FEA Hand Calculation

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Simple Stuff

I think that every “basic” FEA book or guide starts in the

same way. Well, they are more about “how FEA works”, but
it’s the same thing.

Usually, such guides focus on rod elements. Without much

comment, the beginning is usually something like this:

There is a really good reason why that is the case. The

above is the simplest possible element: a 1 DoF “spring”.
And what I mean is not only that this is a 1D beam element
(but of course this is included!). What is also important is,
that our element can carry only tension or compression. The
only deformation we “see” is along the length of the

Why this is important? Well… first of all, because such an

element won’t “see” bending nor shear. It is only carrying a
normal force and nothing more!

This makes the problem simple, and we can easily follow the
math in such a case! Let’s take a look!

Firstly, a few basic equations you should easily recognize.

The only thing I did there is, that the elongation of our rod is
u2-u1 based on the drawing above. Technically, this could
be defined differently because it only depends on what you
would consider “positive”. However, the above setup seems
to be the most “popular” (at least as far as explaining goes).

The above shows you the basic relation between stress and
strain. I also explained how all of the parameters can be
established in the case of our rod (Note that Young’s
Modulus is a material constant).

I remember well, that in primary school I had problems in

physics class. When I had no idea how to solve a task I
would just write down all the equations I know. Then I would
just substitute stuff between them until something worked.
This approach rarely failed me… so let’s try it here!

Now, let’s get back for a second to our rod. We would love it
to be in equilibrium right? This means that the forces on
both ends should have equal values, but work in opposite
directions. In such a case…
You can notice that I’ve decided to make the F1 force
“negative”. One of them had to be (for them to work in the
opposing directions), and F1 just “draw the shorter straw”. If
I would do it the other way around it would still work at the
end : )

The Place Where Matrixes are Born…

So far, we have played a bit with a few relatively well-known
equations. This is not exactly what your FEA solver does,
but we are getting closer.

It’s easy to notice, that if you would know the forces (or
deformations) you could relatively easily solve the above.
It’s just a set of 2 “linked” equations. But if there would be
plenty of those (and there will be!) it’s much more
convenient to solve those in a matrix form. Well… maybe not
convenient for you, but definitely more convenient for your

I don’t want to go into matrix notation here, but if you don’t

know how vectors and matrixes interact check this out
lesson from Khan Academy!

There are also other lessons in the subject so if you need

more basics or if you want to go deeper into this check out
the linear algebra portion of what Khan Academy offers.

The above 2 equations are pretty easy to write in the matrix

form. You just take the forces and put them in one vector,
and you do the same with corresponding deformations. The
rest is just matrix multiplication really:
Now you can start to notice things. First of all, if we gather
up forces and displacements into vectors there is some
“stuff” left. This stuff, as you can see above will form a
matrix. The terms there, clearly correspond to how “rigid”
the model is, and this is why it’s called the stiffness matrix.
This is how your solver “knows” what cross-sections and
thicknesses you used in your model, along with correct
material properties.

For now, it’s only a matrix for a single element (rod in our
case), but if we would have more elements in our example
we would “bash them” together into one big “global”
stiffness matrix.

Keeping It Real
So far it’s simple I hope… normally I would test if the
previous equations “work” but the above is not a “real case”.
We just assumed that we will apply equal forces at both
ends of the element to keep it stable. Obviously, according
to our assumptions, this would work. Let’s try to do
something more “real”:
As you can see, this would be the simplest static task you
can have. There is a 2m long rod loaded on one end and
supported on another end. The difference here is, that it’s
actually a “solvable” task, so we can try to use FEA to solve
it, and gain some confidence that it actually works!

All I did below, is simply input the “real numbers” from the
example into the equation from the previous part. All the
logic still applies, nothing fancy happened. You just need to
remember that in a place where support is, deformations are
equal to zero (hence u1=0) but there is a force applied
(reaction force)… you just don’t know how big the reaction
force is (this is why F1 is written as… F1 – we don’t know
the value yet):

I’m pretty sure there is plenty of ways in which you could

solve such a set of equations. Heck, at the Uni as a student I
most likely knew at least a few myself…
… a quick google later I know that the easiest for the 2×2

matrix is to actually write the equations 😛

This sucks, as I will have to make a bigger example to use

any sort of matrix operations (!). But there is also another
“rule”. Somewhere it was called “elimination” but I’m not too
fancy with math “names” so don’t quote me on this.
Basically, if you have a “u” that is equal to “0” you can cross
out the row containing the zero, as well as the
corresponding column. In our case, we can cross out the
first row (because u1 = 0) and the first column (because it is
corresponding to the first row obviously):

