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Tax 43 (Business & Income Taxation)

Vat Payable

The corresponding liability on value added CASE A - Net of VAT approach

tax is generally computed as follows: Panatag Corporation, a VAT-registered
domestic corporation, reported gross sales
Output VAT (Gross Sales or Gross Receipts x 12%) P xxx
Less: Input VAT (Gross Purchases or Payments x 12%) xxx of P5,000,000 for the 3rd quarter of 2021.
VAT Payable/(Excess input VAT) P xxx Determine the correct output VAT for the
SOURCES of output VAT. Output VAT may
come from: Answer:
1. Actual sales Output VAT = Gross Sales x 12%
2. Transaction deemed sales = 5,000,000 x 12% = 600,000
3. Zero (0%) rated sales
CASE B - Gross of VAT approach
1. ACTUAL SALES (cash or on account) Panatag Corporation a VAT-registered
Sales where there are actual exchanges domestic corporation, reported gross sales
between buyer(s) and a seller(s) in the of P7,840,000 inclusive of VAT for the 3rd
ordinary course of trade or quarter of 2021. Determine the correct
business. output Vat for the quarter.

BASIS of the 12% output VAT: Answer:

● Sale of goods – gross selling price Output VAT = Gross Sales x 12/112
● Sale of services – gross receipts =5,000,000 x 12/112 = 840,000
● Sale by a dealer in securities –
NOTE: In actual situation, all sales are
gross income
presumed to be INCLUSIVE of VAT
● Sale of real properties – the
unless specified.
highest amount among selling
price, fair value provided by the
city/provincial assessor, and the 2. TRANSACTION DEEMED SALES
zonal value provided by the Under section 106(B) of the Tax Code,
Commissioner of Internal Revenue. certain transactions which are NOT
actually sales because of the absence of
actual exchange between the buyer and
seller, are considered or included in the
term ‘sale” for valued added tax purposes.

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Tax 43 (Business & Income Taxation)
Vat Payable

In a transaction deemed sale, the input VAT all “goods on hand” (as of the date of
was already used by the seller as a credit retirement or cessation), whether or not
against the output VAT. However, since the business is continued by the new
there was no actual sale, no output Vat is owner or successor. Goods on hand refer
actually charged to customers. to capital goods, stock in trade and
Consequently, the State will be deprived of supplies and materials (Basis should be the
its right to collect the output VAT. To avoid acquisition cost or market value whichever
a situation where a VAT-registered is lower)
taxpayer avail of input VAT credit without
being liable for the corresponding output RR 16-2005 as amended by RR 4-2007
VAT, certain transactions should be provides that the VAT provided in (d) shall
considered sales even in the absence of apply to goods or properties originally
actual sales. intended for sale or use in business, and
capital goods which are existing as of the
THE FOLLOWING TRANSACTIONS ARE occurrence of the following:
CONSIDERED DEEMED SALE 1. Change of business activity from VAT
a. Transfer, use or consumption NOT in the taxable status to VAT-exempt status. An
ordinary course of business of goods or example is a VAT-registered persons
properties ordinarily intended for sale or engaged in a taxable activity
use in the course of business. The basis in (wholesaler/retailer) who decides to
computing the applicable VAT shall be the discontinue such activity and engages
fair market value of the goods consumed. instead in any other business not subject
b. Distribution or transfer to: to VAT.
● Shareholders or investors as share 2. Approval of a request for cancellation of
in the profits of a VAT-registered registration due to reversion to exempt
persons; and status.
● Distribution or transfer to creditors 3. Approval of a request for cancellation of
in payment of debt or obligation registration due to a desire to revert to
Basis: Market Value exempt status after the lapse of three (3)
c. Consignments of goods if actual sale is consecutive years from the time of
not made within sixty (60) days following registration by a persons who voluntarily
the date such goods were consigned. registered despite being exempt under
Goods returned within the 60-day period (sec. 109 (2) of the Tax Code.
are NOT deemed sold. 4. Approval of a request for cancellation of
d. Retirement from or cessation of status registration of one who commenced
as VAT-registered person with respect to business with the expectation of gross

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Vat Payable

sales or receipts exceeding P3,000,000, as such zero rated sale, shall be available as
amended, but who failed to exceed this tax credit or refund in accordance with
amount during the first twelve months of existing regulations.
Purpose of Zero-Rating:
VAT (TRANSACTION DEEMED SALE) SHALL The zero rated seller become
NOT BE IMPOSED ON GOODS OR internationally competitive by allowing the
PROPERTIES EXISTING AS OF THE refund or credit of input taxes that are
OCCURRENCE OF THE FOLLOWING: attributable to export sales.
1. Change of control of a corporation by the
acquisition of the controlling interest of Rationale for zero rating of export sales:
such corporation by another stockholder The Philippine VAT system adheres to the
or group of stockholders. The goods or “Cross Border Doctrine” (also known as
properties used in business or those destination principle), according to which,
comprising the stock-in-trade of the not VAT shall be imposed to form part of
corporation, having a change in corporate the cost of the goods destined for
control, will not be considered sold, consumption outside of the territorial
bartered or exchanged despite the change border of the taxing authority.
in the ownership interest in the said
corporation FORMULA:
2. Change in the trade or corporate name Gross sales (regardless of shipping arrangement) P xxx
x VAT rate 0%
of the taxpayer OUTPUT VAT P0
3. Merger or consolidation of corporations. Less: INPUT VAT xxx **
The unused input tax of the dissolved
corporation, as of the date of merger or
The INPUT VAT attributable to zero rated
consolidation, shall be absorbed by the
(0%) sale may be:
new or surviving corporation.
a. Refunded; or
b. Claimed ad deduction/tax credit against
output VAT on domestic sales; or
c. Claimed as tax credit (TCC) against any
A “zero rated sale” of goods, properties
other internal revenue taxes.
and/or services by a VAT-registered person
is a taxable transaction for VAT purposes,
*** Refund of Input VAT on zero rated (0%)
but shall not result in any output tax.
However, the input tax on purchases of
goods, properties or services, related to

