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The Department of Transportation (DOTr) will continue to provide other

sources of income for transport workers, especially displaced public

utility vehicle (PUV) drivers, affected by the Public Utility Vehicle
Modernization Program (PUVMP), Transportation Secretary Jaime
Bautista said Monday, 19 December 2022.

Secretary Bautista said the EnTSUPERneur Program will ensure that

displaced PUV drivers and operators are provided with tools and skills
to start-up their entrepreneurial endeavors.

“The DOTr would like to express its gratitude to Secretary Laguesma

and the DOLE for supporting this program. We believe that this is a
very noble undertaking of the DOTr and DOLE because this will provide
the ability for those who will be affected of the Public Utility Vehicle
Modernization Program to have other sources of income outside the
public transport industry,” said Secretary Bautista.

Joining Secretary Bautista at the DOTr-DOLE Memorandum of

Agreement (MOA) were DOLE Secretary Bienvenido Laguesma, DOTr
Undersecretary for Road Transport and Infrastructure Mark Steven
Pastor, LTFRB Board Member Riza Marie Paches, OTC OIC-Chairperson
Cresenciana E.S. Galvez.

Under the agreement, the DOTr, through the Land Transportation

Franchising and Regulatory Board (LTFRB) and Office of
Transportation Cooperatives (OTC) and Department of Labor and
Employment (DOLE) will provide transport workers, including PUV
operators and allied workers, will be provided with entrepreneurial and
employment opportunities under the EnTSUPERneur Program.

Affected transport workers will receive working capital in form of

tools, equipment, and raw materials, basic training in
entrepreneurship, micro-insurance, and continuing business and
technical advisory services.

Beneficiaries will likewise receive P30,000 for individual projects,

P250,000 and P500,000 for micro livelihood for group projects with 15
to 20 members, and 26 to 50 members, respectively.
At least 14,250 PUV workers will benefit from the project, according to
the LTFRB.

Also present during the MOA signing were DOLE Undersecretary for
Workers’ Welfare and Protection Benjo Santos Benavidez,
Undersecretary for Legislative Liaison and Legal Affairs Felipe N.
Egargo, Jr., OIC-Undersecretary for Workers’ Welfare and Protection
Dominique Rubia-Tutay, OIC-Assistant Secretary for General
Administration and Regional Operations Warren Miclat, and Bureau of
Workers and Special Concerns Director Ahmma Charisma Lobrin-


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