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1. There are some notions of CLT which led to confusion. To clarify this, Stern proposed two types 8.

8. Mention some reasons why Role-plays are suitable techniques in the CLT. Because they give
of CLT: the linguistics approach and the psychological/pedagogical approach. Explain the student an opportunity to practice communicating in different social context and in different social
differences of the two. CLT linguistic approach: language usage, accuracy, teacher centered, roles. Role plays can be set up so that they are very structured for example, the teacher tells the
language form, drilling, memorization, learning to use English. CLT pedogogical approach: students who they are and what they should say. They can also be set up in less structured way.
language use, fluency, learner centered, language function, content, message, using English to 9. Littlewood describes the classroom procedure in CLT may include pre-communication activities and
learn English communication activities. Explain and give examples. The learner are not engaged in communicative
2. Mentions some distinctive features of ALM and CLT according to Finocchiaro & Brumfit. ALM : activities but are trained to produce certain language forms accurately by drilling. Alternative, the
attends to structure and gorm more than meaning, demand memorization of structure based teacher may design the activity so as to provide an opportunity for learners to produce language they
dialogs, language, items are not necessarilt contextualized, language learning is learning structure, have recently learnt. Ex, Quasi-Communicative activities. The learners are engaged in real
sound, or words, mastery, or “over-learning”, rilling is a central technique. CLT : meaning is communication with partners. This relationship can help ‘humanize’ the classroom and create an
paramount, dialogs, if used, center around communicative functions and are not normally environment that supports the individual in his efforts to learn. Ex, conversation, discussion.
memorized, contextualized is a basic premises, language learning is learning to communicate, 10. Content-Based Instruction is a teaching method that emphasizes learning a subject or content
effective communication is sought, drilling may occur, but peripherally through language. Explain this statement. This methodology brings together subject -matter
3. In CLT, the goal of language teaching is to develop communicative competence, consisting four learning and content learning. CBI is defined as an approach to language instructions that integrates
domains of language knowledge and skills: Grammatical competence or linguistic competence. the presentation of topics or task from subject matter classes. The teaching is organized around the
Sociolinguistic competence, Discourse competence, and Strategic competence. Explain and give contents that students will acquire and not around a linguistic syllabus.
examples. Grammatical competence, or linguistics competence which refers to the ability to use 11. One of the rationales of Content-Based Instruction comes from Bilingual Education, assuming that
language correctly. Sociolinguistics competence, which refers to the leaners ability to use bilingualism facilitates cognitive advantage. Explain this statement. The assumption that bilingualism
language correctly in specific social situations. For ex, using proper language forms at a job (the ability in two or more languages) imposes a cognitive burden and deters students cognitive
interview. Discourse competence which refers to the learners ability to use the new language in development is not proofed.
spoken and written discourse. For ex, how well does the students combine the language elements 12. Anderson proposed a cognitive learning theory for instruction to integrates content and language
to speak. Strategic competence, which refers to strategies for effective communication when stating that skills and knowledge follow a general sequence from cognitive stage to associative stage
the learners vocabulary prove inadequate for the job and his or her command of useful learning and to autonomous stage. Explain these stages. At the cognitive stage, students notice and attend
strategies. For example, can the learners find ways to knowledge in the other three competencies. to information in working memory, At the associative stage, errors are corrected and connections to
4. The learning theory of CLT comes from communication theories: the communication principle, related knowledge are strengthened, At the autonomous stage, performance becomes automatic,
the task principle, and the meaningfulness principl. Explain these principles. requiring little attentional effort
The communication principle, the activities that involve real communication to promote learning. 13. Explain how Content-Based Instruction provides more exposure and input of English in the
The task principle, the activities in which language is used for carrying out meaningful task promote classroom! In CBI the school curriculum content becomes the source of rich input and the basis for
learning (using variance of tasks). The meaningfulness principle, language that is meaningful to meaningful use of the language. It allows student to read textbook more extensively that can
the learner supports the learning process. Contextual appropriate with the experience from the contribute to the success of acquiring the language. Thus, textbook reading is certainly a good source
student. for rich language input for students, which is potential source for language acquisition 14.
