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[The parliamentary meeting begins with the Chair calling the meeting to order.

Chair: Good morning, everyone. For today’s meeting I will be the presiding officer. And Ms.
Lundagan will be assigned as secretary, responsible for the minutes of this meeting.

First, May I request Ms. Lundagan to conduct a roll call to identify the attendees for today’s


Chair: Thank you, Ms. Lundagan. Proceeding, the agenda for today’s meeting will be “the
proposal of establishing YECS as a student cooperative”.

[ Nag raise og hand si MS. VENTURES]

CHAIR: Yes, you are recognized.

MS. VENTURES: MS. Chairman, is it possible for the secretary to read the minutes from the
previous meeting?(POINT OF INQUIRY)

MS. SASOTANA: I move to supend the standing motion,due to the reason that It might delay
the flow of our current matters.(SUSPEND THE RULE)

CHAIR: To divide the house, Please raise your right hand if you agree to move the time frame of
the reading of minutes from previous meeting, from ____ AM to ____ AM after the meeting.— 8

CHAIR: Please raise your right hand if you disagree to move the time frame of the reading of
minutes from previous meeting, from ____ AM to ____ AM after the meeting.— 1 VOTES

CHAIR: Following the decision of the body with 8 votes against 1, The postpone action definitely
to move the time frame of the reading of minutes, from ____ AM to ___AM after the meeting, is
hereby APPROVED.

CHAIR: Now is the time for the presenting of agenda.

Chair: Proceeding, the MAIN MOTION for today’s meeting will be “the proposal of establishing
YECS as a student cooperative”.
 But in breakdown we will first discuss the Election of Yecs president.
 Second, the presentation of proposal.

Chair : Are there any objections to the agenda?[NONE]

CHAIR: First is the election of President for YECS
Chair : “ The table is now open for nomination for the position of President of YECS”


Ms. Toleno: I nominate MR. LAMOSTE to be the president of YECS”

CHAIR: Are there any more nominations?


MR. LACOSTE: I nominate MR. CORTES for the position”

MR. CANOY: I close the nomination.

MR. LAMOSTE: I second the motion
MR. CANOY: I request to withdraw my motion, Due to the reason that someone still wants to
nominate another person for the position.( WITHDRAW MOTION)

CHAIR: MR. CANOY’S request for withdrawal of this motion has strong stated reason,
therefore, it is hereby APPROVED. [1 KNOCK]

[MR. CORTES raised his hands]

CHAIR: Yes, you are recognized.

MR. CORTES: I raise my point of information to inform this body that I will not be attending this
school anymore, starting tomorrow,therefore, If ever I am elected I won’t be able to to fulfill my
duties anymore. (POINT OF INFORMATION)

CHAIR: Due to the point of information of MR. CORTES, We will divide the house to decide
whether we will still include MR.CORTES to the election, or disqualify him as possible candidate
for the position.

CHAIR: All those who preside to still include MR. CORTES please say “aye”.

CHAIR: All those who preside to disqualify MR. CORTES please say “nay”- MADAOG NI

CHAIR: Following the decision of the body,Viva voce, the disqualification of MR. CORTES won
as the pleasure of the body. [2 KNOCKS]

CHAIR: Any remarks?[NONE]

CHAIR : Proceeding, The continuation of election presides, The table is still open for


MR. CORTES: I nominate MS. TOLERO for the position.

MR. CANOY: I close the nomination

MR. LAMOSTE : I second the motion

CHAIR: The continuation of election is APPROVED. [1 KNOCK]

CHAIR: We will now proceed to Votation.
 Raise your right hand if you are in favor of MR. LAMOSTE? 5 VOTES
 To those who are in favor of MR. CORTES may do the same. 2 VOTES
 Raise your right hand if you are in favor of MS. TOLERO? 2 VOTES
CHAIR: Congratulations, MR. LAMOSTE, for winning as YECS president, with 5 votes against 2
& 2 votes.

CHAIR: Are there any remarks for the previous matter?

CHAIR: Raise your right hand if you preside to move forward to the next matter- 9
CHAIR: Following the pleasure of the body, We will now close our first matter, APPROVED. [1

CHAIR: Presentation of proposal to higher ups.
MS. VENTURES : I move to amend the proposal to include a proposal making workshop before
presenting of proposal.

[Ventures proposes an amendment, demonstrating the skill of "Making a Motion."]

MR. CANOY: Second.

[Another member seconds the motion, fulfilling the requirement for a second.]

Chair: The motion to amend has been made and seconded. Is there any discussion on the
proposed amendment?

MR. CORTES: I support the amendment as it will ensure transparency and engagement among

[Members engage in brief discussion, expressing their views.]

Chair: Seeing no further discussion, we will proceed to vote on the motion to amend. All those in
favor, please signify by saying "aye."

[The Chair conducts a vote, employing the skill of "Taking a Vote."]

[Members express their agreement.]

Chair: All those opposed, please signify by saying "nay."

[No opposition is voiced.]

Chair: The motion to amend passes. The proposal is now amended.

[The Chair announces the outcome of the vote and proceeds accordingly.]

MS. DADISON: I move to postpone action definitely on the main motion until our next meeting
to allow for further research.(POSTPONE ACTION DEFINITELY)

[Member 5 proposes to postpone action, demonstrating parliamentary skill.]

Chair: Is there a second for the motion to postpone action?

[The Chair seeks a second, adhering to parliamentary procedure.]


[A second member seconds the motion.]

Chair: The motion to postpone action has been made and seconded. All those in favor, please
say "aye."

[The Chair conducts a vote.]

[Members express their agreement.]

Chair: All those opposed, please say "nay."

[The Chair seeks opposition.]

[No opposition is voiced.]

Chair: The motion to postpone action is approved. The discussion on the main motion will be
postponed until our next meeting.

[The Chair manages the outcome of the vote and informs the assembly accordingly.]

Chair: If there are no further motions or points of order, we will proceed to adjournment.

[The Chair prepares to conclude the meeting.]

MS. TOLERO: I move to adjourn.Becuse, there are still personal matters that we have to deal

[MS. TOLERO proposes adjournment.]

Chair: Is there a second?

[The Chair seeks a second.]


[A member seconds the motion.]

Chair: The motion to adjourn has been made and seconded. All those in favor, please say

[The Chair conducts a vote.]

[Members express their agreement.]

Chair: All those opposed, please say "nay."

[The Chair seeks opposition.]

[No opposition is voiced.]

Chair: The motion to adjourn is approved. This parliamentary meeting is now adjourned. Thank
you all for your participation.

[The Chair concludes the meeting, fulfilling the final parliamentary action.]

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