2.6) Science and Spirituality

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2.6 Science and Spirituality — Glossary Word Meaning abode (n) where one lives |_accelerates (v) increases ef advanced (adj) here, old | astounding (adj) amazing; surprisingly impressive | [attire (n) clothing; outfit | [attribute @) to credit someone or something of being the cause bishop (n) a senior member of the clergy who can give holy | circumspectly (adv) orders | cautiously coexist (vy) to be present together; to exist simultaneously combat (v) fight conceive (v) here, to think, plan or form an idea of something conscience (n) one’s understanding of right and wrong, contemplating (v) carefully considering curbs (v) controls; keeps something within limits dais (n) degradation (n)_ a raised platform for speakers decline to a lower quality or condition disciple (1) student discourse (n) a formal talk including a debate [espoused (vy) (ny ical (adj) for the sake of | phrase) Std. X: English Kumarbharati Ve Support to w and inexperi for the purpose of Scannod with CamSeanner [ genetics (n) | gravity (adj) humility (n) imam oe Ha Ie A ea omething that enhances or encourages the genetie formation of a person intensity; seriousness the quality of having or presenting a modest or low opinion of oneselt hd person who leads the prayer "indiscriminately without any concern o bias (adv) 1 inequity (n) injustice me inquisitive (adj) one who is eager to learn; curious Linic (n) microphone | munificence (n) generosity | nourished (v) here, positively influenced; enriched obscuring (¥) making something unclear or difficult to understand persistence (1) insistence; the quality of being firm on one’s request or demand perspective (n) view; a particular attitude towards something | preacher (n) ‘one who communicates teachings and lessons by | addressing people | queries (n) questions remarkable (adj) ___| worth being noticed | resonated (v) echoed reverberated (1) echoed loudly reverend (n) a member of the clergy | reverse (adj) _ |_opposi il scholar (n) spiritual (adj) [steady (ad) net (ny thriving (ad) tranquillity (2) underway (adv) vedic [witness 0) a person who has expert knowledge, skills and experience in a particular field something that relates to the somethi 1" here, still; not moving a principle or belie 3 developing rapidly; growing in progress something th to see something Scannod with CamSeanner Srijan Pal Singh, adviser to former President A.P.J. Abdul Kalam, is an author, public speaker and social entrepreneur. He is currently the CEO and co- founder of the A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Centre, a non-profit organisation working on integrated missions across multiple dimensions in an effort to continue on the vision and works of Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam. Scannod with CamScanner ‘The chapter, ‘Science and Spirituality’, addresses two conflicting beliefs of the world = science and spirituality. The narrator, taking lessons from his interactions with Dr. A.PJ. Abdul Kalam, explains how a balance between both is what the world really needs. According to Dr. Kalam, science and faith together will have a positive impact on humanity as science will help us progress, while faith will help us in reasonably limiting our progress. The narrator then takes anecdotes from Dr. Kalam’s life to explain how his understanding was shaped by many incidences where science and faith coincided. Dr. Kalam’s father was a boatman and an imam, while his two best friends were of different religions; one was Pakshi Lakshmana Shastrigal, the head priest of the Rameswara Temple and Reverend Father Bodal, who had built the first church on Rameswara island. Though they were from different cultures, they sat together and tried to solve the problems of the community, which is also the need of the hour at a global level today. Dr. Kalam also learnt simplicity and modesty from his father. Even though he became the president of India, his beliefs were the same as that of his father. They both felt that living a spiritual life rather than a materialistic one could help one overcome any misery. When Dr, Kalam joined ISRO in 1960 his thoughts on religion were shaped by the great scientist Dr. Vikram Sarabhai and the bishop of Thumba, Reverend Peter Bernard Pereira. Dr. Sarabhai selected a place in Thumba due to its proximity to the magnetic equator, as a site for the Space Research Centre. But the space comprised fishing grounds, an old church, the Bishop's house and a school. The relocation of the locals and the destruction of the institutions posed a problem. So, Dr. Sarabhai and Dr. Kalam visited Father Pereira, who was the bishop of the region. Father Pereira, though worried about his people, invited both of them to the church on Sunday moming. In the church, he explained Dr. § rabhai’s intentions to the people, told them what science had done for them and how both, he and Dr. Sarabhai worked for humanity as a preacher and a scientist respectively. He then informed them of Dr. Sarabhai’s intentions and asked if they would leave their homes. After a moment of silence, the church echoed with the sound of ‘amen’. ‘Thus, the fishermen and Reverend Pereira were given a different place to live and the centre wa constructed, In a conversation with the narrator, Dr. Kalam recalled an incident with Dr. Satish Dhawan, when he asked Dr. Dhawan about how to be academically accomplished, as Dr. Dhawan had many degrees, Dr. Dhawan told him that the knowledge from those degrees was like a mirror and would vanish if there were dust on it. The only way to remove the dust is by living @ Scannod with CamSeanner Chapter 2.6: Science and Spirituality moral, disciplined life and working for the society. At this juncture, the author remembered that Dr. Kalam had given him a similar message, when he had completed his graduation from IIMA in 2009. Thus, he realised that through Dr. Kalam, he was learning from many other great people. Another incident that the narrator recalled was when Dr. Kalam was invited to attend the 102 birthday celebration of Dr. Sri Sri Shivakumara Mahaswamiji_ in Tumkur, Karnataka. Mahaswamiji had established a free of cost residential educational institution in his ashram for more than 9000 children, Surprisingly, despite being so old, Mahaswamiji stood steadily without any support. The narrator assumed it must be due to Mahaswamiji’s balanced diet and healthy lifestyle or perhaps genetics. However, Dr. Kalam gave it some thought and recollected all the things that he had learnt from his great teachers and then said that it was Mahaswamiji’s spirit of giving that was the essence of his happy and healthy life. Dr. Kalam then asked the narrator about what was the opposite of ‘What can I give?’ to which the narrator replied that it was, ‘What can I take?’ Dr. Kalam told him that everything that was wrong in the world was because of the spirit of taking. He said that our planet would be able to survive only if we would think of giving instead of taking from it This message stayed with the narrator and was the inspiration behind the “What can I give’ movement in 2012 to tackle corruption, environmental degradation and social evils. The narrator leaves the readers to ponder upon the same question and find an answer for themselves. Std. X: English Kumarbharati Scannod with CamSeanner Chapter 2. Science and Spirituality Warming Up! “1. Get into pairs / groups and match the columns: {SS Ay ‘B Science S . | The study of the basic nature of knowledge, | reality and existence, especially as an | |__| academic subject ne Religion | b. } The study of the nature of God and religious | belief. | Spirituality The intellectual and practical activities in a | systematic study of structure and behaviour of the natural world through experiment and observation. iv. | Philosophy | d. | The belief in and worship of a superhuman | | controlling power of God. ‘vy. | Theology | ¢. | The quality of being more concemed with the human spirit as opposed to. material or physical things. | bs od Ans: (i—c), (ii — d), (iii — e), (iv—a), (v= b) “2, Given below are some incomplete quotes. Complete them choosing from the words SCIENCE / RELIGION / SPIRITUAL and make them meaningful. i. without religion is lame; without science is blind. ii, ____ has outrun our power; we have guided missi misguided men, iii, Ona journey, we all have the same destination. iv. is meant to awaken man’s love for his source — God! v. provides a means of oneness with the Creator of Heaven and Earth, in the language of your heart and soul, vi. _____is a beautiful gift to humanity; we should not distort it. Ans: i, Science, religion ii, Science, spiritual iii. Spiritual iv. Rel v. Religion vi. Science ‘Std. X: English Kumarbharati 272 Scanned with CamSeanner Chapter 2.6: Science and Spirituality °3. What's the difference between Science and Technology? Discuss in pairs and (ell your answer to the class. | Ans: Science is the search for knowledge for its own sake whereas technology mainly involves creation of products that solve problems and improve human life. Technology involves the practical application of science, “4. Do you think that science and faith are both important in our lives? Why? Discuss in your group and give a small presentation in the class. Ans: Yes, I think that science and faith are both important in our lives. Science helps us get rational answers to problems. However, we need faith to cope with death, disappointment and failure as science may not be able to provide satisfactory answers to these problems. That’s when faith steps in. It reassures a person and provides the necessary hope to move on in life, *5. We need science to understand latest technology We need faith to enable our spirits to soar high Ans: We need science to understand latest technology to think rationally We need faith to enable our spirits to live life tha lt “6, Refer to the dictionary to find out meanings of the following words: Spirit - a person’s mind or feelings or soul i: ual ii, Spirituality iii, Spiritualism iv. Spiritualist Ans: Std. X: English Kumarbharati 273 Scannod with CamSeanner sical nature or matter a belief that connects with one’s inner self and helps in the quest of finding the sacred meaning of life and its ultimate goal. a belief that the spirits of the people who are dead can communicate with the people who are alive iv. aperson who can communicate with the spirits of the dead \\ at \ Chapter 2.6: Science and Spirituality Part I { Extract I ‘ Read the extract from line 1 to 38 on page | following activities, | [We often witness .. misery or failure.”| ' Al, Simple Factual 1. _ Fillin the blanks based on the extract. i. Dr. Kalam believed that better planet. ii Pakshi Lakshmana Shastrigal was the temple anda scholar. and can together create a of the Rameswara i. fact, faith ii, head priest, Vedic Complete the following statements by choosing the correct alternative: i. Dr. Kalam’s father was a/an . A. — teacher B. scientist C. farmer D. imam ii. The friends of Dr. Kalam’s father discussed about A. science and technology B. discoveries and inventions C. science and spirituality D. community’s problems and solutions iii, According to Dr. Kalam, what is felt more than ever is A. a laboratory to conduct experiments B. anew technology to find results C. — adialogue among cultures, religions and civilisations D. — a dialogue between people of different professions Std. X: English Kumarbharati a: Scannod with CamSeannor Chapter 2.6: Science and Spirituality iv, Dr, Katam’s father was a symbol of A. trust and faith B, simplicity and divinity C. perseverance and determination D. father and friend Vv. Spirituality takes care of A. education, teaching and learning, B, Science, technology and sci-fi C. confusion, misery or failure D. crime, illiteracy and child labour Ans: (i~D), (i= D), (iii ©), (vB), (v¥- ©) A2. Complex Factual “I. Read Part ‘I? and match the words in Column ‘A’ with the associating words given in Column ‘B’. (No. AT a i. | Science and faith a._| Created by fact and faith | ii, | Science b._ | Success of societies | iii, | Better planet c. | Betterment of humanity | iv. | Creations and Discoveries | d. | Believers of Science and religion v. | Conflict e. | Solves questions, discover truth, | lth, i conceive inventions Ans: (i ~c), (ii-e), (iii—a), (iv — b), (v—d) 2. — Give reasons for the following from the extract. *i, According to Dr. Kalam, science and faith have to go hand in hand. Ans: According to Dr. Kalam, science and faith have to go hand in hand tor the betterment of the society. fi, Dr, Kalam’s father shared a unique friendship with his friends, Ans: Dr. Kalam’s father shared a unique friendship with his friends because: despite belonging to different religions, Dr. Kalam’s father and his friends, Pakshi Lakshmana Shastrigal and Reverend Father Bodal, would sit and discuss the community’s problems and find solutions. tidy (ini Std. X: English Kumarbharati 4 276 Scannod with CamSeanner Chapter 2.6: Science and Spirituality A3.__ Vocabulary 1. Write the meaning of the word ‘perspective’ and use it in a sentence of your own. Ans: perspective — view; particular attitude towards something We should always look at an argument from the other person's perspective before drawing a conclusion. 