2.3) Connecting The Dots

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i 2.3) conn .cting the Dots i ah 3 Glossary Word Meaning affairs (n) here, financial or legal transactions of personal or public | interest anew (adv) in a new way animation (n) a series of drawings, photographs, graphic designs, etc. put together to give an illusion of lifelike motion began to dawn on | began to become clear to | (phrase) biopsy (n) nedical procedure performed by taking out a small tissue to examine the extent or the presence of a disease calligraphy (x) __| a form of decorative writing cent (n) a coin worth one hundredth of the US Dollar | connect the dots | associate one idea with another (next) to find/ereate a | new big picture here, | area ¢ shock, distress and grief we of identifying an illness by examining its _| signs and symptoms ‘dogma (n)_| belief or a set of beliefs held by a group or organisation iM | which others are expected to accept without argument dorm (i) short form of dormitory, which is a large bedroom for Students ata col ‘drop in (phrase) dropped out of continued; left : drown out | be louder than any other sound and prevent it from | (phrase) being heard | lost the job courage and detern Scanned with CamSeanner Chapter 2.3: Connecting the Dots hits you in. the | head with a brick (phrase) | intuition (m) Karma (n) give a great shock suddenly | eae = ——___} knowledge or awareness of something that hasn't | _happened yet a outcome resulting from one’s actions fac (n) a Macintosh computer _ =| | Macintosh a type of computer manufactured by Apple Inc. computer (n) : | priceless (adj) | whose value cannot be determined renaissance () _| rebirth; revival [sans (preposition) | French for without ee serif (n) a form of projection while finishing a stroke of a letter | : in some typefaces | signed off () | marked the end of something stay foolish | always keep an open mind and never assume that you (phrase) know everything — stay hungry | always keep wanting something more, something new |_ (phrase) studio (n) stumbled () here, discovere | typefaces (n) sets of one or more fonts that have a similar design typography (n) the appearance of printed matter _ | About the Author Steve Jobs (1955-2011) was an American inventor, business magnate, entrepreneur, and industrial designer. He co-founded Apple Inc, and was the chairman and the Chief Executive Officer of the company. He is recognised as one of the pioneers of the Microcomputer Revolution of the 1970s and the 1980s, Jobs worked towards creating products like the iPod, the iPhone and the iPad which revolutionised the technology world. Scanned with CamSeanner Connecting the Dots Summary In this address to freshly graduated college students, the famous entrepreneur Steve Jobs tells three stories of his life. The first story is about connecting the dots. He tells them that he had dropped out from Reed College, just after six months of joining it but attended the classes which he found interesting, for another eighteen months. He managed by sleeping in his friends’ room, 2 used coke bottles and walking seven miles to get one decent meal in a week. He says that the things he discovered by attending different classes out of curiosity, helped him in some way or the other in life. For instance, his calligraphy class, which at a later stage, helped him design the Macintosh computer. He tells the students that while looking ahead in life, we are often unable to understand the importance of things that we learn, but years later when we look back at our life, we immediately realise their value and are able to connect the dots. Thus, according to Jobs, trusting one’s instincts and having faith that all those experiences would add up at the end, was what made all the difference in his life. The second story is about love and loss. Jobs says that when he was twenty, he and Steve Wozniak started Apple in his garage and in a decade their company became a two billion dollar organisation. Then, unexpectedly, Jobs was fired from his job and he felt dejected. However, he realised that he had to start again and hence, had the liberty to let his imagination and innovation take over. In the next five years, he went on to start two companies — Next and Pixar, and also met the love of his life Laurene. Later, when Next was bought by Apple, he was able to use the technology he had developed at Next to come up with revolutionary products for Apple. With this story, Jobs tells the students that one shouldn't lose hope if life puts us down. The only solution to all problems is to keep on doing what one loves. The last story is about death. Steve Jobs was diagnosed with cancer a year before he delivered this address. The doctor advised him to take care of all his legal and financial transactions, But, with the biopsy, it was found that he had a rare pancreatic cancer that could be cured with surgery. He had gone for the surgery and was fine when he delivered this address. He says, that experience was the closest that he had come to facing death and it taught him that spending one’s life doing something that he/she didn’t like was a complete waste. He tells the students to not get suppressed by the imposed rules and beliefs of others and to have the courage to follow their hearts Std. X: English Kumarbharati 