 5 people-we happened to meet during an event few
years back and from then on, we sticked together-the main factor which held our
friendship is our love for going on road trips-be it long distance or short distance-we all
love to travel-especially by car-we had taken many impulsive trips-sometimes it well
planned as well-they were times we hit the road just to try tea from a well known
place hundreds of kilometers away-to be on the open road is something which excites
all of us-any one of us can take the wheels as we all are adept and skillful drivers-
whenever we have long holidays, it has become a thing of going for trips- be it big cities
or little town, we love to drive-so that is one thing i love doing in a group

22. Describe a time when you missed an appointment

 I am going of talk about an incident which happened not so long back. It was when i
moved to Dubai and was looking for a job. I came here during a ramadan month, which
was a bad move. I later realized that. So i was applying for jobs in all websites i could
find. I had been working as a Software engineer in India when i moved here-My job
profile didn’t have much openings here, so it was a hard time- One day i got a call for an
interview-Unfortunately, they scheduled it for the next day when 2 of my close friends
were planning to go back. I already promised them that i will meet them before leaving-
so i decided to meet them up before going to the interview-it was a sound plan-when i
reached their place one of my other friend offered me to drop me off at the interview
location after dropping them off at the airport-it sounded as a good idea, so i agreed-
lets say, luck was not on my side that day-we managed to drop them off at the airport
at the right time-but when we got back, it was a rush hour i guess-i felt if i walk, i will
reach early-entire route was congested and my friend keep apologizing for this idea-
well it was not his fault-he meant good only-there was no hope and it was almost time-i
called the office and told them i wont be able to make it on time-and asked them if its
possible to set up the meeting for another time-they were really understanding and
rescheduled the same. From then on, i made sure not to have any other plans when i
have important meeting, you will never now what surprises can happen.

23. Describe a journey that did not go as planned

 I would like to talk about a time we went to Gavi, a tourist place in south India-It’s
known for its hills and valleys, tropical forests, sprawling grasslands, sholas, cascading
waterfalls and cardamom plantations-The road leading to gavi is blanketed by tea
plantations, which itself is a refreshing experience-we were planning to camp in the
forest during the weekend- We had all been under work pressure for a long time and
really decided we need to get away from it all-We had to get to the place through a forest-
once we reach there, the guard told that they are not allowing people to take the forest
road on that day because of an elephant in distress-it was not safe-we were heartbroken-all
of us were really looking forward to it-we had been travelling for around 120 kms when we
reached there-if we had known about it earlier, we would have taken another route-so
were discussing what to do next while having a tea in a nearby shop and this guy next to us
suggested another place-it was only 20km from there-he said its not quite famous yet, but
worth going-there are good hotels in that neighborhood so we won’t have to worry about
stay for the weekend as well-when he explained about the place, we thought of give it a try-
well, it was a better plan than going back to city-once we reached vandiperiyar, that’s the
name of the place, we were taken aback by the view-it was so beautiful-full of greenery and
fresh air-one can feel the presence of wildlife in the middle of nowhere, an experience that
cannot be explained in words--we had the best of time in there, a weekend well spent-
though we didn’t get to go as planned, we had a better weekend I suppose-its surely a place
one should visit in ones lifetime

24. Descibe an advertisement you remember well

Well, I have seen loads of catchy advertisement, funny ones and ones with a beautiful plot-but
there is this particular advert that is very special to me..i guess to all 90s kids in India-it came
long back, when I was a preteen I guess-before I explain the add you should know Indian people
loves cricket-everybody plays it-irrespecive of gender, age, caste or creed-and we love Sachin
Tendulkar-I am sure, even now, you wont find a single Indian who is not fond of him-so this
advert was for an energy drink-first scene was like-a boy is playing cricket-he is trying to hit fours
and sixes but couldn’t-he looks angry and frustrated-then sachin came and offered to play with
him-different shots of him hitting sixes-then the boy asked how-he says with that energy drink in
his hand “Boost is the secret of my energy”- that particular line has become a thing-whenever
we excel, we use it-like an axiom-lets say if you were appreciated for having good memory, you
would say “Almonds are the secret of my energy”-so that was one advertisement I remember

