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Analyzing your writing situation before you begin working on a document will help you work more efficiently and
more effectively. Writers in professional and technical settings need to take a number of factors into
consideration when planning a new project or document: the occasion, intended audience(s), constraints on the
work, purpose(s) of the document, their role as the writer, and the content, design, and production methods for
the document. The following worksheet is based on some of these elements. Use the following worksheet to help
you brainstorm for and plan your project. The project is hypothetical. Fill in the worksheet based on the following

PROMPT: Your Project idea must be a software or an app design that addresses and provides solution for a
particular problem e.g., an app that locates budget friendly grocery deals in the online market (addressed
issues: Inflation, shopping convenience). Remember, this worksheet is draft for the document that you will
write in future, to pitch your app’s idea.


Project name

Fast Lane


1. What is the occasion for this communication?

Be specific. What issue problem or need compels you to write or act at this particular time and place? Why is
this issue important right now? What is at stake – and for whom?
Inflation has jacked up the cost of fuel and transport services for students. A ride sharing app for students driven by
students will be very beneficial.

2. Who is the audience?

Be specific. Are you writing to an individual or a group? Do you know your audience personally? What is your
organizational relationship to her/him/them? What assumptions can you make about this audience?

This app is for a broad group of people who are students. They need transport services for university as-well as
money making opportunities so the app is catered to them.

3. What type of audience is this and what are they looking for in the document?

Project Planning Analyzing the Writing Situation Assignment 1


Be specific. Are you writing to experts looking to enhance their own knowledge or evaluate the validity of a
project or proposal? Managers trying to make a decision or get up to speed? Technicians looking for technical
detail and specifics? Lay people with limited expertise on the subject?

The audience consists of students seeking convenient and cost-effective transportation solutions. They are looking
for a user-friendly platform that offers reliable rides at affordable rates.

4. How much knowledge or technical expertise does the audience have on this subject?
Be specific and consider how readers’ levels of expertise will influence your decisions about what language to
use, how much detail to include, and how much explanation of concepts/terms will be necessary.

The audience may have varying levels of technical expertise, but generally, they are expected to be familiar with
using mobile apps and ride-sharing services.

5. What biases or preconceptions will your audience bring to the document?

Be specific. Is the audience enthusiastic, receptive, neutral, hostile? How will their biases/preconceptions
influence readers’ reception of the document. Are they likely to be resistant to the situation in which the
message is delivered or to the content of the message itself? Are they more likely to agree, disagree or be
indifferent to the information in the document?

The audience is likely enthusiastic about the idea of a student-driven ride-sharing app, especially if they are
experiencing challenges with transportation costs. They may be receptive to the concept but cautious about safety
and reliability concerns commonly associated with new services.

6. What cultural considerations do you need to address for this audience?

Be specific. Will you have international readers? Readers for whom English is not a first language? Do you
need to adjust the content to accommodate these readers? Language? Rhetorical strategies? Are there strong
local customs or traditions that you must respect?

The document will be available in both English and Urdu in order for it to be understood by everyone. Simple and
precise language will be used. Having female students being driven by female students as an option is important to
be mentioned in the document given our culture of valuing women only spaces.

Project Planning Analyzing the Writing Situation Assignment 1



7. From your perspective as the author, what are the purposes of this document? What is the main purpose?
Are there any other purposes that the document might serve?
The main purpose of this document is to introduce and promote the Fast Lane app as a solution to students'
transportation needs. Other purposes may include highlighting its features, benefits, and safety measures.
8. From the perspective of the audience, what are the purposes of this document?
What is the reader’s goal in reading/using this document? What kind of information or content does the
reader expect to find in this document? How will the reader use or interact with the document?
The reader's goal in reading this document is to understand how the Fast Lane app can address their
transportation challenges effectively. They expect to find information about how to use the app, available services,
pricing, and safety measures.

9. What medium is most appropriate for this communication, and does this medium affect writing, design or
distribution of the document?
A mobile application platform or a website would be the most appropriate medium for communicating
information about the Fast Lane app. The medium affects the design and distribution of the document, as it should
be optimized for digital platforms and easily accessible via smartphones and computers.
10. Given the complete writing situation what overall look is desired or most appropriate for this document?
The document should have a modern and user-friendly design, with clear navigation and visually appealing
graphics. It should convey a sense of reliability, safety, and convenience, reflecting the branding and values of the
Fast Lane app.
11. How will this document be delivered to the audience?
This document will be delivered via email on student’s university emails. Further methods include putting up flyers
throughout university, promoting the app via official social media accounts linked to the university.

Project Planning Analyzing the Writing Situation Assignment 1

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