2, _ Find the synonyms of the following words from the extract. see ii. unquestionable | increases iv. prevents Ans: i. witness. ii. _ indisputable i. accelerates iv. curbs amar 1. Doas Directed: i. Dr. Kalam was a great scientist — this is indisputable. (Rewrite the sentence with the word ‘it’) + Itis indisputable that Dr. Kalam was a great scientist. F ii. But, he was also convinced that fact and faith can together create a better planet. (Add a Question Tag) Ans: But, he was also convinced that fact and faith can together create a better planet, wasn’t he? iii. Dr. Kalam’s own life was nourished by multiple faiths. (Change the sentence into Past Perfect Tense) Ans: Dr. Kalam’s own life had been nourished by multiple faiths. iv. all three of them in the unique attire of their religion used to sit and discuss the communitys problems and find solutions (Punctuate the sentence) Ans: All three of them, in the unique attire of their religion, used to sit and discuss the community’s problems and find solutions. 2. Find the verb form of the word ‘nourishment’ from the extract. Ans: nourished Std, X: English Kumarbharati 277 Scannod with CamSeanner Find the noun form of the following, from the extra combine ii, solve simple iv. divine combination ii, solution simplicity iv. divinity AS. Open-ended / Personal Response 1. Science or Spirituality. Make a choice and state your opinion, Ans: I believe in science. I think that one should believe in what one can see. One should use his/her intelligence for the progress and prosperity of mankind. There are a lot of untapped resources that can enable us to move forward in a sustainable manner and science can find ways that ensure a bright future for our planet and pave the way for a better tomorrow. Chapter 2.6: Science and spirituality _ es 7 Part IT Extract IL ! Read the extract from line 39 to 95 on page 91 and 92 of your textbook | and do the following activities, ; and the Reverend Pereira.”} Al. Simple Factual 1. State whether the following statements are True or False. Correct the False statements. i. When Dr. Kalam joined ISRO, it was already an old and reputed organisation. ii. Reverend Pereira said that he and Dr. Sarabhai were both doing the same job. iii, The local population of Thumba agreed to move, so that the Research Centre could be established. Ans: i. False. When Dr. Kalam joined ISRO, it was just a fledgling organisation. ii, True iii, True 2. Match the columns. Column B a. | Dr. Sarabhai and Reverend | RONONA e Dr. Kalam — the | b. | St. Mary Magdalene Church, religious service School for the Research Centre c. | Reverend Pereira iv. | Institutions at the site d. | Thumb: acl, Ans: (i ~c), (ii ~ a), (iii — d), (iv ~ b) Std. X: English Kumarbharati 279 Scannod with CamSeanner =? Science and Spirituality T art II, Go through the given statements and say whether | disagree to each of them. The Space Research set up facility was planned at Allapi, Kerala The person who could help and can be co-ordinated was the Bishop. It was quite easy to relocate so many people and destroy religious institutions for the Space Research Centre. Dr. Kalam joined ISRO in 1970. v. Science and spirituality seek prosperity of the human life. | Ans: i. Disagree ii, Agree iii, Disagree iv. Disagree v. Agree A2. Complex Factual 1. Complete the following statements based on the extract. i, After joining ISRO, Dr. Kalam’s thoughts on religion were shaped by ii. The site in Thumba, Kerala, was selected by Dr. Sarabhai because of iii, The person who helped solve the problem of acquiring the site was Ans: #2, Ans: Std. X: English ku his interactions with the great scientist Professor, Dr. Vikram Sarabhai and Reverend Peter Bernard Pereira it’s proximity to the magnetic equator Reverend Peter Bernard Pereira, the Bishop of Thumba State the major obstacle in getting possession of the site. The major obstacle in getting possession of the site was that it was a fishing ground for Thumba’s fishermen. It also had an old church of St. Mary Magdalene, the Bishop’s house and a school. State how the Reverend related and compared the work that he and Dr. Sarabhai did for people. The Reverend wanted to inform the people of Thumba about Dr. Sarabhai’s intention, He gave them examples of how the development of science benefits everyone, arbharatl 280 Scanned with CamSeanner He reasoned with the people by comparing his work with that o Dr. Sarabhai’s. He said that science and technology enhanced the comfort and quality of life whereas he, as a preacher, prayed fo' the peace and well-being of the people. iv. He even told them that both science and spirituality seek God's blessings for the prosperity of the human mind and body. A3._ Vocabulary 3 1, Find the antonyms of the following words from the extract, i. minor ii, build mentor iv. discomfort Ans: i. major ii. destroy disciple iv. comfort 2. Find the synonym of the word ‘residence’ from the extract. Ans: abode A4. Grammar 1. Doas Directed: i, It was here that he learnt about the true meaning of religious service. (Add a Question Tag) Ans: It was here that he learnt about the true meaning of religious service, wasn’t it? ii, Dr. Sarabhai and Dr. Kalam approached Father Pereira on a Saturday evening, (Change the Voice) Ans: Father Pereira was approached on a Saturday evening by Dr. Sarabhai and Dr. Kalam. iii, When Dr. Kalam joined ISRO, it was just a fledging organisation, (Identify and analyse the Clauses) Ans; it was just a fledging organisation — Main Claus when Dr. Kalam joined ISRO — Subordinate Adverb Clause of Time 2. — Give the noun form of the followi i, facility ii, predicted iii. relocate iv. invited “v. advance WRC : English Kumarbharati 281 Scanned with CamSeanner Ans: #2. Ans: prediction relocation iv. — invitation v advancement Open-ended / Personal Response Do you think rehabilitating an entire settlement for establishing a centre for scientific or commercial development is justified? Give reasons for your answer. I think that rehabilitating an entire settlement for a centre for scientific or commercial development is only justified if the land in question has a unique quality or characteristic that requires the development to take place there itself. 1 also think that if an entire settlement is being relocated, it should be ensured that their rehabilitation is taken care of. However, if the place in question is a site of historical, cultural or natural importance and the development would come at the cost of loss of heritage, | wouldn’t be supportive unless I am given a very good reason. These factors should be taken into account while taking a step as big as rehabilitating an entire settlement. Write how the people responded to Rev. Pereira’s appeal, Would you too have done the same? The people responded to Rev. Pereira’s appeal in a positive way. After the Reverend’s appeal, there was absolute silence in the church and a moment later, everyone responded with the word ‘amen’. Yes, | too would have given the same response. Many a time, the way an appeal is put forth makes all the difference as it reveals the mind-set of the presenter. Rey. Pereira too must have felt that probably Dr. Sarabhai could move his research centre to another place, but he was mature enough to understand the reason for setting it up there and the benefit it would do to mankind. So setting his own prejudices aside, he presented the appeal in such a way so as to convince the people. Std. X: English Kumarbharati 282 Scannod with CamSeanner Part HT —_—_— { A | [A few years .. Extract 1 Read the extract from line 96 to 12 on page 92 of your F textbook and do | the following activities. 