25. Describe something you brought home from a tourist place

I love going on trips-I have been to almost all famous places in India-and few other countries as
well-I have a habit of buying one thing, which is unique from that place, from every place I’ve
been it a postcard or a dupatta(means a kind of scarf)-here I would like to talk about
something I bought from a place called Hampi, for my brother-Hampi is a UNESCo world heritage
site in the south east part of India- It’s dotted with numerous ruined temple complexes from the
Vijayanagara Empire-Like the custom, i started looking out for my souvenir and came across a
chess board made out of rocks-it was carved very much in perfection-when I enquired the price,
came to know that it costs an arm and a leg-I really wanted that, knew I would regret if I don’t
buy it-I used my negotiating skills and got it for a price I can live with-when I got back home, as
usual he asked for his gift- I told him, I couldn’t get him anything but bought for myself something
and showed him the board-he was all over it-fell in love with it at first sight I guess-to be honest,
we have a dozen chess boards at home-my brother plays pretty well and it was one of our
favourite game as kids- I told him if he wants that, he have to win a game and earn it-he was like,
u might as well give it me-well, he is kind arrogant-but had a point though-we played and I lost-
and he was very happy with his prize-so that’s it-it was one of the best souvenirs I got from a
tourist place

26. Describe a film that you watched

I have seen many movies in my life-i am a cinephile-here I would like to talk about a movie which
I watched recently and it had a lasting impression on me-the movie is Pihu-its based on a true
story-I watched this movie on Netflix-I was just browsing through Netflix to watch something for
about half an hour when I came across this title-it is about a 2 yr old girl, who is left alone with
her mother, who has committed suicide-she does so after a fight with her husband-Pihu thinks
that her mother is fast asleep and tried to wake her up many times-kid doesn’t even know what
is safe for her- I could not blink an eye during the whole movie-This movie haunted my thoughts
for days after that-when I came to know that this movie is based on true incidents, I felt very
sorry and sad for the little girl who must have suffered all that-the film explores issued faced by
married couples-it also highlights how important communication is between young couples-it
must have been a challenge to shoot the whole film with a 2 year old child in the main role-this
film has won many awards-it was the opening film of international film festival of India which
was held in goa in 2017

27. Talk about a new public building or place which you would like to visit

There are many public buildings o places which I would like to visit-here I would like to talk about
statue of unity in Gujarat-It is a colossal statue of Sardhar Vallabhai Patel-who was the first home
minister of Independent India-His expression, pose and posture shows the confidence and the
iron-will of this great person-I would really like to visit this architectural marvel-The statue can
withstand winds of 180 km/hr and can resist earthquake of 6.5 on the ritcher scale-I came to
know about it from the news channels on TV-it was on all news channels in January 2019-
It is the worlds tallest statue and was built in just 33 months-it is made of bronze and is about
600ft tall-I am planning to visit it next time I go for vacation to India, I will take my family as I am
sure they will enjoy it as well-I did some research and came to know that apparently there are
other things of interest nearby which are worth seeing-like the observation desk, valley of
flowers, memorial museum and audio visual gallery-more than 3 million people have visited the
gallery already. It has become a major tourist attraction of India

28. Describe your favourite clothes

I have got a huge collection of different dresses and suits in my cupboard-here I would like to talk
about something I wear almost everyday nowadays-jeans-they are like bread and butter of my
outfit-they are just so comfy and practical-I don’t really have a huge preference of a type, to be
honest. Although the normal mode, I guesss is skinny kind-one reason why I like to wear them is
because they are very comfortable-I goes with almost every kind of top-be it shirt or tshirt-and
also we can buy them everywhere-you could take a step outside right now and could find a shop
which sells them-also its kind of a fashion statement I guess-My favourite brand is levis-they are
extremely popular despite the fact that they costs an arm and a leg-some people buy it to show
off that aspect of themselves, but for me its their fittings-they are so perfect-its worth every
penny-I have this light blue shade jeans which I bought from india-they are very comfortable and
when I wear them I feel a little more glamorous-it complements my physique.

