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A proposal report on

Online Retail Application for Seller-Customer

Interaction and Company Product Distribution
using Database
Submitted in partial fulfilment of

Project Based Learning (PBL)


Vishal Subhash Chavan 2223000851

Tushar Bandu Bhosale 2324010125
Viraj Subhash Dongare 2223000756
Amam Taufeek Qureshi 2223000503

Under the guidance of

Dr. Bhukya Nageswar Rao
Assistant Professor

Department of Computer Science and Business Systems

Kolhapur Institute of Technology’s
College of Engineering (Autonomous), Kolhapur
Maharashtra, India
February, 2024

This project introduces an innovative ”Online Retail Application” designed to

facilitate smooth interactions between sellers and customers, along with streamlined
product distribution for companies, all supported by a robust database infrastructure.
Acknowledging the dynamic nature of the digital marketplace, the application aims to
enhance the retail experience by integrating advanced database functionalities. The
primary focus is on creating a seamless platform that optimizes seller-customer inter-
actions, enables efficient company product distribution, and ensures data integrity and
accessibility through a well-structured database system. The incorporation of database
technology not only supports real-time data management but also contributes to the
overall reliability and scalability of the online retail ecosystem. This project repre-
sents a forward-looking approach to online commerce, leveraging database solutions
to create a responsive, secure, and efficient environment for sellers, customers, and
companies alike.

Abstract i

List of Figures iii

List of Tables iv

1 Introduction 1

2 Research Objectives 5
2.1 Enhance Seller-Customer Interaction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
2.2 Optimize Seller Product Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
2.3 Enable Company Product Distribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
2.4 Real-Time Data Processing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
2.5 Implement Secure Transactions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
2.6 Social Media Integration and Marketing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
2.7 Enhance User Support and Feedback Mechanisms . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

3 Conclusion 8

Bibliography 8

List of Figures

1.1 Flowchart Showing Online Retail Application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

1.2 ER Model of Online Retail Application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

List of Tables

1.1 Database Table Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

Chapter 1


In the current era, characterized by a rapidly evolving digital commerce landscape,

there is a pressing need for transformative solutions to keep pace with the dynamic
nature of online business. Motivated by this necessity, a groundbreaking project has
been initiated, aiming to develop an innovative ”Online Retail Application for Seam-
less Seller-Customer Interaction and Company Product Distribution.” This endeavor
acknowledges the complexities of modern e-commerce and seeks to redefine the tra-
ditional seller-customer dynamic while addressing the intricate processes involved in
product distribution for companies. As technology advances and consumer expecta-
tions evolve, this project endeavors to usher in a new era of efficiency, connectivity,
and accessibility within the online retail sphere. [1].

In the world of online shopping, where new ideas constantly change how stores
work, it’s really important to make sure sellers and customers can talk easily and
that products are sent out smoothly. This project knows how important this is, so
we’re trying to do things in a new way. We’re using the latest technology and strong
computer systems to make online shopping better. Our goal is to make it easier,
clearer, and more accurate for everyone involved. We want to change online shopping
so it’s super easy and everyone loves it.

We made a flowchart to show how our project works. It explains the steps for

building and using the Online Retail Application. This flowchart helps people see
how the application works and what steps it goes through. It’s really important for
understanding our project and making sure everything goes well. [2].

Figure 1.1: Flowchart Showing Online Retail Application

Furthermore, recognizing the central role of a robust database system in ensuring

the success of the application, the subsequent table provides a detailed overview of key
elements within the database structure [3]:

Table 1.1: Database Table Overview

Table Name Description

Sellers Information about individual sellers
Customers Details of registered customers
Products Inventory details of products available for sale
Orders Transaction records of customer purchases
Communication Logs Records of real-time communication between users

The table comprises essential components for the Online Retail Application. ”Sell-
ers” stores information about individual sellers, aiding in their identification and man-
agement. ”Customers” contains details of registered customers, facilitating personal-
ized service. ”Products” maintains comprehensive inventory details, ensuring accu-

rate tracking of available items for sale. ”Orders” records transaction data, capturing
customer purchases seamlessly. Lastly, ”CommunicationLogs” preserves real-time in-
teractions between users, contributing to effective communication and enhancing the
overall user experience within the online retail ecosystem.

