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International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE)

ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-7, Issue-6S5, April 2019

Comparison of Cost Effectiveness Analysis

(CEA) for Chronic Disease Management
Program (Prolanis) Participants and Non
Participants (Non Prolanis) on BPJS Kesehatan
Diabetes Patients Year 2014 - 2016
Indrianti Wakhyuni, Dan Aty Herawati

Abstract: An estimated of 5.1 million people in the world

aged between 20 and 79 years die of diabetes mellitus in 2013 and
the cost of health services for people with diabetes is 2-3 times
higher than those who are not (International Diabetes
Federation, 2015). In Indonesia National Health Insurance
diabetes mellitus in the world. It is estimated that in 2040
Program (JKN), diabetes mellitus patients are being managed in the number of people with diabetes mellitus in Indonesia can
a Chronic Disease Management Program called PROLANIS. reach to 16.2 million people [1].
The purpose of this study is to analyze and compare the Diabetes mellitus and its complications have created a huge
cost-effectiveness of diabetes mellitus which are managed with economic burden for individuals, families, and the countries.
PROLANIS from those which are not (NON PROLANIS). The The cost of healthcare of people with diabetes is 2-3 times
analysis and comparison run for outpatient, inpatient, than non-diabetic people. Costs incurred for diabetes are
emergency, and patients with complication. The calculation of 10.8% of the world's health spending in 2013 and spend
cost effectiveness analysis (CEA) is done through the calculation
of ACER and ICER. Research methodologies used are descriptive
11.6% of the world's health costs in 2015. As many as 80% of
analysis, Kolmogorov Smirnov’s normality test, and Mann countries report costs incurred for diabetes are between 5%
Whitney non parametric test. The result shows significant and 20% of total healthcare spending in their country.
differences between costs and cases that are managed under (International Diabetes Federation, 2015).
PROLANIS and NON PROLANIS for outpatient, inpatient, and The Health System in Indonesia is managed by BPJS
emergencies, while for patients with complications there is no Kesehatan through the National Health Insurance Program
significant difference of cases. PROLANIS is proven to be more (JKN). BPJS Kesehatan data Aplication of Business
cost-effective in managing diabetes mellitus than NON
Intelligence, 2017, shows that the financing to be borne by
BPJS Kesehatan for diabetes mellitus and its complications
Index Terms: Diabetes Mellitus, Prolanis, Non Prolanis, Cost in 2016 amounted to 1.98 trillion rupiahs or an increase of
Effective. 60.44% from health care costs for diabetes mellitus in 2014.
I. INTRODUCTION BPJS Kesehatan manages people with diabetes through the
Chronic Disease Management Program (Prolanis) with
Diabetes mellitus disease is a group of metabolic diseases participation based on willingness, consequently, not all
that have characteristics of hyperglycemia (high glucose people with diabetes join Prolanis (Non Prolanis). Prolanis
levels in the blood). Diabetes mellitus is the 6th highest cause for diabetes mellitus aims to improve the quality of life of
of death in the world. An estimated 5.1 million people people with diabetes (diabetics) who have joined the
worldwide aged between 20 and 79 years old die of diabetes program. In the long term it is expected that Prolanis can
mellitus by 2013 and 48% of them are under 60 years old and control the cost of health services of diabetes mellitus
an estimate of 1 in 11 adults have diabetes (International effectively and rationally [2].
Diabetes Federation, 2015). Prolanis that have been implemented must be evaluated,
In Indonesia, 10 million Indonesians have diabetes one of which with health economic evaluation, that is by
mellitus by 2015 or an increase of 9.8% compared to 2014, comparing cost effectiveness analysis between Prolanis and
making Indonesia the sixth largest number of people with Non Prolanis. A cost effective comparison is performed using
the An Average Cost Effectiveness Ratio (ACER) and
Revised Manuscript Received on December 22, 2018. Incremental Cost Effectiveness Ratio (ICER). The study was
Indrianti Wakhyuni, Magister Manajemen Universitas Mercu Buana, conducted with the following objectives:
rianti.wakhyu@gmail.com 1. To know which is more cost effective between Prolanis
dan Aty Herawati, Magister Manajemen Universitas Marcu Buana,
and Non Prolanis viewed from the value of ACER
generated through the comparison of costs in the case of
Advanced Outpatient (RJTL)
2. To know which is more cost
effective between Prolanis and
Non Prolanis viewed from the

