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Curriculum Integration Reading Program

200 words



1 Bones and Muscles

Sc i ence

Vocabulary Practice

A Choose the correct words and complete the sentences.

skeletons support organ attached contracts relax

1. Water contracts when it freezes.

2. The brain is an extremely complex organ .

3. Her business card was attached to the letter.

4. After a hot bath, I felt my shoulders relax .

5. The horse’s legs were too weak to support its body.

6. We visited the museum to see the dinosaur skeletons .

B Choose the best words to complete the sentences.

1. The pieces that an object are its part.
a. notice b. protect c. make up

2. is the way something is arranged or organized.

a. Exercise b. Structure c. Movement

3. A is the basic structure that supports and forms something.

a. frame b. group c. muscle

4. The of something is the distance from one end of it to the other.

a. shape b. length c. weight

Lesson 1 • Bodies 3

Sentence Practice 2 The Body, Energy, and Calories



nc e a
& He

C Unscramble the sentences.

Vocabulary Practice
1. ( your weight / most of / make up / These muscles / . )

These muscles make up most of your weight. A Choose the correct words and complete the sentences.

2. ( you / every time / what’s happening / Do you know / run / ? ) provides misunderstandings spent factor gender influence
Do you know what’s happening every time you run?
1. Your feelings influence your actions.
3. ( as / join together / Some bones / grows / a person / . )

Some bones join together as a person grows. 2. Cultural differences can cause misunderstandings .

4. ( a hard structure / a skeleton / called / There is / . )

3. The website provides information about health issues.
There is a hard structure called a skeleton.

5. ( to keep / you need to / strong / Therefore, / exercise / them / . ) 4. I spent a lot of time trying to solve the problem.

Therefore, you need to exercise to keep them strong.

5. Human rights should be protected regardless of gender .
6. ( but / they do / Bones / the only thing / help you move, / that’s not / . )

Bones help you move, but that’s not the only thing they do. 6. Advertising is a major factor in the success of new products.

More Reading Comprehension

D Find and write what ⓐ, ⓑ, and ⓒ indicate.

B Choose the best words to complete the sentences.

Basically, bones help you move, but that’s not the only thing they do. As a
1. A is a unit for measuring temperature.
frame for your body, they support ⓐ it and give it its shape. They protect the
a. gram b. calorie c. degree
soft organs inside your body, too.
2. The is the speed at which something happens or changes.
However, bones can’t move alone. ⓑ They are attached to muscles. When
a. rate b. age c. amount
muscles contract and relax, the bones move, and that causes body movements.

When a muscle contracts, it gets shorter and pulls together the bones that ⓒ it 3. If you the amount or level of something, you increase it.

is attached to. a. burn b. raise c. reduce

4. You use “ ” to talk about how something was in the beginning.

ⓐ it: your body ⓑ They: Bones ⓒ it: a muscle a. later b. initially c. constantly

4 Lesson 2 • Bodies 5

Sentence Practice 3 The Human Body in Art


C Unscramble the sentences.

Vocabulary Practice
1. ( calories / varies / The amount of / a person needs / . )

The amount of calories a person needs varies. A Choose the correct words and complete the sentences.

2. ( was used only / in science / the word calorie / Initially, / . ) period interests society realistic hired dissect
Initially, the word calorie was used only in science.
1. The film’s fight scenes are realistic .
3. ( high-calorie foods / gain weight / believe / Many people / will make you / . )

Many people believe high-calorie foods will make you gain weight. 2. We had to dissect a frog in science class.

4. ( than a person / who / burns more calories / An active person / does not exercise / . )
3. They hired a babysitter to take care of Oliver.
An active person burns more calories than a person who does not exercise.

5. ( it needs / Your body / energy / is constantly working, / so / .) 4. Her book reflects her many interests and concerns.

Your body is constantly working, so it needs energy.

5. As members of this society , we must obey its laws.
6. ( to measure / food provides / People / started using this unit / the energy / . )

People started using this unit to measure the energy food provides. 6. The 19th Century was a period of great social change.

