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Siandard Metiod of Test for Determining Expansive Soils AASHTO DESIGNATION: T 288-81 1. SCOPE TARR ‘The Specific Gravity of the soil is deter ‘epee of swined a5 oudined a T 100. After the ALL This standard covers a method esuenen LL PL sats sumple fas been placed in the eonsoli- to determine of sol it expansive ad Figy Sa sis a Abmeter a load equal fo the existing methods to predict tie amount of swell. ampnal ss} sas —g-a—«; Ovetburden pressure is applied on the tee ‘SS cas cig_—_| sample, This load shall be mainained NOTE = aesienanienengusny SE ttl the cal gage of the extensometer wun te oat ar ee indicares that all djestoent to the a9: fil te pes it the appendix are determined om a sei. From Tabie |, lied load sas cemsed. During the appli Creme tow prealyexpane he stone Ws lené nk adjust’ pero 12 Thevabes cand ie state we “Stay eed in Pasion, PERE Gl it be xed me at tigi fs arg neat ile esisty Seon desecaon. (eis camer ‘ne wo be regarded as the stancard. Poriant not to lose any moisture from this sample Tis may be axcaaplished by covedag ie concobdaree Wik 4. DETERMINING THE ‘moist cotton. This leadiag procedure to 2. REFERENCED DOCUMENTS AMOUNT OF SWTELL “tims ie sit os doy bs psu toe cova! ee kd fo ad ld Bipntasebee 44 The anoiat of ove be axe stdon lace etrmlen lows dl De tromedonct OE I Lubcidchel ete, siusealy Antal Geld cavticre xs Pures Sel and tere mote sear deeionion ot Seine Pat One (I) ia Figure 1. The ples forte ‘he amount ef sells needed, the Over. sap is thea inundated and allowed 10 6 eH ug. burden Swell Te Prcedus sould te fcaeh an equibaum at nated By the wa eae sie sce Dve wo te Length of ime and dial gage ofthe extensometer, This con 1p ESE Sanegeicdiogeteh uctetura iin au outa is too tie Limt and Placue, ‘Swell Test, anempirical procedure called i Figure f. The sample then is unloaded iy been of Sele the Pocencal Vorical Rise Method may ia decrements of load that a laboratory roy SERS StSele— Sucedioeninned wel vine coe, cormaly esto th desea presi on fice ecryain bras Sar fohe al cwefn Fomk eat eae re) wo Pom Tees) in Fae THE Oren Sul anon ms Prem ea ead Sees Th ero sicion Proce forma conlduieachomd tet ft 17s Sol Sanda 421 Method f—Prepese a uiuise + condected as oathied ia T 216, The tuibed sano for consclidauon tenting swell-curves form sfproximately sealghe ceceling to the proceduce in T 216 lines cv a semilog plot; terefore, the Exar cae sald be wea 1 perez No Velume Change pressre is deter moisture (ots during the prepaction ited by exiapolaing the swell curves lage. from he sample timenings, deter. between Points 2 and 3 um ic intersects mine the field coistie content aad tse the Field Vows Raw as Poot Four (4. {pecific gaviy of tke soi. The dela The Fied Void Ratio (e) is determined moisture ie deermined as 3 pticentage % folds 3A The potent expanvenes of a sali te detemisel by uneg the 0( tHe mas of exceed ei and sal DETECTING EXPANSIVE Sons Aeberg Limi of ie soil andtheases. CHIE 26 Follows ” Pesce Fil More % Specie Geviny ‘al toil suction. Percentage of Mirae Foren Sanraion 32 Using AASHTO Test Methods, the Liguic Limit (LU, we Pissuenty n>, Mas of Wate 422 Matned MTs metod is dex (PD and the Soil Sacion (¢ nat) Noss of Oves:Dred Sod“ ‘°° presened because Ure may be a need 39 1286 STI METHODS OF SAMPLING AND TE 640 (ad) wasn 40 60; AN ea aanssaad jo Foy Kk PLOA Ad AVX NOISa vola Porto fa} FIGURE} T2s8 to expedite the work and the existing