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TENSYMP2022 1570797449

Sixth Generation (6G) Wireless
4   Technology: An Overview, Vision,
Challenges and Use Cases
9   Jasneet Kaur, M. Arif Khan (Member IEEE)
10   School of Computing, Mathematics and Engineering
11   Charles Sturt University, Australia
12   Email: {,}
Abstract—Sixth Generation (6G) research has al- these upcoming demands for future wireless com-
15   ready begun in academia and industry since 2019 munication system, our article has focused on
16   which is considered as ‘year zero’ for 6G research. understanding 6G and its future vision with other
17   The technology is expected to be available for com-
technologies: machine learning (ML), artificial
18   mercial deployment from 2030, following the pattern
intelligence (AI), smart cities (SC) and future
19   that every decade a new generation of wireless
20   technology is introduced. Currently, i.e. from 2020, potential use cases in post pandemic world.
telecom operators around the world has started de- If we look further deeper, [4] mentioned com-
21   ploying 5G technology in their networks. There are
22   a number of conceptual papers on 6G and its related
munication and delivery speed for 6G will be
23   technologies available with some research groups more than a thousand times faster than 5G. The
24   working actively on this new wireless communication table I below compares the technical difficulties
2022 IEEE Region 10 Symposium (TENSYMP) | 978-1-6654-6658-5/22/$31.00 ©2022 IEEE | DOI: 10.1109/TENSYMP54529.2022.9864388

25   generation. It is yet to be seen that what benefits of 5G and how 6G will overcome them. It is also
6G will bring for society, however, one thing is sure
26   that Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence in
analysed from table I that both the technologies
27   smart cities will play key roles in 6G technology.
are enablers for the internet of things. 5G can be
28   Therefore the innovative applications raise the qual- referred to as the internet of things, and 6G will
29   ity of life (QoL) for the citizen by monitoring, analyz- focus on speeding up the Internet of Things using
30   ing, planning, and executing with the integration of AI/VR/XR.
31   various components . We further anticipate that the
Figure 1 represents the future emerging smart
sixth generation (6G) of the wireless network should
32   be fully autonomic to deliver the quality of services applications till 2024+. The vision has been based
33   (QoS) and network performance. In this paper, we on yearly development for this technology and is
34   review what is the current state-of-the-art in 6G. not restricted to these applications.
35   Our aim is to provide readers a starting point in 6G
36   research and to provide an overview of how 6G will
be used to build the applications using cutting-edge
37   technologies- SC, AI and ML. We also conceptualise
38   and identify the role of 6G technology with its vision
39   and future challenges. In addition, we have discussed
40   the availability of 6G at the network and user side,
41   along with various future potential use cases for 6G.
42   Index Terms—Sixth Generation (6G); Artificial
Intelligence (AI); Machine Learning (ML); Smart
43   Cities (SC); Internet of Things (IoT).
46   Fig. 1. 6G Vision with some future applications.
The COVID-19 pandemic has enormously
changed the digital world. The industries are
48   Considering these applications as a part of scal-
endeavoring to have more flexible technologies
49   able borderless workplaces and the future post-
and agile workplaces, referred to as scalable bor-
50   pandemic world has urged the need to recognize
51   derless workplaces. The IT-based organisations:
TCS, Infosys, etc., have envisioned that this will the constraints of 5G and how 6G can overcome
52   them. Moreover, it has become vital to understand
53   increase the demand for high internet connec-
tivity, more rigid networks, and more responsive the integration between 6G-ML-AI. Motivated by
54   this, we have reviewed the relevant research in
55   user applications [1]. The [2], [3], mentioned the
tremendous demand for digital inclusion, sustain- emerging 6G and other technologies (SC, ML
56   and AI in this work) and discussed the concept
57   able applications and assure of privacy is biggest
challenge in post-pandemic world. Considering of 6G flip, which focuses on understanding how
60   this integration will look from user and network
61   978-1-6654-6658-5/22/31.00 ©2022 IEEE perspective followed by potential 6G use cases.

