Statistics For Mains Towards Civil Services Arvind Shah Rank 123

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Arvind Shah (Rank Fact

Topic | SubTopic | Fact Q

-123, Telegram- Towards Civil Services)
Economy | Tourism | Job share worldwide Tourism and Travel contributes for 1 in 10 jobs in global economy. (Src-World
of sector travel and tourism council)
tourism generated ₹16.91 lakh crore (US$240 billion) or 9.2% of India's GDP in
Economy | Tourism | tourism- production, 2018 and supported 42.673 million jobs, 8.1% of its total employment (Src-
jobs World travel and tourism council)
Health, Env | Air Pollution | Indian cities in
World's air pollution 6 out of 10 (Mostly NCR regions) (Src-World air quality report 2019)
From about 16000 deaths in 2018 to under 10000 cases in 2019 (Src-WHO's
Health | Malaria | Malaria Death declined World Malaria report)

Health | Tobacco | India's Tobacco burden 2nd Largest globally (277 Million) (Src-WHO's Global adult Tobacco survey)
1 in 3 women faces sexual violence globaly. Globally as many as 38% of all
Health | Sexual violence | Global stat murders of women are committed by intimate partners (Src-WHO)
Health | doctors without medical 57% of the medical practitioners in India did not have any medical
qualification qualification(in 2016) (Src-WHO)
70% of world health worker and social worker are women (Src-WHO)
around 10 mn People (27 % of world, 2mn new cases in 2018) had TB in total. -
Health | TB | global share of regular and DR 4.5 Lakh death (highest in the world). India also has the 27 % of all Drug
TB resistant TB cases. 1/3rd of population has Latent TB (Src-WHO)

At least 70% of total expenditure of a patient is out of pocket expenditure. (In

Health | Health Insurance | Out of pocket China out of pocket expenditure is less than 35%.) (Src-WHO)
Economy | Agriculture | use of fertiliser- average use of fertilisers on average in India is 3.5 times more than the world
compare to world average. (Src-WHO)
India's health insurance penetration rate (ratio of premium underwritten in a
Health | Health Insurance | India's health particular year to the GDP) is 3.4%, far below the global average of 6.2%. (Src-
insurance penetration rate WHO)
Health | TB | TB Decline India's TB notification fell by 25 % in 2020 (due to corona) (Src-WHO)
Health | Health Infra | Hosptial bed It is 0.9/1000 (out of which 0.55 is govt beds). WHO recommends atleast 1.9
/population ratio beds per thousand people (Src-WHO)

Non-communicable diseases such as diabetes, cancer and heart disease, are

Health | Deaths due to NCD collectively responsible for over 70% of all deaths worldwide (Src-WHO)
Health | Health Insurance | households Only less than 30% of households are covered by health insurance. (Src-WHO)
covered by health insurance.
by 2050, there will be more plastic in the oceans than there are fish. (Src-
Economy | Pollution | plastic in ocean WEF)

