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Name: Cezar, John Lester

Section: S1110

The Story of the Two Wolves


The story "A Tale of Two Wolves" teaches us about the duality of our thoughts and
emotions. It emphasizes the constant battle between the “yin and yang” forces within us.
The wolves symbolize the daily choices we face: to act with kindness, compassion, and
courage, or to give in to greed, hatred, and fear.

The message of "The one you feed" highlights the importance of nurturing positive
qualities within ourselves. It suggests that our thoughts and actions influence our
character and shape our lives. This lesson has always been taught to me by my parents,
but not with the use of wolves. They remind me to be mindful of my thoughts and actions
and encourage me to strive to be a better person my parents and I, can be proud of.

In summary, "A Tale of Two Wolves" is not just a children’s story; it is a lifelong lesson in
self-awareness, mindfulness, and the power of choice. It reminds us that it is up to
ourselves to forge a path that will lead us to the life we always wanted.

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