186 Scannod with CamSeanner a quote that he a publication called ‘The Whole Earth Catalogue’, which was “Stay hungry. Stay foolish.” He says that he always wanted to have the hunger in him to achieve greater heights and the foolishness to follow his heart and since those students were going to start their lives afresh, he wished the same for them as well. Scannod with CamSeanner “L.A. Connect the dots to get what me: Ans: The word is COMPUTER alot to you. *L.B. With your benchmate, use the letters given above to make a word register of ‘computers’. Set a time-limit. of five minutes and compare your list with that of (he other classmates. Ans: Print, ROM, RAM, Mouse, CPU, Keyboard, Run, Monitor, keys, Internet, Browser, Pages, ete. [Note: The above answer is for reference, Students are expected to attempt the above activity on their own.] “2, You are quite familiar with computers, especially the personal computer. Form pairs ans make a list of famous computer manufacturing companies. One is given to you. i Apple ii, iv. Apple ii, Lenovo iii, Dell iv. Acer Complete the web by filling the various benefits of computers. 7 iM Benefits of Computers torage ii, Saves time and energy iii, Increases productivity iv, Ensures accuracy °4,A. Expand the following into their full forms. i. that’s ii, didn’t iii, here’s iv. can’t v. I’ve Ans: i, that is ii, did not iii, here is iv, cannot vy. Thave Std. X: English Kumarbharat Hl Scannod with CamSeannor *4.B. Write the shortened forms of the following: You have I would Itis You are He will v1 Thad Will not iii. Shall not Are not . Need not Must not Ought not You've Vd It's . You're He'll Id vii. Won't Shan’t ix. Aren't Needn’t xi. Mustn’t Oughtn’t Scannod with CamSeanner Chapter 2.3:Connectingthe Dots Extract I Al. Simple Factual 1, Complete the following statements based on the extract. Jobs’ first story was about Jobs didn’t have a dorm room so Jobs took the calligraphy class where he leamed about iv. If Jobs had not attended the calligraphy class, Mac would never have had #v. You can connect the dots vi. Job asks the freshly graduated college students to trust in connecting the dots he slept on the floor in his friends’ rooms serif and sans serif typefaces iv. multiple typefaces or proportionally spaced fonts v. _ only by looking backwards vi. their gut, destiny, life and karma 2, Match the information in column A with the words in Column B. | | Column A Column Bo Li.__| Dropped out after six months a._| Typography li | One good meal a week b._| Reed College | if and s f typefaces c._| Mac liv. | Multiple typefaces and | d._| Hare Krishna Temple L ___| proportionally spaced fonts _ Ans: (i —b), (ii - d), (iii - a), (iv-¢) Std. X: English Kumarbharati Scannod with CamSeannor ‘BY | Li. diagnosis a._| the power believed to control events ii. | devastating. b. ~ complete list of items especially in a special | order and description iii. | intuition ¢. | act of identifying the nature of a problem or illness liv. [calligraphy [d- | power of understanding situations or people's | { feelings before hand v.__| destiny €. | causing great destruction [vi [eatalogue |. | beautiful handwriting done with a special pen or | l i | brush Ans: (i-c), (ii—e), (iii - d), (iv - f), (v — a), (vi-b) *2. Fill in the gaps choosing the appropriate idioms: (drown out, hits in the head with a brick, get ones affairs in order, connect the dots, begin to dawn, stay hungry) i. The wealthy landlord made a will before he could die. ii. Those who aspire for success should always. to learn more. iii, Ifyou you Will realise that crime ultimately leads to poverty. iv. The siren of the ambulance all other traffic noise. y. When the father learned about his son's misdeeds, it vi. On reading exactly same essays in both answer sheets, it_______ the examiner, that the students had cheated during exams. Ans: ct The wealthy landlord made a will to_get his affairs in order before he could die. ii, Those who aspire for success should always stay hungry to learn more. iii. If you connect the dots, you will realise that crime ultimately leads to poverty. iv. The siren of the ambulance drowned out all other noises. vy. Learning about his son’s misdeeds was like being hit in the head with a brick. vi. On reading exactly same essays in both answer sheets, it began to dawn on the examiner that the students had cheated during exams. Std. X: English Kumarbharati 204 Scannod with CamScannor me the Tense of the Verbs underlined to include the ime (Past; i Present / Future) and Aspeet Si oy cs Continuocy pect (Simple / Continuous 7 Perfect / Tslept on the floor, You haven’t found it. We were designing the first Macintosh computer, It had made all the difference, v. Tam fine, now. vi. Thave been facing death, vii. I shall be telling you three Stories. Ans: i. Simple Past Tense ii, Present Perfect Tense iii, Past continuous Tense iv. Past Perfect Tense v. Simple Present Tense Present Perfect Continuous Tense vii. Future Continuous Tense Change the Tense as instructed. I got fired, (Future Perfect) Life hits you in the head. (Present Perfect Continuous) The dots will somehow connect. (Past Perfect) I started a company. (Present Continuous) My doctor advised me. (Past Perfect Continuous) I will have gotten fired. Life has hit you in the head, The dots had somehow been connected. 