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13:00 30 mins Appointment time - -

Start 2 mins Intro clip and countdown video - -

5 mins Greeting and Introduction Mc 1, Mc2

Mc 1: Good afternoon everyone, thank you for your attention to join our seminar.
I’m wasinee choksunthronpot and this my great honour to be the MC for you today.

Mc 2: I’m Taipat Treebumroong. I am the MC of today’s seminar too. It's a pleasure to meet you

Mc 1:Since we will graduate soon, Is it ok to talk about what are we going to do after that?
Do you have any plan that you need to do Chon?

Mc 2: I just plan that I will do a work that related with our major but I also want to learn a
a new things too, Do you have any idea to suggest me that in ours majors, What can I do
as a architect role?

Mc 1: I also curious about this things too but have you ever heard about architect as developer?
I think that sound interesting.

Mc 2: I ever heard about that from professor too but I don’t know the content of work or scope.

Mc1: I can’t explain to you that well but so lucky because today we will have a guest which is a
developer that can give us a knowledge and I think you can have decision cleary after that.

Mc2 : That sounds good and can be benefit for us a lot, I think it’s time to introducing our guest

Mc 1: Of course, I am personally very honored to introduce ( guest name ),please give a warm
welcome to our guest.

15 mins Welcome guest and introduce guest profile Mc 1, Mc2 -

Mc1 : Good afternoon (guest name), thank you for joining us today, we are appreciate
that you be our guest

Mc2 :I just know a bit from Mc jasmine that you work as developer, Can you please let us know-
you better. Where are you graduated, which company you come from and
from now on what do you do, please introduce yourself.

Guest : ..........
open guest’s work or
Mc1 : That looks very interesting background and i have a lot of question to ask you. profile slide
Shall we start?

Mc2: Yes, let’s move to the question for our topic “ Architect as developer”

30 mins guest’s interview for main subtance Mc 1, Mc2

Mc1 : I wonder why you are start to interesting in developer?

Guest : ..........

Mc2 : how you prepare yourself when you know that you want to work at this role?

Guest : ..........

Mc1 : Feel like some skill when you prepare yourself it’s not what we study in five years,
Can you tell us what skill that we can adapt to use as developer and what’s skill that we
need to add on if we want to do this work.

Guest : ..........

guest’s interview for main subtance Mc 1, Mc2

Mc2 : After listen to the answer I can see some different from architect as designer and architect guest
as developer, Can you please explain to us in this different point?

Guest : ..........

Mc1: May I know pro and cons of it? Can you tell us from your experience

Guest : ..........

Mc2 : It is so good to know pro and cons, It is really help me to decide and thank you so much
to share us for your experience, least but not last before we going to q and a from
audience, I want to know your opinion that in the future ‘Architect as developer’ will go
in which directions?

Mc1: Yes, I want to know that too, something like, Is it in demand in the labor market?

Guest :.......

15 mins Q and A Mc 1, Mc2

Mc 1 : Thank you (guest name) your presentation really inspire me and I like it a lot. l learn a lot guest
from today. Audience

Mc2: Yes, Thank you so much. Now we will move to q and a from our audience. start from
question one

5 mins Seminar’s Ending Mc 1, Mc2

Mc 1: Thank you for your question audience, what do you think of developer after you listen?

Mc2 : I feel like I’m getting more interesting about it, and our major can be various role too,
and it so good to know before we graduate and I’m will keep it as one of my choice
in the future.

Mc1 : Me too, before we said goodbye, do you have anything to told to us?

Guest : ....

Mc1: Thank you for today . I’m extreamly honored for (guest name) to be our guest. I hope that
in the future, some day we may work together.

Mc2: and thank you everyone to joining us today, i hope that our topic and our information
can help you to see architect in others ways and you can got benefit from us to help you
in the future, Thank you.

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