More Reading Comprehension

B Choose the best words to complete the sentences.
D Check the right word or phrase for the blank.
1. people are normal and not different or special.
a. Lifelike b. Ordinary c. Unnatural
The amount of calories a person needs varies. Many factors, such as gender,
2. A is a great painting, book, or other work of art.
age, and body size, influence your need for calories. Teenagers usually need
a. detail b. human c. masterpiece
1,600 to 2,200 calories each day. , grown men often need 2,500

to 3,000 calories. Also, people have different lifestyles. So, they burn energy at 3. If you a thing, you watch it carefully to learn something about it.

different rates. a. create b. include c. observe

4. If you think of someone or something, you think they are very good.
ⓐ Thus ⓑ For example ⓒ In contrast a. nearly b. highly c. closely

6 Lesson 3 • Bodies 7

Sentence Practice 4 Biometrics

Sc i ence

C Unscramble the sentences.

Vocabulary Practice
1. ( than God / as less important / ordinary people / It regarded / . )

It regarded ordinary people as less important than God. A Choose the correct words and complete the sentences.

2. ( paid / of the human body / little attention / Artists / to the details / . ) fingerprints technology identify unique secure convenient
Artists paid little attention to the details of the human body.
1. Each person’s DNA is unique .
3. ( including art / This way of thinking / nearly everything, / influenced / . )

This way of thinking influenced nearly everything, including art. 2. Taking a bus is more convenient than taking the subway.

4. ( millions of / killed / A deadly disease / people / called the Black Death / . )

3. The police tried to identify the suspect.
A deadly disease called the Black Death killed millions of people.

5. ( focusing on / started / Renaissance artists / form / the human / . ) 4. The program uses advanced computer technology .

Renaissance artists started focusing on the human form.

5. The thieves wore gloves so as not to leave any fingerprints .
6. ( look lifelike / the humans / in their masterpieces / even today / As a result, / . )

As a result, the humans in their masterpieces look lifelike even today. 6. Everyone wants a good job and a(n) secure future.

More Reading Comprehension

D Find the right place for the sentence below. B Choose the best words to complete the sentences.
1. is the act of knowing and remembering what something is.
a. Accuracy b. Reliability c. Recognition
In addition, people were tired of war.
2. To something means “to open it or enter a password.”
However, things were about to change. ( ⓐ ) A deadly disease called the a. unlock b. copy c. improve
Black Death killed millions of people. ( ⓑ ) To find ways to be happier, people
3. If things , it means that they are the same in some way.
looked back and studied ancient Greece and Rome.( ⓒ ) They began to think
a. form b. match c. work
highly of humans, as the ancient Greeks and Romans did. ( ⓓ ) This was the

beginning of the Renaissance. 4. When you things, you check them to see how they are similar or different.
a. prove b. record c. compare

8 Lesson 4 • Bodies 9

Sentence Practice 5
Sc i ence
Motion in Films
C Unscramble the sentences.
Vocabulary Practice
1. ( they are / because / everyone / work well / These / unique for / . )

These work well because they are unique for everyone. A Choose the correct words and complete the sentences.

2. ( and compared / is scanned again / to the saved data / The feature / . ) illusions processes separate presented continuous bind
The feature is scanned again and compared to the saved data.
1. The right side of the brain processes information quickly.
3. ( by scanning / unlock / your face / You can / your smartphone / . )

You can unlock your smartphone by scanning your face. 2. Our body needs a continuous flow of energy.

4. ( a very high rate of / doesn’t have / Facial recognition / accuracy / . )

3. Their children have separate rooms for sleeping.
Facial recognition doesn’t have a very high rate of accuracy.

5. ( biometrics / In addition to / is also / being simple, / secure and convenient / . ) 4. Movies create illusions through special effects.

In addition to being simple, biometrics is also secure and convenient.

5. The results will be presented at the next meeting.
6. ( also no need / or / There is / to remember passwords / carry around ID cards / . )

There is also no need to remember passwords or carry around ID cards. 6. She was trying to bind her hair with a handkerchief.

More Reading Comprehension B Choose the best words to complete the sentences.
1. If you stay , you do not move.
D Check the right word or phrase for the blank. a. real b. still c. animated

2. “ ” means “in a small amount or degree.”

Biometrics is improving all the time. Now, even your movements, such
a. Slightly b. Smoothly c. Generally
as the way you walk, can be used. , biometrics still isn’t perfect.

