Prahaar Redefined 3.0: Ethics

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0: Ethics

through technology and build the confidence among children to be innovative and creative which in turn will
make them competitive to face the future." - APJ Abdul Kalam

societal members who can make a difference. T - APJ Abdul



Value-Based Education: It must be integral to the whole process of
education and basic human values need to be encouraged in the classroom
teaching. system is the absence of
provision for education in
Deconstructing Wrong Values: Such as, gender bias, hatred,
social, moral and spiritual
communalism or casteism learned by students can be deconstructed by - Kothari Commission
inculcating rational approaches. (1964-66).
Teachers Act as a Role Model for Students: A Teacher has to set a high
standard of moral behaviour before the child and he/she is expected to therefore to teach students true
function not only as facilitator for acquisition of knowledge but also as moral values from the earliest
inculcator of values and transformer of inner being. -
Playful Learning for Inculcating Values: Teacher educators can involve Sri Prakasha Committee on
students in active games in the classroom to inculcate the values of fair Religious and Moral
play, honesty, courage, cooperation etc. Instruction.
Holistic Approach:
goals, every action needs to be analyzed in the light of universal values which are acceptable to the society.
Technology and Value Education: Value Education is needed to train the future technocrats by making them fully
aware of both the constructive as well as destructive aspects of technology.

The society is a place of informal learning that guarantees inheritance to its members. It caresses the child with

not an ethics.
The social tradition carries values of intimacy, language, love, equality, wishes to live, action, conduct, morality,
unity, attachment and jealousy. These are the obvious traits, which a child borrows from the members of the society.
Man lives in society for his mental and Constructive Role of Society: Society can play an important role
intellectual development and Society
preserves our culture and transmits it to
succeeding generations. Society brings ethical values it can encourage individuals to be ethical.
morality and ethics in individuals. Destructive Role of Society: Similarly, society may play a
Society brings tolerance and national deciding role in developing a crime as a sub cultural phenomenon.
integration. If one is living in a surrounding If it does not disapprove the unethical behaviors/acts, it may lower
with people from a variety of caste, religion
the standards of ethics in the society and it may result into increase
and regional background, you develop
tolerance. in criminal activities.
Society removes the evils of social
indifferences like caste through collective struggle.
Political setup which may be either Democratic or autocratic transmits suitable values among citizens.
Society imbibes conformity. A person is forced to mimic what his peers do. If they are smoking, he will smoke, if

The child encounters many behavioural patterns and makes common causes with the peer groups; learns the value
of neighbourhood, unity in diversity, service to man is the service to God, co-operation and virtues comprehensively.
Religion and culture are somewhat intertwined, and their moral standards are the most important influence in
instilling values through social channels.


Aesthetic senses, neighbourly relationship, emotional quotient and spiritual values are swiftly declining. The
national goals, democracy, socialism and secularism are side-tracked. Thus, the role of school, society and the teacher
need to be assigned afresh in the inculcation of values.


Stability and Harmony: Society inculcates such values among people which match with those of the society.
Example - Society teaches young persons to respect its old traditions and customs.
Diversity: It ensures inculcation of a variety of values and holistic development of individuals. It also gives choice
and freedom to individuals to choose their preferred values.
Enforcement: Society also has formal as well as informal ways to incentivise adherence to some values whereas it
penalizes breach of certain values.
on values held by individuals. Example- Teachers, leaders, celebrities, religious leaders etc. have influence and their
teachings are accepted on face value.


Materialism: Growing obsession with materialistic gains coupled with
rapid commercialisation is eroding values and ethics in society. Examples of Value Erosion
Vacuum in the Social Cohesion and Stability: The vested interests,
Chinese Expansionism
terrorism, disruption and excess attachment to worldly life have created
Fake news and sensationalism
vacuum in the social cohesion and stability. Values are thus affected and
eroded gradually. Drug Abuse
Disrespecting elders and women
Moral Degradation: The growing cynicism, gulf between rights and
duties, materialistic tendency, moral degradation and violence have
affected the powers of
The Failure of Religious Leaders: Authorities tend to ignore environmental issues linked with religion, fearing that
they might hurt the religious sentiments.
Social Media and Its Evil: Misuse of social media platforms, propagation of fake news, deep fake news are spread
through social media and are among the reasons for erosion of values.
Bystanders Apathy: The bystander effect occurs when the presence of others discourages an individual from
intervening in an emergency situation. The greater the number of bystanders, the less likely it is for any one of them
to provide help to a person in distress.
The Decline in Values: It has led to increased greed and corruption, exploitation and degradation of the environment.


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