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LABORATORY MANUAL IN CE 408 — CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS AND TESTING Foreword ‘This Laboratory Manual developed for the course "CE 408 - Construction Materials and Testing” of Batangas State University. The purpose of this laboratory manual is to present the standardized test procedures for checking materials for conformance with the standards. There ‘22 two parts on this manual, first the lecture portion and the second part will be the laboratory spect of the course.. It is recommended that the course instructor should lecture on the subject or materials involved before undertaking the specific test for a better comprehension by the student. ‘The testing procedure is mostly based on the standard methods of testing of materials of the American Society of Testing Materials (ASTM) and the American Association of the State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO). The reason for using these standards as basis ‘of this manual is that these are the standards used in majority of Civil Engineering Construction sowadays in the Philippines. The numbers of ASTM and AASHTO designations for each leboratory experiment/test were stated. ‘This manual is not designed as a field manual but is intended to be used in Civil Engineering and Environmental & Sanitary Engineering Materials Laboratory and other offices for guidance, seference and instruction. ‘The authors would like to express their gratitude to the individuals who help develop this manual. ‘The authors hope this material will be helpful to the students of Civil Engineering Department. Nicasio V. Antonio I Oliver S. Dimaitig Anacieto N. Mercado General Laboratory Instructions The CE 408 - Construction Materials and Testing course provides 3 unit credit eGuivalent to two hours lecture and three hours of laboratory work per week. The laboratory testing has been arranged so that each test may be performed within the three hour period. Each laboratory period will consist of three parts. These are: A. Ashort briefing on the test which is to be performed. 8. The actual lab testing. This will be done in groups of three or four students. In some cases, this may be a demonstration by the instructor. C. The reduction of rough data. Once the testing is complete and each group has secured its own data, the data will be reduced and all necessary computations will be made. Each student will secure a copy of all data and In general, a laboratory report will be submitted one week after each laboratory work was performed. General notes on lab reports are given on the following page. Specific instruction will be given for each test. Most of the experiments require some preparation that must be done before coming to class or before the scheduled laboratory experiment. Completing this reading and/or calculation will Prevent needless delay, mistakes, and wasted effort during the laboratory period. During the laboratory period reasonable care should be used to prevent damage to equipment and personnel. The equipment in the laboratory is for your use and most of it is quite rugged and not easily damaged; however, if in doubt concerning the operation of the equipment, ask the course instructor and/or laboratory technician. As essential element of good laboratory practice is maintaining a clean and orderly laboratory. !t will be the responsibility of each group to clean its own equipment and area where their lab work was performed. All equipment will be returned to its proper place. One group will be responsible each week for the over-all clean up. The clean-up group will see that all equipment is in its proper place. This group will check out with the instructor each week. Some of the test will require that someone will check on the test on the day following the 'aboratory period. The group may delegate one person to do this. However, each group member will be responsible for securing any data obtained. Instructions for Laboratory Reports The report is to be written in the style of a professional engineering report such as it would be submitted by a material testing laboratory engineer to a construction company or an engineering firm. The reports should look like engineering documents. It is recommended that they be typed or neatly printed. The course instructor and this manual will provide specific instructions for laboratory reports for each test. The following are some of the general requirements for all laboratory reports: 1. Title Page: identify the test or tests performed. Show course number and lab section number, name of person submitting the report, party number, names of persons in your party, and date. 2. Objectives: brief statement of the aim/s of the test or tests performed. 3. Theory: brief statements as to what you are attempting to accomplish by performing the test. State significance (usefulness) of the test. 4. Materials and Set-up: identify materials, specimen, and testing apparatus 5. Methodology: Identify testing procedures. 6. Test Results: state the principal findings and include tables and graphs. Each table or graph self-explanatory — include suitable title, use a legend for data points and curves. 7. Analysis of Data: compare your results with any which are given in text or other references. Give reasons for discrepancies if serious differences appear to exist. Mention limitations of test. 8. Conclusion: brief statement presenting a personal analysis of the results. Conclusions must be supported by, but do not include, the actual results. Statements about the rationality of the results should be included. , 9. Appendices: Lab data, calculations, data sheets and documentations. Laboratory Manual in CE 408— Construction Materials and Testing | 1 Laboratory Exercise No. 1 Inspection of the Testing Laboratory Discussion: The purpose of this laboratory exercise is to let the student become acquainted with the material testing laboratory, the equipment available, the requirements of the course. Preparatory readings: Appendix A, B, and C, ASTM E380 Procedures: 1. Under the guidance of the staff member, visit the laborato equipment is located. Inquire on the operation of the compression testing machine. Make a list of the major types of equip the dial divisions. ry and observe where general 2 2. ment available. Note the units of calibration and Report: Write an informal report that includes: 3. A guide to the laboratory, with the major features indicated on a sketch, A brief description of each major testing machine and equipments, This should include, where appropriate, the factor necessary to convert the calibration units to the correct S} units. - An assessment of the role of the course in your education, Discussi Laboratory Manual in CE 408 — Construction Materials and Testing | 3 Laboratory Exercise No. 2 Reducing Field Samples of Aggregates to Testing Size The correct method of obtaining a sample of aggregates for mechanical analysis is an important aspect of Material Testing, The purpose of these exercises is to obtain a representative sample for testing. Standard No. ASTM Designation 702 AASHTO Designation T 2-74 Equipment and Materials: 1. Representative sample of aggregates 2. Spade 3. Container 4, Standard sieve, 1” 5. Sample splitter (optional) Methodology: 1. Take a representative sand and gravel. Place it in a container. 