Published By:
Retrieval Number:F11610476S519/19©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
935 & Sciences Publication
Comparison of Cost Effectiveness Analysis (CEA) for Chronic Disease Management Program (Prolanis) Participants
and Non Participants (Non Prolanis) on BPJS Kesehatan Diabetes Patients Year 2014 - 2016

value of ACER generated through the comparison of Program (Prolanis). Prolanis is defined as a system that
costs in the case of Advanced Inpatient (RITL) combines health and communication service to populations
that have conditions in which self-reliance is the main thing.
The difference between Prolanis and Non Prolanis is that
participants who join Prolanis are managed more
comprehensively through routine activities such as education,
3. To know which is more cost effective between Prolanis physical activity, and monitoring the supporting
and Non Prolanis viewed from the value of ACER examinations [3][4]. In Prolanis there is also more intensive
generated through the comparison of costs in the case of contact between the doctor and the patient. It is hoped that
Emergency (ER) Prolanis can achieve a more optimal quality of life with
4. To know which is more cost effective between Prolanis health financing that is more rational than Non Prolanis. In
and Non Prolanis viewed from the value of ACER other words, Prolanis is expected to be more cost effective
generated through the comparison of costs in the case of than Non Prolanis.
5. To determine the required additional cost per 1 person III. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY
to achieve the same effectiveness as the programs that Based on literature review and previous research
are considered more cost effective (ICER) in RJTL, (Drummond, 2005), the research framework can be described
RITL, ER and Complications as follows:
The research design is quantitative comparative that is by
comparing case average and cost of RJTL, RITL, ER, and
Complication between Prolanis and Non Prolanis sample.
And then calculate ACER and ICER to know which is more
cost effective between Prolanis and Non Prolanis. The
sample of Prolanis participants was 164 people and Non
Prolanis was 996 people. The results of the study are
expected to show significant differences in case average and
costs of RJTL, RITL, ER and complications between Fig. 1. Research Framework
Prolanis and Non Prolanis, and Prolanis is more cost effective
than Non Prolanis. Based on the framework can be proposed research
hypothesis as follows:
II. THEORITICAL REVIEW Prolanis is more cost effective than Non Prolanis when
H1 calculated using the ACER cost formula in Advanced
American Diabetes Association (ADA), 2005, defines
diabetes mellitus as a group of metabolic diseases with Outpatient (RJTL)
characteristics of hyperglycemia that occurs due to defects in Prolanis is more cost effective than Non Prolanis when
H2 calculated using the ACER cost formula in Advanced
insulin secretion, insulin action, or both. Hyperglycemia is
one of the signs of diabetes mellitus. Hyperglycemia is a Inpatient (RITL)
condition in which the increase in blood glucose levels Prolanis is more cost effective than Non Prolanis when
H3 calculated using the ACER cost formula in the case of
exceeds the normal limit.
Diabetes mellitus can cause complications. The chronic Emergency (ER)
complications of diabetes mellitus are rampant throughout Prolanis is more cost effective than Non Prolanis when
H4 calculated using the ACER cost formula in the case of
the body. In addition to hair loss, ears ringing or deafness,
frequent changes of eyeglasses (in a year), cataracts at an complications
early age, and developing glaucoma (elevated eyebrow Prolanis is more cost effective than Non Prolanis where
pressure, and may end with blindness), blindness due to it takes an additional cost for 1 Non-Prolanist
H5 participant to achieve the effectiveness as high as
retinopathy, nerve palsy occurs after 10-15 years. Coronary
heart attack, nephropathy, paralyzed nerves, or gangrene ProLine in the cases of RJTL, RITL, ER and
appears in the legs and feet, as well as stroke. Diabetes Complications
Mellitus is a 48.3% cause of Chronic Renal Failure (GGK)
A. Data Analysis Technique
which further requires dialysis action. [6][7][8].
Definition from Diseases Management Association of Data were analyzed with descriptive analysis, data
America, 2003, Diseases Management Program (DMP) is a feasibility analysis with Kolmogorov - Smirnov normality
system that combines the management of health services and test, if the data were normally distributed then the next
communication for a group of participants with certain analysis used was independent parametric test samples t-test.
disease conditions through the efforts of handling the disease However, since the data is not normally distributed, the
independently. Another goal of DMP implementation is to parametric test changes to Mann Whitneyy Non parametric
reduce the incidence of hospitalization and complications for test[12].
people with chronic diseases. Good DMP requires the
integration of both primary and advanced health care services
and the role of health workers (doctors, nurses, nutritionists, IV. FINDINGS
A. Characteristic Samples
DMP in Indonesia is organized by BPJS Kesehatan and is
known by the name of Chronic Disease Management The sample is a participant of