Facial recognition, for example, doesn’t have a very high rate of accuracy. This 3. When things such as images or sounds , they mix together.

is one of the many ways that biometrics is improving. a. grab b. blend c. suppose

4. A is a series of things that come one after the other.

ⓐ Likewise ⓑ Nevertheless ⓒ In other words a. sheet b. character c. sequence

10 Lesson 5 • Films 11

Sentence Practice 6 Special Effects in Movies


C Unscramble the sentences.

Vocabulary Practice
1. ( still images / just an illusion / made from / Their movements are / . )

Their movements are just an illusion made from still images. A Choose the correct words and complete the sentences.

2. ( separate images / You can / per second / 10 to 12 / only process / . ) destroyed vehicles alternative figures requires whole
You can only process 10 to 12 separate images per second.
1. The work requires great skill and knowledge.
3. ( varying it slightly / Make / on the next page, / almost the same drawing / . )

Make almost the same drawing on the next page, varying it slightly. 2. She spent the whole winter writing poems.

4. ( their movements / that / The characters / seem real / move so smoothly / . )

3. In 2016, a tornado destroyed much of the town.
The characters move so smoothly that their movements seem real.

5. ( presented to you / they are / one after another / Suppose / within one second / . ) 4. The room was decorated with animal figures .

Suppose they are presented to you one after another within one second.
5. The therapy can be used as a(n) alternative to surgery.
6. ( the illusion / a simple yet effective way / of animation / Flipbooks are / to experience / . )

Flipbooks are a simple yet effective way to experience the illusion of animation. 6. About 20,000 hybrid vehicles were sold in the country.

More Reading Comprehension

D Find the right place for the sentence below. B Choose the best words to complete the sentences.
1. To means “to make a film or take photographs.”
a. shoot b. place c. feature
However, let’s say the images form a movement sequence, like a running man.
2. You use “ ” to refer to the actual situation that really exists.
When you see something, you use your eyes and brain. ( ⓐ ) Generally, you a. fantasy b. reality c. image
can only process 10 to 12 separate images per second. ( ⓑ ) If there are more
3. Something that is is not real, but is created in your mind.
than that, your brain cannot keep them apart. ( ⓒ ) Suppose they are presented
a. realistic b. sequential c. imaginary
to you one after another within one second. The images will blend together

and appear as one continuous motion. ( ⓓ ) This is how animation works! 4. A is a very small model of something that is usually much bigger.
a. close-up b. background c. miniature

12 Lesson 6 • Films 13

Sentence Practice 7 Inventing the Movie Theater

Histor y

C Unscramble the sentences.

Vocabulary Practice
1. ( is placed / later / It / the movie / behind the set / or added to / . )

It is placed behind the set or added to the movie later. A Choose the correct words and complete the sentences.

2. ( bigger and / they look / close-up shots, / more realistic / In / . ) experience equipment encouraged succeeded compact weigh
In close-up shots, they look bigger and more realistic.
1. I have never succeeded in losing weight.
3. ( how / turn fantasy / Isn’t it amazing / into reality / movie directors / ? )

Isn’t it amazing how movie directors turn fantasy into reality? 2. The cameras are compact and easy to carry.

4. ( to shoot / It took / a character / going down the stairs / a whole day / . )

3. My parents encouraged me to apply for the job.
It took a whole day to shoot a character going down the stairs.

5. ( Sometimes monsters / through space / destroy buildings / people travel / or / . ) 4. The newborn chicks weigh only a few grams.

Sometimes monsters destroy buildings or people travel through space.

5. We went to the store to buy camping equipment .
6. ( more than / They need / for just one second / a dozen shots / of the movie / . )

They need more than a dozen shots for just one second of the movie. 6. She has many years of experience working with children.

More Reading Comprehension B Choose the best words to complete the sentences.
1. The means the people of a country or state.
D Check the right word or phrase for the blank. a. public b. worker c. business

2. If something , it works in a particular way.

Another alternative is stop motion. It is used for movies with imaginary
a. fails b. functions c. disappears
characters, such as monsters and talking animals. Puppets and clay figures are

often used. , this technique requires lots of time. Directors shoot 3. Something that particular things is formed from them.

characters in sequential poses. a. blocks out b. consists of c. puts up

4. “ ” is used to say that something is surprising and impressive.

