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1. Situation and Problem Analysis


Since Covid-19, the virus spreads between people when someone has
close contact with an infected person. It’s changed your habits to wash your
hand often than before. Have new sanitizers, innovative product in everyday
because demand of market and It’s must have item.

We wash our hand so often to reduce opportunities for infect right? but Do
you ever heard about cell phone is a part of our body? because people are
always carrying their cell phones in everywhere. The fact is Cell Phone is 10
times dirtier than a toilet seat, but they’re rarely cleaned or sanitized, and we
touch them with our hands many, many times per day. How to make a cell
phone to keep clean in every part like our hand when we wash?

Problem analysis

Topic 1 : Bacteria in Cell phone

“There were 737 isolated of the following bacteria: Staphylococcus aureus,

Staphylococcus epidermidis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Neisseria sicca,
Micrococcus luteus, Proteus mirabilis, Bacillus subtilis, and Enterobacter
aerogenes at the rate of 56.58, 13.57, 8.01, 7.73, 6.51, 3.66, 2.85 and 1.09%
respectively. There were fungal isolates as follows: Alternaria alternata,
Aspergillus niger, Cladosporium sp., Penicillium spp., Aspergillus flavus,
Aspergillus fumigatus, Rhizopus stolonifer, Aspergillus ochraceus at the rate
of 29.07, 26.74, 20.93, 10.47, 6.98, 2.33, 2.33, 1.16%, respectively.”

Source from :

My analysis : From a result, all mobile phone is a vector of diseases when

hand touch the screen and then user touch their body, It’s can make their
health weak because a virus that you read from above can go through human
body and some research doing with swabbed phone of hospital’s staff
(hospital is a large source of bacteria) they found the bacteria, viruses and
parasites which means you can’t denied that your phone collect some part of
COVID-19 that dispersed in the air from coughing or sneezing.

Topic 2: Can we just use alcohol to keep it clean?

Unlike washing your hands, you can’t use soap and water to clean your
phone. Most phone manufacturers have changed those recommendations to
include the use of alcohol-based cleaning or disinfecting wipes because
alcohol can strip the oleophobic and hydrophobic coatings that keep oil and
water from damaging your phone's display and other ports.

Topic 3:UV with bacteria


Summary from resource: “UVC light can effectively kill SARS-CoV-2 or other
coronaviruses in liquids, on surfaces, or in the air. Due to the fact that it
presents less of a health hazard, far-UVC may be a good option for

From my analysis: Covid-19 can last on with different surface and the shortest
time is 4 hours (on copper) but on yours phone they can survive around 72
hours (3 days) but Coronaviruses die very quickly when exposed to the UV

2. Detail of the Project + Benefits to customer

Detail of the project

- removes nearly all harmful bacteria and viruses swarming on the phone by
use Uv-c light. Basically, it will attach near a basin, but I will make a product
can be portable in everywhere to make convenience for user can use as
much as they want. System will be like Microwave by this product will
provides Ultraviolet light and when its finished, product will warn user.


Detail of the product

Dimension: 9x18x15 cm.

1.Button that user can turn to select a time, system will set to give UV-C that
suit with sanitizer for phone.

2.A gap that user need to put phone inside to make a device work, when it
finished some system at the bottom of machine will push a phone back to you,
or if you don’t want to bring it out just put it again in that gap but no need to
turn button!

3.For design that everyone can use, and user can change a case for their own
styles because user will bring it to everywhere so, let make it unique
depending on user!

Benefits to customer

This machine will give users a better health from bacteria that we can't
see. which is a vector that harm to our health, so it would be better if there
was another helper that can help them reduce the risk of infection. This
machine is an effective elimination of germs and is the correct method of
cleaning and does not damage the phone as well.

3. Customer Analysis and Market Segments

Those who have a need to go out and meet people (Working age, studying) -
Work and some jobs need to be on the site. for example, Architects who must work
in the real area to evaluate the area. is inevitable and it is necessary to go or
students who need special care, such as music students, dance students, have you
ever wondered how they study when their internet connection is not as good as
teachers? That's why they need to go out to meet the teacher. Because some things
cannot be replaced by online learning.

People who use their phones on a regular basis - such as riders who tend to use
their phones for work. They also attach their phones to the motorcycles to see GPS
when delivering items to various locations. that means Their phones are highly
vulnerable as they are constantly exposed to airborne dust.

People who want good health for the body - as I said. In our mobile phone, we
don't just collect covid19. But it includes germs that can increase your chances of
getting sick. Those who take good care of themselves will certainly not look at the
dirtiness of phone. because they all know that Our cell phones are dirtier than the
toilet lid.

Phone Shop- In one day a customer will ask to see the phone, some buy it, some
don't. but being picked up by unclean hands It makes the phone unclean as well.

And seller probably wouldn't want to clean it with something that could ruin the
product, like water getting in it, wiping it and scratching material it off.

4. Organizational Structure

I use a hierarchical organizational structure; you can see that employees are
grouped and assigned a supervisor. Employees be grouped together by their role
that set by 5 head function of company such as Marketing, Engineering, Finance,
Design, and operation. there are multiple levels or authority with the highest level of
leadership at the top, their direct employees below them and so forth.

To operate my business, the CEO will start sharing s ideas. where the marketing
team will start to penetrate the customer group. Find market information that can be
sold to any group of customers market demand including product competitor
information. The company has been contacted to draw attention to the product, the
finance must make a checklist. for a rough estimate of the project funds and on the
engineer will begin to propose ideas in the field of technology information and
research so that the product can actually be built and meet the needs of the product.
During an experiment with only research papers and ideas, design groups can
begin to think of trends at a particular time to increase product ease of use. customer
demand because the product is portable and must be able to use in a place where
there are a lot of people, so there should be a design that is suitable for all ages. and
when the product begins to take shape. The sales department will start promoting.
and sent to various agents to sell

5. SWOT Analysis & Strategies

S- Innovative Products: We adapt technology in our product with trends.

High quality: We test a product so many times to ensure that users can
great experience and worthy to buy our product

Great technology usage: We not suggestion new technology but we

suggestion how to use a technology for the most benefits in our products

Great design: It’s can use in every age, depending on user how they want
a product that they use look a like

W- High Price: From design and function, it is making all the costs so high.

O- Competitors: because our company is the first company that do this

product so, If it successful means we will have competitors for sure.

Online Presence: we allowed user to buy online from a variety of details

Enhancing product Features – Can improves it product by adding new


T- Reliability: Because It is a brand new, so we need a lot of royalty or base


Demand of user: the fact is everyone need to be healthier but If Covid 19

situation get better, sales can go down

W+O: High Price+ Enhancing product Features

-We can do for another version such as version A is original product that high price,
but new product (version B) reduce something, and quality may not equal from
version A but It’s cheaper for everyone can afford.

O+T: Online Presence+ Reliability

-We need to deal with a famous retail that have a royalty base example like Tao
gae noi (seaweed brands) when CEO stars his business, no one knows his product
as much but when he deals with 7-11(a shop that place everywhere in country) his
product become more well knows, Same as our product need to do like this too. Not
only promotes

S+T: Innovative Products+ Demand of user


-We can make user for ensure that this product with technology can be dairy use for
cleaner. Not only in term of cluster in Covid19 situation.

6. Work Process

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