2. Wash it thoroughly with water so that it will be free from silt and clay. 3. Dry the sample. 4. Pass it to 1” inch and disregard the sample which is more than 1” inch in diameter. 5. Make a mound and divide it into four parts. Take the opposite division for mechanical analysis aggregates. 6. In case a sample divider is available pour the -ample of combined coarse and fine aggregates. Laboratory Manual in CE 408 - Construction Materials and Testing | 4 The sample will be used for the sieve analysis of combined coarse and fine aggregates. ‘SIZE OF SAMPLES Mm. Inches Minimum Weight of field Samples Lb kg 95 3/8 10 5 125 % 20 10 19 % 30 15 25 1 50 25 37.5 1% 70 30 50 2 90 40 63 2% 100 45 75 3 125 60 90 3% 150 65 oe Laboratory Manual in CE 408 — Construction Materials and Testing | 5 Laboratory Exercise No. 3 Determination of Surface Moisture of Coarse Aggregate Discussion: This method of test covers a procedure for determining, in the field, the amount of surface moisture in fine aggregate by displacement in water. The accuracy of the method depends upon accurate information on the bulk specific gravity of material in saturated surface-dried condition. The same procedure, with container, may be applied to coarse aggregate. Standard No. ASTM C 70-73 Equipment and Materials: 2. Balance | | | 1. Sample of aggregates | 3. Flask . Testing Procedures: 1. The surface water content may be determined either by weight or volume. In each case the test shall be made at a temperature range of 18 to 29 C (65 to 85 F). 2. Determination by weight — Fill the container to the mark with water and determine the weight in grams. Empty the container and place enough water in it to cover the sample. Introduced the weighed sample of coarse aggregates into the container and removed the entrained air. Fill the container to the original mark, and determine the weight in grams. Calculate the amount of water displaced by the sample, as follows: Vs =We + Ws—W Where; Vs = weight of displaces by the sample, g Wc = weight of container filled to the mark with water, g. Laboratory Manual in CE 408 - Construction Materials and Testing | 6 ‘Ws = weight of sample, g. W= weight of container and sample, filled to mark with water, g. 3. Determination by Volume - Measure a volume of water, millimeters, sufficient to cover the sample and place in the container. Introduced the weighed sample of coarse ‘aggregate into the container and removed the entrained air. Determined the combined volume of the sample and the water by direct reading when a graduated flask is used. When a pycnometer or volumetric flask of known volume is used, determined the combined volume of the sample and the water by filling to the mark with a measured volume of water. Calculate the amount of water displaces by the sample ass follows; Vs =V2=V1 ‘Where: Vs = volume of the water displaced by the sample, mI. V1 = combined volume of sample and water, mi. V1 = volume of water required to cover the sample, ml. Calculation: 1. Calculate the percentage of surface moisture in terms of the saturated surface-dry fine ‘2egregate as follows: P= [(Vs—Vad)] / [(Ws = Vs)] x 100 Where: P = surface moisture in terms saturated surface dry fine aggregate percent. Vd = mass of sample (Ws) divide by the bulk specific gravity of the fine aggregate ina saturated surface dried condition. Vs = mass of water displaced, g. Ws = mass of sample, g Laboratory Manual in CE 408 — Construction Materials and Testing | 7 2. Calculate the percentage of surface moisture in terms of dry aggregate if the absorption of the aggregate is known as follows: Pd =P(1 + (Pa/100)} Where: Pd = surface moisture in terms of dry fine aggregate, in percent. Pa = absorption of fine aggregate, in percent. The total moisture content, on dry aggregate basis, is the sum of the surface, Pd and the absorption, Pa. Laboratory Manual in CE 408 Construction Materials and Testing | 8 Laboratory Exercise No. 4 Sieve Analysis of Coarse Aggregates Discussion: Sieve analysis is used to determine the particle size distribution or graduation of an aggregate. A suitable graduation of an aggregate in a concrete mix is desirable in order to secure workability of the mixture and economy in the use of cement. For asphalt concrete, suitable graduation only affect the work ability of the mixture and economy in the use of the other important properties. Standard No. ASTM C 136-76 AASHTO T 27-74 Equipment and Materials: 1. Set of Sieves 2. Containers Testing Procedure: 1. Find proper weight of dry aggregate. a. Coarse aggregate: 10,000 grams use method of quertering a sample splitter. 2. Assemble sieves in the following order: 2a. for coarse aggregated: 1”, X”, 4", 3/8”, #4, #8, pan 3. Place the weighted aggregates in the top of the sieve stack and cover with the lid. Properly secure the sieves in the mechanical shaker and turn on the shaker for five minutes. In case of ‘the absence of mechanical shaker, shake the stack of sieves with your hands continuously for the same time. 4. Weigh the materials that are retained on each of the sieves, including the weight retained on ‘the pan, and record in the data sheet. If the sums of these weights are not within 1 percent of Laboratory Manual in CE 408 ~ Construction Materials and Testing | 9 the original sample weight, the procedure should be repeated. Otherwise, use the sum of the weight retained to calculate the percentage on each sieve. 