5. Johnson and Littlewood consider an alternative learning theory compatible with CLT is a skill- Basically Content-Based Instruction can be categorized into two models, content-driven and language-
learning model, stating that the acquisition of communicative competence involves a cognitive and driven model. Explain the differences between the two. Content-Driven: Content is taught in L2,
Content learning is priority, Language learning is secondary: Language-Driven:Content is used to
a behavioral aspect. Explain these two aspects. The cognitive aspect involve the internalization
learn L2, Language learning is priority, Content learning is incidental.
of plans for creating appropriate behavior. For language use, these plans derive mainly from the
15. One of the theoretical bases of Genre-based Instruction genre analysis. What is genre analysis?
language system (grammatical rules, procedure for selecting vocabulary, and social conventions
The study of how language is used within a particular setting and is concerned with the form of
governing speech). The behavioral aspect involves the automation of these plans so that they
language use in relation to meaning. This is a tool to examine the structural organization of texts by
can be converting plans into performance.
identifying the moves and strategies, and to understand how these moves are organized in order to
6. One of instructional materials associated with the CLT is Authentic Materials. Explain and give
achieve the communicative purpose of the text.
examples. Authentic materials are used to overcome the problem which student cannot transfer
16. What are the differences between a text and a genre? Provide examples to clarify your answer!
what they learn in the classroom to the outside world and to expose them to natural language in
Genre is a class of communicative events, the members of which share some set of communicative
various situations. For example, the teachers assign the students to listen to a live radio or television
rules which are generally associated with a writer’s purpose. Example, personal letters tell us about
their writer’s private stories and film reviews analyze movies for potentional viewers. Text are
7. Mention some reasons why language Games are suitable techniques in the CLT? Games that
stretches of language that may be considered complete in themselves as acts of social exchange.
are truly communicative, according tomorrow, contain the three features of communication:
Length and mode of communication are immanterial, a text may be lomh or short, written or spoken.
information gap, choice, and feedback.
A brief exchange of greetings as two acquintances pass each other is as much a text as is a 600-page

24. In Indonesia educational context, scientific approach is implemented in The 2013 Curriculum and
17. Describe the linguistic features, the social function, and the generic structure of the narrative the learning process is based on some principles. Explain at least 4 of the main principles. Moving
texts. Linguistic features: Past tense, Adverb of time, Time conjunction, Specific character, from student as receiver of knowledge to students who search for knowledge. Moving from the
Action verb, Direct speech. Social function: The function of narrative text is to amuse or to teachers as the sole learning resources to a multiple resources based learning. Moving from textual
entertain the reader with a story. Generic structure: Orientation, Complication, Resolution, Coda based approach towards process as reinforcement for scientific approach. Moving from content based
18. Describe the linguistic features, the social function, and the generic structure of the recount learning toward competency based learning. Moving from partial learning towards an integrated
texts. Generic structure: Orientation: Introducing the participants, place and time, Events: learning
Describing series of event that happened in the past, Reorientation: It is optional. Stating personal 25. Elements of inquiry–based learning have their origins in constructivism. Mention at least 4 main
comment of the writer to the story. Social function: To retell events for the purpose of informing principles of constructivism. Student take initiative and autonomy in the classroom, Classroom
or entertaining. Linguistics features: Introducing personal participant; I, my group, etc, using activities revolve around the concept of solving an authentic. Student not merely interact with
chronological connection; then, first, etc, Using linking verb; was, were, saw, heard, etc, Using textbooks. Communication in the classroom is characterized by discourse
action verb; look, go, change, etc, Using simple past tense 26. A key idea for inquiry-learning is the cycle or spiral of inquiry and the most popular version is
19. Learning according to Vygotsky begins by being object-regulated, and then is others-regulated, Bybee’s 5-E model: Engage, Explore, Explain, Elaborate, and Evaluate. Explain this cycle.
before it is self-regulated. Explain this definition and give examples! Object regulations refers Engagement: object, event or question used to engage students. Exploration: objects and
to the role played by concrete manifestation of culture in the environment such as object and phenomena are explored. Explanation: students explain their understanding of concepts and
artifact, rituals, routine and daily practices, documents and valued texts, and so on, that function processes. Elaboration: activities allow students to apply concepts in contexts, and build on or extend
as sign systems that mediate learning. Children’s playground activities for example, are also of understanding and skill. Evaluation: students assess their knowledge, skills, and abilities
value not so much because they provide the children opportunities to manipulate, explore, and 27. In Indonesia educational context, curriculum 2026 recommended schools to implement inquiry-
discover the environment, but more because the role-playing which often dominates such activities based instruction with the learning cycle consisting of exploration, elaboration, and conformation
is a form of object regulator of the children’s underof their environment. processes. Explain this cycle. Exploration phrase is similar to the phrase of Building Knowledge of
20. Describe classroom procedure of GBI, the four stages of learning: BKoF, MoT, JCoT, and ICoT. Text and Modeling of Text pf the Genre-based Instructions. In this phrase, the teacher explores the
Provide examples of classroom techniques which can be employed in each of the stage. BKoF, student’s knowledge of the text covering the form, function and message. Elaboration phrase is
Building Knowledge of the Fields where the teachers and students build cultural cintext, share similar to Join Construction of the text in Genre-based Instructions. This is the Learning Cycle in which
experience, discuss vocabulary, grammatical pattern and so on. All of these are geared around students work together with other students and with the teacher so as to gain the language skills like
the types of spoken text and topics they are going to deal with at the second stage. MoT, Modeling speaking, reading and writing. Confirmation phrase is similar to Individual Construction of Text in
of Text where student listen to statement of short functional texts, conversation, and monologues Genre-Based Instructions. Here the students may work by themselves.