This way we formed a really simple equation:

We got the u2 deformation. But at this stage, we can also

check if what we are getting makes any sense at all. Since
u1 = 0, u2 is the deformation of node 2, but it will also be
equal to total element elongation. If you remember the
equation, you know that this is what we did above. But in
any case, you can google for it, and check what the total
elongation of our rod would be:
Since we already solved u2, we can get back and solve F1…
the only other thing that is left to solve. I got back to the
original matrix equation and “multiplied out” the first
equation (for F1):

Notice, that the value of the force is negative. When we

started I assumed that all forces “to the right” are positive,
and hence, reaction forces working in the opposite direction
must be negative! It seems we can do something with FEA
by hand!

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A Bit More Complex, a Bit More Real

Ok, I will have to incredibly dumb down this example if we
want to solve it with FEA by hand. It’s just that doing more
elements, or more degree of freedom (i.e. to capture
bending) is simply too much! I want this example to be
relatively easy to follow!

Imagine a steel column in a hall building with a crane. There

is a roof supported by the column at the top (loading the
column with 120kN of compression). Lower, the crane is
operating and the load is 160kN at that level. The question
is: what is the maximal load at the bottom of the column,
and what is the vertical deformation on the top and crane

Important note!

This is extremely dmubed down! Normally you would have to

include eccentricities of the applied load, but those would
create bending. This in turn would require additional DOF
per node… and the matrixes would be too big to solve by
hand in a short time!

You know… use the software when you try to solve real
stuff! This is just for demonstration/fun!

All right then! Let’s take a swing at this.

The first step is pretty easy. Since elements are loaded at

nodes I need to have a node at every place where the load
or support is applied. However, I’ve decided to divide the
8000mm part of the column into 2 elements. It’s not even
about the length of the elements (outcomes would be the
same)… I simply wanted to make an “unloaded” node (2).
This will allow me to point out something later.

The second part requires a small description. We need to

build a global stiffness matrix!

Bashing up the Global Stiffness Matrix

In the last example, we had a very simple case. There was
only one element, so not a lot of worries. I told you that if
there are more elements, the stiffness matrix of all elements
is “bunch up” into one big global stiffness matrix. This is
something that we will have to do this time!

Last time we assumed that the “positive” direction is to the

right… now let’s assume it’s upward (I guess I’m an optimist
like that). As you already know the stiffness matrix of a
single element looks like this:

We already know that it “works”, but note one important

thing. We already assumed how the nodes are numbered,
and that the numbering “increases” toward a positive
direction. This is why in the column node (1) is at the
bottom, while node (4) is a the top. I could change that for
sure, but it would just make the thing more complex – let’s
stick to the basics : )

Firstly, let’s build the individual stiffness matrixes for all

elements separately. All I do is just take the “template”
above, and input the variables for each element. To make
the matrixes shorter I will already calculate values. This is a
steel column so I will use E = 210GPa. Values in the
matrixes themselves are in MN/m.
As you already know, those “small” element stiffness
matrixes correspond with certain global Degrees of
Freedom. (DoF). For instance, the stiffness matrix of element
A corresponds with deformations and loads in nodes (1) and
(2). Stiffness matrix of element C corresponds with
deformations and loads in nodes (3) and (4). This can be
visualized like that (using our element B as an example):

What is cool about each FEA model is, that the nodes are
connecting elements together. As you can see above,
element A and element B “share” the node (2). This means
that both elements A and B “add” something to the
“situation” in the node (2). When we will build a global
stiffness matrix it’s made from “blocks”. Since we already
know that matrixes of each element correspond to specific
DOF, we can denote them as:

Finally, we can assemble the global stiffness matrix!