ⓐ Moreover ⓑ However ⓒ For instance a. Easily b. Simply c. Amazingly

14 Lesson 7 • Films 15

Sentence Practice 8 Sound Creators in Films

ial Studie

C Unscramble the sentences.
Vocabulary Practice
1. ( to do this / He / to find / his sons / encouraged / a way / . )

He encouraged his sons to find a way to do this. A Choose the correct words and complete the sentences.

2. ( a camera / as both / functioned / It / and a movie projector / . ) imagine faucet advanced exists materials squished
It functioned as both a camera and a movie projector.
1. I squished the tomatoes with my hands.
3. ( The first / showed / one / leaving a factory / workers / . )

The first one showed workers leaving a factory. 2. We can’t imagine life without the smartphone.

4. ( the best places / at the theater / is / to enjoy a movie / One of / . )

3. The tradition still exists in modern society.
One of the best places to enjoy a movie is at the theater.

5. ( producing / ran a business / Their father / photography equipment / . ) 4. The new software has many advanced features.

Their father ran a business producing photography equipment.

5. Some books and writing materials were on the desk.
6. ( in Paris / their first movie / presented / The brothers / at the Grand Café / to the

public / . ) 6. You should turn off the faucet when brushing your teeth.

The brothers presented their first movie to the public at the Grand Café in Paris.

More Reading Comprehension

D Find and write what ⓐ, ⓑ, and ⓒ indicate. B Choose the best words to complete the sentences.
1. A is a person who makes something new.
In 1894, Antoine saw one of Thomas Edison’s inventions, the kinetoscope.
a. character b. model c. creator
Amazingly, ⓐ it showed moving pictures. However, only one person at a
2. movies are based on stories about imaginary future events.
time could watch ⓑ them through its hole. Antoine thought ⓒ it would be
a. Sci-fi b. Horror c. Comedy
wonderful to show the moving pictures on a screen. Then many people could

watch them together. 3. A(n) is a group of sounds or images on a disc, computer, etc.
a. voice b. recording c. effect

ⓐ it: the kinetoscope ⓑ them: moving pictures 4. If something is , that means it must be done.
ⓒ it: to show the moving pictures on a screen a. strange b. imaginary c. necessary

16 Lesson 8 • Films 17

Sentence Practice 9 All about Triangles


C Unscramble the sentences.

Vocabulary Practice
1. ( water / sounds like / a faucet / coming out of / The river / . )

The river sounds like water coming out of a faucet. A Choose the correct words and complete the sentences.

2. ( to record / still impossible / on a set / It is / every sound / . ) defined dividing split properties opposite labeled
It is still impossible to record every sound on a set.
1. The two metals have similar properties .
3. ( an egg hatching / an ice-cream cone / the sound of / makes / Squishing / . )

Squishing an ice-cream cone makes the sound of an egg hatching. 2. He was sitting opposite me at the table.

4. ( and create / a variety of / the necessary sounds / They gather / materials / . )

3. She labeled each box with its contents.
They gather a variety of materials and create the necessary sounds.

5. ( They / at the right times as / add in / they watch the movie / the sounds / . ) 4. Dividing the cake into four equal pieces was difficult.

They add in the sounds at the right times as they watch the movie.
5. Opinions were split between boys and girls.
6. ( that / make sounds / in the real world / The monsters in sci-fi movies / do not exist / . )

The monsters in sci-fi movies make sounds that do not exist in the real world. 6. A triangle is defined as “a shape with three sides and three angles.”

More Reading Comprehension

D Find the right place for the sentence below. B Choose the best words to complete the sentences.
1. A line continues in one direction without bending.
a. curved b. zigzag c. straight
Even if a sound is recorded, it might not be good enough to use.
2. (A)n is the point where two lines meet.
Foley artists are the sound creators for films. ( ⓐ ) Modern sound equipment a. side b. angle c. polygon
is advanced. ( ⓑ ) However, it is still impossible to record every sound on a
3. If two or more things have a , there is a connection between them.
set. ( ⓒ ) Moreover, some sounds have to be completely invented. ( ⓓ ) For
a. property b. relationship c. definition
example, monsters in sci-fi movies make sounds that do not exist in the real

world. 4. A is the total amount made by adding several numbers together.

a. sum b. slice c. shape

18 Lesson 9 • Triangles 19

Sentence Practice 10 Triangular Composition


C Unscramble the sentences.