climate change could effectively

negate economic progress, pushing 45 million Indians into extreme poverty
Economy | Climate change | Climate over the next 15 years. It also noted that the farmers income losses from
change and poverty and farmer income climate change would be 15% and 18% on an average. (Src-WB)
Economy | Insolvancy | Ease of insolvancy
ranking Ease of Insolvency Ranking improved from 108 to 52 in 2019 (Src-WB)
Economy | Env degradation | cost of env environmental degradation costs India $80 billion per year or 5-6% of its
degradation economy (Src-WB)
Health | Sanitation and Hygiene | GDP loss
due to bad status India looses 6.4 % of GDP because of poor sanitation and Hygiene (Src-WB)
Economy | Energy | population having nearly 85% of the country’s population having access to
electricity electricity(2018) (Src-WB)
World bank estimated that automation would impact 69% jobs in India alone.
Economy | automation impact on Jobs India (Src-WB)
Arvind Shah (Rank -123, Telegram- Towards Civil Services)
Economy | women reserchers and world Only ~14% of researchers are women (world avg = 20%) (2018) (Src-UNESCO)
Demography | World urban population % by It is estimated by UN that almost 2/3rd world population would be in urban
2050 areas by 2050. (Src-UN)
Economy | road accident | GDP loss due to
road accidents India losses 3% of its GDP to road accidents: UN Study (Src-UN Study)
Health | Antibiotic | death due to AMR, Annually 10 Lakh die because of AMR. (10 mn dealths by 2050) (Src-UN
project of 2050 report)
Social Issue | Slavery | Female Global
slavery One in every 130 females globally is living in modern slavery (Src-UN report)
There are approximately 137 policemen per lakh population. The UN
Governance | policemen per lakh recommended number of police personnel per lakh population is 222. (Src-UN
population and UN recomm Office on Drug and Crime)
Environment | Land degradation | cost of
land degradation Land degradation cost India about 2.54 per cent of its GDP (Src-TERI)
86% of cases took 10-15 years to get disposed of in India. (Src-Study by
Politics | case taking time to be disposed Daksh group)
Health, Env | Air Pollution | Annual death
due to air pollution 1.2 million (2017) (Src-State of global air 2019)
Health, Env | Air Pollution | Loss in life
expectancy due to air pollution 2.5 years (Src-State of global air 2019)
Economy | import of arm, india ranking Though declining, india still 2nd largest importers of arm (Src-SIPRI)
Demography | Total Household 24.39 Cr (Src-SECC 11)
Economy | NPA 8.5 per cent in March 2020 (Src-RBI )
Governance | pending cases-at each levelAugust 2019, there are over 3.5 crore cases (87 % in Subordinate courts and 12
and total % in HC, 0.2% inSC) (Src-PRS Legislative research)
Governance | prisions capicity Prisons are running at an over-capacity of 114% (Src-PRS Legislative
India’s unemployment rate fell to 5.8% during 2018-19 from 6.1%
Economy | decrease in unemployment rate during the same period of 2017-18. (Src-PLFS (2018-19))
Economy | Women | F-LFPR india , trend (FLFP) rate has dropped from 35% in 1991 to 23.3% in 2019 while the world
and world average is around 50%. (Src-PLFS (2018-19))
The labour force participation rate rose to 37.5% during 2018-19 from
Economy | LFPR 36.9% of 2017-18. (Src-PLFS (2018-19))
Social issues | children | multidimensional About 30% of multidimensionally poor children live in India. (Src-Oxford
poor children in iNdia Poverty and Human Development Initiative (OPHI)))
gender pay gap (for euqal work and qualification) - 34 (Src-Oxfam report)
40% of credit needs of farmers are met through informal channels and mostly
Economy | Agriculture | for small farmers (Src-NSSO)
Economy | Food | PDS diversion Diversions of grains from PDS amounted to 46.7 percent a (Src-NSSO)
Over 60% domestic worker are women (Src-NSSO)
Economy | Pollution | fresh water
contamination 70% of our fresh water is contaminated (Src-NITI)
Health | Health Infra | Doctors ratio in Urban 3.8:1 (meaning 70 % of population has only 36 % of health workers) (Src-NITI
vs Rural Aayog)
Polity | road accident | death per minute There is one death every four minutes due to a road accident in India. (Src-
due to road accident NGO, 'Indians for Road Safety')
Health | Mental Health | Percent of people
with mental health issues 13% (Src-NFHS-4 (2015-16))
Health | Malnutrition | Wasting 21% (Src-NFHS-4 (2015-16))
Health | Malnutrition | underweight 35.70% (Src-NFHS-4 (2015-16))
Health | Malnutrition | Stunting 38.40% (Src-NFHS-4 (2015-16))

Health | women | IMR (IMR) below 51 deaths per 1,000 live births. (Src-NFHS-4 (2015-16))

Health | Obesity 20 % of India (women 21 and man 20 %) are obese (Src-NFHS-4 (2015-16))
Arvind Shah (Rank 36%
-123, Telegram- Towards Civil Services)
of women adopted permanent methods of contraception like sterilisation.
Health | Family planning | How many %
women use permanent method (Src-NFHS-4 (2015-16))
Social issues | women | women asset 38% of women owns a house and/or land (alone or jointly with others) (Src-
ownership NFHS-4 (2015-16))
Health | Breastfeeding | breastfeeding at Breastfeeding at birth can reduce newborn death by 20% (Src-NFHS-4 (2015-
birth effect 16))
Deliveries at health facilities has increased from 39 per cent to 79 per
Health | women | institutional delivery cent (Src-NFHS-4 (2015-16))