1, Simple ae Complete the following sentences with reference to the extract. In the carly 1980s, the director of ISRO was Prof, Dhawan said that academic brilliance was no different from the We can remove impurities obscuring our souls by Prof, Satish Dhawan ii, brilliance of a mirror iii. living pure and ethical lives, and by serving humanity “ii. Academic bi A Complete the following statements by choosing the correct alternatives: In the year 2009, the narrator graduated from A. IIMA B. IAFA Cn D. UMS liance can diminish by : A. disturbance and frustration B. going off-track C. — acoating of dust D. losing focus and seriousness ns: (i A), Gi~C) __Complex Factual ‘ 1, State whether the following statements are True or False, Correct the False statements. After the narrator’s graduation, Dr. Kalam advised him to use his degree and gold medal to make a lot of money. Std. X: English Kumarbharati 283 Scannod with CamScanner words of wisdom rij s hat (through Dr. Kalam he was getting to learn from countless brilliant minds i False. After the narrator’s graduation, Dr. Kalam advised him to use his degree and gold medal to transform the society. ii, = True 2. Write two sentences each on the following: i. Dr. Kalam’s first launch. Ans: a. Dr. Kalam made his first unsuccessful PSLV launch in 1970 under the guidance of Professor Satish Dhawan, the then Director of ISRO. b. His next attempt in 1980 was successful and provided him with soul- shaping wisdom. ii, The things that dim sh academic brilliance. a. Prof. Dhawan opined that we can cleanse our souls by living pure and ethical lives and by serving humanity. b. He said that only by doing so, God will shine through us. +3. State how one can lead a pure life. Ans: One can lead a pure life by removing the impurities obscuring one’s soul. +4, State whose philosophy actually had an impact on the writer. Ans: Prof. Satish Dhawan had shared his philosophy of leading pure and ethical lives with Dr. Kalam. Though the writer received a similar advice from Dr. Kalam, he realised that it.was actually Prof. Dhawan’s philosophical belief that had an impact on him. ulary 1. Write the meaning of the word ‘resonate’ and use it in a sentence of your own. Ans: resonate — to relate to a particular emotion or belief Sneha’s thoughts resonate with Sonia’s as both of them have led similar lives, Std, X: English Kumarbharati 284 Scannod with CamSeanner 2. Chapter 2.6: Science and Spirit ality Find the synonym of the word ‘change’ from the extr Ans: transform Ad. cali a tit 1. Doas Directed: i. We were discussing the number of PhDs Dr. Kalam had received. (Change the Voice) Ans: The number of PhDs received by Dr. Kalam was being discussed by us. ii. Only when the dust is removed does the mirror shine and the reflection becomes clear. (Rewrite the sentence with the word ‘if) Ans: Only if the dust is removed, the mirror shines and the reflection becomes clear, iii. Dr. Kalam’s advice had, in fact, directly resonated from Professor Dhawan’s beliefs (Frame a Wh-question to get the underlined words as the answer) Ans: What had directly resonated from Professor Dhawan’s beliefs? 2. Find the adjective form of the word ‘ethics’ from the extract. Ans: ethical AS._ Open-ended / Personal Response 1. The number of degrees one has, is no proof of one’s knowledge. Do you agree? Explain, Ans: Yes, I firmly agree with the statement that the number of degrees one "std, x: Enalsh rma has is no proof of one’s knowledge. Great minds like Steve Jobs, Mark Twain, John Rockefeller, Abraham Lincoln and Sir Winston Churchill, all made it big without a formal educational degree. Rather, what set them apart was their unquenchable thirst for knowledge and a deep understanding of the human mind, Mark Twain once “L never allowed schooling to interfere with my education.” This is because real knowledge only comes from practical experience and self-education, Thus, a person with many degrees may be knowledgeable, but often a person with no depre wise. CT: 285 Seannod with CamScanner ‘ence and Spirituality T Extract IV = Nine 123 to 195 on paye 92, 93 and 94 of your | { textbook and do the following activities, ; will be astounding”) | 1. Name the following: i. The person who tured 102 years old, The place where the birthday celebration was held, The people who taught Dr. Kalam the lesson of selflessness, The person who inspired ‘What Can I Give’ Movement. His Holiness Dr. Sri Sri Shivakumara Tumkur, Karnataka Father Pereira and Dr. Vikram Sarabhai Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Mahaswamiji Complete the following sentences with reference to the extract: i, Mahaswamiji had dedicated his life to the The essence of a happy and a peaceful society lies in the sentence i, service of humanity ii, “What can I give?” Choose the correct alternatives to the given statements: /July 2019) i. Dr, Kalam was invited to A. — swamiji’s programme B, attend 102” birthday celebration C. meet swamiji ii, Swamiji looked as steady and alert as any other there. A. elder B. person C. youngster Std. X: English Kumarbharati present ‘Scanned with CamSeanner VR TIMNAD ata i MEE | Chapter 2.6: Selene ani Spirituality, |), | | — et i Hh iii, In Swamiji's Ashram more than education, ‘Tl A. nine thousand i. C. seven thousand children are taking. nineteen thousand i. Dr. Kalam was deeply touched by A. birthday celebration B CC. swamiji’s ashram Ans: (i-B), (i -C), (ili ~ A), (iv — B) switthiji's itner strength Complex Fact “1. Select the correct alternative and complete the statements, was i, The unique thing about Mahaswam 4 a and preach for several hours that he could speak continuously his indomitable spirit that he knew that he would leave the w that in spite of being 102 without any support SOR> orld at the age of 112 years years old he could stand on his feet ii, The most astonishing thing about 102 year old Mahaswamiji was that A. he was a great speaker and orator B. he was a great scientist C. he was great admirer of technology D. he looked as steady and alert as any other youngster iii, The powers that kept Mahaswamiji so strong were or A. his attitude, his courage B. _ his brilliance, his knowledge C. — abalanced diet and a healthy lifestyle, genetics D. _ his spiritual wellness, his soci; iv, The secret to Mahaswamiji’s fitness even at the age of 102 years was A. his spirit of What can | give?” B. his spirit of *What can you give?