Published By:
Retrieval Number:F11610476S519/19©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
936 & Sciences Publication
International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE)
ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-7, Issue-6S5, April 2019

BPJS Health with Diabetes who have joined in Prolanis 144,

1,501,1 135, 46,39 1,732,6
and not yet joined (Non Prolanis). The method used is Cost 70,1
900 17.38 900 4,157 89.32
Purposive sampling with inclusion criteria of 85
participants who have experienced outpatient, RITL Case 1 7 1.41 1 26 1.75
inpatient, emergency and at least 2 time of 1,57 52,0 1,42 206,7
7,550,5 10,017,
complication. The number of Prolanis sample is 196 Cost 3,50 15,8 2,50 37,35
62.84 319.18
people and Non Prolanis sample is 996 people. 0 00 0 7
Characteristic Samples is describes in the matriks: ER Case 1 19 1.49 1 31 1.84
131, 466,55 129, 14,78 504,05
Table I. Characteristic Samples Prolanis and Non Prolanis Cost 04,1
700 6.34 500 6,000 7.64
Non 00
Prolanis Total
Prolanis Comp
Keterangan licatio Case 2 144 16.59 2 289 20.29
Juml Juml Juml
% % % ns
ah ah ah
Jenis Kelamin 292, 539,3
304, 27,009, 314, 34,151,
46.34 47.6 47.5 Cost 123, 03,05
Laki-laki 76 475 551 831 745.64 400 681.77
% 9% 0% 013 6
53.66 52.3 52.5 4,47 300, 4,36 572,1
Perempuan 88 521 609 Total 42,060, 53,777,
% 1% 0% 0,77 410, 9,49 87,60
Medical Cost 754.82 923.13
Usia 2 788 0 6
Source: sample data is processed
1.22 1.00 1.03
< 45 2 10 12
% % % C. Data Feasibility Analysis
14.02 15.2 15.0
45 – 55 23 152 175 From the test result with Kolmogorov Smirnov
% 6% 9%
method that the value of Asymp.Sig. (2-tailed) is less
84.76 83.7 83.8
> 55 139 834 973 than 0.05 this means that all tested data is not normally
% 3% 8%
Status distributed so it is not feasible to test Parametrik
Pernikahan independent samples t-test so that the test is changed
3.66 3.21 3.28 into a Mann Whitneyy Non Parametric test.
Belum Menikah 6 32 38
% % %
87.20 86.1 86.2
Menikah 143 858 1001
% 4% 9%
9.15 10.6 10.4
Bercerai 15 106 121 D. Uji Non Parametrik Mann Whitneyy
% 4% 3%
Segmen Peserta Mann Whitney Non Parametric Test Results as
Pekerja 36.59 35.1 35.3 follows:
60 350 410
Penerima Upah % 4% 4%
Bukan Pekerja 104
64.5 Table II. Mann Whitney Test recapitulation matrix
% 6% 7% (Value of Asymp. Sig. (2 tailed))
Pekerja Bukan 0.00 0.10 0.09
0 1 1
Penerima Upah % % %
Kelas Rawat Asymp.Sig.
78.05 77.7 77.7 Variable (2 tailed) Interpretation
1 (satu) 128 774 902
% 1% 6%
There are
21.95 22.2 22.2
2 (dua) 36 222 258 significant
% 9% 4%
0.00 0.00 0.00
RJTL Case 0.033 differences
3 (tiga) 0 0 0 There are
% % %
Source: sample data is processed significant
Cost 0.005 differences
B. Descriptive Analysis
There are
Prolanis and Non Prolanis sample data processing is done significant
using SPSS version 21, with the following recapitulation:
RITL Case 0.014 differences
Table I. Recapitulation Matrix of Statistical Descriptive There are
Results significant
Non Prolanis (n = Cost 0.017 differences
Prolanis (n = 164)
Variable 996)
Min. Max. Mean Min. Max. Mean
RJTL Case 1 32 6.65 1 88 8.46