Notice, that we have 4 DOF in our system so the matrix will
be 4×4. Since we already know which elements contribute
to which Degrees of Freedom (DOF) we can use all the above
matrixes to create the global stiffness matrix:
Wow… now that was a lot of matrixes! Anyway, we know the
schematic for building the global stiffness matrix (click on
the image above for a larger version if needed). The trick is,
that on the “overlaps” components of the matrix are added
together. In such a case, we create a matrix for our task:

Yesss! We have the global stiffness matrix! How awesome is


Well… on its own not too much to be honest. We still need

the deformation and load vectors and to solve the whole
thing. If you are following me from the start in one go…
maybe a small break would do at this point? I know I need
one before I will write more!

Do you want to practice or learn more about the assembly of

stiffness matrix?

If so, definitely check lecture from MIT Open Courseware by

the legendary professor K. J. Bathe.

Load and Displacement Vectors

Having the first part of the task, we can move on. While
assembling global stiffness matrix may be a bit time-
consuming and overwhelming, load and displacement
vectors are super friendly! It’s been a while, so let’s take a
look at how the model really looks like, and what those
vectors are:

Let’s wonder for a second what just happened. As before I

marked the corresponding DOF in the circle. Firstly the force
“F”. For (3) and (4) loads are applied, so it’s obvious. The
only “difficult” thing is, that we have to remember that we
agreed that the positive direction is upward – so the applied
load is negative! The curious thing happens in (2). Note, that
there is no load applied in node 2, so the value is 0.
However, it doesn’t mean that there is no “internal force” in
the elements meeting at node 2. It only means that we are
not applying an external load in that DOF!

Just as previously, the reaction force is applied in (1). We

don’t know the value yet, so I marked it as R1.

Deformations are so much easier! We only know that at DOF

(1) deformation is 0 (this is where the support is). Other
values are unknown – we will calculate them in a second.

On a side note:
It’s good to understand that corresponding DOF number is
not a node number. Here it’s like that, but in “real” FEA
problems it’s not the case! We are solving a very specyfic
problem where each node has only 1 DOF (along the
element). Normally beams have 6 or 7 DOF per node, which
means that first 6 or 7 DOF’s are still at node 1!

Numbers in the circles refere to “global DOF”. This can be

translation along X in node 1 or rotation around Y in node 1
in “real” cases. Here, since we have only 1 DOF per node the
node and DOF number are the same. I thought it’s a good
idea to point this out!

Matrix Operations and All the Jazz!

This is the moment you’ve been waiting for (I’m sure!). We
have all the things needed to make this one “final” move!
Let’s gather up all the things we did so far… and wonder
how to solve this!

Firstly, since u1 = 0 we will cross out the first row/column to

simplify the problem a bit:

I knew that, but I admit I double-checked just in case. The

matrix above is a set of “normal” equations. This means that
the normal “algebra” still works. It’s like solving a set of
equations in high school. You can multiply on both sides, or
add/subtract equations from each other. The goal is, to have
the “bottom left triangle” in matrix equal to 0 (positions
{2,1}, {3,1}, and {3,2}). This is basically solved in such a form,
as starting from the last equation you just calculate each
parameter per matrix row (going upward). To do this I did
some mathematical “harm” to the initial matrix. Let’s take a

STEP 1: (Row 2) = (Row 2) + 0.5 (Row 1)

This allows me to get a 0 in position {2,1}

STEP 2: (Row 3) = (Row 3) + 350/743.5 (Row 2) = (Row 3) +

0.4707 (Row 2)

I already have a 0 in position {3,1}, but I need a 0 in position

{3,2} as well

STEP 3: Use what you’ve got!

With the last row having {0, 0, 185.3} it’s very easy to
calculate u4. There is only one parameter in the last
equation so:

Having u4, we can use the higher row to calculate u3:

Now, we have u3 and u4… so we can solve the first row for
u2. At this stage I think it’s clear why I wanted to have zeros
in the bottom left corner of the matrix – such a state makes
solving really easy:

STEP 4: Don’t forget about what you crossed out!

We already solve all deformations, but we are missing a

reaction force. I’ve crossed out the first row, as it was
quicker this way. But knowing u2 it’s time to get back to the
“real” first row of our system that contains R1:

Yes! We actually did it. I must say that I was writing this
post step by step doing the math as I went. I was wondering
if this will play out right. After all, I’ve only made a few

calculation errors I had to fix, and it seems this is doable 🙂

This is how you do FEA by hand… at least part of it! Let’s
see if the outcomes have any sense!

Drumroll… Outcomes Checking!

