SK Word

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Drag to Up/Down/Left/Right = Select as on Direction

Double Click : Select Word

Triple Click : Select Paragraph
Ctrl+Click : Select Sentence

Shift+Arrow : Select as on Direction

Ctrl+Sh+Arrow : Select as on Direction+Jump
Shift+Home : Select Upto Beginning of Line
Shift+End : Select upto Last of Line
Ctrl+Sh+Home : Select upto the Beginning of document
Ctrl+Sh+End : Select upto the Last of document
Ctrl+A : Select All

Ctrl+X : Cut
Ctrl+ C : Copy
Ctrl+V : Paste

Ctrl+Sh+C : Copy Format

Ctrl+Sh+V : Paste Format

Ctrl+ Space : Clear Formatting

Ctrl+B : Bold
Ctrl+I : Italics
Ctrl+U : Underline

Ctrl+Sh+= : Super Script

Ctrl+= : Sub Script

Shift+F3 : Select Case (Title Case/ Toggle Case/ Lower Case/ Uppr Case)
Ctrl+Sh+> : Increase Font Size
Ctrl+Sh+< : Decrease Font Size
Ctrl+[ : Decrearse Font (1pt)
Ctrl+] : Increase font (p1t)

Ctrl+ A = Select All

B = Bold
C = Copy
D = Format Font
E = Center Alignment
F = Find
G = Goto
H = Replace
I = Italic
J = Justify
K = Hyperlink
L = Left Alignment
M = Indent
N = New
O = Open
P = Print
Q = Reset Para
R = Right Alignment
S = Save
T = Hanging Indent
U = Underline
V = Paste
W = Close
X = Cut
Y = Redo
Z = Undo
1 = Single Line Spacing
2 = Double Line Spacing
5 = 1.5 Line Spacing

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