1 am starting a company. ¥. My doctor had advised me. "—Seaned with Camseanner ae Writing Read the News item and write an application for # suitable job in the same company. Attach a separate CV / Resume. May 19, 2016 Apple Opens Development Office in Hyderabad i. The new office in Hyderabad will focus on development of maps, Apple products like iPhone, iPad, Mac., etc. This will create up to 4000 jobs. ii, Imagine you are already working as an Engineer in Apple Development Office, Hyderabad. Write an application for 2 weeks leave to the HR Manager as you have to undergo an urgent surgery. (Follow all steps of the formal letter for writing both the above letters.) Ans: i, 7/15 Nirmal CHS Ltd., Sunder Nagar, Hyderabad — 500036 18" June, 2016 The HR Manager Apple Development Office, Hyderabad — 500033 Sub: Job application for the post of an Engineer Dear Sir, This communication is in response to the advertisement dated 19" May 2016 in ‘The Hyderabad Times’ regarding vacancy for the post of an Engineer at your new office at Hyderabad. | would like to forward my candidature for the above mentioned profile. { hold a first class in B.B., with Software Engineering as my specialisation from the reputed Vinayak College of Engineering, Telangana. | also possess a work experience of seven years at Ideal Computers Inc., where I had developed several user-friendly interfaces for customers in the field of banking. I am confident, that my credentials will benefit your esteemed organisation and together we will take it to new levels of perfection and success. Kindly find my CV attached herewith, which will elaborate on my academic, professional and personal details. Std. X: English Kumarbharati 206 Scannod with CamSeanner T would be highly obliged if you could provide me with an oppor to be interviewed for the aforementioned profile. Thanking you, Yours sincerely, Suresh Rao Curriculum Vitae Name: Suresh Rao Date of birth: — 15" July 1986 Place of birth: Telangana Address: 7/15 Nirmal CHS Ltd., Sunder Nagar, Hyderabad ~ 500036 Contact no.: 988765xxxx Academic detail Jangana Hyderabad I B.E. Professional Experience: 2.3: Connecting the Dots as tunity | Organisation Duration Ideal 1 Dec. 2009 to | Development of several u: fr Inc. | | banking such as EASY, ZApp, ete, Hobbies: Reading, cooking, travelling ii, 7/15 Nirmal CHS Ltd., Sunder Nagar, Hyderabad ~ 500036 18" June, 2016 ‘The HR Manager Apple Development Office, Hyderabad ~ 500033 Std. X: English Kumarbharati Scannod with CamSeannor nly | Computers 30" May, 2016 | interfaces for customers in the field of 207 Chapter 2.3: Connecting the Dots Sub: Application for a leave of two weeks Dear Sir, 1, the undersigned, Mr Suresh Rao, am employed as a software engineer in your esteemed organization (Employee code: 15623). Of late, Lhave been experiencing severe pain in my lower back, due to which Thad to seek medical opinion, | have been diagnosed with a non- malignant tumour néar my tail bone due to which mobility is severely affected, Tam advised to undergo an immediate surgery this week. If neglected, I might soon be bed ridden for life. I request you to kindly consider my situation and grant me a 2 week leave to undergo the surgery. Took forward for your kind cooperation in the aforementioned matter. Yours sincerely, Suresh Rao Enel.: Copies of Medical tests and reports 2. Prepare a speech on the title, ‘The Will to Win’ to be delivered before the class during a competi Hints — cE Title ii, Introduction iii, Objective and illustrations iv. — Purpose of the title . Sources / resources for implementation vi. Usefulness / Benefits vii. Conclusion The Will to Win ‘For those who dare to dream, there is a whole world to win.” Good morning, respected Guest of Honour, Principal, teachers and my dear friends. I, Ms. Seema Desai, am here to present my thoughts on the theme, “The Will to Win’. All of us dream about being great and successful. But how many of us have the courage to win in the face of all odds and make the dream a reality? Std. X: English Kumarbharati 208 Scanned with CamSeanner Chapter 2.3: Connecting the Dots Well, | am here with the same purpose — to provide you with inspirations so that they serve as beacons of light, to help you win despite all odds. Let me begin by sharing a few examples with you in this regard. The first example 1 want you to consider is that of Dashrath Manjhi, an outcast landless labourer from rural India. He did what his village couldn't imagine in their wildest dreams. Using mere hand-tools he carved an entire way out of a huge mountain. He toiled for 22 years in this pursuit and ensured that his fellow villagers needn't trek the entire mountain each day to reach their workplace. His odds were the villagers who discouraged him each time he began carving the massive mountain, But he fought it all. He is an epitome of an ordinary man with extraordinary dreams and fuelled by willpower to win. Next, let me share with you the amazing story of Sudha Chandran. A passionate, classical, Bharatnatyam dancer, who dreamt of one day being the most accomplished artist in her field. Sudha’s life came to a standstill at the age of 14, as a tragic accident left her with broken limbs and shattered dreams. But her spirit and passion were intact. Using a prosthetic ‘Jaipur