29. Describe a family member you love spending time with

30. Describe an important journey that was delayed

31. Describe an experience you had as a member of a team

I have had both positive and negative experiences while working in a team-today I am going to
talk about one of the best experience I have had-it was during my school days-I was learning
French as my second language then and we were supposed to do a skit as part of the academics-I
had stage fear and on top of that I was expected to perform something on a language I had been
learning only for an year or so-it was a group activity-to my relief, my team members were very
supportive-we helped each other with pronunciations and acting skills and what not-I am not
being humble, I have terrible acting skills, well I suck -Its hard for me to show emotions in real
life, forget performing-it was a difficult time-my grades depended on it and I was nervous-we
practiced a lot, held each others back, gave positive feedbacks-we had fun actually-in the end
the performance went well-all of us got good grades-it was all team effort-none of us could have
done that alone-as a team, we changed something which probably would have been a
nightmare to a good memory

32. Describe a goal that you achieved which was set by yourself

I don’t think I have strong willpower and many times I have set goals but failed to achieve the-
but last year I made a resolution and made sure to complete it-I moved to Dubai in 2018-my first
job was by telecommuting-I spend a lot of time sitting at home-because of the lack of activities I
gained around 5kg-due to weight I lost my self confidence and avoided meeting friends or going
out-I started stress eating and gained even more weight-so during new year 2019 I took the
resolution to slim down-I was afraid that It would be like all other new year resolution, u know,
something you do for a week or so-I made the process simple-I cut down sweet, avoided diary
and restrict non veg to only 2 days a week-also I made sure not to have any snacks in between
meals- it was hard during first few days but gradually I got adjusted to it-In few months I lost
around 7kg- I didn’t do any exercise, just moderated my intake-I was proud of it-I was worth all
the efforts and all that I let go-giving up chocolate was tremendously difficult by I managed-after
that I made it a habit of not having much sweets-I guess I lost the appetite for it-so this was one
goal I managed o achieve.

33. Describe a person who has apologized to you

34. Describe an interesting animal

I love animals, particularly mammals, because they are the closest to us, relatively speaking. I
think they are quite cool-My favourite of all the animals are dogs-I love dogs-they are
domesticated animals, so you can always keep them close-bl of domesticated animals look
lovely, dogs are cute-in addition they guard and protect you and your property- we used to have
a dog at home when I was younger- when she died of old age entire family was heartbroken-after
that we never got another one-then I moved to another city and made friends with a stray dog-it
happened gradually-I was living alone then, this dogs used to go to all flats in the neighborhood-
he was cute-I started giving him leftovers-then he started turning up every day-and in no time I
was cooking for 2-he was very protective of me-never let anybody come to my floor-he keeps
barking until I stop him-I used to do yoga on my terrace and he will just stay beside me,all calm-
he never made me feel alone in the new city-I named him drogo-you know after Game of thrones
dragon-and taught him to bark when I say dracarys -it was fun-when I moved out of the city, it
broke my heart a little to leave him-I introduced him to the tenant who was going to move to
my place-luckily he was also fond of dogs-so that’s it-dogs are my favourite animal

35. Describe an article on health you read from a magazine of article

36. Describe a person in the news you want to meet

I started noticing about this person recently when i saw an article in newpaper-its Sheikh
hamadan, dubai crown prince-article was like he took his Mercedes SUV off the roads
for a while because a little bird decided to build a nest on its windshield.-that
was really cute- Sheikh Hamdan also decided to place a red tape around his
vehicle to prevent other people and vehicles from disturbing the bird and her
eggs- It was a gesture that won hearts-I have heard about his kindness and
charity works he does-but this caught my attention-I started reading more
about him and all those didn’t fail to impress me-he is a gem of a person-
during pandemic he visited a red zone area near my apartment-I was trying to
get a glance of him from my building-since it was far, I couln’t get one- most
of the people who have power are not generally humanitarians, he is an
exception-he has established a reputation as a leader that combines unique
leadership abilities with humility-he is always keen to meet people without
an restrictions or barriers-he always works to solve their problem and followup
their matters-he has a number of published poems, some of which are now
famous songs-So he is one personality I wish to meet in person