Published By:
Retrieval Number:F11610476S519/19©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
937 & Sciences Publication
Comparison of Cost Effectiveness Analysis (CEA) for Chronic Disease Management Program (Prolanis) Participants
and Non Participants (Non Prolanis) on BPJS Kesehatan Diabetes Patients Year 2014 - 2016

There are Prolani achieve

significant s is effectivenes
ER Case 0.036 differences more s as high as
There are cost Prolanis
significant effectiv
Cost 0.012 differences e
There are not ACER
significant Prolani It takes Rp
Complications Case 0.233 differences s is 1,930,253
There are lower. for Non
Com 1,930,
significant 2,535,3 2,650 Prolani Prolanis to
plica 253.0
Cost 0.009 differences 08 ,464 s is achieve
tions 0
There are more effectivenes
Total Medical significant cost s as high as
Cost 0.001 differences effectiv Prolanis
Source: sample data is processed
Source: sample data is processed
F. Discussion
E. ACER and ICER Calculations Based on the results of the analysis, the results of
Calculation of Cost Effectiveness Analysis (CEA) is research will be discussed and interpreted as follows:
done using the formula of An Average Cost 1) Comparison of Average Direct Medical Cost
Effectiveness Ratio (ACER) and Incremental Cost (TBM) to Average Case of RJTL (Hypothesis 1
Effectiveness Ratio (ICER) with the following results: is accepted)
In the comparison of ACER Cost to RJTL Cases it is
Table III. Comparison Matrix of ACER Comparison
found that Prolanis is more cost effective than Non
and ICER Value
Prolanis shown through ACER Prolanis value is lower
ACER than ACER Non Prolanis and the difference is
Vari Non Interpretat significant in the Mann Whitneyy Non Parametric Test
able Prolan Prol Interpr ion with α 5%.
is etation
anis These results are in line with research conducted by
ACER Stock, et. al (2011) in Disease Management Programs
Prolani It takes Rp can improve quality of care for the chronically ill, even
s is 127.940 for in a weak Primary Care System: a Case Study from
lower. Non Germany, they had conducted a survey using PACIC
RJT 6,324,9 6,356 Prolani 127,9 Prolanis to and EQ-5D instruments that showed that DMP has a
L 25 ,728 s is 40.30 achieve positive impact on quality of life (more structured care,
more effectivenes reduced costly complications, controlled HbA1C, and
cost s as high as integrated health services). The economic evaluation
effectiv Prolanis also shows the cost effectiveness through the
e decreasing of the utilization of the hospital.
ACER The analysis on the cause that Prolanis can be more
Prolani It takes Rp cost effective, among others is that in Prolanis, first
s is 7,254,636 level health service is given more comprehensively.
lower. for Non The Prolanis participants are given routine education,
29,830, 30,73 Prolani Prolanis to health monitoring/supporting laboratory that can be
RITL 636.2
322 0,241 s is achieve done in the first level and service of referral medicines.
more effectivenes This caused Prolanis participants do not have to make
cost s as high as frequent visits to RJTL compared to non-Prolanis
effectiv Prolanis participants because the first level service was already
e sufficient. Non-Prolanis participants should visit RJTL
ACER It takes Rp regularly to RS to obtain
28,228, 29,22 Prolani 107,1 107,146 for chronic drugs or supporting
694 7,132 s is 46.58 Non laboratory services. This is
lower. Prolanis to why the number of cases and