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Vat Payable

A VAT-registered person whose sales of ratably between his zero rated sales and
goods, properties or services are non-zero rated sales (sales subject to
zero-rated or effectively zero-rated may regular rate, subject to final VAT
apply for the issuance of a tax refund of withholding, and VAT exempt sales).
input VAT attributable on such sales. The
input VAT that may be subject of the claim EXPORT SALE BY A NON-VAT
shall exclude the portion of the input VAT REGISTERED ENTITY
that has been applied against the output Export sale by a Non-VAT registered entity
VAT. The application should be filed within is a VAT-exempt transaction. Under Section
two (2) years after the close of the taxable 109 of the Tax Code, a VAT exempt sale
quarter when such sales were made. refers to sale of goods, properties or
services or the use or lease of properties
In case of zero-rated sales under Secs. that is not subject to VAT (output tax) and
106(A)(2)(a)(1) and (3), Secs. 108(B)(1) and the seller/supplier is not allowed any tax
2 of the Tax Code, the payments for the credit of VAT (input tax) on purchases
sales must have been make in acceptable related to such exempt transaction.
foreign currency duly accounted for in
accordance with BSP rules and regulations. Gross Sales P xxx
x VAT rate N/A VAT exempt
Where the taxpayer is engaged in both OUTPUT TAX P0
zero-rated or effectively zero-rated sales Less: INPUT TAX N/A Not Allowed
and in taxable (including sales subject to VAT PAYABLE -
final withholding VAT) or exempt sales of
goods, properties or services, and the The VAT paid by Non-VAT registered
amount of creditable input VAT due or paid purchasers of goods or services shall be
cannot be directly or entirely attributed to treated by the purchasers either as part of
any one of the transactions, only the its operation expenses or cost.
proportionate share of input VAT allocated
to zero-rated or effectively zero rated ZERO RATED SALE/EXPORT SALE OF
sales can be claimed for refund or issuance GOODS
of a tax credit certificate. The following sales by VAT-registered
persons shall be subject to 0% VAT under
In case of person engaged in the transport Section 106 (A)(2)(a) of the Tax Code, as
of passenger and cargo by air or sea amended by RA 10963, otherwise known as
vessels from the Philippines to a foreign the TRAIN Law.
country, the input VAT shall be allocated

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Vat Payable

1. Sale and actual shipment of goods from oriented-enterprise whose export sales
the Philippines to a foreign country, exceed seventy percent (70%) of actual
irrespective of any shipping arrangement annual production;
that may be agreed upon which may 5. **** Export Sales under Executive
influence or determine the transfer of Order No. 226, otherwise known as the
ownership of the goods so exported and Omnibus Investment Code of 1987 and
paid for in acceptable foreign currency or other special laws;
its equivalent in goods or services, and 6. Sale of goods, supplies, equipment and
accounted for in accordance with the rules fuel to persons engaged in international
and regulations of the Bangko Sentral ng shipping or international air transport
Pilipinas. operations.
2. Sale and delivery of goods to:
NOTE: ITEMS 3, 4 and 5 are NOW
i. Registered enterprises with a separate
subject to 12% VAT since it was omitted
custom territory as provided\under special
in the revised list of zero rated (0%) sale
laws; and
of goods enumerated in Section 3 of RR
ii. Registered enterprises within tourism
9-2021. The sale of goods to PEZA
enterprise zones as declared by the
registered entities is still subject to 0%
Tourism Infrastructure and Enterprise Zone
Authority (TIEZA)subject to the provisions
under RA 9593 or the Tourism Act of
2009. RR 9-2021 emphasized that EFFECTIVE
3. **** Sale of raw materials or packaging JULY 21, 2021, the revised list of zero rated
materials to a non-resident buyerfor (0%) SALE OF SERVICES FOR VAT purposes
delivery to a resident local export oriented shall be as follows:
enterprise to be used in manufacturing, 1. Services other than those mentioned in
processing, packing or repacking in the the preceding paragraph, rendered to a
Philippines of the said buyer’s goods, paid person engaged in business conducted
for in acceptable currency, and accounted outside the Philippines or to a non resident
for in accordance with the rules and persons not engaged in business who is
regulations of the BSP; outside the Philippines when the services
4. **** Sales to Export-Oriented are performed, the consideration for which
enterprises which the code considers as is paid for in acceptable foreign currency
export sales at the level of the supplier of and accounted for in accordance with the
raw materials. The sale is considered zero rules and regulations of the Bangko Sentral
rated only if the sale of raw materials or ng Pilipinas.
packaging materials is made to an export

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Vat Payable

2. Services rendered to persons or entities

whose exemption under special laws or
international agreements to which the
Philippine is a signatory effectively
subjects the supply of such services to
zero percent (0%) rate;
3. Services rendered to persons engaged in
international shipping or international air
transport operations, including leases of
property for use thereof: Provided, that
these services shall be exclusive for
international shipping or air transport
4. Transport of passengers and cargo by
domestic air or sea vessels from the
Philippines to a foreign country;
5. Sale of power or fuel generated through
renewable sources of energy such as, but
not limited to, biomass, solar, wind,
hydropower, geothermal, ocean energy,
and other emerging energy sources using
technologies such as fuel cells and
hydrogen fuels.

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