5. Compute the cumulative percent retained and the percent passing each sieve 6. Plot the gradation curves for the coarse and fine aggregates from the experiment on the graph provided. Plot the specified gradation curves for the coarse and fine aggregates (to be specified by the laboratory instructor). Plot the combined grading curve using 40% coarse and 60% fine aggregate. SIEVE SIZES US. Standard Sieve Size Clear Opening in Inches 1%” = v 3 a 3/8” No. 4 No.8 0.0937 MIN. MASS OF SAMPLE FOR SIEVE ANALYSIS OF COARSE AGGREGATES Size of Particle Min. Mass of Sample in Kg 2 Laboratory Manual in CE 408 - Construction Materials and Testing | 12 Laboratory Exercise No. 5 Determination of Unit Weight of Coarse Aggregates Discussion: The unit weight of aggregate is usually expressed in pounds per cubic foot. Unit weight cof aggregate is significant In that it gives a measure of the voids in a unit volume of aggregate. ‘The voids of aggregate depends upon many on factors, among them are size, shape and surface ‘texture of aggregate, gradation, moisture content and compaction. For general information and for comparison of different aggregates, the standard conditions used in determining the unit weight are dry and compact. Standard No. ASTM C 29-78 AASHTO 1 19-74 Equipment: 1 Tamping rod 2. Volume measure 3. Scale Testing Procedures: 1 Select approximately 60 Ib. of air-dry thoroughly mixed coarse aggregate. 2 Fill the measure one-third full, level the surface and tamp with 25 strokes, evenly distributed ‘ower the surface. 2 Fill the measure two thirds full, level and tamp 25 times over the surface. Only enough force should be used to cause the tamping rod to just penetrate the last layer of aggregate placed in che measure. + Fill the measure to overflowing, tamp as before and strike off the surplus by rolling the ‘semping rod over the surface. Do not compress the aggregate. Laboratory Manual in CE 408 — Construction Materials and Testing | 13 5. Determine the weight of the aggregate in the measure and compute the unit weight. Make at least two determinations. Results should agree within one percent. TABLE | DIMENSIONS OF MEASURE, U.S. CUSTOMARY SYSTEM Capacity _inside Inside ‘Min. Thicknesses of Nominal (ft?) Diameter Height (in) Metal (in) Size of (in) Aggregates (in) Bottom wall 11060401 =~ «6.1401 0.20 0.10 % 3 80401 115401 0.20 0.10 1 % 10.0401 11.0401 0.20 0.12 1% dl 14.0401 11.2401 0.20 0.12 4 TABLE 2 Dimensions of measures, Metric System Capacity Inside Inside Min. Thicknesses of Max. Nominal (liters) Diameter Height Metal (mm) Size of (mm) (mm) Aggregates (mm. b) bottom wall 3 155 +2 16042 5.0 25 125 10 205 +2 205 +2 5.0 25 25.0 15 255 +2 295 +2 5.0 3.0 37.5 30 355 +2 305 42 5.0 3.0 100 2) The indicated size of container may be used to test aggregates of a maximum nominal size equal to or smaller than that listed. b) Based on sieves with square openings. Laboratory Manual in CE 408 - Construction Materials and Testing | 15 Laboratory Exercise No. 6 Determination of Specific Gravity and Absorption of Coarse Aggregates Discussion: Basically, specific gravity is the ration of the weight of a given volume of material to the weight of an equal volume of water. However, there are several variations of this definition depending upon the material and purposes for which the value of specific gravity is to be used. In concrete work, the term specific customarily refers to the density of the individual particle, not to the segregated mass as a whole. The most common definition of specific gravity in concrete =zgregate is based upon the bulk volume of the individual ageregate in a saturated surface dry- condition (SSD). The bulk (oven-dry) specific gravity and apparent specific gravity are used to a lesser degree. Solid unit weight in pound per cubic foot (pcf) of an aggregate is customarily defined as the specific gravity times 62.4 pcf. The absorption capacity is determined by finding the weight of an aggregate under SSD condition and an oven-dry condition. The difference in weight expressed as a percentage of the coven-dry sample weight is the absorption capacity. Coarse aggregates are considered to be ssturated surface-dry when they have been wiped free of visible moisture films with a cloth shter the aggregates have been soaked in water for a long period of time (over 24 hours). The ssturated surface-dry condition of fine aggregate is usually taken as that at which a previously ‘wet sample just became free-flowing. Standard No. ASTM 127-77 AASHTO T 85-74 Equipment and Materials: 1 Scale sensitive to 0.01 in., or 1 gm. 2 Wire mesh basket 3. Balance sensitive to 1 gm 4 Drying oven 3/8” sieve Laboratory Manual in CE 408 - Construction Materials and Testing | 16 Testing Procedures: +1 Soak coarse aggregate under water for 24 hours (done for you by laboratory instructor). 2 Obtain approximately 5 kg of saturate coarse aggregate (retained on 3/8” sieve). 3. Trowel the aggregate to the saturated surface-dry condition (SSD) 4. Measure SSD weight. (8) of aggregate in air to the nearest 1 gram. Do this quickly to prevent evaporation. 5. Place a sample in a wire mesh basket, and determine its weight in water ( C ). Be sure to subtract the submerged weight of the basket of the basket from the total. & Place wet aggregate in oven and dry to constant weight (A). Leave the aggregate in oven over night. 7. From the above data (i.e A, 8, and C) calculate three types of specific gravity and absorption +s defined below: a A 1. Apparent Specific Gravity = =~ (pay 2) A> conclant weight 2. Bulk Specific Gravity (SSD) = 5 Measwre of SSD wig 8 Cr weight ie water ye Laboratory Manual in CE 408 - Construction Materials and Testing | 18 Laboratory Exercise No. 7 Fineness of Cement Discussion: The rate of hydration and hydrolysis and the consequent development of strength in a cement mortar depends upon the fineness of the grinding the cement. To have the same rate of hardening in different brands of cement, the fineness has been standardized as follows: The finer cement have quicker action with water and gain strength, though the ultimate strength is not affected. Fineness also gives it more cohesiveness and reduces the separation of water at the top of concrete. However, the shrinkage and cracking of cement concrete which increases in the rate of strength development are higher with finer cement. The objective of this experiment is to determine the fineness of cement by sieve analysis. Equipment and Materials: 1. Sample of Portland Cement 2. Balance, sensitive to 0.1 gm 3. Standard Sieve #200 Testing Procedure: 1. Accurate weigh 100 gm of cement and place it on #200 sieve. 2 Breakdown any air-set lumps in the sample with fingers, but do not rob it on the sieve. 