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CN1101A 5-Wed-2

Studio Session 3 Rate in Series

The basis of equilibrium and steady state rates will be explored in a 3 tank series flow system
with equipment, symbols and units that are frequently used in the industry.
To prove with calculations and experimental data gathered from MATLAB software that all flow
(ℎ1+ℎ1)ρ𝑔 (ℎ2−ℎ3 )ρ𝑔
rates are equal at steady state (Q1 = Q2 = Qpump) where, Q1= 𝑅1
; Q2= 𝑅2
Qpump=Predefined. To also understand the basis of equilibrium in a 2 tank system with proper
isolation practiced.
Load up MATLAB software and run simulations with changes in
variables with respect to each activity’s scenarios.
Results & Discussion
Activity 1:

From the simulation, as the water level in Tank 2 decreases over time from 0.2m to 0.163m, the
flow rate in Pipe 2 also decreases (3 to 0𝑐𝑚 ). This is due to a decrease in driving force
(hydrostatic pressure) due to a smaller difference in water level between Tank 2 & 3 over time.
At t= 84s onwards till ∞, the driving force is absent (∆ℎ = 0); the system is said to reach an
equilibrium state. The experimental video also shows similar results which reached an
equilibrium state at 100s.
Activity 2a:
At steady state, the water level of Tank 1, 2, 3 are 0.33m, 0.171m, 0.091m respectively. Using
the Hagen Poiseuille Equation, the steady state flow rate in pipe 1 & 2 was both found to be
3 3
3.01𝑐𝑚 /𝑠 which differs with the pump flow of 3𝑐𝑚 /𝑠. The slight variance might be caused by
the difference in water density used by the software (997𝑘𝑔/𝑚 ) as compared to our’s (1000
𝑘𝑔/𝑚 ). However, it is shown that the system has reached a steady state as the flow rate and
height of different tanks remain constant.
Activity 2b:
When Qpump=1𝑐𝑚 /𝑠, the simulated
height in each tank at steady state is
seen to be similar to those in the
experimental videos. (h1=0.28m,
h2=0.159m, h3=0.132m). The
difference in water level results in
pressure differential and creates a
driving force where water flows from
Tank 1 to Tank 2 and Tank 2 to Tank

Done By: Low Yi Hong, Lee Huan Chan, Sin Qi Zheng, Chong Wei Neng, Chee Soon Tian
CN1101A 5-Wed-2

Studio Session 3 Rate in Series

Activity 3:
During steady state and Qpump flowing at a constant rate of 5 cm3, simulation results show that
h1= 0.399m, h2=0.177m, h3= 0.044m which coincides with our paper calculations.

Activity 4:
The group expected the water level in Tank 1 to increase by 0.03m when replaced with a
straight pipe. The increase in water level in Tank 1 will also cause a decrease in water level in
both Tank 2 (0.1679m) and 3 (0.0349m) at steady state as it is a closed system. However, the
height difference between Tank 2 & 3 (0.133m) is seen to be consistent with previous activity.

R2: When the resistance of pipe 2 connecting Tank 2 and

3 increases drastically (closed valve), Q2 flow reduces.
Tank 2 might reach a new steady state at an increased
height or overflow due to positive accumulation.(
𝐴2 𝑑𝑡
= 𝑄1 − 𝑄2where 𝑄2𝑎𝑝𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑥 0). On the other hand, if
the resistance is reduced drastically (negligible), Tank 2
and 3 will attain the same water height consistently.

R3: When there is a significant increase of R1, Tank 1 will reach a higher equilibrium height to
supply an increased driving force to maintain the same flow. This might cause Tank 1 to
overflow. Another problem faced is when the base of Tank 3 ruptures. Without immediate
remedy, all tanks will be emptied out in the long run since Tank 3 is the lowest tank in the
system. The third example is when a large volume of water is added into Tank 3, to attain a new
equilibrium, water levels in all tanks rise to balance out. This might cause overflow in Tanks 1
and 2.

Done By: Low Yi Hong, Lee Huan Chan, Sin Qi Zheng, Chong Wei Neng, Chee Soon Tian

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