* C. his spirit of ‘What can | take?” D. his spirit of ‘What can we ta Std. X: English Kumarbharati 287 ‘Scanned with CamSeanner a <9 Science and Spirituality, T silence at the shores of Mahapragyaii B. tree lined beaches C. sands of conscience D. beautiful sun-set vi. The thought that makes the AL ‘What can we do? B. ‘What must you do?" C. What can To?” D. ‘What can La society corrupt and unfair is, vii. The question that inspires humanitarianism is A, ‘What can we do?” B. ‘What can I give?’ C. ‘What must they do?’ D. ‘Why must we do this?’ Ans: (j-D), (ii—D), (ili- ©), (iv— A), (v-©), (vi-D), (vii —B) 2. Complete the following sentences with reference to the extract: i. Mahaswamiji’s greatest contribution to humanity was the . 8. To keep this planet liveable and the human race thriving, we have to establishment of a free residential education system for more than 9000 children in the ashram ii, replace the idea of ‘what can I take’ with the goodness of ‘what can [ give’ #3. State Mahaswamiji’s tremendous contribution to humankind. (Note: Refer A2 Q.2. (i) from Extract IV for this answer. | 4. Find evidence from the passage that indicates that Swam [July 2019} i, was dedicated ii. had inner strength’ iii. contributed to the good of the society i was younger than the young generation i Mahaswamiji has dedicated his life to the service of humanity. Std. X: English Kumarbharati Scannod with CamSeanner Chapter 2.6: Science and Spirituality |” vii #6. Ans: ii. iii. Ans: 2. Ans: Std. X: English Kumarbharatl y VOCE il i stood on his feet During the entire event, the 102 years old Maha without any support He contributed to the good of society by establishing a free residential ion system for more than nine thousand children in the ashram. Mahaswamiji looked as steady and alert as any other youngster present at the event. educ: State what was so remarkable about Dr. Sri Sri Shivkumara Mahaswami The most remarkable thing about Dr. Sri Sti Shivakumara Mahaswamiji was that he had dedicated his life to the service of humanity, He had also established a residential education system for more than 9000 children in an ashram and he was extremely fit even at the ripe age of 102. There is an urgent need to replace ‘What can I take’ by ‘What can I give’. Justify, There is an urgent need to replace ‘What can I take’ by ‘What can I give’ due to the following: According to Dr, Kalam, all the wrong that happens in society, is because of the thought of, ‘What can I take’ Man takes from the environment and destroys it indiscriminately. Man also takes from other human beings and this leads to corruption and injustice. The habit of taking often makes families materialistic. This replacement is therefore essential to make the world liveable and to keep the human race thriving. Find the antonyms of the following words from the extract. weakness ii, depletes iii, violent iv, equity i. strength ii, fuels ili, peaceful iv. — inequity Find the meaning of the following words: i, munificence ‘ii. genetics i. generosity ii, the genetic formation of a person 289 Pana i CUAL Scanned with CamSeanner Chapter 2.6: Science and Spirituality \ T ks Find two advert Ans: finally, eireumspe s from the extract that end with ‘ly’. ly 4, Find the noun form of the following i, celebrate uly 20797 iii, educate [uly ‘om the extract; | Contribute Mutly 2019) 2019) “ili, strong MJuly 2019 “vo tranguil vi. corrupt Ans: i, celebration ii contribution iii, education iv. strength Vv. tranquillity vi. corruption #5. Write the noun form of ‘liveable’, Ans: liveability 1. Doas Directed: i. This display of inner-strength touched Dr, Kalam deeply. (Change the Voice) Ans: Dr. Kalam was deeply touched by that display of inner-strength. ii, We were discussing this unusual birthday party, (Add a Question Tag) (July 2019) Ans: We were discussing this unusual birthday party, weren't we? ili, [had googled the subject beforehand. (Identify the tense of the sentence) /July 2019) Ans: Past Perfect Tense iv. then perhaps swimming in silence to the shores of mahaprayagii he gathered the sands of conscience to be out guide our best friend (Punctuate the s Ans: Then, perhaps swimming in silence to the shores of Mahaprayagj gathered the sands of conscience to be our guide, our best friend, v. What can I give? (Rewrite as an Assertive sentence) Ans: I wonder what I can give. Std. X: English Kumarbharath 290 Scannod with CamSeanner Chapter 2.6: Science and Spirituality Tt It is important that we ask ourselves this question, for in the answer li the true strength of humanity. (Rewrite the sentence Ans: It is important that we ask ourselves this question a the true strength of humanity. 1s the word ‘as’) n the answer lies Open-ended / Personal Response 1. Mahaswamiji could stand steady and alert at the age of 102 years. Do you think, a balanced diet and healthy lifestyle are the only reasons for his health and energy? Ans: [am of the opinion that a balanced diet and healthy lifestyle are not the only reason for Mahaswamiji’s health and energy. 1 think a life with a positive outlook, contentment with one’s past, the virtue of giving to others selflessly add to the strength and energy that one possesses at such age. 2, What measures will you take to keep yourself physically and mentally fit? [uly 2019] Ans: In order to keep myself physically fit, 1 will take up yoga and exercise and eat food that has high nutritional value, For keeping myself mentally fit, [ will try to stay positive in life. 1 will try to help others as much as I can, This will not only benefit others, but will also help me feel content with my life. INURE NE Std. X: English Kimareharae i 291 NN Scannod with CamScanner apter 2.6: Science and Spirituality Integrated Questions (based on the entire text) P Shastrigal, . Among the three parts, there are people who touched and influenced the life of Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam in one or the other ways. Complete the web-chart by writing the names of such people. “A | Father ld Bodal Y People who touched i and influenced LY Dr. Kalam’s life ih eee Ans: i. Dr. Kalam’s father ii. Dr. Vikram Sarabhai iii, Rev. Peter Bernard Pereira iv. Prof. Satish Dhawan v. His holiness Dr. Sri Sri Shivakumara Mahaswamiji vi. Prof. Brahma Prakash 2. Match the years in Column ‘A’ with their significance in Column ‘B’. Column ‘A’ Column ‘B’ i. | 1960 a._| Dr. Kalam made a successful PSLV launch ii, | 1970 b. | Launch of the ‘What Can I Give Movernent’ st 3 joined ISRO en . | Dr. Kalam made his first unsuccessful PSLY launch mote Dr. invited to the birthday celebrations of His Holiness Dr, Sti Sti Shivakumara Mahaswamiji os 102" Ans: (i ~c), (ii ~ d), (iii a), (iv - e), (v—b) Std, X: English Kumarbharati : ms hag ‘Scanned with CamSeannor ter 2.6: Science and Spirituality Who said to whom and when: “Can we give up God's abode for such a great scientific mission?” “And then God will shine through us.” iii, “I wonder what power Mahaswamiji possesses, that keeps him so strong.” Ans: Utterance Who said To whom When | i | Can we give | | up God’s After the I abode for such | Rev: Peter The people of | caver services | agreat Beer Subs ona Sunday in | scientific Perel Kerale 1960 mission?” ii. When Prof. Dhawan “And then God enswerem will shine Prof. Satish | Dr. Abdul De, Faas through us.” | Dhawan Kalam question about how one could become so academically accomplished ii oa what After the 102 Mahaswamifji ap Dr. APJ. eT ie possesses, that | 2Uan Abdul Kalam a | Jeeps hinso. | Singh Mahaswamiji | : in 2009 | strong.” AEH pe eee 44, Enlist the traits and incidents which show that Dr. Kalam was a humble person, Ans: The following traits and incidents show that Dr, Kalam was a humble person: i. Dr. Kalam had humble beginnings. He never forgot that he was a boatman’s son, which made him grounded in his behaviour. ii, His father’s friends from other religious communities made him. aware of the common humanitarian values that need to be « part of one’s lite in order to enhance its quality. He was thus, an obedient and receptive learner. Std. X: English Kumarbharati } Scannod with CamSeanner Chapter 2.6: Science and Spirituality Vv. a5. Ans: ii. iii. iv. Ans: Std. X: English Kumarbharati Though a scientist by profession, he was humble enough to believe in a supreme power that controls the universe He was secular in nature and hence never avoided lea of other faiths such as Rev. Pereira or Mahaswan seniors like. Dr. Sarabhai and Prof. Dhawan. Success never went to his head and failure never upset him. He kept going till he achieved what he had set out to do. ning from people and also from his Explain how different virtues were inculeated in Dr. Kalam. Many virtues as listed below were inculcated in Dr. Kalam: Religious tolerance: Ever since childhood, Dr. Kalam’s life was nurtured by many faiths. His father’s friends were religious leaders from different faiths. Despite their differences, they were best friends, who practised respect and equality among themselves. Humility: Dr. Kalam’s father was a boatman, who also served as an imam at their local mosque, Dr. Kalam learnt his first lessons in humility from his father who was a unique blend of simplicity and divinity, Spirituality: Both, Dr. Kalam and his father, believed that if one leads a spiritual life then spirituality can lift one from any confusion, misery or failure in life. Interactiveness: Dr. Kalam learnt the importance of conducting dialogues in a free and frank manner to resolve problems and issues. He inculcated this habit when he saw his father and his two friends solve problems related to the community. In spite of their religious differences, they gave priority to the community and its issues. Write a short paragraph on each of the following covering up their profession and personality traits with examples. Peter Bernard Pereira . Sri Sri Shivakumar Mahaswamiji Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Reverend Peter Bernard Pereira Reverend Peter Bernard Pereira was the bishop of Thumba, Kerela. He was a man of faith who was respectful of others. He was a good communicator as he was able to inspire the people of Thumba to relocate, so that the space research centre could be constructed. 294 ‘Scannod with CamSeanner Chapter 2.6: Science and Spirituality He possessed knowledge, not only about religion, but also about science. He was a selfless man, who readily gave up his home and his God's abode for the development of science knowing that it would eventually lead to the development of human kind. ii, Dr. Sri Sri Shivakumara Mahaswamiji Dr. Sri Sri Shivakumara Mahaswamiji was the Head of an ashram in Tumkur, Karnataka. He was a true humanitarian who believed in doing good for people. With that in mind, he established a free residential education system for over 9000 children in the ashram, His strength came from being a ‘giver’ and even at the ripe age of 102, he stood steady and alert without any support. He would give a wise discourse by standing for half an hour, and then go on to feed thousands of children after that. He was indeed a remarkable personality. Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam Dr. Kalam rose from humble beginnin; India, A rather down to carth and u reflected several traits that are worth emulating, Dr. Kalam learnt from his superiors as well as leaders of other faiths, without any bias in mind. He was open to learning and every event or interaction, made him wiser. Dr. Kalam reflected each time some person gave a suggestion or the way someone presented a problem. He reflected on them and derived his life lessons from them. Humility was his hallmark, Even though he was a famous entist, who had successfully launched the PSLV at ISRO, his words, thoughts and actions were genuine and modest. Dr. Kalam’s father had friends of different faiths and the lesson of secularity was instilled in him right from his childhood. to become the president of suming personality, Dr. Kalam “7. Write in your own simple words what the following expressions convey in the context they occur in the text. Faith and fact can, together create a better planet. Science gives us which help us progress, whereas faith sets the limits on it so that we cause no damage to anyone or anything in our earch for bettering our lives. Hence, if we attain the equilibrium of faith and fact, together it can create a better planet, ii, Dr. Kalam’s own life was nourished by multiple faiths. Ans: Dr. Kalam’s father’s best friends were of different faiths. P\L .Shastrigal was the Head priest of the Rameswara temple, whereas Father Bodal, SoH rT RN i GUNA A HAR X: English Kumarbharat! 