3. Sieving is done by a gentle motion of the wrist for 15 minutes continuously. + The residue shall be the weighed and should not exceed 10 percent by weight of the cement semple. Laboratory Manual in CE 408 ~ Construction Materials and Testing | 19 Laboratory Exercise No. 8 Consistency of Standard Cement Paste Discussion: Consistency one property of the fresh concrete, is an important consideration in securing of a workable concrete that can be properly compacted in the forms. The term consistency relates fluidity from the driest to the wettest mixtures. The common tests to Setermine consistency are the “slump” test and the “ball penetration” test. These tests give only rough measures of consistency, but they do give satisfactory measures of this property for most practical work. For convenience, various degrees of wetness of a mix may be roughly classified as dry, ‘==, medium, wet, or sloppy. A concrete is said to have medium or plastic consistency when it is Jest wet enough to flow sluggishly ~ not so dry that it crumbles or so that water or paste rums fom the mass. The principal factors affecting consistency are (1) the relative proportions of cement to ezregate (2) the water is content of aggregate (3) the size aggregate (4) the shape and surface ‘Saracteristics of the aggregate particles and (5) the fineness and type of cement and the kind 2d amount of a mixture. The aim of this experiment is to find out for a given cement the quality of water to be axed to give a paste of normal consistency. Equipment and Materials: ‘Sample of Portland Cement Balance, sensitive to 0.1 gm. Vicat’s Apparatus Spatula Pe Ne Laboratory Manual in CE 408 — Construction Materials and Testing | 20 ‘Testing Procedures: 1. Weigh accurately about 300 gm of neat cement sample to be tested. 2. Mix about 25% of a clean water to the cement by means of spatula. 3. After about a minute, mixed it thoroughly with hands for at least one minute. 4. The kneaded paste is formed into a ball and tossed about six times from one hand to znother. 5. The ball is then pressed into a rubber mold and the excess paste is removed. 6. The larger end of the rod is brought in contact with the surface of the paste and reading on the scale is taken. 7. The rod is then quickly released without any jerk and penetration noted. If the rod penetrates by 33 to 35 mm the paste is said to be of “normal consistency”. &. The time taken between adding of water to cement and the filling of the mold should be between 3 to 5 minutes. © Trial pastes should be made with varying percentage of water to determine the percentage for which the desired penetration is obtained. The amount of the water is expressed as percentage by weight of dry cement usually 30%. Appropriate range is slump of concrete for various degrees of consistency. Consistency Slump, mm Remarks Dy 0-25 Crumbles and falls apart under ordinary handling; can be compacted into rigid mass under vigorous ramming, heavy pressure and vibration, but unless care is used exhibits voids or honeycomb, stiff 15-65 Tends to stand as a pile; holds together fairly well but crumbles if chuted; with care and effort can be tamped into solid dense mass; satisfactory for vibratory compaction. Medium 50-140 Alternate terms; plastic, mushy quaking. Easily molded although some care required to secure complete compaction. Wet 125-200 Pile flattens readily when dumped; can be poured into place. Sloppy 175-250 Group of mortar tends to run out of pile, leaving coarser material behind. \ \ Laboratory Manual in CE 408 ~ Construction Materials and Testing | 21. Laboratory Exercise No. 9 False Set in Cement ASA CAST Discussion: , __ To ensure sufficient times to place concrete while it remains plastic, a minimum limit is imposed on the time of “initial” set, which may be taken as the condition of the mass when it begins to stiffen appreciably. ASTM specifications require that initial set should not take place within one hour. Depending on the test used to determine it, initial set usually takes place within two or four hours. To ensure that the cement will harden for use, a minimum limit is imposed on the time of “final” set. ASTM specifications require that final set occurs within five to eight hours. The condition of initial and final set is determined by penetration of standard needles or rods into a “neat” (straight) paste of specified consistency. Equipment and Materials: ‘Sample of Portland Cement Balance, sensitive to 0.1. gm Vicat’s Apparatus Spatula Mixing container Testing Procedures: + Teke a cement sample about 500 gm in weight. 2. Make a conical pile and mix with water. 3. Place the mixture in a rubber mould and level the top. +. Place it in the Vicat’s Apparatus. The larger and should be placed in contact of the surface of mixture and the reading should be set at zero mark. Laboratory Manual in CE 408 Construction Materials and Testing | 22 5. Release the plunger and after 30 seconds, read the reading on the scale. The reading should ‘net read less than 35 + 2 mm. ‘5. Level the mixture in the mould and wait for about 5 minutes for another testing. Repeat steps 4 and 5. : 7. The difference of the first and final testing in the Vicat’s needle reading should not exceed 17 =m. Laboratory Manual in CE 408 ~ Construction Materials and Testing | 23 Laboratory Exercise No. 10 Determination of Specific Gravity of Cement Discussion: The specific gravity of cement is used in the design and control of concrete mixtures. Specific Bravity is also used as an index for the quality of cement. Standard ASTM 188-78 Equipment and Materials: awenp Le Chatelier's flask with cover and anchor weights Kerosene Water bath and thermometer. Balance Testing Procedures: Fill the flask with kerosene just a little over the 1cc mark. Dry the neck of the flask by wiping it with a clean cloth. Put the stopper and immerse the flask in a bath of water maintained at a 20 + 0.1°C, Time of immersion shall not fess than 40 minutes. Read and record the kerosene level in the flask. Be sure to read the lower meniscus. (that will be your Initial reading, Ri) Prepare a cement sample which is approximately 64 grams. Remove the flask from the water bath, Remove the stopper and put the cement sample into the flask by increments. Vibrate the flask slightly while placing the cement. After putting all the cement, place the stopper in the flask. Roll and whirl it in a horizontal circular motion until no further air bubbles rise to the surface of the kerosene. Immerse again the flask into the water bath maintaining a constant temperature of 20£0.1°C for at least 40 minutes Remove the flask from the bath. Take the reading and record this kerosene level (Final Reading, Ri). The final reading should be in the range of 18 cc to 24 cc. Laboratory Manual in CE 408~ Construction Materials and Testing | 24 Data and Results: Weight of cement, g (Wc) Initial readirig of kerosene, cc (Ri) Final reading of kerosene, cc (Rf) ‘Computation: Specific Gravity = Wc/(Rf — Ri) Laboratory Manual in CE 408 - Construction Materials and Testing | 25 Laboratory Exercise No. 11 Determination of Time Setting of Hydraulic Cement Set of Cement) Discussion: appear will not reunite. The concrete is said to be finally set when it has attained sufficient strength and hardness. Standard No.ASTM = C 191-71 AASHTOT 131-74, Equipment and Materials: 1. Portland cement sample 2. Balance sensitive to 0.1 gm. 3. Vicat Apparatus 4. #200 sieve 5. Mixing container 6. Spatula Testing Procedures: 1. Test for fineness of cement (350 gm). 