37. Describe a time when weather changed your plan

38. Describe a time when you were not able to use your cell phone
39. Describe an important piece of news that you received via text message
Nichu-best friend –decade of fiendship-thick and thin-soul sisters-got married few year back-
getting pregnant-trying for a long time-almost gave up-frustrated-love for babies-already a
mother-send message because I didn’t pickup-happy news-made my day

40. Describe something that you bought that was difficult to use at first’
41. Describe a successful home business that you know

Neighbour-3 yrs-started from home-scented candles-started with just 2 workers-one machine initially -
now 100-owner is very disciplined-reaches an hour before-good marketing techniques-introduced the
item during an All Saints day-instant hit-people were not accustomed o that ind of candle before-
though was available in some shops-people started purchasing-opened a shop-and gradually move to
b2b business-now available in allshops-christian area-so concentrated mainly of shops near churches-
smart move-born entrepreneur-good relation with everybody-mainly customers are employees-secret
for success-not a multinational company yet-but sure one day it will become one-doing business via
ecommerce as well-someone to llok up to

42. Describe the happiest day you had

Blessed to have many happy moments in my life-very hard to think of a particular day-consider
happiest-day I receive y first salary-immense joy and happiness-started carrier as an aptitude trainer-
company I worked for send us to different colleges in south India to teach final year college students
students on how to crack aptitude questions and interview during placements-I was good in math and
got placed to this company from my college itself-it was more like an internship-for about 3 months-
after that if both parties are satisfied-I mean myself and the company-can change into permanent job-it
was good times-I enjoyed working with them-when I received ny first salary-I was over cloud 9-not
big amount-but earned it-every penny mattered-cannot compare with anything or express in word-
they gave it in cheque-my family was expecting me to spend it right away but I went home and gave it t
my father-it was a moment to cherish for a lifetime-he was all happy and we went out and celebrated-

43. A person who taught you something important: Mother-enjoying life and handling situation in ease
44. Describe a difficult challenge you completed-doing masters while working-juggle work and
45. Describe a crowded place you visited- Amristar-golden temple
46. Job you would not love to do in future-menial job-previous
47. Describe a unifom that you wore at school/ work
Pinafore-salwar with shawl-

48. Describe a situation or time you helped someone: harry-trading

49. Describe and indoor game you would like to play as a kid
50. A performance u watched recently
Last christmas-father is a culture vulture-part of a club which organizes dramas everyvmonth-
throughout kerala-so whenever they come to the city-takes me along-i am not a theatre-buff- but love
spending time with him whenever possible-live apart-don’t get to spent time with him like old times-
whenever i get a chance, wont miss-so as a custom, i tagged along with him-dramas name was Chillara
smaram-means petty revolution-it deals with anti-human development programmes and ther toll on
common man and their livelihood-the play was told in a satirical and hilarious language-it was around
2 hours and surprisingly didnt felt that way-plot was good and engaging-it was one of the best
performance i have seen in recent times-we both had fun-after the act, we went and had dinner
together-just father daughter thing-we both had a whale of time-

51. Describe a change that can improve your local area

52. Describe a time when you lost something and got it back: watch-school time
Flaunt-over the moon-set eyes on-relieved-best day to nightmare

53. Describe a time when you were excited

Joining my first compny-mnc-blessed to get placed directly from college-privilege-famous for the
training they give to new employees-more like a college-have a campus in mysore entirely for
this-infosys is known for its beautiful building with world class architecture-they have made all
their campuses like resorts-you have all the facilities you need inside the campus-from swimming
pools to bowling alleys, salsa classes to tennis quarts-name one amenity a youngster need, you
could find that in their campus-for the first 6 month company will be sponsoring accommodation
inside the campus which was like a 4 star hotel-more than the job and salary, I was excited about
all the amenities I will be able to use there-there were few people from our college who got into
the same company-so we all were planning how to spend that 6 months-I still remember, the night
before leaving to mysore, I could not sleep because I was too excited-time in infosys turned out to
be the best in my career-training time in Mysore I something I will never forget-We had a whale
of time