295 Scannod with CamSeanner Chapter 2.6: Science and Spirituality \ TT iii. Ans: Ans: Ans: vi. Ans; was the Head priest of the first church on Rames\ Kalam’s father himself was a boatman, who also served as an imam at the local mosque. Very often the three would sit together in spite of their religious differences to sort out problems related to their community. Their unity and friendship had a deep impact on Dr. Kalam and as a result his life was nourished by multiple faiths. But there was a major roadblock, Dr. Vikram Sarabhai, the great ntist from ISRO, had selected a site in Thumba, Kerala to set up a Space Research Centre due to its proximity to the magnetic equator. However, there was a problem to obtain that piece of land since it housed a fishing ground for the locals, an old church, the Bishop’s house and a school. Only when the dust is removed, does the mirror shine and the reflection becomes clear. According to Professor Satish Dhawan, the Director of ISRO, academic brilliance is very similar to the brilliance of a mirror. If dust settles on it, its importance dimi . Hence, the dust must be cleaned so that the knowledge is exposed for its good use. Through his (Kalam’s) words of wisdom, I was getting to learn from countless great minds, Dr. Kalam was a deep thinker. Once he was discussing with the author, about Prof. Dhawan's advice on leading a pure life. Prof. Dhawan had said that a one can remove the impurities from one’s soul, if one lives a pure and ethical life by serving humanity. At this juncture, the author remembered how this was very similar to what Dr. Kalam had told him on the day of his graduation, that he should use his knowledge to serve society. That is when he realised that through Dr. Kalam, he was. indirectly gaining wisdom from the countless great people who had interacted with Dr. Kalam, He gathered the sands of conscience to be our guide, our best frien Dr. Kalam was réceptive to the le of great and noble minds, All the same, he would refine the learning using his conscience, He was of the belief that our conscience is our guide and best friend when it concems our behaviour. 296 Scannod with CamSeanner ara island. Dr. | } Chapter 2.6: Selence and Spirituality TT vii, ‘What can T take?’ is the thought which is responsible for all the wrong aye see around ts, Man has a tendeney to use resources for his progress and glory. His greedy nature of constantly taking from nature, damages nature and causes harm to other living things. Thus, the tendeney to only take, leads to depletion of resources and causes harm to the environment as well as the society. Std. X: English Kumarbharati Oa? "Scanned with ComSeanner __ Chapter 2.6: Science and Spirituality Bae it j Language Study From the less increa; neame: pick out one word for each of the following. ii, point of view a place of residence eager to know everything echoed loudly giving away much to needy viii. without making a difference accelerate perspective proximity abode inquisitive reverberated munificence [Note: The chapter does not contain a word that could mean ‘without making a difference’) We Ans: wa. Std. X: English Kumarbhai Arrange the following words in the alphabetical order. inventions, indisputable, interactions, inequity, institutions, inquisitive, indiscriminately indiscriminately, indisputable, inequity, inquisitive, _ institutions, interactions, inventions Match the connectors with reference to part I, II, III respectively. Make sentences of each of these connectors. Word Connector | government _ | person | betterment curbs E pure and ethical degradation “Taunch dialogue centre offi \_xiil, | environmental m._| humanity 298 ee Pies Seannod with CamSeannor Ans: iv. vi. vii. viii. Std. X: English Kumarbharati “unsuccessfil space-research, government officials The government_officials were instructed to ensure that the State elections are conducted in a free and fair manner. betterment of humanity Every country must try and prevent environmental degradation for the betterment of humanity. pure and ethical life It is necessary to listen to one's conscience to lead a pure and ethical community's problems Global problems would largely reduce, if each and every community's problems are resolved promptly. religious service The truest form of religious service is to selflessly help those in need. astonishing aspect The most astonishing aspect of Baba Amte’s personality was his humble nature. technological advancement de rapid tech ment in the field of Defence and National security. r andings at any level can be sorted through peaceful and frank dialogues, Scannod with CamSeanner xi, xii. xiii. xiv. xv. xvi. xvii. xviii. xix, Science and Spirituality social evils Though India is one of the most influential natior social evils that hinder our growth we still have various faith curbs Eaith curbs the greed and animosity in man to a great extent, inquisitive disciple Karan was Prof, Ansati’s most inquisitive disciple as he wanted to learn everything about psychology from him. academic brilliance Academic brilliance is a quality many parents desire in their children. environmental degradation Man has made rapid progress in many spheres but all at the cost of environmental degradation. pin-drop silence As soon as the Principal entered the classroom, there was pin-drop silence. alternate accommodation As our present building was to be reconstructed, all the families had to Jook out for an alternate accommodation. remarkable person Satyajit Ray was not only a cinematic genius, but also a remarkable person. silent motivation The promise of a better tomorrow became a silent motivation for a lot of freedom fighters in the pre-independence era. famished bodies Excess food during social gatherings must be donated appropriately to feed the fami in our society. unsuccessful launch Had Dr. Kalam not considered the unsuccessful launch as a stepping stone, he would have probably never experienced suecess in the future, Std. X: English Kumarbharati 300 Scannod with CamSeannor XX. *4, Simple sentence: subject + verb + object / complement / adverbial: Analysing a simple sentence is done by separating the subject and predicate. The predicate is further analysed into — verb + object as in ‘A doctor treats patients.” / ‘He greeted the teacher,” verb + complement as in ‘They are very tired.’ / ‘I have a cold.” verb + adverbial as in ‘He walks slowly.’ / ‘Raj arrived late.’ / “The thief is hiding there.” Say whether the predicates in the following sentences have an object / a complement / an adverbial. Ans: ‘Std. X: English Kumarbharati There was silence. Alexander Bell invented the telephone. They have a holiday. The dancer danced gracefully. The milkman comes daily. The hostess served tea. The kite soared upwards. was silence — complement invented the telephone — object have a holiday — complement danced gracefully — adverbial comes daily ~ adverbial served tea — object soared upwards ~ adverbial Punctuate the following sentences and make them meaningful. dinesh took a bus that stopped at nanded railway station after crossing somyar peth | Dinesh took a bus that stopped at Nanded Railway Station, after crossing Somvar Peth. dra pj abdul kalam was the past president of india by the way he was a great scientist orator and a humanitarian s: Dr. A.PJ. Abdul Kalam was the past President of India. By the way, he was a great scientist, orator and a humanitarian, 301 Scannod with CamSeanner Chapter 2.6: Science and Spirituality nouns are of different types common proper abstract concrete materia iii Ans: Nouns are of different types: Common, Proper, Abstract, Concrete and Material. iv. what a lot of noise you all make said the teacher cant you keep quiet for a while Ans: “What a lot of noise you all make,” said the teacher, “can’t you keep quiet for a while?” v. wow how lovely that cake looks they said we cant wait to eat it Ans: “Wow, how lovely that cake looks!” they said, “we can’t wait to eat it!” *6. Copy the first paragraph on page 92 carefully. Encircle all the punctuation marks with a coloured pencil / pen. [Students are expected to attempt the above activity on their own.) Std. X: English Kumarbharati 302 ~—Seannod with Camscannor @ISNIA Chapter 2.6: Science and Spirituality Writing “1, Draft a speech that you would give at your school Assembly Ans: The Spirit of Giving 2, Divide your class into two groups and have a Debate on the topic i. convincing junior students that the secret of True Happiness lies in Giving and Sharing more than in Receiving and Taking. Good morning, respected Principal, teachers and my dear friends. 