Due to “son meta-preference” (stopping rules unless desired number of son

are born), there are 21 million “unwanted” girls. (Src-NFHS-4 (2015-16))
Social issues | unwanted girls
Due to “son preference” (sex selective abortion), there are 63 million “missing”
Social issues | missing women women. (Src-NFHS-4 (2015-16))
Full immunisation coverage in India has increased to 62% in 2015-16
Health | Immunisation | coverage increase compared to 44% in 2005-06 (Src-NFHS-4 (2015-16))

Health | Breastfeeding | india's recent Initial breastfeeding has been nearly doubled in last decade i.e. from 23.4% in
performance NFHS-3 (2005-06) to 41.6 % in NFHS-4 (2015-16). (Src-NFHS-4 (2015-16))
more than 25% of women aged 20-24 were married before 18 years. (Src-
Social issues | women | Marriage before 18 NFHS-4 (2015-16))
Health | hygienic menstrual protection for More than 40% of women do not have access to hygienic methods of
women protection during their menstrual period. (Src-NFHS-4 (2015-16))
Health | Family planning | how many % Only 54% women use some methods of family planning. (Src-NFHS-4 (2015-
women use contraceptive 16))
Health | TB | prevalence among man and The prevalence of tuberculosis was higher among women (389 per
women 100,000) than among men (220 per 100,000). (Src-NFHS-4 (2015-16))
Crime against SCs have increased by over 7% and crimes against STs
Governance | increase of crime against have increased by 26% in year 2019 compared to 2018. (Src-NCRB-
ST/SC 2019)
Governance | increase of crime against Crime against women showed an increase of 7.3% in 2019 from 2018
women (Src-NCRB-2019)
Health | Suicide | Annual death 1.3 Lakh each year (Src-NCRB)
Health | Traffic acident | Death due to
accident 4-5 Lakh accident each year. About 1.5 Lakh die each year (Src-NCRB)
Governance | undertrial % 70% of Prisoners are undertrials (Src-NCRB)
Governance | % of cases where offender is In 95% of the crimes against women cases, the offender is known to the victim.
known to women (Src-NCRB)
Governance | cases of crime against Majority of cases under crimes against women were reported under ‘Cruelty by
women by husband and relatives Husband or His Relatives’ (33.2%) (Src-NCRB)
75% of the women workforce is in agricultural sector. (Src-National Sample
Economy | Women | women in agriculture survey)
inter-caste marriages represents only about 5% of all marriages. (Src-National
Economy | inter caste marriage share Council of Applied Economic Research (NCAER))
Economy | graduate employbility NASSCOM, only 15% of Indian graduates are employable (Src-NASSCOM)
Economy | Groundwater | water demand If the current pattern of water usage continues, about half of the demand for
fulfillment by 2030 water will be unmet by 2030 (Src-NASA, NITI Aayog)
Economy | Groundwater | India's ground India’s groundwater table is declining at a rate of 0.3 metres per year (Src-
water decline NASA)
Economy | Agriculture | Farmers in debt 52% of the farmers are in debt. (Src-NABARD)
90 percent of the colleges and 70 percent of the universities that the council
Education | unversity and colleges quality graded were of either average or poor quality. (Src-NAAC)
Arvind Shah (Rank -123, Telegram- Towards Civil Services)
Health | Antibiotic | India's rank in
consumption India is highest consumer (Src-MoST)
Health | Generic medicine | export rank and Largest exporter of Generic medicine (20 % of global generic medicine export)
share (Src-MoST)
Economy | % Trade by maritime (by volume around 95% of India’s trading by volume and 70% by value is done through
and by value) maritime transport. (Src-Ministry of Shipping)
Economy | Energy | electrivity in villages Electrification of every village has been done (Src-Ministry of power)
India has total 6.3 Cr MSMEs and employs arround 11 cr people. Contribution
Economy | total MSMEs, share in GDP, to GDP 38%. Contribution to Exports 40%. Share in
employment, export contri manufacturing 45%. (Src-Ministry of MSME estimates)
Education | Teacher student ratio | PTR for PTR at national level for elementary schools is 24:1 and for secondary schools
elementry and for secondary school it is 27:1 (Src-MHRD)
there are 32 million(13.4 Mn NRIs and 18.6 Mn PIOs) residing outside India
IR | global indian diaspora, NRI and POI (Src-MEA)
Governance | govt and litigacy Governmnet is the biggest litigant (Src-Law Ministry)

