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Participation Questions: Week One

Pamela Dina

1) Identify the types of psychology and who their main theorists were.

1. Structuralism:

Edward Titchner - A method of breaking down the mind into smaller pieces of mental
experience. Ex building blocks

2. Gestalt psychology:

Max Wertheimer - A study of thinking, learning, and perception in whole units

3. Functionalism:

William James - A viewpoint that saw behavior as intentional and necessary for survival.
"Principles of Psychology," which he wrote, expanded psychology to encompass animal
behavior, religious experience, and aberrant conduct.

4. Psychodynamic/Voluntarism

Sigmund Freud - A method that emphasizes the value of will and choice in shaping one's
beliefs, perceptions, and behaviors. Believed that behavior is influenced by the unconscious

5. humanistic psychology:

Abraham Maslow - This philosophy regarded individuals as naturally good and eager to learn
and grow. focuses on human experience, issues, possibilities, and concepts

6. Behaviorism:

Ivan Pavlov - A strategy that focuses on the observation and precise measurement of
observable actions.

7. Cognitive revolution:

Ulric Neisser - a psychology method that focuses on exploring the connections between
cognition and brain activity Behavior is influenced by thinking.

2) In what way can you use an understanding of psychology in your academic career?
Psychology is the study of the mind and behavior. I can utilize it in my academic career to help
me comprehend the problems I'll encounter along the road, such as fellow students and
teachers, because we don't all think or behave the same way.

3) How can the field of psychology be applied to:

a) your professional goals?

I want to be a lawyer. I feel psychology may help me in my field, since being a lawyer requires
you to understand the individuals and clients you work with. I want to be a family lawyer, and
knowing what's going on with people's actions and thoughts will help me connect with the
people around me more effectively.

b) Personal relationships?

My current personal relationships can be improved by using psychology, since I believe it will
allow me to understand my friends and family better. Instead of reacting irrationally and causing
even larger issues..

c) Academic work?

Psychology can assist me in improving my critical thinking abilities, such as problem solving and
decision making. It can also assist me in developing effective study approaches. Despite having
spent most of my life in school, I can't seem to examine myself correctly in order to establish a
decent study approach to assist my learning/ memory of things that I've previously learnt.

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