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Probability And Statistics are the two important

concepts in Maths. Probability is all about chance.
Whereas statistics is more about how we handle various
data using different techniques. It helps to represent
complicated data in a very easy and understandable way.

Probability denotes the possibility of the

outcome of any random event. The meaning of this term
is to check the extent to which any event is likely to
happen. For example, when we flip a coin in the air, what
is the possibility of getting a head? The answer to this
question is based on the number of possible outcomes.
Here the possibility is either head or tail will be the
outcome. So, the probability of a head to come as a result
is 1/2.

The probability is the measure of the likelihood of

an event to happen. It measures the certainty of the event.
The formula for probability is given by;

P(E) = Number of Favourable Outcomes/Number of

total outcomes

P(E) = n(E)/n(S)

Statistics is the study of the collection, analysis,

interpretation, presentation, and organization of data. It is
a method of collecting and summarising the data. This
has many applications from a small scale to large scale.
Whether it is the study of the population of the country
or its economy, stats are used for all such data analysis.
Statistics has a huge scope in many fields such as
sociology, psychology, geology, weather forecasting, etc.
The data collected here for analysis could be quantitative
or qualitative. Quantitative data are also of two types
such as: discrete and continuous. Discrete data has a
fixed value whereas continuous data is not a fixed data
but has a range. There are many terms and formulas used
in this concept. See the below table to understand them.


 Descriptive Statistics
Descriptive statistics deals with the presentation and
collection of data. This is usually the first part of a
statistical analysis. It is usually not as simple as it
sounds, and the statistician needs to be aware of
designing experiments, choosing the right focus group
and avoid biases that are so easy to creep into the
experiment. Different areas of study require different
kinds of analysis using descriptive statistics. For
example, a physicist studying turbulence in the
laboratory needs the average quantities that vary over
small intervals of time. The nature of this problem
requires that physical quantities be averaged from a host
of data collected through the experiment.

 Infererential Statistics
Inferential statistics, as the name suggests, involves
drawing the right conclusions from the statistical analysis
that has been performed using descriptive statistics. In
the end, it is the inferences that make studies important
and this aspect is dealt with in inferential statistics. Most
predictions of the future and generalizations about a
population by studying a smaller sample come under the
purview of inferential statistics. Most social sciences
experiments deal with studying a small sample
population that helps determine how the population in
general behaves. By designing the right experiment, the
researcher is able to draw conclusions relevant to his
study. While drawing conclusions, one needs to be very
careful so as not to draw the wrong or biased
conclusions. Even though this appears like a science,
there are ways in which one can manipulate studies and
results through various means. For example, data
dredging is increasingly becoming a problem as
computers hold loads of information and it is easy, either
intentionally or unintentionally, to use the wrong
inferential methods.


Probability and statistics, the branches of mathematics
concerned with the laws governing random events,
including the collection, analysis, interpretation, and
display of numerical data. Probability has its origin in the
study of gambling and insurance in the 17th century, and
it is now an indispensable tool of both social and natural
sciences. Statistics may be said to have its origin in
census counts taken thousands of years ago; as a distinct
scientific discipline, however, it was developed in the
early 19th century as the study of populations,
economies, and moral actions and later in that century as
the mathematical tool for analyzing such numbers. For
technical information on these subjects, see probability
theory and statistics. See also conditional probability,
probability density function, likelihood, and geometric

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