Governance | judges per million and Law India has 20 judges per million as per law ministry. US has 107 per milliion(law
commision's recommended commision recommends 50 judges per million (Src-Law Ministry)
Health | Diabetes | India's share in Global ranks 2nd. 77Million out of total 463 Million. China tops with 116 Million adults
diabetes (Src-International Diabetes Federation (IDF))
Social Issues | Violence | GDP loss due to violence in India causes around 4% of loss to India’s GDP. (Src-Institute of
it economics and peace)

Agriculture | % of female worker owing land Only 13 % women tiller owned their land (Src-IndiaSpend)
Governance | women police percentage Only 7 % of all police personnel in India is women (Src-India Justice report)
A study by the IMF (2017) finds that for emerging market economies a 1
degree Celsius increase in temperature would reduce agricultural growth by
Economy | loss of agri due to climate 1.7%, and a 100 millimetres reduction in rain would reduce growth by 0.35%
change-global (Src-IMF)
Economy | Women | GDP addition if gender India can add $700 billion of additional GDP by 2025 if gender parity is
parity is achieved achieved. (Src-IMF)
Economy | Women | GDP boost if women women’s participation in the workforce to the level of men can boost the
participation equals men Indian economy by 27%. (Src-IMF)
Economy | Wage Gap Wage gap = 34% (2018, ILO) (Global avg: 18.8%) (Src-ILO)
Economy | Insolvancy | recovery from IBC Recovery from IBC exceeds Rs 3.8 Lakh Cr (Src-IBBI)
Protests by foreign funded NGOs against developmental projects (mining,
Environment | nuclear, dams) lead to loss of 2-3% of GDP loss annually (Src-IB)
More than 10% drugs in the government supply chain are not of standard
Health | Medicine | drug quality quality (Src-Health Ministry survery)
Environment | Env degradation | overshoot In 2020, Earth Overshoot Day fell on August 22 (Late due to covid, july 29 in
day this year 2019) (Src-Global footprint network)
Economy | Indian adults owning bank 80% of Indian adults owned a bank account at the time of the
account study (Src-Global Findex Database)
Economy | Medical tourism | projection by
2020 Expected to touch $ 9 Bn by 2020 (Src-FICCI)
Economy | India's milk production At #1. 186 Million Ton. (More valued than anyone foodgrain) (Src-FAO)
Economy | Productivy per worker vis a vis economic survey, productivity per worker in manufacturing in India is 1/3rd of
China that in China (Src-Economic Survey)
60 % of PHC have only one doctor. 5 % had no Doctor (Src-Economic survey
Health | Health Infra | Doctors in PHCs 2018-19)
Climate change could reduce annual agricultural incomes in the range of 15%
Economy | loss of agri due to climate to 18% on average, and up to 20% to 25% for unirrigated areas. [ES 2017-18]
change (Src-Economic survey 2017-18)
Arvind Shah (Rank Around
-123,9 Telegram- Towards Civil Services)
million people migrate from one state to another every year for
Economy | Labour migration: either education or work (Src-Economic Survey 2016)
Govt spends 4.2% of GDP subsidising various commodities. (Src-Economic
Economy | govt expenditure on subsidy Survey 2016)
Economy | tax to gdp ratio India's tax to GDP ratio is low 16.6% (Src-Economic Survey 2016)
Health | women | underweight women
during pregnancy 42% (Src-Economic survey 2015-16)
India will require investments of about $4.5 trillion by 2040 to develop
Economy | need of fund by 2040 to infra infrastructure to improve economic growth and community well-being
and eco growth according (Src-Economic survey 2015-16)