overburden toad may be £0 small tbat ‘obtaining swell carves directly may be rmeaningles, This method may be used snly after ruoning several teste by Method | and fiading thatthe slope vf the rebound come, Points Five (3) aed Six (0, is subsiamially the same as the slope ofthe swell curve, Points Two (2) and Three (3), Method I is ie same a5 Method I 9 ule point where the sampie is inundated and ehe teal swell is te ‘corded, At this pein, a aorta! cousclida- \onsrebound Lond sequence if Followed to produce the desired curves, Since the Hope of the rebound and swell curves ace substanially de same, the weil curve canbe prochced by passing acurve ‘Brough Point Two (2), Figore 1 that is parallel the cebound curve’ The incervecion of tis curve with the Field Void Ratio gives the point of No Votunie (Change or manicaum swell pressure por ‘enti 41.3. Goleulavions—Calealation for he amourt of swell be expected in Siratur ean be made a6 follows: nce + 5) = Amount of Swell int sma (in) © = Difference ia Void Ratio at over burden precote (No Volare Lead) and the desised overoure en pressure H = Thickness of Staeam in mum (in) fy = Void Ratio at Field sters cond 43 Porentiol Vertical Rive (PLR) Testor Prediction Procedure: A. For tis procedme, iis neces. sary to know the moisture tent of each layer sampled. I is greferable that vis lure samples be takea 3 the tite of sa pling. Thest meisure simples can be {aken from cores that have been mois- ture Gesed, 432. When coves have been taken etermune the wer density by winzning theeotes 1 make ngbt circular cider ieasoring height snd ameter, (0 Ue earest 0.25 mm (0.01 in), deteesining the mass i the neareseestnsted 0 (01001 Ib) and calculating, When cusines ‘only we taker duriog sampling, wee a wet METHODS OF SAMPLING AND TESTING enaty of 2002 kgm! (125 WIP) which is usually a weisonable value. 4.3.1 Feocnrepretentative portions of the euvings or sores, determine the Lige id Limit, Passicity Indes, ant percent soil binder (mune 0.62S-mm (No. 4) Sieve] in the soil layers. Record these resulls on Table IIL at the approprace layer. 434. Beginning vith the top layer at the surface f t= ground from the driing Jog (Table), start compilation of Table UE Detecnize whesker dhe layers are “wet,” "dy." 0 average, NOTE 211 hus been dolermvnes at 02 LL + 9 sthe “ty condos tomy hich tie sivnhoge is expeieneed. stale valet ‘feswellpncetie s gests [ihe mimo ‘eisturecorteatsweliag clays usually dy ta, O47 LL © 2, or wet" onda, cones potds te the rasiwara cpilary absoryion by hnbotacry tee on seclaens moles at fyi raownz® and vorehaiged arth a 7 322 (1 ps loud. Thi lea selogove 1 motu conten foneu henrn oid p rents atd aur Gigheneght seuatires, Ths 1 te “optim” condition. 435° Using Figute 2and the wet dey fot average mpiseae condition, Nad the PL on the fst sol layer on the abscsza Move verucaiy apwards 10 the appt. pinto swell carve (ary, average, of wet) and cead tre pescene volume change € the ordinate. This Percent Valomeuic Change was devermined for 7 KPO UL surcharge, NOTE the PVR ve Load Canes ia Figures 3 aad # a for fee soeling cays ‘eden loud and xe based on a we density oF sa of 2002 «zi (125 kel, Te dere tue the coves in Figur 3 spd 4, ha been Welearines cht pder wee condos of ee soll an the gersent solve sell 27 1a (Lai sutsbage given on Fite 2. the fetiowinyclasorstip ext Pecent Volumen: Sell @ No Loud = Percent Voluaienc Swell {7 Ae psi]

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