Vocabulary Practice
1. ( and / Cut out / the angles / together / put them / . )

Cut out the angles and put them together. A Choose the correct words and complete the sentences.

2. ( is always / the longest / The side / opposite the largest angle / . ) placed composition organize stability foundation attention
The side opposite the largest angle is always the longest.
1. Desks and chairs were placed in rows.
3. ( the length of / will always be / The result / more than / the third side / . )

The result will always be more than the length of the third side. 2. She needs some peace and stability in her life.

4. ( ∠A, ∠B, and ∠C / will form / The angles / a straight line / . )

3. Regular exercise is the foundation of good health.
The angles ∠A, ∠B, and ∠C will form a straight line.

5. ( slices of pizza, / in sandwiches, / and / We see them / road signs / . ) 4. Outlining is a good way to organize information.

We see them in sandwiches, slices of pizza, and road signs.

5. All the paintings are similar in color and composition .
6. ( opposite the smallest angle / The side / the shortest / is always / . )

The side opposite the smallest angle is always the shortest. 6. The boy felt embarrassed when his classmates turned their attention to him.

More Reading Comprehension B Choose the best words to complete the sentences.
1. The of something is the highest part of it.
D Check the right word or phrase for the blank. a. spot b. top c. bottom

2. “ ” means that something is especially true for one person or thing.

A triangle has three sides and three angles. This makes it the simplest
a. Right away b. No wonder c. In particular
polygon. It has fewer sides and angles than any other polygon. In addition,

other polygons can be divided into triangles. , a rectangle can be 3. (A)n is anything that you can feel or touch.

split into two triangles. a. object b. message c. shape

4. If one thing develops from another, it happens as a normal result of it.

ⓐ Likewise ⓑ In brief ⓒ For example a. naturally b. randomly c. surprisingly

20 Lesson 10 • Triangles 21

Sentence Practice 11 Deltas




udies & S

C Unscramble the sentences.

Vocabulary Practice
1. ( the triangle used / Of all the shapes, / so often / why is / ? )

Of all the shapes, why is the triangle used so often? A Choose the correct words and complete the sentences.

2. ( a painting’s message/ is also used / Triangular composition / to show / clearly / . ) surrounding purify nutrients crop harvest species
Triangular composition is also used to show a painting’s message clearly.
1. Plants help purify the air in your house.
3. ( a painting / objects in / is called / The arrangement of / composition / . )

The arrangement of objects in a painting is called composition . 2. Rice is an important crop in many countries.

4. ( it produces / in a painting / The biggest reason / harmony and stability / is that / . )

3. They plant and harvest vegetables by hand.
The biggest reason is that it produces harmony and stability in a painting.

5. ( strong foundation / a well-balanced shape, / A triangle is / having a / . ) 4. We enjoyed hiking near the lake and its surrounding mountains.

A triangle is a well-balanced shape, having a strong foundation.

5. The body needs essential nutrients to function.
6. ( are fond of / in particular: / Painters / triangular composition / one style / ! )

Painters are fond of one style in particular: triangular composition! 6. Many species of insects are found on the island.

More Reading Comprehension

D Find the right place for the sentence below.

B Choose the best words to complete the sentences.
1. If something , it gradually becomes bigger.
So, images at the top of the triangle are usually the most important parts of
a. benefits b. provides c. builds up
the work.
2. If a liquid , it moves continuously in one direction.
Triangular composition is also used to show a painting’s message clearly. a. forms b. flows c. grows
( ⓐ ) Painters usually want viewers to know right away what their paintings
3. A is the natural environment in which an animal usually lives.
are about. ( ⓑ ) The top draws the most attention. ( ⓒ ) A good example is
a. soil b. habitat c. sediment
Eugène Delacroix’s painting Liberty Leading the People . Delacroix placed the

heroine at the top of a triangle. ( ⓓ ) This makes her look powerful and strong. 4. To something means “to remove unwanted substances from it.”
a. filter b. contain c. include

22 Lesson 11 • Triangles 23

Sentence Practice 12 Thales and His Triangles

is t

tory a

C Unscramble the sentences.