foot’, she recovered and continues to follow her passion despite all odds, She realised her dream all because of her will to win, One may wonder, what are the benefits of nurturing ‘the will to win"? The simple answer is satisfaction. We eam the satisfaction of achieving our goal, of having lived our life well apart from popular acclaim, fame and of being an example to many. The choice is always ours, Finally, 1 conclude by quoting Sir Winston Churchill who opined that, “As long as we have faith in our own cause and an unconquerable will to win, victory will not be denied to us.” Thank you everyone for your patient listening. ‘Std. X: English Kumarbharati Scannod with CamSeanner “1. Collect more information about Steve Jobs with the help of the | Internet. Complete it with images into a file. Ans: Name: Steve Jobs Born: February 24, 1955 Died: October 5, 2011 i. 1955: Steven Paul Jobs is bom ii, 1961: The Jobs family settles down in Mountain View, California ii Steve Jobs meets Steve Wozniak Jobs enrols at Reed College Travels through India Jobs co-founds Apple with Steve Wozniak and Ronald Wayne. Apple releases their first successful personal computer. Steve Jobs is fired from Apple Inc. Jobs starts Pixar Returns to Apple Inc, Becomes the CEO of Apple Introduces the iPod to the world — a revolution in digital music Undergoes surgery to remove the tumour in his pancreas Gives a commencement speech at Stanford University Introduces the iPhone to the world Introduces the iPad Death due to cancer “2. Do you remember doing some acti didn’t lik think, a es in your childhood that you Form pairs and make a list of all those activities. Do you of these activities have helped you in solving your problems? Share your experience with the class. [Students are expected to attempt the above activity on their own.) 210 Scannod with CamSeanner Std. X: English Kumarbharati vi. vii. x. Change the Degree of Comparison to Positive and Comparative: a. Pixar is now the world’s most successful animation studio. b. This was the closest I’ve been to facing death, ‘Std. X: English Kumarbharati 211 Chapter 2.3: Connecting the Dots Do as Directe Pick out the Modal Auxiliary and state its fi Tcould stop taking the required classes that didn’t interest me. T would walk seven miles across town every Sunday night to get one good meal a week. Rewrite the sentence using the word ‘since’: I didn’t have a dorm room, so I slept on the floor in friends’ rooms. Use the word as a verb and as a noun: connect Change the Voice: Reed College offered perhaps the best calligraphy instruction in the country. Prepare a word register of at least 4 words related to the given word based on the lesson: Steve Jobs Change the sentence into Simple Present Tense: Of course it was impossible to connect the dots looking forward when I was in college. Expand the words into their full forms: a ain't b. you're Write the full forms of the given acronyms that are related to computers: CPU, CD Join the sentences using the word ‘and’: Woz and | started Apple when I was 20. In 10 years Apple had grown from just the two of us in a garage into a $2 billion company. Seannod with CamSeanner could ‘ity/ability y: would i, a, Modal Auxilia unction: b.- Modal Auxi Function: habit ii, Since T didn’t have a dorm room, I slept on the floor in friends’ room, iii, a, One must coniect the appliance to the energy source to get it started. (Verb) b. Our common culture is the vital con of other limitations. (Noun) t that will bind us in spite iv. Perhaps the best calligraphy Reed College. truction in the country was offered at v. Calligraphy, typography, Mac, Next, Pixar, Steve Wozniak, Laurene, Cancer vi. Of course it is impossible to connect the dots looking forward when I am in college. vii. a. amnot b. you are Central Processing Unit, Compact Disk ix. Woz and I started Apple when I was 20 and in 10 years Apple had grown from just the two of us in a garage into a $2 billion company. xX. a No other animation studio in the world is as successful as Pixar now. (Positive) Pixar is now more successful than any other animation studio in the world. (Comparative) b, I’ve never been as close to facing death as this, (Positive) I've never been closer to facing death than this. (Comparative) ses in the Chapter: i, began to dawn on ~ began to become clear to It began to dawn on her much later that she had been cheated. Std. X: English Kumarbharati vd 212 Scannod with CamSeanner iii. vie vii. new big picture It would take the detective more investigation on the crime to connect the dots. drop in - visit Do drop in if you happen to be passing by the city. got fired — lost the job He would get fired if he is found out to be stealing official data. hits you in the head with a brick — give a great shock suddenly Life is unpredictable as it sometimes hits you in the head with a brick. stay foolish — always keep an open mind and never assume that you know everything In the words of the great Steve Jobs, one must forever ‘stay foolish’ and never consider oneself knowledgeable enough to stop learning. stay hungry ~ always keep wanting something more, something new You have got a lot of skill but you must stay hungry and never lose sight of your goal. “5 ee : Scanned with CamSeanner

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