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A) *Inclusive Education*: Inclusive education

emphasizes providing equal opportunities for all students, including
those with disabilities or special needs, within mainstream
classrooms. It aims to create a supportive environment that
recognizes and accommodates the diverse learning styles and
abilities of all students.

B) *Salamanca Statement and Framework of Action, 1994*:

The Salamanca Statement, adopted at the World Conference on
Special Needs Education in 1994, advocates for inclusive education
worldwide. It stresses the importance of creating inclusive policies
and practices in education systems. The Framework of Action
provides guidelines for implementing inclusive education, focusing on
collaboration, teacher training, curriculum development, and
community involvement.

C) *Human Resource in Inclusive School*: Human resources in

inclusive schools encompass various professionals, such as teachers,
special education educators, therapists, counselors, and support staff.
These individuals work together to create an inclusive environment,
provide tailored support to students with diverse needs, and foster
collaboration among stakeholders to ensure the success of inclusive
education initiatives.
D) *Measures to Develop Positive Relationship
Between School and Home*:
Developing a positive relationship between school and home involves
establishing open lines of communication, fostering mutual respect,
and encouraging parental involvement in their child's education.
Measures may include regular parent-teacher meetings, effective use
of communication platforms like newsletters and emails, organizing
family events and workshops, and providing opportunities for
parents to contribute their expertise and insights to the educational

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