2. Weigh about 300 gm. of cement accurately and make a paste with 0.085 times the water required to make a paste of normal consistency. 3. The paste is then placed in the rubber mold. Laboratory Manual in CE 408 - Construction Materials and Testing | 26 4. The small end of the rod is brought in contact with the surface of the paste and quickly released. 5. The penetration of the needle can be read on the goals. The initial set is said to have occurred when the needle ceases to pass a point 5 mm above the bottom of the mold. 6. The time taken from the instant of adding water to the cement up to the moment when the needle ceases to penetrate a point 5 mm above the bottom of the mold is. known as the initial ‘setting of the cement. For ordinary Portland cement, the initial setting time should not be less than 30 minutes. Laboratory Manual in CE 408. ~ Construction Materials and Testing ar Laboratory Exercise No. 12 Laboratory Concrete-Mix Proportioning Discussion: ‘The purposes of the experiment are: (1) to use the trial mix method described hereinafter to determine ‘optimum proportion of aggregates, cement, and water for. ‘concrete to meet specified strength requirements. (2) to learn concreting practice in laboratory environment, and (3) to observe the characteristics properties of fresh concrete. Standard No, ASTM 192-69 143-71, AASHTO ¥ 126-70 7119-74 Equipment and Materials: 1.6" x6” x 18” horizontal molds 2. Five 6” x 12" cylinder molds with over plates 3. Two large containers for ‘stocking aggregates 4. Large mixing pan, two trowels, slump cone, tamping rod 12” rule 5. Scale sensitive to 0.01 Ib, Trial Mix Design Procedures: eBeregete, cement, and water needed to make up one Cubic yard of non air-entrained concrete Of a specified compressive strength. This calculation should be done before the beginning of the laboratory period. Results of the design shall be submitted to the laboratory instructor for his approval, Laboratory Manual in CE 408 - Construction Materials and Testing | 28 1. The following information shall be provided to each party by laboratory instructor: (a) 28-day compressive strength required for the concrete. (b) Properties of the coarse and fine aggregate including maximum aggregate size, fineness modulu of the fine aggregate, effective absorption of the fine and coarse aggregate. (c) Assume normal Type 1 portland cement is to be used in the laboratory and slimp of the concrete mix will be ranged between 3 and 4 in. 2. Based on the 28-day compressive strength, obtain the water cement ratio required from table for entrained concrete using Type 1 portland cement. 3. Based on the W/C the maximum aggregate size and FM of the fine aggregate, and using the table, compute the quantities of the coarse aggregate (ac), fine aggregate (af), cement (0), water (wc) for hydration, and water (wao) and {waf) needed to bring the coarse aggregate and fine aggregate in the SSD conditions for one cubic yard of concrete by ACI method, Record these results in the data sheet. 4. divide all the quantities determined in step 3 by 27 to obtain the estimated quantities of the materials (ac, af, C, We, Wac, Waf) for one cubic ft. may be needed. Consult the laboratory instructor for the amount of concrete needed. Laboratory Batching Method: 5. Weigh the amount of coarse aggregate (ac), determined in Step 4, store in a container. Add the amount of water of for effective absorption (Wac) to the aggregate and mix them thoroughly. Weigh the amount of fine aggregate (af) (Waf) mix them thoroughly. Record all the weights in the data sheet. &. Weigh the quantity of cement (c) and put in a larger mixing pan. Weigh the amount of water for absorption (Waf) mix them thoroughly. Record all the weights in the data sheet, 7. Coarse and fine aggregates contained in Step 5 are added into the mixing pan to produce a pnerete mix with the desired slump of 3 to. in. and with good workability. This can be done by ‘rst using only 2/2.0f the coarse and fine aggregates and thoroughly mixing the aggregates with the paste. Then test the slump (see step 8 for slump test). At this point, the slump of the ‘mixture should be greater than 4”. Gradually add small quantities of fine or coarse aggregate “Sr both) and thoroughly remix the concrete and test the slump. Repeat this process until the ix reaches the desired slump. As the limiting slump is approaching, the batch should be =zrefully examined in order to Judge which aggregate to add. The correct amount of sand is the sinimum which will produce enough mortar to fill the Space between pieces of coarse {Laboratory Manual in CE 408 ~ Construction Materials and Testing [29 oseregate. In general understanding creates harshness (tack of toweling ability) and show lack Of cohesiveness whereas oversanding decreases “yield” and may result in greater potential volume change. When the batch is judged to b satisfactory, the remaining supplies of aggregates are weighed and recorded in the data sheet. 8. In testing the slump, the mold shall be dampened and placed in the mixing pan. The mold shall be firmly held down against the Pan. Fill the slump cone with concrete in three layer, each approximately one-third of the volume of the mold. Each layer shall be rodded with 25 strokes, distributed uniformly over the cross-section of the cone. The rod shall lightly penetrate the Previous layer. After the top layer has been rodded. The surface of concrete shall be struck off with a trowel so that the cone is exactly filled. The cone shail be immediately removed from the Concrete by raising it carefully in a vertical direction, The slump shall be measured immediately by determining the difference between the height of the mold and the height of the subsided concrete. After the slump measurement is completed, the side of the concrete frustum should be tapped gently with the tamping rod. The behavior of the concrete under this treatment is a valuable indication of the cohesiveness. A well-proportioned mix will gradually slump to lower elevation and retain its original form while a poor mix will crumple. Segregate and fall apart. 