Published By:
Retrieval Number:F11610476S519/19©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
938 & Sciences Publication
International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE)
ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-7, Issue-6S5, April 2019

costs of Non-Prolanis Participant RJTL is higher than

that of Prolanis participants.
Policy of fare system at BPJS Kesehatan for health
service insurance is divided into 2 (two), first level and
advanced level. At first level service, financing is done 3) Comparison of Average Direct Medical Cost
through capitation mechanism. Capitation fare, which (TBM) to Average Case of ER (Hypothesis 3 is
is the monthly fee paid in advance by BPJS Kesehatan accepted)
to the First Level Health Facility based on the number
In the ACER cost comparison to ER Cases it was
of registered participants without taking into account
found that Prolanis was more cost effective than Non
the type and amount of health services provided.
Prolanis shown through the lower ACER Prolanis
Especially for chronic services and supporting
score compared to ACER Non Prolanis and the
laboratories, in accordance with applicable regulations
difference was significant in the Mann Whitneyy Non
set a special fare excluding Capitation budget.
Parametric Test with α 5%.
While financing at hospital service level, using
It is because the DM that is not well controlled will
Indonesian-Case Based Group fare system here in after
cause acute complications so that DM participants
called INA-CBG Rate is the amount of claim payment
experience emergency due to illness[10].
by BPJS Kesehatan to FKRTL for service package
Prolanis participants receive comprehensive services
based on grouping of disease diagnosis and procedure.
at the first level so that it will decrease the incidence of
Advanced financing is more expensive than the first
acute complications. Laboratory monitoring is done
routinely including monitoring of blood glucose every
month, HbA1C every 3-6 months. HbA1C is the best
indicator in performing monitoring for people with
DM. The UKPDS study results show that a 1%
2) Comparison of Average Direct Medical Cost decrease in HbA1C levels decreases the risk of death
(TBM) to Average Case of RITL (Hypothesis 2 is by 21%, heart attack by 14%, microvascular
accepted) complications by 37%, and peripheral vascular
In the comparison of ACER Costs to RITL Cases it disorders (amputation) by 43% (UKPDS in Stratton
was found that Prolanis is more cost effective than Non IM, et al 2000).
Prolanis shown through the ACER Prolanis value that The results are in line with previous studies
is lower than ACER Non Prolanis and the difference is conducted by Lorig, et.al (2001) that had conducted a
significant in the Mann Whitneyy Non Parametric Test study on the Effect of a Self-Management Program on
with α 5%. Patients with Chronic Diseases through a 1-year cohort
It is because Non-Prolanis participants are more study. They found that participants experienced
likely to be hospitalized than Prolanis participants. improved improvement in health behaviors (sports,
Inpatient Financing due to DM and its Complications is cognitive and communication with physicians) as well
a large financing burden for BPJS Kesehatan as the as improvements in health status (decrease shortness of
provider of health insurance for registered participants. breath, fatigue, and visits to the emergency room).
BPJS Kesehatan needs to think through and look for
appropriate strategies to increase the number of
Prolanis membership as well as methods to monitor the
health improvement outcomes of participants who have
joined Prolanis since the large number of Prolanis
participants will be meaningless without the effective
health monitoring control for Prolanis registered
participants. 4) Comparison of Average Direct Medical Cost
The result of this study is in accordance with (TBM) to Average Case of Complications
previous research conducted by Stock, et. al (2010) in (Hypothesis 4 is accepted)
the German Diabetes Management Programs Improve
In the comparison of ACER Cost to Complication
Quality Of Care And Curb Costs concluded that
Case it is found that Prolanis is more cost effective than
Complications of the disease (myocardial infarction,
Non Prolanis shown through ACER Prolanis value is
leg amputation, stroke, chronic renal failure) in
lower than ACER Non Prolanis but the difference is
diabetic patients incorporated in DMP is lower than
not significant in Mann Whitneyy Non Parametric Test
non-DMP patients. In addition, DMP patients have
with α 5% for Complication cases
lower medication and hospital costs, lower length of
but significant on cost difference.
hospital stay, and lower fares of hospitalization.
DM incidence rate is very
difficult to detect because the