1, Ms. Smriti Patel, am here to talk to you about ‘the spirit of giving’. All religions across the globe emphasise the importance of charity for self-cleansing and leading a quality life. God gives, parents give, nature gives, and they do it selflessly. History quotes one of the great Presidents of the USA as saying, “Ask not what your country can do for you, and rather ask what you can do for your country.” However, our selfishness prevents us from sharing and giving. We accumulate and hoard for a tomorrow which may never come. We spoil the present for others and deprive them of a better today. In doing so, the quality of life is lost and all that we're left with is a rat race, which leads nowhere, So, let's mend our ways. Let’s give. For in giving, there is care, happiness and satisfaction. Let’s take an oath today, to heal this selfish world by changing our way of thinking from ‘Receiving and Taking’ to ‘Giving and Sharing’. Thank you. “Science and Spirituality can go hand in hand. Points in support of the topic: Faith and religion are complementary to each other. Both believe in progress for bettering the quality of human life. focus and direction for life while faith sets an optimum Science provide: limit to progress. Points in contradiction to the topic: Faith and religion have two different theories of creation of human lite, how can one integrate them? Std. X: English Kumarbharati 303 Scannod with CamSeanner SPY UPAAN YANN ae ‘ 'y both of them for bettering humankind varied; hence it is not possible to tread both the paths in a single life, ili, Science believes in rationality and reason, whereas spirituality talks about the abstract entities like God, soul, ete, These are contradictory, (Note: The above answer is for reference. Students are expected to attempt the above activity in their class on their own.] Scannod with CamSeanner Read Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam’s ‘Wings of Fire’; and ‘Ignited Minds’, very renowned books and find the following: Subject of the book Special features of the book Teachings / learning’s / moral / message from the book Your own opinion / idea / comment on the book iv. [Students are expected to attempt the above activity on their own.) Std. X: English Kuma 305 Seannod with CamScannor Chapter 2.6: Science and Spirituality Write the homophone of the g of your own: soul word and use them in sentences ii, Arrange the given words in the alphabetical order: igi d, res h, reverberate faith, failure, facility sed, residential, responsible, recalled | success, science, spirituality, scholar solutions, simplicity, shared, service, establishment, education, exact, espoused space, school, situation, support Rome nore ii. Rewrite the following sentences in Indirect Speech: a. He said to me, ‘Srijan, Professor Dhawan had so many master’s degrees.” b. said to him, “Sir, do you know, only four out of one lakh people cross the age of 1002” iv. Match the word connectors in the two columns and make sentences with each of these connectors: Word Connector \a__| great 1, | service [> _| prayer 2. | lifestyle |c. | human | 3. | scientist d. [healthy 4. | mind v. Change the Voice: Dr. Kalam’s life was nourished by multiple faiths. vi. Write two Present Participles where the last letter is doubled. e.g. amassing vii. whether the underlined word is a Gerund or Present ple and use ir in a sentence of your own: a, It was the fishing grounds of ‘Thumba’s fishermen. Std. X: English Kumarbharati 306 Scannod with CamSeanner Chapter 2.6: b. Science and Spirituality The whole church reverberated with the deafening n noise of a callective ‘amen’. Identify and analyse the Clauses: If the two function true to their roles, they will work together for the betterment of humanity. Use the given word as a noun and as a verb in two different sentences: dust Use the given words in a single meaningful sentence: unusual, finally Ans: i sole Meditation is good for the heart and the soul. The sole of Mini’s shoe had worn out. ii. a. religion, research, reverberate, reverend b. facility failure, faith, focus c. realised, recalled, residential, responsible d. scholar, science, spirituality, success. e. service, shared, simplicity, solutions f. education, espoused, establishment, exact g. school, situation, space, support iii, a. He told Srijan that Professor Dhawan had so many degrees. b. __Lasked him whether he knew that only four out of one lakh people crossed the age of 100. iv, a, great scientist A great ist like Stephen Hawking comes along once in a century. b. prayer service A prayer service was held all over India in the memory of the martyred soldiers. c. human mind It is necessary to be inquisitive to nurture the human mind. d, healthy lifestyle A healthy lifestyle, balanced diet and the spirit of giving ensure that life is well-lived. Std. X: English Kumarbharati 307 Scannod with CamSeanner Chapter 2.6: Science and Spirituality i TT v. vi. viii. Multiple faiths nourished Dr. Kalam’s life, getting, discussing a, fishing ~ Present Participle Megha wanted to go on a fishing trip over the weekend, b. deafening - Present Participle The deafening sound of explosion could be heard people miles away. they will work together for the betterment of humanity ~ Main Clause If the two function true to their roles - Subordinate Adverb Clause of Condition a. The dust coated the glass windows each day, making it opaque. (Noun) b. Rohan knew that every Sunday his mother would ask him to dust the bookshelves. (Verb) It was pretty unusual, but Raj could finally gather the courage to talk about the incident that had hurt him deeply. Phrases in the Chapter: 84. Xe Ens umarbharat for the sake of ~ for the purpose of For the sake of her career, Indu chose to move closer to her place of work, Scannod with CamSeanner

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