Project Proposal - Ravi Sadrani

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Project Title

Energy Management Systems(EMS) through Internet Of Things(IOT)

Huber Group Ltd.

By Ravi Sadrani

Faculty Mentor
Prof. Sachin Sonawane

Project Proposal

An energy management system involves developing and implementing an energy
policy, setting achievable targets for energy use, and designing action plans to reach
them and measure progress. This might include implementing new energy-efficient
technologies, reducing energy waste or improving current processes to cut energy
An energy management system (EMS) is a framework for energy consumers,
including industrial, commercial and public sector organizations, to manage their
energy use. It helps companies identify opportunities to adopt and improve energy-
saving technologies, including those that do not necessarily require high capital
investment. In most cases, the successful implementation of an EMS requires
specialized expertise and staff training.
They have succeeded in reducing energy costs; reducing other related costs; reducing
their exposure to volatile energy prices and often; more importantly, in getting better
control over their technical processes and improving productivity and process stability.
If your organization is willing to put in the effort and commitment to implement an
effective EMS, it can help to transform many aspects of your technical processes.
Other objectives include no breakdown of maintenance and no surprise to operation
and also saving to organization.
There are now many hundreds of examples of industrial and other organizations that
have significantly improved their energy performance through the implementation of
an EMS.
To save energy costs upto 1-10% annually.
The most important goal that can be achieved is to our steady efforts to monitor and
manage our energy resources.

Proposed Methodology:

 The main issues of the proposed methodology are: historical data analysis,
energy consumption characterization, energy consumption forecasting, energy
consumption control, energy budgeting and energy machines management
optimization. The methodology supports an industrial plant to:
 Identify areas of energy wastage - for example by determining the proportion of
energy that does not directly contribute to production and that is often a source of
energy savings;

 Understand energy consumption of the processes - by establishing a relationship

between energy use and production;

 Highlight changes to energy consumption patterns - these are either a result of a

specific action to improve efficiency or due to an unknown factor which may
have a detrimental effect upon efficiency and may lead to process failure or poor
quality product;

 Identify sporadic faults or events - by alerting operators if excursions from

normal, or predicted, production performance are observed;

 Reach an optimal condition in terms of supplying, generation, distribution and

utilization of energy in a plant by means of a continuous improvement approach
based on energy action cost- benefit evaluation.

The single operation described in the methodology steps has its own effectiveness in a
context showing an awareness lack about energy management concept. Nevertheless,
our intent is to point out the importance of introducing each step in a non-ending loop,
granting continuous energy management improvements and a constant reduction of
energy consumptions and costs.

The different phases are:

 Energy cost & consumption data collection;

 Energy cost & consumption data analysis;

 Energy forecasting at plant level;

 Sub-metering energy use;

 Tariff analysis and contract renewal;

 Energy budgeting and control;

 Energy monitoring and control;

Time Frame (in weeks) Proposed Activities
Getting familiar with the functioning
1 of the company & learning basics of
Learning the theory of all software
2-3 testing processes. Going through
examples and working on dummy
Learn and observe working of
4 automated processes of HMI(Human
Machine Interface) and
Scada(Supervisory Control and Data
Finalizing the project and start working
5 on the older system installed
CMS(Calibration Management
Getting familiar with the project
6 details, reading project related
documents besides working on project.
7 Perform Data Ana lys is on software
and confirm it through Physical
Submission of a detailed report and
8 conclude.


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