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Name: Class: Date:

Video Title: English for Customer Service - Practice Conversation

YouTube Channel: Cloud English

Part 1: True or False

Listen to the video and determine if the following statements are true (T) or false (F). Circle your
choice. /4

1. The video primarily focuses on being friendly in customer service.


2. Apologizing in customer service should only be done when the service representative is
personally at fault.

3. Empathy expressions are used to show the customer that their situation is understood.

4. Collaborative expressions are meant to separate the responsibilities of the customer and the
service representative.

Part 2: Fill in the Blanks

Complete the following sentences with words from the video: /4

1. "I apologize for the inconvenience.

2. "I completely understand why you're feeling frustrated and I’m Here to listen

3. "Let's do what we can to resolve this issue."

4. "I'm here to listen and help however I can."

Name: Class: Date:

Part 3: Short Answer Questions

Answer the following questions based on the video content: /4

1. Why is it suggested to use "why" instead of "what" in empathy expressions?

to be formal with the client

2. What is the importance of using positive expressions in customer service?

can create a friendly and solution focused tone


1. How can the use of the right expressions impact customer service? /2

Klik of tik om tekst in te voeren.

2. Create your own phrases that could be used in a customer service scenario, using the
principles learned in the video. /2

I would say like the video : I’m Here to listen and help however I can, sounds good?

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