The reaction force is pretty simple. Value is positive, so
reaction force is upward, working against the applied load.
No complaints there!

Total load was 280kN, the reaction I’ve got is 279.4kN. It

seems I’m missing 0.2% of the outcome. This is due to round
up errors. I was only using 3-4 digits, and those add up. No
worries though, the computer uses much more than 4
digits… I’m just lazy!

With deformations, it’s a bit more tricky, but we can check

this as well.

Firstly I will calculate the shortening of the “main column”.

It was represented with elements A and B in our small FEA
task. Here, there is no need to treat those separately, as
they are constantly loaded, with constant cross-section and
material. Just remember that the total applied load to this
part of the column is 120kN from the top with the additional
160kN at the start – we need to sum those up!

The total shortening of the “main column” should be equal to

deformation downward (negative value in such case) at node
3. Our FEA “solver” spit out -0.71mm – a spectacular

Shortening of the top “smaller column” alone is:

This alone isn’t helpful for checking, but the total
deformation of the column (so deformations at node 4)
should be equal to the sum of the values above:

Our solver showed displacement as -1.05mm… yet another

spectacular victory!

Internal Forces
Great! Above we’ve managed to solve displacements and
reaction forces of the system. We already know a few useful
things. But obviously not all of them. Now, let’s wonder how
to calculate the internal forces in each element – those can
come in handy in design right?

Firstly, let’s sum up what we already know. We managed to

calculate the reaction force and displacements in our
system, and in the process, we had to create the stiffness
matrix for each and every element. All of the outcomes are
Calculation of internal forces is actually pretty simple. We
will just make the equilibrium equation for each individual
element, but instead of active forces, we will use internal
forces in the element. Since we know the deformations
already, this should work out nicely. In case you were
wondering, when I will mark an internal force in subscript
there will be a node number near which the value is
“located”. In superscript the element letter. This way we
won’t get lost here : )

As you can see, finding the internal forces isn’t so bad! We

are losing some accuracy as before (in element C the force
is 119kN instead of 120kN), but this is because I’m lazy and I
round up numbers pretty fast!

Note, that in elements C and B we did not use the applied

loads. However, the difference in internal forces, of course,
is present. At node 3 element C shows 119kN while element
B shows 279.4. The difference is, that at node 3 (think about
it as “between” elements C and B) additional load of 160kN
is applied!

Strains, Stresses and Shape Functions

Strain (and resulting stress) isn’t really a nodal value. You
can, of course, provide the value in the element near the
node (like we did with internal forces) but there is a twist.
For strain to appear something with “initial length” must
change its length. Nodes don’t have length at all… so strains
are associated with elements rather than nodes.

The twist is… we don’t know yet how the elements deform! I
mean we know how the beginning and the end of each
element deforms, and we are using linear elements, so it’s
painfully obvious. But our solver doesn’t know how the
elements deform… and we need to do something about this
if we want to use it!

To help our precious machine we have to “explain” what is

happening in each element based on what values it has at
the beginning and at the end. This is what shape
functions are for!

Since we are using a linear element, the shape functions are

relatively easy. This is how a typical element looks like:
I’m using “i” as the “beginning number” and “j” as the
“ending number”. Obviously depending on the element
different DOF will be at the beginning and end so using
“real” numbers isn’t the best choice!

This is a very simple linear ramp, but we want to use

coordinates in the mix, so the solver knows where it is. Also,
instead of an “equation”, I will prepare a vector, you should
use with the deformation vector. This way it will have an
option to use the deformation vector we already have! This
vector is the shape function for our element. Usually, it’s
described as “N”:

Note, that for x = xi the first value is 1, while the second is

0. On the same note for x = xj the first value is 0, while the
second is 1. This is because the shape functions are always
“calibrated” in such a way, that at a node, only the value
from that node impacts the outcome. It can also be seen
that regardless of the value of x, both terms in the vector
will add up to 1. Think about the shape functions, not as any
physical value… it’s just a mathematical tool to “spread out
and average” nodal values to the entire finite element.