9. Before filling the concrete into a cylinder molds determine the weight of each cylinder mold and record the weight in the data sheet. The cylindrical concrete specimen shal be formed by Plecing the concrete in the cylinder mold in three layers of approximately equal volume. Each layer should be rodded with 25 strokes using a tamping rod. The strokes should be distributed uniformly over the cross section of the mold. Also the cylinder mold filled with concrete should be tapped gently with the tamping rod. This treatment will help to consolidate the concrete and {0 drive out the air bubbles trapped in the concrete. After the top layer has been rodded, the Surface of the concrete shall be struck out with a trowel. Three cjlinder coverete specimens shall be made. Measures the weights of each cylinder mold filed with concfete and record the ‘weights in the data sheet. Cover each with a greased glass plate. 70. The beam specimen shall be formed by placing the concrete in a steel beam mold in two ‘ayers of approximately equal volume. Each layer shall be rodded with n strokes (one strokes Per 2 square inches) cover the top surface of the beam with a greased steel plate. 11. After 24 hours test specimen shall be removed from the molds and stored in the curing room. 12. Compute the unit weight of concrete, the weight of materials for making one cubic yard of Concrete and the “cement factor” for the concrete mix. Record these results in the data sheet, Laboratory Manual in CE 408 — Construction Materials and Testing | 30 Table for Compressive Strength of Concrete for Various Water-Cement Ratio Probable Average for Compressive Strength at 28 Water-Cement Ratio days, psi (Type | Cement) ae eee Air-Entrained Concrete 0.36 6000 ‘4800 0.46 5000 3800 056 4000 3300 0.6 3500 2700 0.67 3000 2300 0.74 2500 2000 —_=--“’/_/"/@$§_ Be 2000 Table for Bulk Volume of Coarse Aggregate (cu. ft.) Per Cubic Yard of ‘Concrete FM of Fine Aggregate Maximum Size of Aggregate (in.) 2.4 26 28 3.0 3/8 BS 13.0 2a 11.0 % 15.9 15.4 148 143 % 178 173 167 16.2 1 19.2 18.6 18.1 17.6 1.1/2 20.2 19.7 19.2 18.6 2 214 205 20.0 19.4 3 22.1 216 21.6 20.5 Non-Air-Entrained ‘Concrete Approximately Total Amount Air % Water, Ib/cu. yd. of Water, Ib/eu. yd. Concrete of Concrete 75 310 340 360 3 385 419 75 300 325 340 25 365 385 6 275 300 315 2 340 360 6 260 285 300 15 325 340 5 240 265 285 1 300 315 5 225 250 265 05 285 300 4 210 235 - 03 265 _ 3 185 200 ~ 02 235 = Laboratory Manual in CE 408 - Construction Materials and Testing | 32 CONCRETE TRIAL MIX DATA Name Date Group No.___ Section Structure i Max. Aggregate Size Exposure Conditions: Fine Aggregate F.M. Severs Mild Absorption: Air Fresh Water, Sea Water. Fine Aggregate % Design Strength psi Coarse Aggregate % W/C for Strength Moisture: $$ WIC for Exposure. Fine Aggregate % a eee eee W/C for Use Coarse Aggregate % 5 Amt. Cale for [Amt Gale for J Weieht | waighe MATERIAL | dyed | ___ae Weight | Remaining | Used Concrete 20% : 8 Measured Slump Workability eee See Eee Wt. Container + Concrete Wt, for 1 yd? of Concrete Wt. Container = Cement Factor. eee eee Wr. Conerete = Coarse Age, Sere ree eee eee eee Ee eet Vol. of Container = Fine Ag. See te pero eee eet Unit Wt. of Concrete = Total Water ——_—_____ Se Ee Fine Aggregate Percentage of Total Aggregate ee Laboratory Manual in CE 408 — Construction Materials and Testing | 33 Laboratory Exercise No. 13 Slump Test of a Concrete Discussion: Aslump test is made by measuring the settlement of a 12~ in. (300 mm) high, formed in a mold that has a shape of a frustum of a cone. Equipment and Materials: Slump one Device Portland Cement Sand and Gravel Spade Standard Sieve, 1” Container Mixing box Testing Procedure: 1. Take a sample of cement, sand and gravel. 2. Wash the sand and gravel thoroughly with a water so that it will be free from silt and clay. 3. Weigh equal amount of sand and gravel for a total of about 15 kg. and place them in a mixing box. Add 2 kg. of cement, add water, using a water-cement ratio of 0.45, 0.55, or 0.65. Keep Precise records of the amounts. It is convenient to measure the water in a beaker (1L = 1 kg.). Mix them thoroughly. Use a mixture of 1:2:4. 4. Put the concrete mixture to the slump cone device up to depth of 4 in. then tamp with a rod evenly distributed over a cross section. Tamp it 25 times. Laboratory Manual in CE 408 ~ Construction Materials and Testing [34 5. Again add to the device another portion of the concrete mixture another 4 in, deep and tamp with rod another 25 times, 6. Add a concrete mixture to the device until it is full. Rod it again for 25 times of a depth of 4 in. and then level the top of the cone. 7, Gently lift the slump cone device by lifting it from the handle. 8. Measure the distance of setting and compare the result to the allowable slump shown on the Previous table. Laboratory Manual in CE 408 - Construction Materials and Testing | 35 Laboratory Exercise No. 14 Test for Weight Per Cubic Foot, Yield, and Air Content (Gravimetric) of Concrete Discussion: This test covers the determination of the weight per cubic foot of freshly mixed Concrete and gives formulas for calculating the yield, cement content, and the air content of the concrete. Yield is defined as the volume of the concrete Produced from the mixture of known quantities of the competent materials. Standard No.ASTM C 138-77 AASHTO T 123 Equipment and Materials: 1, Balance 2. Tamping Rod 3. Measure 4. Strike-Off Plate 5. Calibration Equipment Testing Procedures: +. Compact measures smaller than 0.04 f3 (10 dm3) by rodding because of the danger of Excessive loss of entrained air. For measures 0.4 f3 (10 dm3) or larger, base the selection of the method of consolidation on the slump unless the method is stated in the specification under which the work is being performed. The methods of consolidation are rodding and internal vibration. Rod concretes with a slump greater than 3 inch (75 mm). Rod or vibrate mm.) by vibration, 2. Rodding ~ Place the concrete in the measures in the three layers of approximately equal volume. Rod each layer with 25 strokes of the tamping rod when the 0.5 ft3 (14 dm2) or smaller Laboratory Manual in CE 408 - Construction Materials and Testing | 36 measures are used and 50 strokes when the one cubic feet measure is used, Rod the bottom layer throughout its depth but the rod shall not forcibly strike the bottom of the measure. Distribute the strokes uniformly over the cross section of the measure and for the two layers penetrate about 1 in. / (25 mm) into the underlying layer. After each layer is rodded, the sides Of the measure smartly ten or more times until no large bubbles of air appear on the surface and voids left by the tamping rod are closed. Add the final layer so as to avoid overfilling. 