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TABLE I built on top of the current 5G technology with AI
T ECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES IN 5G AND ROLE OF 6G and ML capabilities to be brought in the network
Technical difficulty Role of 6G
in SC. This will bring automation and intelligence
to the outer layers of network such as at the edge
Lower speed 6G will offer data rate upto and fog layers of the network. Our vision of 6G
1Tbps with a simple conceptual model is shown in figure
Difficulty in indoor cov- 6G will use femtocells or
erage Distributed Antenna Systems
Need for high speed short 6G uses THz frequencies that
range wireless communi- offers narrow beam and better
cations directivity.
Dedicated hardware im- 6G focuses on virtualisation
plementations which will reduce cost of net-
working equipment.
Limited mobile connec- 6G aims to support 10X102
tions with increasing de- per Km2 .
Time buffer issues 6G aims to provide real-time
services, which does not re-
quire time buffer.
Integration of AI / XR 5G offers partial integration,
applications however the 6G aims to fully
integration the applications in
post pandemic world.

Fig. 2. A conceptual 6G diagram.

Main Contributions: In particular, this work
has the following original contributions: 6G will have great effect on the business of
telecom operators. In current and near future 5G
• Exploration of 6G wireless communication
technologies, operators mostly need to optimise
for growing user demands in the future world
the sections of networks by either providing more
to offer personalised user experience and
resources or removing redundant resources. How-
personalised services.
ever, in 6G era, given AI and ML will be critical
• Highlight the growing need of scalable bor-
part of networks, automation will be the key bene-
derless workplaces in the context of the 6G,
fits. 6G based networks will be able to monitor and
SC, ML, and AI-enabled technologies in the
evaluate the needs of customers and infrastructure
overall design framework of smart applica-
locally. This will enable the networks to make
tions to improve quality of life .
decision on optimal use of wireless resources.
• Discuss the growing potential of upcoming
It is not clear at this stage that what physical
innovative use cases based on different fu-
layer technology will be the best candidate for 6G.
turistic scenarios, applications, and devices
There are massive MIMO and mmWave technolo-
with 6G-ML-AI integration in SC.
gies which will be key physical layer components
• Identifying future challenges and opportuni-
of any 5G implementation, but at the stage of
ties in 6G-ML-AI integration in SC.
writing this article there is no strong or innovative
Paper Structure: The remainder of the paper is physical layer technology to be considered such
organized as follows. Section II describes the 6G counterpart for 6G. mmWave is the frequency
with its proposed architecture. Section III presents spectrum from 30 GHz up to 300 GHz [5] and
the 6G with other technologies followed by sec- is considered as main frequency spectrum band
tion IV, discuss the 6G flip - user and network for 5G technology [6]. Frequency spectrum above
prospective. Section V, elaborates the potential 300 GHz is known as Tera Hertz frequency and is
use case scenarios with example for this potential being mentioned in a number of articles for 6G.
integration. In Section VI, we present the design To see the future interest of 6G, we have
challenges and future research opportunities. Fi- run google trend analysis for 6G and its future
nally, Section VII provides the conclusions and prediction where figure 3 shows the trend of 6G
future work. publications in IEEE Xplore. Most of the publi-
cations (57%) are published in journals, whereas
many publications are also available through IEEE
Sixth Generation (6G) is a new wireless com- journals such as IEEE Access, IEEE Network, etc.
munication technology that is getting attention Figure 4 shows the trend of the Google keyword
from academia and other researchers. Currently, search data of term 6G for the last two years. It
6G technology is at the conception phase and is clear from this figure that there has been quite
researchers are laying the ground work for this a significant interest among 6G search worldwide,
technology. The vision of 6G is that it will be and this trend will keep growing.

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Also, we have put together some key concepts service / application scenarios for smart cities are
and technologies that we believe will play a key endless - the only limit is on whatever one can
role in 6G and are frequently mentioned in 6G imagine.
literature in figure 5.
B. 6G and Machine Learning
III. 6G AND OTHER T ECHNOLOGIES Machine Learning (ML) is not a new concept,
The smartphone and data networks from 5G but it has gained much attention due to new ap-
were key features of 5G from 2019-2021. How- plications. It is envisioned that ML will be one of
ever, the increase in demand for networks has the key technologies for 6G as far as applications
urged an intelligent 6G network that focuses on are concerned. The interesting question to ask is
using terahertz. The critical question that needs that how ML can be used on the user sides and
to consider for future smart cities is How will in the edge networks in 6G architecture. It is
6G architecture look like in the future?, What can also interesting to ask how ML-based solutions
be envisioned from 6G in the future?. Looking at and applications will increase users’ confidence in
a broader perspective, the marriage between 6G- privacy and security. Since many users are already
ML-AI in smart cities is the key to success. The concerned about their privacy when using ML in
figure 6 demonstrates the integration between 6G- various applications. The users feel that their data
ML-AI with future benefits. has been stored, and their private information may
be leaked or stolen from the data repositories.
This gives the future direction of using AI with
ML. Furthermore, considering 6G as the bridge

Fig. 3. 6G publications status on IEEE Xplore as of 8th

October 2021.