54. Describe a time when you travelled by public transportation

Rameshwaram-we have a custom which we made for ourself of going to atleast 2 new place
every year-so last year around december we decided to visit Rmeshwaram-we usually go by car,
this time we thought of taking train to have a different experience-also there is another reason-
this place is kinda like an island-you can take either bridge, boat or train to reach there-rail
bridge was around 50 years old it is almost like touching the water body, i e sea-we had heard
that it is different exerence and so decided to give it a try-Rameshwaram is a hindu pilgrimage
site-a place people visit during autumn of their life-so most of our co-passengers were either
elderly with heir family or hippies-it was a different experience-trains in india are not like west-
they are kinda open and you get to stand near the doors and feel the fresh air-when we were
going to the island we stood near the doors and it was like riding in a boat-though we were on a
train-sea was just few feets below us and we could hear the sound of wave and feel water drops
in our face-we didn’t talk during that time-was just relishing the moment-we ended up having a
whale of time-while returning we decided that if we are coming back to this place again, we will
come by train only. That’s was about the time when I used a public transport

55. Talk about an interesting conversation

56. Describe a film you would like to share with you friends-Pihu
57. Describe a place where you read and write apart from home
Hor Al Anz Library-10 minutes by walk from home-ample parking space-spacious hallways and
private sections-readers heaven-quite a lot of books-cafeteria nearby-Dubai government-lovely
garden surrounding / easy access to the public transportation / free parking-section separatively
for children-clean organized high tech library-good pace for preparing exam-love the
ambiance-calm and peaceful-friendly staff-

58. Describe a school you went to in your childhood

59. Talk about a toy you liked in childhood

60. Describe a person who liked to travel by plane

61. When was the time you admired sky
62. A leisure activity you do with your family

There are a lot of things we do toh=gether=like dinner, parks, beaches and all-favoirite-playing
chess-nostalgia associated with it-nuclear family-this started wduring chilhood days-we used to
have power cuts for 30 minutes at nigh everyday in kerala-for abour 3 years i guess-to compensat
for shortage of electricity-happens in shifts-from 8-11-if this week its 8, next its 8:30-so we will
finish our dinner before that and one the supply is gone, we start playing caroms-it needs 4 people
to play the game, exactly our number-we usually play as teams-me and papa one team and mom
and harry other-papa is very good at it and i used suck-mom and harry plays average-so it was
perfect match-we used to play for some sweet or chicken leg piece for next day-it was fun-even
after that period, we continued playing-whenever all of us had some time-we go for a game-
recently when i went home, we played it almost every night-it fascinates me that i still am terrible
at it-very irritating-even then, we end up having best time-this is something, which is our thing-we
all love to do-my favourite leisure activity with family

63. Describe a place full of colours

64. Describe an experience when you were with people and got bore
65. Describe a product made in the region you come from
Kasavu Saree and mundu- are extremely delicate pure cotton handloom fabrics, bordered with
gleaming golden thread. The men wear the Mundu around the waist and women wore then in a
way the fixed at the left shoulder after being nicely wrapped around the woman’s body .-
traditional attire of kerala-glossy golden borders are sometimes paired with contrasting bright
colours.white and gold border Saree is unique for their natural colour, texture and gold border
which define their elegance-You will be amused to know that almost every Malayali woman
possesses at least one elegant Kerala saree in her wardrobe- It is the practical choice among most
of the women in Kerala due to the scorching climate of the city, wearing the cotton white saree
will make you feel relaxed and comfortable too especially during summers.- mix of white and
gold colour is considered to be highly auspicious all over the south-clasic and elegant appearance-