Vocabulary Practice
1. ( So, / growing crops / provide / deltas / good land / for / . )

So, deltas provide good land for growing crops. A Choose the correct words and complete the sentences.

2. ( Deltas / for wildlife / homes / provide / excellent / . ) talented challenging measure doubted principles proportion
Deltas provide excellent homes for wildlife.
1. She doubted the results of his work.
3. ( that forms / an area / at a river’s mouth / A delta is / of land / . )

A delta is an area of land that forms at a river’s mouth. 2. I had to deal with a challenging situation.

4. ( that forms deltas / contains / creating rich soil / The sediment / many nutrients, / . )
3. We’re looking for a talented and creative designer.
The sediment that forms deltas contains many nutrients, creating rich soil.

5. ( they benefit / because / their surrounding areas / are important / Deltas / . ) 4. The machine is used to measure height and weight.

Deltas are important because they benefit their surrounding areas.

5. They learn the basic principles of science through games.
6. ( a perfect place / from tigers to oysters / It is / for numerous animal species, / . )

It is a perfect place for numerous animal species, from tigers to oysters. 6. The proportion of boys to girls is almost equal in the class.

More Reading Comprehension

D Find and write what ⓐ, ⓑ, and ⓒ indicate.

B Choose the best words to complete the sentences.

A delta is an area of land that forms at a river’s mouth. This region looks
1. “ ” is used for saying that something is hard to believe.
like a triangle. Therefore, ⓐ it was named after the Greek letter delta (Δ).
a. Similarly b. Equally c. Incredibly
How do deltas form? First, a river flows a long way to the sea. As it flows,
2. If you an object into something, you push it into that thing.
ⓑ it carries a mixture of dirt and rock. This is called sediment. Near the
a. stick b. gather c. solve
river’s mouth, the water slows down. As a result, it can no longer carry all the

sediment. The sediment then falls to the river floor. ⓒ It builds up over time 3. A is a large group of people who have gathered in one place.

and forms a delta. a. crowd b. philosopher c. mathematician

4. When someone something, he or she is the first person to find it.

ⓐ it: this region ⓑ it: a river ⓒ It: The sediment a. amazes b. discovers c. wonders

24 Lesson 12 • Triangles 25
e Moo n

Sentence Practice 13 Earth’s Closest Neighbor

Sc i ence

C Unscramble the sentences.

Vocabulary Practice
1. ( in Egypt / He / the height / even found / of the largest pyramid / . )

He even found the height of the largest pyramid in Egypt. A Choose the correct words and complete the sentences.

2. ( its height / as / would also be / long / The pyramid’s shadow / as / . ) neighbors revolve pace glowing reflects facing
The pyramid’s shadow would also be as long as its height.
1. They stood facing each other in silence.
3. ( until / were the same length / and its shadow / He waited / his stick / . )

He waited until his stick and its shadow were the same length. 2. We saw a campfire glowing deep in the forest.

4. ( equal proportion / whose sides / are triangles / Similar triangles / have / . )

3. The mirror reflects light from the window.
Similar triangles are triangles whose sides have equal proportion.

5. ( Thales wondered / of King Khufu / was / how tall / the Great Pyramid / . ) 4. Cuba is one of the closest neighbors of the US.

Thales wondered how tall the Great Pyramid of King Khufu was.
5. The pace of change in technology is getting faster.
6. ( that / are still used / The mathematical laws / Thales discovered / today / . )

The mathematical laws that Thales discovered are still used today. 6. All the planets revolve around the Sun in the same direction.

More Reading Comprehension

D Find the right place for the sentence below.