Fig. 4. 6G Google search trend as of 8th October 2021.

A. 6G for Smart Cities (SC)
The idea of smart cities is not a dream any more for future wireless communication system, one of
or something from future, rather it is currently the main load bearing pillars of 6G is ML. The
being made reality in one or another way in many integration of ML with 6G will add functionality
cities and municipalities around the world, e.g. and enhance its capabilities. Many existing appli-
[7]–[9]. As mentioned in [10]–[12], a smart city cations built using ML(specifically Deep Learn-
is actually a broad conceptual framework where ing) are used in resource management, processing
a number of new emerging technologies such as of signals, wireless channel estimation, network
Internet of Things (IoT), 5G, Cloud Computing, management, and many more. However, the grow-
Fog / Edge Computing and many more, along ing demand of scalable borderless workplaces
with modern technology-driven physical infras- and post-pandemic world has urged the need for
tructure, work together to provide high quality 6G and its integration into ML to build more
services to the citizens to improve their quality responsive and reliable future-ready applications.
of life. An example of such a project is SideWalk Figure 6, presents the integration of ML-6G where
Labs’s Toronto project (Google’s sister company) it highlights the future trends for this integration.
where it is promised to build a city of future This integration is observed to shift the wireless
with promises of sustainability, economic growth, world into an intelligent digital world.
less greenhouse gases, affordable living and many
more advantages [8]. There are some key and C. 6G and Artificial Intelligence
basic requirements for a city to be considered AI is the cherry on top of ML-6G and is
as a smart city such as seamless, fast and reli- the second pillar of 6G with ML. It plays a
able wireless connectivity; availability of real-time massive role in competing for the future where
computational capabilities at both user side as well the primary goals are to have ease of developing
as at the city infrastructure side and secure-trusted more future-ready products and how efficiently
wireless technology for data sharing [13]. Apart the services can be provided to humans. The
from these three requirements, the use cases and [14] indicated that coming 6G will dramatically

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change the integration of these services with AI. laptops, and browsers, is becoming increasingly
Moreover, [14] indicated that the integration of more powerful. Secondly, the decrease in cost,
6G with AI will change the way how the system increase in the prevalence of GPU on laptops,
will learn and interact. This overall integration and introduction of modern web API that exposes
will benefit humans. The [15] also discussed that low-level technologies such as WebGL, WebGPU,
AI-6G would play a vital role in the user-side, etc., has enabled hardware functionalities, includ-
where the users can themselves download the ML- ing graphics and computations. Thirdly, enabling
AI-based algorithms on their own devices levels. browsers are itself becoming powerful compu-
This will lead to enhancing the personalised user tation engines. Thus processor-intensive applica-
experience. A simple example with this integration tions like ML are becoming smart. In addition,
can be autonomous vehicles where AI can use massive training on servers and inference can be
the location of objects to optimal communication done on the browser in the future world. So all
with humans. Authors in [16] designed a model these considerations are opening up the possibility
of a whole new approach to ML that will be done
through user perspective benefiting 6G.
Considering these possibilities discussed above,
the biggest challenges of using ML on the network
side are the cost of the infrastructure associated
with its implementation and delay in networks due
to the massive number of users. Moreover, due to
the current pandemic, connectivity in the network
has become the central issue in the current wire-
less system. The figure 7, discussed the 6G flip
from user and network side.

