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Writing a POsition Paper…

In a position paper, the introduction has two primary goals:
To identify the issue. (This is the focus of your paper.)
To state your assertion. (This is the thesis statement of your paper.)
Start your introduction with a clever hook—you know, something that’s going to grab a reader’s attention. These
first few lines of your essay will not only identify the subject of your paper, but they’ll also make your readers want
to learn more.
Your introduction should end with a solid thesis statement that expresses your position on the topic.
Keep in mind that you’re writing a research-based position. That means you’ll likely be writing in third-person.
(You’re not writing your opinion, which will usually be written in first-person.)

Here’s what a brief introduction to a position paper might look like:

“Students who used an interactive, digital version of an Algebra 1 textbook for Apple’s iPad in California’s Riverside
Unified School District in 2012 scored 20 percent higher on standardized tests versus students who learned with
print textbooks” ( With the ever-increasing pressures of standardized testing, and with the need for
students to compete in a global economy, students need every edge they can get. Using tablets instead of textbooks
can give students the advantage they need. Yet this small increase in test scores is not the only advantage of
replacing textbooks with tablets. Tablets are also less expensive than textbooks and are a lighter option for students.

This introduction opens with a quote to grab the reader’s attention (the hook), introduces the topic, and ends with a
thesis statement that states the position (that tablets should replace textbooks in the classroom).

Body paragraphs
The body section forms the core of your essay and will consist of at least three body paragraphs. Each paragraph will
contain a main argument that will help clarify and support your position. In these paragraphs, you’ll include
evidence, such as quotes, statistics, and interviews that support each argument.

If you’re looking for help with finding evidence, read 5 Best Resources to Help with Writing a Research Paper.

The body section of the paper is also where you’ll address the opposition. Examining the opposing viewpoint will
strengthen your argument because you will be able to not only illustrate the counterargument, but also refute the
claim and explain why your point of view is valid.

Here’s a sample outline for the body of my position paper: Tablets should replace textbooks in the classroom

Argument 1: Tablets increase standardized test scores

Evidence from sources:

1. “A research study, conducted in Auburn, Maine showed that kindergarten students using iPads scored much
higher on literacy tests than students that didn’t use the device.
2. “Among the main findings were that fractions knowledge increased an average of 15%, and participants
gained confidence in their fractions ability and reported liking fractions more after playing the game [on an
iPad]” (

Argument 2: Tablets cost 50%-60% less than textbooks

Evidence from sources:

1. “Discovery’s lessons – branded ‘Techbooks’ that run on laptops, desktops, iPads or other tablets – run
between $38 and $55 per student for a six-year subscription. The average traditional textbook is $70 per
student” (Schools shift from textbooks to tablets).
2. “According to the FCC, the U.S. spends about $7 billion per year on textbooks, but many of them are seven
to ten years out of date. Advocates believe using tablets instead will save money and improve learning” (The
Future of Education: Tablets vs. Textbooks).

Argument 3: Tablets are lighter than textbooks

Evidence from sources:

1. “Benefits of students using tablets instead of textbooks are that they’re lighter than print textbooks, can
hold hundreds of books in one place, have the ability to expand memory to hold even more information, and
are cheaper than textbooks” (As More Schools Embrace Tablets, Do Textbooks Have a Fighting Chance?).
2. “Between studying, homework and extracurricular activities, going back to school may make kids feel like
they have the weight of the world on their shoulders. And sometimes, they literally do. After you pile a
lunch, school supplies, binders and textbooks—which typically weigh 3.5 lbs each—into your child’s
backpack, the load he or she is lugging around could be huge … and potentially dangerous. According to the
U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, at least 14,000 children are treated for backpack-related injuries
every year” (The Dangers Of Heavy Backpacks — And How Kids Can Wear Them Safely).

Counterargument: Tablets cause too many distractions in the classroom

Evidence from source:

1. “…a consistent finding across several studies was that the iPad could potentially be a distraction as it is
associated more with entertainment then [sic] education. The ability to connect to the Internet is another
big potential source of temptation away from the learning job in hand. Multitasking is highly prevalent with
screen technology, and evidence is clear that multitasking during study or learning hinders academic
performance” (Five Reasons iPads Should NOT Be In Classrooms).

Evidence from source(s) to refute opposing view:

1. There’s a reason that students are so often distracted by their digital devices: they’re interesting. But who’s
to say learning outside the device can’t be just as compelling? Engage students with projects that challenge
them and give them creative autonomy” (7 Ways to Deal With Digital Distractions in Class).

THE TAKEAWAY: Before you start drafting your position paper, you should have the following:

 At least three solid arguments to support your position, with at least two pieces of evidence to support each
of these arguments.
 At least one counterargument, with at least one piece of evidence to support the opposing view.
 At least one piece of evidence to refute the counterargument.

The concluding paragraph(s) will re-emphasize the key arguments of the paper. You don’t want to simply repeat the
key ideas, and you don’t want to reword the introduction. Instead, you want to stress the importance of your ideas.
You may even want to suggest possible solutions.

Here’s a sample conclusion:

Ultimately, using tablets over textbooks is a smart strategy for schools. Even though tablets can become a
distraction, they also have the potential to increase standardized tests scores, save schools money, and relieve
students of the burdens of heavy backpacks. With so many advantages, tablets should replace textbooks in the

This conclusion provides a brief overview of the paper’s key points and a statement to again emphasize the position.

Here’s the outline structure I used above in bare bones form. Use this as a guide for your own position paper

1. Introduction
1. Hook
2. Identify the issue
3. State your position
2. Body Paragraphs

1. Argument #1

1. First piece of evidence

2. Second piece of evidence

2. Argument #2
1. First piece of evidence
2. Second piece of evidence
3. Argument #3

1. First piece of evidence

2. Second piece of evidence

4. Counterargument

1. Evidence from source(s)

2. Evidence from source(s) to refute opposing view

3. Conclusion

1. Overview of the paper’s key points

2. Statement to emphasize the position

If you need to add extra levels to your position paper outline (for whatever reason), make sure to follow these
simple rules for outlining.

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