B Choose the best words to complete the sentences.
1. “ ” means something happens all the time, without stopping.
First, he stuck a stick into the ground.
a. Closely b. Slowly c. Constantly

During a trip to Egypt, Thales wondered how tall the Great Pyramid of
2. If something is somewhere, that means it is in that area or place.
King Khufu was. ( ⓐ ) He was confident in his knowledge, so he decided to a. called b. located c. lit
measure it. ( ⓑ ) However, many people doubted his abilities. ( ⓒ )
3. When something , it turns in a circle around a fixed point.
The following day, a crowd gathered to watch Thales work. ( ⓓ ) Then,
a. locates b. rotates c. appears
he waited until his stick and its shadow were the same length. At this point,

Thales measured the pyramid’s shadow right away. 4. If something , it continues to exist for a particular length of time.
a. lasts b. ends c. travels

26 Lesson 13 • The Moon 27

e Moo n

Sentence Practice 14 Beethoven’s “Moonlight” Sonata

M us i c

C Unscramble the sentences.

Vocabulary Practice
1. ( the brightest / seems to be / The Moon / in the night sky / object / . )

The Moon seems to be the brightest object in the night sky. A Choose the correct words and complete the sentences.

2. ( of the Moon / is the one / lit by the Sun / The only visible side / . ) popular dedicated describes vibrant inventive innovations
The only visible side of the Moon is the one lit by the Sun.
1. The book describes his journey through India.
3. ( When it is / see it well / between Earth / we cannot / and the Sun, / . )

When it is between Earth and the Sun, we cannot see it well. 2. There have been many innovations in computer technology.

4. ( the beautiful night sky / and / twinkling stars / with the bright Moon / Look at / . )
3. She dedicated the award to her mother.
Look at the beautiful night sky with the bright Moon and twinkling stars.

5. ( but also rotates / around Earth / revolves / It / on its axis / . ) 4. The writer has a highly inventive and creative mind.

It revolves around Earth but also rotates on its axis.

5. They danced to the vibrant rhythms of the island’s traditional music.
6. ( lasts / from one new moon / 29.5 days / The cycle / to the next / . )

The cycle from one new moon to the next lasts 29.5 days. 6. It’s named after a(n) popular brand of candy.

More Reading Comprehension

B Choose the best words to complete the sentences.
D Check the right word or phrase for the blank.
1. If you a new name or idea, you begin to use it.
a. remind b. adopt c. attract
The Moon looks bigger than those stars, but it is actually a lot smaller.
2. A(n) person or thing is one that you love very much.
That’s because the Moon is close to Earth.
a. beloved b. energetic c. passionate
The Moon is located 384,000 km away from Earth. By comparison, the

closest planet, Mars, is about 55 million km away. , the Moon is 3. A is a report in which someone gives their opinion on something.

often called Earth’s closest neighbor. a. review b. scene c. composition

4. A is a person who gives opinions about things such as films or books.

ⓐ Thus ⓑ Moreover ⓒ For instance a. poet b. critic c. listener

28 Lesson 14 • The Moon 29

e Moo n

Sentence Practice 15 Lunar Eclipses


r y & Scien

C Unscramble the sentences.
Vocabulary Practice
1. ( his beloved student, / it / Giulietta Guicciardi / dedicated / He / to / . )

He dedicated it to his beloved student, Giulietta Guicciardi. A Choose the correct words and complete the sentences.

2. ( a German music critic’s / of the piece / The nickname / review / came from / . ) vanished fears attack benefit occurred phenomena
The nickname came from a German music critic’s review of the piece.
1. He watched them drive off until they vanished from sight.
3. ( was written / in his thirties / when / This sonata / in 1801, / Beethoven was / . )

This sonata was written in 1801, when Beethoven was in his thirties. 2. I was at home when the earthquake occurred .

4. ( most popular piano sonatas / one of / It was / when he was alive / Beethoven’s / . )
3. Wild animals may attack you if you touch them.
It was one of Beethoven’s most popular piano sonatas when he was alive.

5. ( of moonlight / reminds listeners / because / The first part / it is calm and mysterious / . ) 4. Many consumers will benefit from the new service.

The first part reminds listeners of moonlight because it is calm and mysterious.
5. Ella works out every day because she fears gaining weight.
6. ( the “Moonlight” Sonata, / used / Its nickname, / more widely / became / . )

Its nickname, the “Moonlight” Sonata, became more widely used. 6. Animals are sensitive to natural phenomena like sound and light.