Economy | Climate change | loss due to India incurs losses of about $9-10 billion annually due to extreme weather
extreme weather events events. (Src-Economic survey 17-18)
Economy | Logistics | employment, growth Logistical sector employs 22 Mn people, growing at 10 percent per year and
and expectation likely to reach 215 Billion in 2020 (Src-Economic Survey 17-18)
Economy | Leakage in LPG subsidy
decrease leakages in LPG subsidy transfers fell 24%. (Src-Economic Survey 15-16)
Economy | DBT | schemes covered under
DBT Arround 450 schemes are covered under DBT presently (Src-Down to earth)
Almost 50% of Safai Karamcharis in government services belong to SC/ST. (Src-
Social Issues | SC/ST safai Karmchari DoPT Annual Report 2016-17)
India can save ₹77,000 crore every year by the use of Aadhaar. (Src-Digital
Politics | Aadhar saving money dividend report by WB)
Health | Health Infra | Doctor/Population one doctor for every 1445 Indian. (WHO says minimum one for 1000 ) (Src-
ratio Data provided by Health minister in Rajya Sabha)
till September 9, 2020, under PMJDY was 40.63 crore, of which
Economy | accounts under jandhan, man 22.44 crore accounts were held by women and 18.19 crore by men
and woman (Src-Data from RTI (finance ministry))
Health | Health Infra | Health
worker/Population ratio 20.6 per ten thousand. (WHO says minimum 22.8) (Src-Data by NSSO)
Economy | Pollution | river pollution almost half of India’s inter-State rivers are polluted. (Src-CPCB)
there is a $10 return on investment for every $1 spent on childhood
Health | vaccination return on Investment vaccinations. (Src-Centre for Disease control and prevention (CDC),)
Urbanisation | Current urban population 31% (2011) (Src-Census 11)
Demography | India's literacy 74% (82 M + 65F) (Src-Census 11)
Demography | urban housholds living in the
slums around 18% of urban households live in slums. (Src-Census 11)
Social issues | child labourers % and total As per Census 2011, in the age group (5-14) years, 10.1 million (3.9% of total
number child population) are child labourers. (Src-Census 11)
Demography | Median Age For men = 23.5; for women = 19.2 (Src-Census 11)
Economy | Agriculture | landless agricultural
labourers There are 14.4 crore landless agricultural labourers (Src-Census 11)
The 2019 CSDS survey found that 19% of police personnel believe that killing
dangerous criminals is better than a legal trial and 75% feel that violence
Social issues | Police's view on encounter towards criminals is justified. (Src-CDS)
Economy | Food | hunger death, sleeping
hungry %, India's share of hunger Over 7000 Indians die of hunger every day. Over 20 crore Indians will sleep
worldwide hungry tonight.1/3rd of the world’s hungry live in India (
Education | data | All India enrollment (both 64% in public school, 30% in private school. About 5 % are out of school (Src-
public and private) ASER, 2018)
Of all children enrolled in Class V, about half cannot read at Class II level. (Src-
Education | Reading ASER, 2018)
29% members have declared serious criminal cases including cases related to
Polity | Loksabha election 2019 | serious murder, attempt to murder, communal disharmony, kidnapping, crimes against
Crime cases against 17th LS women (Src-ADR)
Arvind Shah (Rank 43%
-123, Telegram- Towards Civil Services)
of MPs of 17th Lok Sabha have criminal cases registered against them
Polity | Loksabha election 2019 | Crime
cases against 17th LS (ADR) [34% in 16th LS] (Src-ADR)
Polity | Loksabha election 2019 | women 78 women leaders (14%) in 17th Lok Sabha.(highest till now, In 16th Lok Sabha
MPs it was 11.9% (Global average = 23%) (Src-ADR)

