COW Talk 2

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Prayer, Scripture, and Sacraments

Prayer, scripture and sacraments are crucial tools to growth
in the Christian life.

Prayer, scripture, and sacraments draw us closer to God and help us to

understand His will for us.

In SFC, we commit to a daily personal prayer time, to a daily reading

of the Bible and to regular participation in the sacraments.

Prayer is a form of communication, a

means of talking to God
Why should we have a personal prayer time?

1. To develop an intimate relationship with God

2. To grow in humility.
3. To strengthen ourselves in fighting
4.To help us become more attuned to God’s will
for us.
What should we do to improve our prayer life?
Make a commitment to pray at a Find a place where you will not
scheduled time. be distracted.

Start with a short time of prayer, Be open to the inspiration

then gradually increase it. of the Holy Spirit >

Dealing with
obstacles to prayer >
>>> Be open to how the Holy Spirit will lead you

Quiet vs Different
Adoration, expressive physical
prayer postures

Speaking and Praying in

The goal is not to “pray well,” but listening tongues
to enter into communion with God
Obstacles to Prayer

Anxieties and Too much concern about

concerns your prayer quality.

Difficulty in listening
Dryness. to or hearing the Lord
Scripture Reading
To read and meditate on the Word of God >

We can incorporate our Bible reading into our daily personal

prayer time.

We need to study the Bible so we may grow in knowledge of


We should read Christian books.


There are seven sacraments: Baptism, Confirmation, Holy

Eucharist, Reconciliation, Anointing of the Sick, Matrimony
and Holy Orders
We encounter God through the sacraments. It gives us a physical sign of God’s
presence in our lives.

Christ instituted the Sacraments to give grace.

Sacraments we can frequently participate in:

Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist

Sacrament of Reconciliation
Having a regular prayer and Scripture reading time, as
well as living a Sacramental life, helps us remain faithful to
the Lord.
When we nurture our prayer time, our Christian lives will be filled
with power, and peace and we will be able to follow God’s direction
for our lives.

When we pray and read the Bible, we tap into God’s mind and
heart, which gives us knowledge.
This knowledge helps us overcome life’s struggles
Prayer, Scripture, and the Sacraments are our weapons against the devil who
will try to sidetrack us from our desire to follow God.

God gave us these three tools to draw us closer to Him that He may
sustain us in our spiritual journey.
What makes it difficult for me to have a consistent
prayer and Scripture reading time?

What inhibits me from participating in the sacraments (Holy

Eucharist and Confession) regularly?

What will I commit to do to develop a relationship with God?

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