3. On completion of consolidation the measure must not contain a substantial excess or deficiency of concrete. An excess of concrete protruding approximately 1/5 in. (amm,) above the top of the mold is optimum. A small quantity of concrete may be added to correct a deficiency. if the measure contains a great excess of concrete at completion of the excess concrete with a trowel or scoop immediately following completion of consolidation and before the measure is struck-off. 4. Struck-off ~ After consolidation strike-off the top surface of the concrete and finish it smoothly with the first strike-off plate using great care to leave the measure just level full. The strike-off is best accomplished by pressing the strike-off plate on the top surface of the measure to cover about two thirds of the surface and with-drawing the plate with vertical Pressure and a sewing motion to cover the whole surface of the measure. Several final strokes with the inclined edge of the plate will produce a smooth finished surface. 5. Cleaning and Weighing ~ after strike-off, clean all excess concrete from the exterior of the ‘measure and determine the net mass of the concrete in the measure to an accuracy consistent with the requirements. Calculation: 4. Unit weight (Density) ~ calculate the net density of the concrete in pounds (or kilograms) by subtracting the mass of the measure from the gross mass. Calculate the mass per cubic foot (or cubic meter] by multiplying the net mass by the calibration factor for the measure used. 2. Yields ~ calculate the yield, V. (volume of concrete produced per batch) by avoiding the total mass of all materials batched, W. by the density, W. determined in procedure 6.1. The total ‘mass of all materials batched is the sum of the cement, the fine aggregate in the condition used, the mixing water added to the batch and any other solid or liquid materials used. taboratory Manual in CE 408—Construction Materials and Testing | 37 3. Relative Yields ~ relative yields is the ratio of the actual volume of concrete obtained to the volume as designed for the batch calculated as follows: Where: Ry = relative yield Y = volume of the concrete which the batch was designed to Produces.yd"(m). 4. Cement Content — calculate tha actual cement content as follows: Nr = actual cement content. Ib/yd’ (or kg/m?) Nr= mass of cement in batch. Ib (or kg) . Air Content — calculate the air content as follows: a= 100 or oy a= x100 Where: A = air content (percentage of voids) in the concrete T = theoretical mass of the concrete computed on an air-free basis. Ib/#8 (or kg/m?) W = density (unit weight) of concrete, Ib/ft? (or kg/m), and V = total absolute volume of the computed ingredients in the batch. ft? (or m’), Laboratory Manual in CE 408 — Construction Materials and Testing | 3 Laboratory Exercise No. 15 Determination of Air Content of Freshly Mixed Concrete By the Volumetric Method Discussion: This method covers the determination of the air content of freshly mixed concrete containing any type of aggregate. Whether it be dense, cellular, or lightweight. This test is one Of the essential test in the preparation of a concrete test specimen. StandardNo. ASTM —C 173-78 AASHTO T 196-74 Equipment and Materials: Airmeter Bowl Top Section Funnel ‘Tamping Rod Strike-off Bar Measuring Cup Syringe 9. Pouring Vessel 10. Trowel 11. Scoop PN OMe NE Calibration of Apparatus The volume of the bowl of the airmeter, in cubic fect or cubic meters shall be determined by accurately weighing the amount of water at 21, 1C namely 62.3 bof. A glass plate shall be used to cover the bowl to remove excess water and to ensure that the container is full. Testing Procedures: 1. Rodding and Tapping ~ Using the second, aided by the trowel if necessary, fill the bowl with freshly mixed concrete in three layers of equal depth. Fod each layer 25 times with the tamping rod and tap the sides of the bow! 10 to 15 times after each rodding. Laboratory Manual in CE 408 — Construction Materials and Testing | 39 . Striking Off — after placement of the third layer of the concrete strike off the excess Concrete with the strike-off bar until the surface is flush with the top of the bowl. Wipe the flange of the bow! clean. }. Adding Water — Clamp the top section into position on the bowl, insert the funnel, and add the water until it appears in the neck. Remove the water and adjust the water level, using the rubber syringe, until the bottom of the meniscus is level with zero mar Attach and tighten the screw cap. 1. Agitating and Folling — Invert and agitate the unit until the concrete settles free from the base, and then, with the neck elevated, roll and rock the unit until the air appears to have been removed from the concrete. Set the apparatus upright, jar it lightly, and allow it to stand until the air rises to the top. Repeat the operation until no further drop in the water column is observed, - Dispelling Bubbles — when all the air has been removed from the concrete and allowed to raise to the top of the apparatus, removed the screw cap. Add, in 1-cup increments using the syringe, sufficient isopropyl alcohol to dispel the foamy mass on the surface of ‘the water. . Reading ~ make a direct reading of the liquid on the neck, reading to the bottom of the ‘meniscus, and estimating to the nearest 0.1%, Calculation: amount of alcohol used in accordance with 5. Calculate the air content of the content in percent by adding to the reading from 6 the ‘2boratory Manual in CE 408 - Construction Materials and Testing | 40 Laboratory Exercise No. 16 Concrete Test Specimens Preparation in the Laboratory Discussion: Preparation of concrete test specimens requires stringent control of conforming to relevant national standards to ensure uniform and consistent test results with minimum ©xperimental errors. Data obtain in the test must be reproducible and verifiable and this can only be attained through strict conformance to the relevant standards on the method of testing. Standard : ASTM C 192-81 Equipment and Materials: Cylinder Molds ‘Slump Apparatus Tamping Rod Weighing scale oll Mallet PR weNp Testing Procedures: ‘A. Preparation of Materials 1. Prepare the materials, make sure it is in constant temperature, preferably at the range of 20- 25°C 2. Make sure that the cement to be used is free from lumps and of good condition. Aggregates should be well-graded. Prepare the aggregates in a saturated surface dry (SSD) condition. aw Mixing Methods (Hand Mixing) Dampen the mixing pan. Dry mix the cement and fine aggregates until thoroughly blended, ‘Add the coarse aggregates and continue the dry mixing. ‘Add water into the dry mass and mix thoroughly until the concrete is homogeneous and consistent in appearance. aeuNee C. Consolidation and Casting laboratory Manual in CE 408 ~ Construction Materials and Testing | 41 Number of Layers and Mode of Compaction for Various Types of Specimen Diameter of Cylinder mold: 150 mm. Rod Diameter: 16 mm. Number of strokes per layer: 25, Depth of specimen (mm): > 300 Number of layer/compaction: 3 equal layers/rodding D. Curing 3+ To prevent evaporation of water from concrete cover specimens immediately. 