More Reading Comprehension

B Choose the best words to complete the sentences.
D Find and write what ⓐ, ⓑ, and ⓒ indicate.
1. If you are , you feel afraid.
a. calm b. frightened c. lively
The nickname came from a German music critic’s review of the piece. ⓐ He
2. If something , it can no longer be seen.
compared the first part to a scene of moonlight shining on a lake. People were
a. relaxes b. arrives c. disappears
attracted to this description. Publishers adopted ⓑ it as the sonata’s nickname,

and ⓒ it eventually came to be known by that name worldwide. 3. A(n) “ ” event is one that will happen soon.
a. lunar b. natural c. upcoming

ⓐ He: a German music critic 4. If something you, it makes you feel fearful and anxious.
ⓑ it: moonlight ⓒ it: the sonata a. scares b. hides c. shines

30 Lesson 15 • The Moon 31

e Moo n

Sentence Practice 16 The Moon and Sixpence


C Unscramble the sentences.

Vocabulary Practice
1. ( are / Everyone knows / lunar eclipses / natural phenomena / . )

Everyone knows lunar eclipses are natural phenomena. A Choose the correct words and complete the sentences.

2. ( sunlight / shining / blocks / It / on the Moon / from / . ) inspired abandon ignored devotes masterpieces chase
It blocks sunlight from shining on the Moon.
1. It is against the law to abandon pets.
3. ( loud noises / scare the animals away / tried to / by making / Both / . )

Both tried to scare the animals away by making loud noises. 2. The story was inspired by real events.

4. ( the Moon / from the sky / slowly vanish / Every once in a while, / seems to / . )
3. Most people chase success at work.
Every once in a while, the Moon seems to slowly vanish from the sky.

5. ( benefited from / who / of lunar eclipses / There was / a man / people’s fear / . ) 4. She devotes most of her time to studying.

There was a man who benefited from people’s fear of lunar eclipses.
5. He ignored my question and kept talking.
6. ( if / the Moon would disappear / they did not listen to him / that / He told the natives / . )

He told the natives that the Moon would disappear if they did not listen to him. 6. We can see many Renaissance masterpieces in the museum.

More Reading Comprehension

D Check the right word or phrase for the blank. B Choose the best words to complete the sentences.
1. If you a disease, you become ill with it.
Long ago, many people feared lunar eclipses. The Inca thought a jaguar
a. spend b. catch c. represent
was attacking the Moon. The Chinese believed a dragon was eating it. Both
2. A is an event where something becomes available to the public.
tried to scare the animals away by making loud noises, such as playing drums.
a. release b. passion c. choice
, the Mesopotamians thought demons were attacking the Moon.

They believed the demons would harm their king as well, so they hid him 3. Something “ ” expresses an idea using symbols, not words.

during the eclipse. a. successful b. symbolic c. fascinating

4. is a view of natural features such as mountains, forests, etc.

ⓐ Therefore ⓑ Similarly ⓒ First of all a. Moment b. Situation c. Scenery

32 Lesson 16 • The Moon 33

Sentence Practice
C Unscramble the sentences.
1. ( from Paul Gauguin’s life / got the idea / Maugham / for this novel / . )

Maugham got the idea for this novel from Paul Gauguin’s life.

2. ( to follow / he decides / of becoming an artist / One day, / his dream / . )

One day, he decides to follow his dream of becoming an artist.

3. ( the choice / Strickland makes / People believe / it represents / . )

People believe it represents the choice Strickland makes.

4. ( for painting / his difficult situation / to ignore / His strong passion / helps him / . )

His strong passion for painting helps him to ignore his difficult situation.

5. ( its release in 1919 / readers / since / It has fascinated / from all around the world / . )

It has fascinated readers from all around the world since its release in 1919.

6. ( the title / is symbolic / Many people / “The Moon and Sixpence” / think / . )

Many people think the title “The Moon and Sixpence” is symbolic.

More Reading Comprehension

D Find the right place for the sentence below.

Even though it makes him go blind, he does not stop painting.

Strickland lives a poor life, but he does not care. His strong passion for

painting helps him to ignore his difficult situation. ( ⓐ ) Later, he moves to

Tahiti. There he devotes himself to art even more. ( ⓑ ) He enjoys his life,

spending all day painting amid the beautiful scenery. ( ⓒ ) After a while,

however, he catches a deadly disease. ( ⓓ ) Until his last moment, he continues

painting his masterpiece on the walls of his house.


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