Published By:
Retrieval Number:F11610476S519/19©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
939 & Sciences Publication
Comparison of Cost Effectiveness Analysis (CEA) for Chronic Disease Management Program (Prolanis) Participants
and Non Participants (Non Prolanis) on BPJS Kesehatan Diabetes Patients Year 2014 - 2016

general signs and clinical symptoms of DM are not too is said to be more cost effective if it has a smaller
visible so someone that diagnosed DM often already ACER value. There were also significant
has some chronic complications. It also happens with differences in case variables and RJTL costs
Prolanis participants, when registered as Prolanis between Prolanis versus Non Prolanis.
participants, participants have a history of 1, or more, 2. Prolanis is more cost effective than Non Prolanis
comorbidities (complications). If it is not managed when viewed from the value of ACER generated
properly then complications will be more severe, through cost comparison to RITL cases. A program
consequently participants are forced to get is said to be more cost effective if it has a smaller
hospitalization services due to these complications. ACER value. There were also significant
Al Maskari, et. al in 2010 had conducted Assessment differences in case variables and RITL costs
of the direct medical costs of diabetes mellitus and its between Prolanis versus Non Prolanis.
complications in the United Arab Emirates with the 3. Prolanis is more cost effective than Non Prolanis
results showed that indirect costs continue to increase when viewed from the value of ACER generated
and are directly proportional to the progression of through cost comparison to Emergency cases. A
diabetes and its complications. Integrated disease program is said to be more cost effective if it has a
management is needed to deal with diabetes and its smaller ACER value. There were also significant
complications in order to save costs in the future. differences in case variables and Emergency costs
In Prolanis, health quality management is undertaken between Prolanis versus Non Prolanis.
to prevent the severity of complications that have been 4. Prolanis is more cost effective than Non Prolanis
experienced and to reduce the incidence of when viewed from the value of ACER generated
hospitalization due to these complications, so that through cost comparison to complications cases. A
although the cases of complications do not have program is said to be more cost effective if it has a
significant differences between Prolanis versus Non smaller ACER value. There were also significant
Prolanis, but in terms of cost, Prolanis is able to control differences in case variables and Complications
the expenditure to handle such complications more costs between Prolanis versus Non Prolanis, while
efficiently[9]. in case of complications there is no significant
5) Calculation of the additional cost required to difference. This is because the symptoms of a
achieve higher effectiveness (Hypothesis 5 is person with diabetes mellitus are often not known
accepted) before, and only recently diagnosed when the
disease has experienced complications to 1 - 2
In the ICER calculation, the number of costs required
other diseases.
by Non Prolanis participants to achieve the
5. It takes a certain amount of cost per Non Prolanis
effectiveness of Prolanis in both RJTL, RITL, ER and
participant to achieve the same effectiveness as
Complications cases is acquired. The results are in line
Prolanis which is Rp 127.940 for RJTL case, Rp
with research conducted by Aryani (2016) even though
7,254,636 for RITL case, Rp 107,146 for ER case
the quality domain used is different. Aryani had
and Rp 1,930,253 for complication case.
conducted research on Cost Effectiveness Analysis
(CEA) Prolanis Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 Participant REFERENCES
of JKN in Serang city of Banten with PROLANIS
result that is more cost effective than Non PROLANIS 1. Al Maskari, F., El-Sadig, Al-Kaabi, J., Afandi, B.,
with ICER value of Rp.625.155, - for every better extra Nagelkerke, N., & Yeatts, K. (2010). Assessment
domain of social relation and Rp 969.369, - for every of the direct medical costs of diabetes mellitus and
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Published By:
Retrieval Number:F11610476S519/19©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
940 & Sciences Publication
International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE)
ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-7, Issue-6S5, April 2019

5. Drummond, M. (2005). Methods for the economic
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Retrieval Number:F11610476S519/19©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
941 & Sciences Publication

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