Fig. 5. Some key concepts and technologies related to 6G.

for 6G networks-based AI techniques. The AI

techniques are employed effectively and efficiently
to optimize network performance, including han-
dover management and intelligent mobility. The
author has employed AI techniques to efficiently Fig. 6. AI-ML-6G integration.
and effectively optimize network performance, in-
cluding intelligent mobility and handover manage- Taking an example, let us consider a smart
ment, innovative spectrum management, and AI- image reading application that will automatically
empowered mobile edge computing. generate the caption for an image on the web
Moving forward in section below , we have page in the browser by itself. The another example
discussed how ML and AI with 6G will look like can be having language scoring application on
from user and network prospective. the client-side that can provide automated scores
while client records their voice. These are just
some of the future predictions. However, when
While we discussed the integration between ML can be used on the client-side, it can help
ML-6G-AI and SC, it is worth thinking about how achieve the following benefits: less cost, connec-
applications based on this integration will benefit tivity in milliseconds (ms), less complex model,
6G and behave at the network and user sides. and tremendous data privacy.
However, much research has been conducted from
a network perspective, i.e., how technology will V. 6G POTENTIAL USE CASES
work on a network side or how feedback can 6G communication system can be automated
be sent to a network. The author in [17] men- with the help of ML and AI. ML and its various
tioned that the critical feature of 6G will be an variants such as DL, FL etc can be incorporated at
individualised communication experience to users. service-based communication, resource manage-
However, how can this experience be achievable?. ment, signal processing, physical layer, network
Many considerations can be taken into account instrumentation, and so on [18]. Industrial man-
to understand the 6G Flip. Firstly, the smart world, ufacturing can be digitally transformed with the
while promoting and encouraging scalable border- industry 4.0 revolution [19]. There has been a
less workplaces by using end devices, i.e., phones, comprehensive, rigorous focus on dreaming the

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smart applications with AI, ML, and 6G with predicting the growth factor associated with
scientific research being focused on these revolu- that crop. This application will help farmers
tionary developments. Below we have listed few cut down the damaged crops initially rather
potential use cases for 6G for providing users with than wait to grow through the season.
personalised experience, shown in figure 8. 4) Use-Case:4 Seamless coverage anywhere
using AR/VR: The [20] presented the con-
cept of AI.VR real-time tourism application
will provide the tourist with VR glasses
that will provide the entire virtual tour of
the entire site. Another example can be
considered an intelligent AR/VR application
to track the Covid19 spread in this use case.
The application can automatically have the
chips install in user phones, and where ever
users will travel, the tracking can be done.
5) Use-Case:5 Future mobility patterns
predication: The use of machine learning
at the user level will promote AI-based
Fig. 7. AI-ML-6G: user and network level applications. caching, and content predication [20]. This
type of implementation at the application
1) Use-Case:1 Education in 6G Era: The level will be the future of the intelligent
future AI applications will offer support world. Moreover, this approach is another
to various smart/intelligent wireless devices. example of satellite links for global net-
The main focus for providing this type of works. An example of this use case can be
support will be devices performing intelli- enabling communication in various remote
gent learning. An example of this use case regions with low latency. Moreover, the ML
can be considered in teaching through an will focus on determining the user’s de-
automated robot with the facilitator. Let us mands for content using various intelligent
say students get trouble with solving case techniques such as neural networks or radio
studies for assessment questions. The au- access networking. This will help to make
tomated robot will perform an automated the future prediction of content and mobility
search and give the answers to the facilitator, patterns.
and if answers can correct, the facilitator
can direct them to the student; otherwise,
redo the answer and communicate with the
student. This automated education system
will use the concept of caching, just like
search engine optimisation.
2) Use-Case:2 Five sense information trans-
fer: For experiencing the world, five senses
are used by humans as touch, smell, taste,
sight, and hearing. The communication net-
work of 6G transfers data remotely obtained
from five senses. This technique uses the
neurological process through integration and
sensory. The sensations from the environ-
ment and the human body are detected. It
uses the body effectively within local cir-
cumstances and environments. This applica-
tion will significantly boost wireless brain-
computer interface (BCI) technology.
3) Use-Case:3 Digital Agriculture: The future
potential application for this interaction in Fig. 8. Potential use cases in 6G - ML - AI integrated world.
a sustainable world can be considered sus-
tainable decision-based digital agriculture
applications where the farmer can see the VI. C HALLENGES AND O PPORTUNITIES
future vision of growing crops. This type of Although research has begun on 6G, there are
application can assist the farmers in taking still fundamental questions, such as what phys-
a deeper picture of the crop’s roots and ical layer technology will be used for 6G, are

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unanswered for 6G. There has been some thoughts the 6G communication network. Machine learning
from academics and industry researchers on how and deep learning features will be used to develop
they envision 6G currently which are summarised a fully autonomous system.
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