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Tutorial: CTD

1. What are the oral manifestations of Sjogren’s Syndrome?

 Xerostomia – sensation of reduced saliva in the mouth (reduction in salivary
flow is called salivary gland hypofunction)
 Reduced salivary flow
 Caries risk and gingivitis risk
 Candidosis
 Prone to oral ulcers due to frictional trauma from dry mouth
 Enlarged salivary glands due to the immune reaction occurring
 Inflammatory infiltrate of gland
 Acute suppurative sialadenitis
 Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma (x20 ri`sk)
2. What is Primary and Secondary Sjogren’s Syndrome?
 Primary Sjogren’s = occurs in absence of another underlying rheumatic
disorder/autoimmune condition
 Secondary Sjogren’s = associated with underlying rheumatic disease such as
SLE, RA, or Scleroderma
3. What are the oral manifestations of Rheumatoid Arthritis?
 Increased caries risk and impedance to self-care like teeth brushing and
 Periodontitis
 Patient may have Sjogren’s and have xerostomia and increased risk of
 Candidosis –angular cheilitis and glossitis
4. What are the oral manifestations of Lupus Erythematous?
 Red and white patches and plaques (inflammation in mouth that can lead to
painful ulcers)
 TMJ pain
 Desquamative gingivitis
 Ulceration and mucosal thinning
 Gingival hyperplasia if on cyclosporin
 Sjogren’s
5. What are the oral manifestations of systemic sclerosis?
 Impedence to self-care can lead to lack of tooth brushing and flossing
 Ulceration and mucosal thinning
 Candidosis
 OSCC and oropharyngeal cancer increased risk
 Microstomia – fibrosis and scarring of tissue leading to a tight mouth
therefore cannot open very wide – mask-like face due to being so tight
 Dry mouth
 Joint pain
 damage to little blood vessels
6. What are the long term consequences of systemic corticosteroid use?
 Diabetes
 Adrenal insufficiency and weight gain
 Osteoporosis
 Increased risk of infections
 Hypertension
 Change psyche
 Insomnia

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