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Doctor John Snow

By Kellie Mutesi De wildt.

Who is he?

He was born on March 15th 1813 in Yorkshire

and died on the 6th of june 1858 in London. He
was an English physician known for his seminal
studies of cholera and widely viewed as the
father of contemporary epidemiology.
The beginning

At that time there was a dangerous disease going around. Everyone thought it was
spread by air but that didn't solve anything. More and more people were dying, but there
was a man called John Snow who used GIS and solved the problem.
What did he do?

● Had an idea that cholera was spread by water.

● Started with a map of the Soho area, and marked on it all the households where
people died. (he used a geographical grid to chart deaths from the outbreak.)
● He also marked the water pumps
● Looked for patterns and found out that most of the deaths were around the water
pumps. (mostly from the one in broad street.)
● Interviewed people and found out that those victims had used the pump on the
Broad street pump.
● He had to convince the council that the pump from Broad street was the source of
cholera. The pump was removed.

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