2 Remove the specimens from the mold in » Period of 20 - 48 hours after Consolidation and casting, 3. Unless otherwise specified, specimens shall be Cured in a moist room (100% Relative Humidity) ora curing tank maintained at a temperature of 20°C, 4 At the end of the curing period, between the time the specimens is removed from uring until testing, the specimens shall be prevented to dry up. SE ae {aboratory Manual in CE 408 — Construction Materials and Testing | 42 Laboratory Exercise No. 17 Determination of Compressive Strength of Concrete Discussion: The objective of this experiment is to determine the compressive strength of the concrete, to observe the behaviour of concrete under compressive loading and study the fracture if the concrete under compressive loading. This test is the standard test used to determine the compressive strength of concrete. Standard No. ASTM = —€39-72 AASHTO 7 22-74 Equipment and Materials: Testing machine with 200,000 Ibs, capacity or compression machine. . Concrete cylinder Capping apparatus Compressometer Pee Testing Procedures: 1. Remove the concrete cylinder from the curing room and surface dry the cylinder. 2. Cap the concrete cylinder, 3. Attach the compressometer to the cylinder. Make sure the Compressometer is properly Positioned and dial Gage attached to the compressometer will respond properly. 4. Place the cylinder in the loading machine. Zero the load needle. Adjust the loading head until a small load (about 50 Ibs) is applied to the cylinder. Zero the dial gage reading, For high strength concrete (above 4,000 psi Compressive strength) it is advisable to place a Protecting shield between the cylinder and the observers, 5. Apply compressive load slowly and continuously until the maximum load (failure) is reached. During the testing take simultaneous load readings from the load dial and deflection readings from deflection gages at intervals indicated by laboratory instructor. Record the loads and the corresponding deflection readings on the data sheet. Failure of Laboratory Manual in CE 408 Construction Materials and Testing | 43 the cylinder is imminent during the test when the 32 load indicator is slowing down and finally stops while the deformations indicated in the deflection gage continues in an increasing rate. When the load indicator starts to drop from the maximum toad in the data sheet. 6. Remove the cylinder from the testing machine, detach the compressometer from the cylinder, put the cylinder back in the machine, and reapply the compressive load until the cylinder is totally crushed. Release the load and raised the loading head. Examine closely the type of failure of the cylinder. Summary of Hardened Concrete Properties WIC. Curing Conditions Compressive Strength 28 Days Laboratory Manual in CE 408 - Construction Materials and Testing | 45 Laboratory Exercise No. 19 Test for Flexural Strength of Concrete Discussion: This method covers the determination of the flexural strength of small size concrete specimens by the use of a simple beam with center point loading. StandardNo. ASTM Cc 496-71 AASHTO T 198-74 Equipment and Materials: 1. Testing machine 2. Flexure testing attachment Testing Procedures: 1. Measure the dimensions of the beam and record them in the data sheet. 2. Place the concrete beam in the flexural attachment and position the assembly in the 1. Compute the modulus of Fapture (maximum flexure stress at failure) Mp 3FL 2bh2 Where: . Mg = modulus of rapture P= maximum load applied L =span length B = average width of specimen H “= average depth of specimen Laboratory Manual in CE 408 — Construction Materials and Testing | 48 i Laboratory Exercise No. 20 Determination of Compressive Strength of Concrete Hollow Blocks Discussion: This task seeks to determine the ultimate compressive strength of concrete hollow blocks. The procedure of the testis similar to the test for compressive strength of concrete. Equipment: 1. Compressive machine Testing Procedures: 1. Place the bottom of a concrete hollow block on a compression block made of 1 inch plywood. Place another 1 inch plywood on top of the concrete hollow block. 2. Apply the compression load slowly on the plywood until failure is attained. 3. Test a total of three hollow blocks for each batch. Computatior 1. Compute the ultimate compressive stress of concrete hollow blocks. ‘Maximum Compressive Load Uimate compressive Stress = Menum compressive 2. Compute the average value for the three samples tested. Laboratory Manual in CE 408 - Construction Materials and Testing | 55 Laboratory Exercise No, 26 Tension Test of Stee! Discussion: The purpose of this exercise is to determine the strength and elastic and in elastic behavior of steel. The exercise will also be the basis for the student to observe the behavior of, the materials under load and to study the fracture of the materials. Standard No. ASTM £869 ASSHTO T 68-74 Equipment and Materials: 1. Universal testing machine 2. Mechanical and electronic extensometer 3. Micrometer Testing Procedures: 1. Determine the average cross-sectional dimensions of the specimen with a micrometer. Use the gage punch to place the gage marks two inches apart. Measure the exact gage length in the data sheet. 2. Place the specimen in the grips, make sure that the threaded ends of the grips are threaded completely on to pull rods and that the spherical seats are likewise threaded completely ‘onto the pull rods so as to assure that the threads will not be stripped during the loading operation. The spherical seats insure that the loading will be purely tensile in nature and that no bending moments will be induced. 3. Attach the electronic extensometer securely to the specimen. Connect the extensometer so that the drum in the recorder is activated. 4, Estimate the proportional jimit and maximum load the specimen may take and select a suitable load range accordingly on the testing machine and a suitable load scale and deflection scale in the recorder. Laboratory Manual in CE 408 — ‘Construction Materials and Testing | 56 Plot two. stress-strain diagrams for the test results: one show the entire stress-strain curve. Compute ail properties called for. : ete ae Laboratory Manual in CE 408~ Construction Materials and Testing | 57 UNIAXIAL TENSION TEST Name. Date Group No. Section, Material Material Gage Length Diameter Gage Length Diameter toad | DEFL. | STRESS | STRAIN Load Ibs. in. DeFL. | STRESS | STRAIN tbs. in.

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