66. Describe a time when you celebrated your achievement

67. Describe n advice you received on your work?

After i joined first company-newbie in that project-show my calibre-was leaving home late-around
8-starting it was ok-then gradualy started hating-manager noticed that-gave me the advice of
leaving before 7 everyday-its important to have work life balance-learning curve-hard on myself-
no to beat myself up-miserable-getting better-performed better-make it a point to keep things
68. Describe a time when you first met someone
I am a believer that we met people for a reason-some stays in our life and some just give
memories and leave-be it good or bad-he I would like to talk about the time I met my boyfriend-it
was 6 years back-I was at a work conference in Malaysia-it was a 5 days event and people from
different branches of our company attended the event-it was my first international trip and I was
all excited-we reached there 3 days early to roam around before the event starts-on our first day
we went to this club for some drinks and another group who were going to attend the same
conference was there-Alex was there among them-we started talking- I am not the kind who
believes in love at first sight, but about friendship I go with that stand-we immediately clicked-
he was very funny and we ended up having the best time-during the conference we bumped
into each other multiple times and became friends by the time its over-we exchanged numbers are
promised to be in touch-meeting each other was not possible as we were in different cities-we
stayed in touch though-made sure to update each other about our lives atleast once in month-
when I moved to his city, we thought of giving us a chance, u know in dating-with a condition
that if doesn’t go well, we will go back being friends-a mutual agreement-the thing between us
was so good, we didn’t want to risk it-we started dating and it went great-it has been around 3
years now since we started dating and we are planning to get hitched this december-I still
wonder-if I had not attended the conference, which I almost didn’t, I wouldn’t have met him-I
believe everything happens for a reason.

69. Describe a special day that made you happy

I am fortunate that there have been many happy days in my life-here I would like to talk about a day
which is one of the best days I ever had-it was my first day in a new job-I was replacing someone who
has got fired and so there was no one to give orientation-I was hoping my first to be less hectic but it
turned out to be the opposite-I had to start the work on that day itself-and it was too much to take in-
I told my boyfriend about the situation and he offered to pick me up once its over-so I was coming out
of the office and there he was, with a chocolate ice cream cone in his hands-I smiled-it was very
romantic-he is not the kind who shows such gestures-that small act made me forget about all the
stress I had that day-I took the ice cream and he took me to our usual place for dinner-that is one
special day-which became special with just an ice cream-that made me happy.

70. Describe a picture/photograph I your room that you like

Close friends-photo wall of my home-collection of photos-clicked the photo-selfie-brings back
nostalgic memories-got it framed last year-digital camera-captures precious moments

71. Gift you took long time to choose/make-harry chess board

72. Describe an experience when you played and indoor game-chess with Harry

73. Describe a time when you were sleepy but had to stay awake
Last time when i went to india-flight was at 5-had to home by 3-wanted to surprise family by being at
doorstep when they wake up-day of journe-last minute shopping-roaming around here and there-
exhausted and tired-skipped lunch, so had to take a heavy dinner-all packing were done by 11-had
around 3 hours to skip-day was so busy, all i wanted was to hit the sack-i was excited on going back
home as well-mixed emotions-working day next day-roommates offered to stay up, but i restrained as i
know they had to get up early next day-one of my friend will come and pick me up anyways-to drop
me off-thought of watching a movie or something but i knew i will slip of to sleep-it was realy hard-i
culd feel the ache in my eyes-somehow managed to pass time-made myself a coffee-repacked and what
not-it was all worth t-next day morning when my mother opened the door i was there-it goes without
saying she was over the moon-jumping and crying at the same time-it had been around 1and half year
when i visited-it was a happy day

74. Describe a practical skill you learned

75. Describe a new skill you want to learn- french

Profeciency-world language-5 continents-300 million people- language for international job
market-French is reasonably easy for English speakers to pick up-give you the chance to
experience more of modern culture.- sheer love of it-not for any stereotypical reasons- time spent
on French will be a good investment,

76. Describe your idea of a perfect home/dream house –keith

77. Describe a newly built public facility that improved local life quality

78. Talk about something that you borrowed from your friend
Laptop-corona time-lend-

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