Figure 1.2: ER Model of Online Retail Application

The provided Entity-Relationship (ER) diagram outlines the structural relation-

ships between entities in an online retail system. Sellers and customers are intercon-
nected through an ”Interacts with” relationship, reflecting their engagement in the

retail process. Sellers manage multiple products, indicated by a ”Manages” associa-
tion, while products belong to specific sellers. Customers place orders, which consist
of specific products and quantities, facilitating transactions. Additionally, companies
distribute products, forming a connection with individual products they offer. This
ER model encapsulates the fundamental interactions within the online retail ecosys-
tem, ensuring seamless operations and facilitating efficient seller-customer interactions,
product management, order processing, and distribution. Through these interrelated
entities and associations, the system aims to optimize the retail experience, enhancing
transparency, accuracy, and customer satisfaction.
This introduction sets the stage for an in-depth exploration into how the amal-
gamation of the Online Retail Application with advanced database functionalities is
poised to redefine and enhance the overall online retail experience. The accompanying
flowchart and database table not only offer a visual representation of the project’s
structure but also underscore the significance of its key components in reshaping the
future of online retail.

Chapter 2

Research Objectives

The objectives of the development of Online Retail Application using database as


2.1 Enhance Seller-Customer Interaction

Investigate and implement features within the online retail application that optimize
seller-customer interactions, fostering improved communication, trust-building, and
overall satisfaction.

2.2 Optimize Seller Product Management

Create functionalities for sellers to efficiently manage their product listings, including
adding, updating, and removing items from inventory. Implement inventory tracking
to ensure accurate product availability information for customers.

2.3 Enable Company Product Distribution

Develop modules for companies to distribute their products via the application, al-
lowing for efficient inventory management and order fulfillment.Integrate features to

streamline the process of adding and managing company products in the application

2.4 Real-Time Data Processing

Investigate and implement mechanisms for real-time data processing within the database,
enabling timely updates on product availability, order status, and other relevant in-
formation to enhance the user experience for both sellers and customers.

2.5 Implement Secure Transactions

Integrate robust security measures to ensure the safety of financial transactions be-
tween sellers and customers. Utilize encryption and authentication mechanisms to
protect sensitive user data and payment information.

2.6 Social Media Integration and Marketing

Integrate social media platforms into the Online Retail Application to facilitate shar-
ing of products, customer reviews, and promotional offers. Implement social media
marketing strategies to increase brand awareness, drive traffic to the application, and
engage with customers on social platforms.

2.7 Enhance User Support and Feedback Mecha-


Provide comprehensive customer support features, including helpdesk services, FAQs,

and live chat support. Implement feedback mechanisms to gather user input and
suggestions for continuous improvement of the application.

By addressing these objectives, the project aims to create an Online Retail Ap-
plication that enhances the efficiency, transparency, and accuracy of managing all
transactions between sellers and customers.

Chapter 3


In conclusion, the ”Online Retail Application” project is a big step forward in improv-
ing how sellers and customers interact and how companies distribute their products
online. By using database technology, the application makes it easier to manage seller
products and company inventory, ensuring that transactions are clear and accurate.
The app also includes features to help sellers and customers communicate better,
making everyone happier. Plus, it helps companies manage their supply chains more
effectively. Overall, this project shows how important databases are in changing the
way we shop online, making it easier for everyone involved.


[1] M. Brown. Supply Chain Optimization in E-commerce. Journal of Logistics Man-

agement, 15(2), 78-94, 2020.

[2] A. Johnson. Digital transformation in retail: Impact on customer interactions.

In International Conference on Information Systems Proceedings, pages 102–116.
IEEE, 2021.

[3] J. Smith. Online Retail Application for Seamless Seller-Customer Interaction and
Company Product Distribution. PhD thesis, Journal of Online Business, 2022.

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