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Create samples of the different literary elements based on ones experience

Define the different literary elements




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Find a literary text and define the different elements of the text

You need to understand the text and know the meaning of literary elements

Literary elements help readers to know or uncover the meaning of a text and read readers to the right
interpretation of the meaning of the texts as intended by the writer

Analyze the theme and techniques used ina a particular text

Define the theme and techniques and what are the different theme and techniques

Literary Techniques

Figure of speech


Representations Kenning Parallelism Imagery Sound Humor Choice of word Arrangement Dialogue
Foreshadowing Flashback

Themes 1. Love Heroism Courage Power Corruption Friendship Survival Poverty Positivity Piousness
Religiosity Deaths Discrimination Prejudice Beauty Good versus Evil Excellence Beauty Nationalism

Have enough knowledge or mastery about literary techniques and themes Know how to relate
experiences to the text or vice versa Have comprehension, interpretive and critical level of reading Love
reading and learning
Read and analyze and enjoy a true to life narrative text and define what are the theme and techniques

Literary Techniques is a construction and use of language to convey meaning and Theme is the message
of the text. By knowing the techniques and theme we will know what the text contain and what it is
wants to say or convey

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