Strategies For The Management of Soil Acidity

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R.A. Date etal. (eds.), Plant Soil Interactions at Low pH, 729-741,1995.

© 1995 Kluwer Academic Publishers.

Strategies for the management of soil acidity

R.J.K. Myers and E. De Pauw

IBSRAM, P.O. Box 9-109, Bangkhen, Bangkok 10900, Thailand

Key words: acid soil, liming, organic inputs


Whereas previously farmers have had the option of abandoning their land temporarily or permanently, increasing
population pressure now dictates that farmers must manage soil acidity in order to maintain productivity and their
livelihood. Here we examine the management options available to farmers, from the wealthy to the subsistence
farmer and identify those that are effective for the different types of farmers in different environments. We also
consider the strategies that apply when governments and other land users intervene in land use matters. The paper
draws partly on the authors' experience and on the wealth of previously published information from around the
world. It endeavours to steer a course between fundamental soil/crop science and socio-economic considerations,
although it cannot be divorced from either. Techniques considered range from those that, to a degree, avoid the
problem (alternative land use, alternative crop plants), to those which treat the problem (correcting the soil via
inputs of organic materials, lime, mineral fertilisers, etc.). Techniques that aim at modifying the plant or the soil
should rely on correct diagnosis of the major limitations since yields on different acid soils are low for different
reasons. Converting such techniques into successful strategies must consider external factors. That is, alternative
plants must depend on availability of markets; soil inputs must depend either on a local source of the inputs and/or
sufficient cash flow in order that they be feasible. Other feasibility issues include whether subsoil acidity can be
managed, whether the level of management required is compatible with the farming system practiced, or whether
the acidity management is short-term or sustainable over a longer period. We conclude that it is technically feasible
to make acid soils productive. However, successful implementation depends on integration of technical factors
with social and economic factors, that is, on the development of suitable strategies.

Introduction fallows in their 'slash and burn' rotations. In temperate

regions, population pressures exist, but more important
In the past, in a less populous world, the management is the development of soil acidity due to the side-effects
solution to soil acidity was frequently not to use the of management (Bolan et aI., 1991).
land for agriculture, either permanently or temporari- Management options for soil acidity, concern main-
ly. Thus until recently, vast tracts of land, particularly ly farmers. Other land managers are not particularly
in the tropics, were left untouched. Other vast areas concerned with soil acidity, nor with managing it, with
were used episodically, long fallows being occasional- the exception of governments as in their role as man-
ly interrupted for short periods of crop production. The agers of state forests. In this paper we discuss strategies
rapid increase in the human population throughout the that might be used by farmers-subsistence farmers
world, particularly in the tropics, has forced man to and relatively wealthy farmers, in temperate regions
use the less productive lands for farming, and much of and in the tropics. We try to link the science of soil
this less productive land has soil that is acidic. acidity, as discussed elsewhere in this symposium and
In the tropics the problem has become severe in the social aspects discussed by Moran (1995).
southeast Asia, Africa and central and South America.
Farmers using acid soils have been forced to shorten

Table 1. Fertility capability classification (extracts from Sanchez et aI., 1982b)

Constraint Diagnostic Agronomic Implications

Acid - 10--60% AI-saturation of effective CEC within 50 cm of soil Soils with low to medium
surface or acidity require liming for AI-
- pH in I: I H20 between 5.0 and 6.0 sensitive crops.

Aluminium - >60% AI-saturation of effective CEC within 50 cm of soil surface Plants sensitive to AI-
toxicity or toxicity affected unless lime
- >67% acidity saturation of CEC by 2:= cations at pH 7 within 50 em is applied. Extraction of
of soil surface or soil water below depth of lime
- >86% acidity saturation of CEC by 2:= cations at pH 8.2 within 50 incorporation restricted.
cm of soil surface or
- pH <5.0 in I: I H20 within 50 cm, except in organic soils where pH
must be less than 4.7.

LowCEC Within the plough layer or surface 20 em, whichever is shallower: Soils have low ability to
- CEC <4 cmole kg- I soil by 2:=bases + KCl-extractable Al (effective retain nutrients against
CEC) or leaching, mainly Ca, K and Mg.
- CEC <7 cmok kg- I soil by 2:= cations at pH 7 or Heavy applications of these
- CEC <10 cmole kg- I soil by 2:= cations + Al + H at pH 8.2. nutrients and N-fertilizers
should be split. Potential
danger of overliming.

High P- - ratio (% free Fe203/%clay) >0.15 and >35% clay or Soils do not easily release P
fixation by - hues of 7.5YR or redder and granular structure if the soil is to plants and may thus create
iron clayey: applies only to plough layer or surface 20 em, whichever is a nutrient deficiency.
shallower. Require high levels of P-
fertilizer or special P-
management practices.

Low K-reserves - <10% weatherable minerals in silt and sand fraction within 50 cm Soils have low ability to
of soil surface or supply K and may create
- exchangeable K <0.20 cmole kg-lor potential K-Mg-Ca imbalances.
- K <2% of 2:= bases if bases <10 cmole kg-I.

What soils are we dealing with? The common soil classification systems, USDA
Soil Taxonomy and FAO Soil Map of the World Leg-
We use the term 'acid soil' to include Alfisols, Enti- end, recognise some important differences in man-
sols, Histosols, Inceptisols, Oxisols, Spodosols, Ulti- agement properties between Ultisols (Acrisols) and
sols and Vertisols (Adams, 1984; von Uexkiill and Oxisols (Ferralsols). However, there are many points
Mutert, 1995). Acid soils have different properties of overlap in management properties that can only be
and, depending on these properties, may require differ- separated through the lower levels of classification or
ent management. Management solutions for acid soils even at the individual profile level. The "Fertility Capa-
must be all-encompassing so that all possible problems bility Classification" (Sanchez et aI., 1982b) offers a
are dealt with, or they must be devised to address the mechanism to group the main constraints that are com-
particular problem(s) of individual soils. Since not all monly associated with acid soils in the tropics (Table
acid soils present management problems, proper diag- 1).
nosis is important to avoid the provision of unnecessary Another important group of acid soils were those
inputs. that were not originally acid but became so following
the use of mineral fertilisers or other inputs. Such soils

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