Lesson Plan

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Subject: Health

Grade Level: Grade 10

Objective: Relevant laws concerning abusive relationship

Learning across curriculum:

1) English - Analyzing literary works that depict abusive relationships can help
students understand the emotional and psychological impact of such situations, is
essential in Health education.

2) Social Studies - Studying historical cases of abusive relationships and the legal
actions taken can provide a broader perspective on the relevance of laws in
addressing such issues.

3) Mathematics - Analyzing statistical data related to abusive relationships can help

students understand the prevalence of these situations and the need for legal


Teaching Strategy: Role-Playing

Instructional Materials:

1) Idea - Conduct a role-playing scenario where students act out different roles in an
abusive relationship to understand the dynamics and consequences.

2) Idea - Organize a debate on the effectiveness of existing laws in protecting

individuals in abusive relationships.


Activity 1: Analyzing Relevant Laws

Teaching Strategy: Case Studies

Materials: Case studies real-life abusive relationship scenarios, legal documents

Significance: This activity will help students understand the specific laws and legal
procedures related to abusive relationships.

Instructions: Analyze the given case studies and identify the relevant laws being

Rubric - Accuracy of identification - 20 pts.

Assessment Questions:

1) What specific law is violated in Case Study 1?

2) How can the legal system protect victims in Case Study2?

3) Explain the legal implications of the actions in Case Study 3.

Activity 2: Creating a Legal Infographic

Teaching Strategy: Project-Based Learning

Materials: Art supplies, digital tools for creating infographics

Significance: Students will visually represent key laws and rights related to abusive

Instructions: Create an infographic summarizing the relevant laws concerning

abusive relationships.

Rubric - Creativity and Clarity of Information - 25 pts.

Assessment Questions:

1) Why is it important for individuals to be aware of their legal rights in abusive

2) How can visual representations like infographics help in educating others about
relevant laws?

3) What are the key elements that should be included in an infographic about
abusive relationship laws?

Activity 3: Legal Role-Play Skit

Teaching Strategy: Cooperative Learning

Materials: Script templates, props

Significance: Students will demonstrate their understanding of legal and rights

through a role-play skit.

Instructions: Create a skit that showcases a scenario involving an abusive

relationship and the legal actions taken to it.

Rubric - Collaboration and Understanding of Legal Concepts - 30 pts.


1) How your group decide on roles and script for the skit?

2) What legal steps were portrayed accurately in the role-play3) Reflect on the
experience of acting out the legal proceedings the skit.



Teaching Strategy: Experiential Learning

Task 1 - Conduct a mock trial where students take on different roles in a legal setting
to address a case of abusive relationship.

Task 2 - Organize a panel discussion with legal experts and advocates to discuss
the challenges and improvements needed in enforcing laws related to abusive

Teaching Strategy: Inquiry-Based Learning

Instructional Materials: Rubric, Legal documents

Question 1 - How do existing laws protect the rights of individuals in abusive


Question 2 - What are the limitations of legal measures in preventing abusive


Question 3 - How can community support complement legal actions in addressing

abusive relationships?


1) Research Assignment

Overview: Students will research a landmark legal case involving abusive

relationships and present their findings in a written report.

Assessment Question: Analyze the impact of the case on shaping current laws and
policies regarding abusive relationships.

2) Advocacy Project

Overview: Students will create a campaign advocating for awareness and support
for individuals in abusive relationships, using various media forms.

Assessment Question: Evaluate the effectiveness of your advocacy project in

awareness and promoting change

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