Of course, on its own shape function is useless. But using it,

we can describe the deformation state of the entire element.
Such deformation will be a function of coordinate x because
depending on the x value the deformation in the given point
on the element will vary. Let’s call the “elemental”
deformations U(x), while the nodal deformation will use
lower case u as before. In such a case:

The above looks nice and dandy, but let’s do a quick test if it
is any good. Element “B” seems to be a good candidate. It
starts with node 2 (u2 = -0.355mm) and ends with node 3 (u3
= -0.71mm). It’s pretty obvious that in the middle of the
element the deformation should be -0.533mm, Well, let’s see
if this is also obvious to our solver:

Of course, we already know the coordinates. I will use the

global ones here, assuming that x=0 is at the bottom of the
column. This means that xi, being the beginning of element
B will be at xi = 4m, the xj = 8m and the place we want (the
middle of the element) x = 6m. With this in mind I can simply
solve the above:
Nice! It seems that our solver has a new trick – it knows
how to distribute displacements along finite elements. In
itself, it’s not all that fancy, but there is a neat thing going
on in here. And that is strain is a derivative of
displacements! Now, since we have the displacement
function, we can actually mathematically calculate strain…
finally we are getting somewhere! Normally there would be a
matrix [D] describing to the solver which derivatives to use
on which displacements (in a real 3D problem). But here, we
know that we will do a d/dx, since this is the only coordinate
we have! Regardless, the outcome is usually denoted with
[B], so let’s keep the classical notation:

Above I could “throw out” [u] from the derivative, as those

are constant values of nodal deformations. Notice, that B(x)
doesn’t really depend on x in our case! We are using
elements with the linear distribution of deformation along
the length… so the resulting strains will be constant on the
entire element!

Let’s see what strain will we get:

It’s easy to see, that finally, all the operations lead to the
correct one: displacement at the end minus the
displacement at the beginning divided by length. It looks like
we can calculate strains as well! Following the same
method, strain in element A is the same and in element B,
and strain in element C is 0.011333%.

Take heart! Only stresses are missing and we will call it a


Luckily for us, the relation between stress and strain is

primitive at best. Sure, out FEA solver should have a matrix
of “potential” material parameters but in our case, it’s
obvious that we will use Young’s modulus:

Finally, we did everything I wanted to cover here… and that

was something! Take a minute to celebrate, but if you want
to learn what I think is most important here… read on!

A Cruel Twist!
I must admit that I was surprised that I pulled this off. I
never did FEA by hand, and it took me several hours to find
materials in books to make this work. But I did it, and I
definitely learned something new. I think that this post
contains more equations than all other posts I’ve written in
the last 3 years O.o’

But being me, I want to finish in a traditional way when it

comes to math: is this useful?

The answer is: no, not really. I mean if I would be aiming at

writing my own solver then perhaps this would be the first
step. But if I would like to design that column from the
example? Don’t be ridiculous – this is not how it’s done! Even
if I would expand the example to 6 DOF to take bending into
account this would be far from “perfect”.

Here are some questions that are important in solving this

problem from a design standpoint… that has nothing to do
with anything I wrote today. Answering those is far more
important than learning how to operate on matrixes. After
all, you can use a solver done by someone else (there are
plenty, even open-source), but not a single solver will
answer you those questions:

Look, I admit that this is far-fetched. I know, that the above

does not cover today’s topic at all, and instead goes into
“steel design” much more than into FEA. Trust me, I really
know there are codes and rules to follow in such designs,
and there is specific software that will aid you in such a
task to some degree.

I wrote it here because I see that more and more people do

FEA, but have no clue on what is going on. I mean I’m all for
“FEA democratization”. For me, FEA was a wonderful tool
that greatly helped my career. I wish everybody to be even
more successful than I am.

But… this is still engineering for crying out loud! The fact
that you know how to move a matrix around does not mean
that you know how to design stuff! In fact, I would say that
those are two completely different things!

If you are just starting, please (please!) remember – FEA is

like a calculator, it only does math operations. Designing is
far more complex than that, and requires a LOT of
knowledge well outside of the math operations! You need to
understand how to mesh your model, how to load is and how
to support it. Finally, you need to know what analysis is the
“right one” and how to interpret outcomes (and what to pay
attention to). There are just so many things that are
important in design, that have nothing to do with what I
covered today.

I know that at Uni they mostly (if not only) talk about this
stuff in a way I did in this post… but this doesn’t mean that
this is the only thing that exists. Far from it… it’s not even
the beginning. After all, I’ve been successfully using FEA in
design for a decade now… and I learned how to solve those
freaking equations a few hours ago…

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