Polity | Loksabha election 2019 | chances The chances of winning for a candidate with criminal cases in the elections are
of criminal winning election and non- 15.5% whereas for a candidate with a clean record it is 4.7%. (Src-ADR)
Demography | India's need to be spent on India will need to spend $1.2 trillion on
cities by 2030 cities by 2030. (Src-A 2010 McKinsey report)

Environment | Forest report 19 | Torest

Tree cover 2.89%
Health | Total Spending | 4.10%
Health | Mental Health | India's share in
global mental disorder 15%
Environment | Forest report 19 | Total tree
and forest cover 24.56%
Economy | Climate change | electric car . Indian market share of electric cars is a meagre 0.06% when compared to
share , comparision worldwide 2% in China and 39% in Norway.
Health | vasectomy % in Steriisation . Vasectomy accounts for only 2% of all sterilisations which happen in India

Health | Budget allocation | percent of GDP 1.2 % of GDP

10.7 cr toilets have been built under SBA since inception. About 90 % of them
Economy | SBA | toilets under SBA have been geo tagged
India | Stastistic | Population share 18% of world
India | Stastistic | Land share 2.4% of world
India | Stastistic | Ground water extraction 20% of world
Environment | Forest report 19 | Total forest
cover 21.67 % of area
28.4 year (37 in China and the United States, 45 in Western Europe, and
Demography | India's median age 48 in Japan.)
India | Stastistic | Ground water 4% of world
Social issues | crimes by juveniles % 4.1% of the crimes are committed by the juveniles.
Education | Total Spending | percentage of
GDP 4.6 % (NITI Ayoog recommended to increase it to 6%)
Economy | Workforce in agri 45.7% of India’s workforce is employed in agriculture.
Environment | india's species % and
mangrove % globally 7% of recorded species. 3% of world mangroves
Environment | India's drinking water %
80% of India's drinking water needs is met by groundwater.
coming from ground water
Economy | informal sector % and
unorganised gdp % 90% informal sector workforce. 50% GDP unorganised.
Environment | groundwater extraction for
90% of ground water extraction is for irrigation.
Economy | Agriculture | crop insurance A CAG audit report on Centre's crop insurance schemes (2017) found that only
awareness 37% of the farmers were aware of crop insurance schemes.
Economy | Energy | AT & T loss Aggregate Technical and Commercial (AT&C) losses stand at 21.4%
Economy | employment generation, India vs An average 40 year old firm in the USA generates 5 times as much more
US employment than the average 40 year old Indian firm.
As of 2020, there are 718.74 million active internet users that comprise
Economy | active internet users. Ranks 54.29% of the population
Economy | Urbanisation | urban indians and As per the Census 2011, 377 million Indians comprising 31.1% of the total
their GDP contributions population live in urban areas. They contribute 60% of GDP.
Economy | Logistics | cost of transport As per the World Bank, the cost of transport of one tonne of freight over a km
comparision of rail, road and waterway by road is Rs. 2.28, by rail Rs. 1.41 and Rs 1.19 for waterways.
Arvind Shah (Rank At-123, Telegram- Towards Civil Services)
present SC has only 193 working days and HCs - 210. Currently judges have
Governance | working days and holiday of
HC and SC summer vacation of ~50 days, winter vacation of ~20 days.

Health | Malaria | India's malaria free target Being Malaria free by 2030
Cities cover only about 1% of the earth’s surface but produce about 80% of
Economy | Urbanisation | cities- total land
covered, GDP production and energy gross world product and account for around 78% of energy consumed
consumption worldwide.
Economy | Logistics | share of railway in Declining share of Railways in total freight traffic from 89% in 1950-51 to 30%
freight traffic in 2011-12.
Education | GER- Higher edu | Female Female - 25.4%
Economy | Medical tourism | India's rank Fifth largest medical tourism destination. 18 per cent of the global medical
and share tourism market