that are geared around a certain communicative purpose. Example cultural content, social 28. In Indonesia educational context, curriculum 2013 recommended schools to implement inquiry-
function, shematic structure, linguistics features, using spoken language om focus on written text. based instruction with the learning cycle consisting of observing, questioning, collecting information or
JcoT, Joint Construction of Text, at this stage they try to develop spoken texts with their peers experimenting, associating or information processing, and communicating. Explain this cycle.
and with the help from the teachers. They need to demonstrate their speaking ability and show Observing the phenomena lessons starts with observation as opposed to beginning a lesson with
confidence to speak. Example, sehematic structure, linguistics features, knowledge of field. IcoT, definitions and explanation. Questioning to develop hypotheses about phenomena student are
Independence Construction of Text. At this stage, students are expected to be able to speak expected to raise question, propose explanation, and use observation, Gathering information or
spontaneously or to carry our monologues that are aimed at giving directions or showing ways to experimenting to investigate their hypotheses, it requires students to collaborate on designing
do things such as how to make a kite, how to make a paper cap, and so on. experiment to try out their ideas, Associating or information processing this is to examine the result
21. What is science and what are the characteristics of science? The term science is derived of the experimentation and to decide the next action to take, Communicating their findings to others
from latin word scientia which means knowledge. It is a systematic and logical approach through students comminicate present their findings work as an oral presentation
testing and analysis to discover how things in the universe work. The characteristic: trough this 29. The origin of Project based learning can be traced back to John Dewey’s concept of "learning by
process, they (students) learn more than discreet science concepts and skill. They learn a practical, doing" in education practice. Explain this concept in its relation to the project based learning. The
useful approach to solve problems and answer questions scientifically. teacher is not in the school to impose certain ideas or to form certain habits in the child, but is there
22. Handelsman, et al. mention three major principles that underlie scientific teaching approach, as a member of the community to select the influence which shall affect the child and to assist in
namely: Active learning, Assessment, Diversity. Explain the principles. Active learning: a process properly responding to these. Students learn knowledge and elements of the core curriculum, but also
in which students are actively engaged in learning. Assessment: tools for measuring progress apply what they know to solve authentic problems and prodice result that matters.
toward and achievement of the learning goals. Diversity: the breadth of differences that make 30. The underlying principles for discovery learning can be traced back to the constructivist, Bruner
each student unique, each cohort of students unique, and each teaching experience unique. with his theory of instruction involving four components, namely: curiosity and uncertainty, structure
23. McCollum describes four basic components to a scientific approach to teaching, namely: (1) it of knowledge, sequencing, and motivation. Explain these components. Curiosity and uncertainty:
fosters a sense of wonder; (2) it encourages observation; (3) it pushes for analysis; and (4) it classes should be designed in such as way as to offer experiences that will help students be willing and
requires communication. Explain these components.(1) True knowledge begins with a sense of able to learn, called the predisposition toward learning. Structure of knowledge: (Bruner, 1977) he
wonder, a strong curiosity about “why” and “how”. Commonly, our teachings focuses on the “who, believes that any domain of knowledge or problem (concept) within that domain can be represented in
what, and where” of the world around us and treats the significant matters of “why” and “how” three ways: by a set of actions (enactive representation or action based), by a set of images or graphics
as simply a “what” to memorize. (2) A sense of wonder is grounded in an intense awareness of that stand for the concept (iconic representation or image based); and by set of symbolic or logical
one’s surrounding. Scientific knowledge is based on empirical data which are gathered from statements (symbolic representation or language based). Sequencing: according to Bruner students
experience and observation. (3) Curiosity grows with understanding comes of analysis. Scientific should be led through content sequentially as this will help them to understand and transfer the
approach provides time for learners to observe and to seek for pattern. It pushes learners to knowledge that is learned. Motivation: Bruner suggest that extrinsic rewards from the teacher (such
classify, connect and count (4) Like most things in life, wonder is best appreciated when it is as praise) should gradually decrease until wholly satisfied with their inward abilities to solve problems
shared. A scientific approach requires learners to communicate their learning, their findings. (or intrinsic rewards inherent in solving problems or understanding the concepts).

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