FRBM framework, the fiscal deficit is to be reduced to 3% of the

GDP by 2018-19, while the revenue deficit is expected to fall to 0.9% of the
Economy | FRBM targets GDP by 2019-20.
Education | GER- Higher edu | Current and GER in higher (tertiary) education = 25.2% [our target = 32% by 2022]. 50% by
Target 2035. (under NEP)
Economy | HAM's percentage in total HAM projectsaccounted for around 46% of total awards in terms of highway
highway project length and 63% in terms of total value in the fiscal year 2017-18
In India, transport sector is the second largest contributor to CO2 emissions
Economy | Climate change | Emission from after the industrial sector. Road transport accounts for around 90% of the total
transport sector. emissions in the transport sector in India
In more than 70 years of independence there have been only 8 women as SC
Politics | total SC judges till now judges. Presently there are 2 out of All
Environment | india's carbon emission
share India accounts for 7% of total carbon emission. China (29%) > US (16%)
Education | india % in all research paper India accounts for just 3% of all the research papers published in the world in
published in STEM science and engineering.
India has 66,000 km of railway lines, out which only 17,000 km have been
Economy | railway line (total) added after independence.
Economy | total navigable inland water
India has about 14,500 km of navigable inland waterways Potential
ways potential
Environment | export of arm, india ranking India is 23rd largest arm exporter
Social issues | Food | food production India is the world’s second largest food producer, yet it is also home to the
ranking and undernourishment ranking second highest population of under-nourished in the world.

Economy | Food | India's food wastage loss India loses Rs. 58,000 crore every year because of wastage of food.

India’s DD will peak around 2041, when

Demography | When will India's DD peak? the share of working-age, i.e. 20-59 years, population is expected to hit 59%.
Environment | India's per capita emission
India’s per capita CO2 emissions is lowest among G20 Nations.

Economy | startup ranking of india globally Indian startup ecosystem is the third largest in the world
Education | children finishing school join
college Percentage Just one out of nine children finishing school joins a college
Economy | logistic cost as % of GDP. China Logistics costs are high in India - 14% of GDP, compared to less than 10% in
comparision China
Education | GER- Higher edu | Male Male - 26.3%
Social issues | obselete law More than 1500 old and obselete law has been cleaned up
Economy | Employment | workers in
More than 80% of workers are employed in informal sector in India.
informal sectors
Economy | Women | women in informal
sector More than 90% of women workers are concentrated in informal sector.
Arvind Shah (Rank Nearly
Telegram- Towards Civil Services)
of the NPAs are concentrated with Public Sector Banks (PSBs).
Economy | NPA of PSB share in whole
Social issues | offender know to victim in
rape cases % Offender known to victim in 98% of rape cases.
Only 2.3% of India’s workforce has undergone formal skill training compared
Economy | Skill Training and world to United Kingdom’s (UK) 68%, Germany’s 75%, USA’s 52%, Japan’s 80% and
example. South Korea’s 96%.
Environment | municipal waste % gets
Only 37% of municipal waste gets treated (global avg - 80%)
Only less than one third of Indian engineering graduates and about 5% of
Education | graduate employbility students from basic sciences and other streams are found employable.
Economy | Housing | PM awas yojna, target PM Awas yojna has build 1.72 Cr houses since inception. Target is of 2cr
and status houses by 2022
Economy | how many earning individual pay
Roughly 5.5% of earning individuals pay income tax in India.
income tax
Education | GER- Higher edu | SC SC - 21.8%
Demography | elderly population now and share of elderly population will continue to rise steadily, nearly doubling
when it doubles from 8.6% in 2011 to 16% by 2041.
Education | GER- Higher edu | ST ST - 15.9%
Economy | Logistics | logistical share of The logistic share of waterways in India remains only at about 1.5%, as
waterway, compare with china compared to China having 8.7% share.
Education | enrollment in Primary level There is 98% enrollment at primary level in India
Economy | Urbanisation | Projection at
Urban areas are expected to house 40% of India's population and contribute
2030 of urban indians and their GDP
contributions 75% of India's GDP by 2030.
Governance | vacany in india court Vacancy in Indian courts is very high (30-40%).
Economy | Women | women's contribution Women’s contribution to the GDP in India is only 17% while the global average
to GDP, and world avg is 37%
Economy | SDG | world need for financing
SDG each year world requires US$5 to US$7 trillion per year for financing SDG goals.
Economy | Import/export/trade/forex |

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