Environmental Impact of Solid Waste Pollution in Zimbabwe

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Environmental Impact of Solid Waste

Pollution in Zimbabwe: A Literature

Solid waste pollution is a significant environmental issue that poses threats to water sources
and air quality in Zimbabwe.

Zimbabwe, like many other developing countries, faces challenges in managing its solid
waste due to rapid population growth, urbanization, industrialization, and changes in living
and technology trends (Integrated Municipal Solid Waste Management System (IMSWMS),
2016). Uncontrolled growth of the urban population has led to the generation of huge
quantities of solid waste, making municipal solid waste management a pressing concern in
urban cities (Addis, A., 2022). There is a lack of field monitoring data and limited studies on
the estimation of leachate generation from landfills in Zimbabwe, further exacerbating the
problem and hampering efforts to quantify the amount of landfill waste and leachate
generated (Maqhuzu, B, A., Yoshikawa, K. and Takahashi, F., 2018). Improper solid waste
management practices in developing countries, including Zimbabwe, have severe
environmental impacts. One of the major environmental impacts is water pollution. The
improper management of solid waste in Zimbabwe leads to the contamination of surface and
groundwater sources. This contamination occurs through the leaching of harmful chemicals
and pollutants from landfills into nearby water sources. These pollutants can include heavy
metals, organic compounds, and pathogens that pose a threat to human health and aquatic
ecosystems(Maqhuzu, B, A., Yoshikawa, K. and Takahashi, F., 2018)(Rangeti, I. et al.,
2018). Furthermore, air pollution is another significant environmental impact of solid waste
pollution in Zimbabwe. Improper waste management practices such as open burning of waste
and the release of harmful gases from landfills contribute to air pollution. The release of
greenhouse gases, including methane and carbon dioxide, from solid waste decomposition
contributes to climate change and exacerbates the greenhouse effect. Additionally, the
burning of waste releases toxic pollutants into the air, leading to respiratory issues and other
health concerns for nearby communities. Various studies have highlighted the environmental
and health impacts of improper solid waste disposal methods in Zimbabwe. These impacts
include the declining quality of health due to poor sanitary conditions, pressure on social
amenities, and scarcity of land for constructing sanitation facilities (Anaman, A, K. and
Nyadzi, B, W., 2015). Furthermore, the improper disposal of solid waste also leads to
unpleasant odors, pest infestation, and the risk of gas explosions. The environmental impact
of solid waste pollution in Zimbabwe is a pressing issue that requires immediate attention.
The study on solid waste pollution in Zimbabwe underscores the urgent need for effective
waste management strategies. The literature review highlights the environmental impacts of
solid waste pollution on water sources and air quality in Zimbabwe.

The information presented in the literature review emphasizes the significant environmental
impacts of solid waste pollution on water sources and air quality in Zimbabwe.

The review points out that improper waste management practices, such as lack of effective
waste collection systems and improper disposal methods at the household level, contribute to
the pollution of surface and groundwater sources. This contamination of water sources with
harmful pollutants and pathogens poses a significant threat to aquatic ecosystems and human
health in Zimbabwe. Additionally, the review discusses how solid waste pollution also affects
air quality in Zimbabwe(Maqhuzu, B, A., Yoshikawa, K. and Takahashi, F., 2018)It mentions
that open burning of waste and the release of harmful gases from landfills contribute to air
pollution. Furthermore, the decomposition of solid waste releases greenhouse gases, such as
methane and carbon dioxide, which contribute to climate change and worsen the greenhouse
effect. The literature review highlights the importance of waste recycling as a mitigation
strategy to address the identified impacts of open dumping of solid waste.

The literature review also indicates that the lack of accurate data on the amount of municipal
solid waste landfilled and leachate generated hampered efforts to fully understand and
address the environmental impacts of solid waste pollution in Zimbabwe . Furthermore, the
review discusses how waste composition and energy potential have been studied in
Zimbabwe, but there is still a lack of field monitoring data and studies on the long-term
effects of solid waste pollution on ecosystems and human health. Overall, the literature
review on the environmental impact of solid waste pollution on water sources and air quality
in Zimbabwe highlights the urgent need for effective waste management strategies to mitigate
these impacts.(Shabani, T. and Jerie, S., 2022) This literature review emphasizes the
significant environmental impacts of solid waste pollution on water sources and air quality in
Zimbabwe. The review highlights that poor solid waste management practices in Zimbabwe,
such as improper waste disposal and open burning, contribute to the contamination of surface
and groundwater sources and the deterioration of air quality(Makwara, C, E. and Snodia, S.,
2013). These impacts have adverse effects on aquatic ecosystems, human health, and
contribute to climate change through the release of greenhouse gases. Additionally, the
review points out the lack of accurate data on solid waste disposal and leachate generation in
Zimbabwe, (Medical solid waste management status in Zimbabwe - PMC, (no date))which
hampers efforts to understand the full extent of the problem and implement effective
solutions. It is important to note that while the environmental impact of solid waste pollution
in Zimbabwe is a pressing issue, there are differing perspectives on waste management
practices and their effects. Some argue that the focus on solid waste pollution often ignores
the economic and social benefits that waste management and disposal can bring to
communities, especially in developing countries.

(Shabani, T. and Jerie, S., 2022)One opposing argument is that the emphasis on
environmental concerns neglects the economic opportunities associated with waste
management. Some argue that effective waste management practices, such as recycling and
energy recovery from waste, can contribute to economic growth and job creation in
developing countries. By investing in waste management infrastructure and technologies,
developing countries like Zimbabwe can benefit from the potential to generate renewable
energy and raw materials from waste, thus contributing to a more sustainable and circular

Furthermore, while the literature review highlights the negative environmental impacts of
solid waste pollution, it's important to consider the potential benefits of modern waste
management technologies(Shaikjee, W. and Haar, d, v, D., 2022). Advanced waste treatment
systems and landfill engineering can help minimize the release of leachate and gases
associated with solid waste, thus reducing the environmental impact. Additionally, proper
waste management practices, such as the use of engineered landfills and waste-to-energy
facilities, can mitigate the environmental consequences of solid waste pollution(Maqhuzu, B,
A., Yoshikawa, K. and Takahashi, F., 2018).
It is crucial to recognize the need for a balanced approach to solid waste management, one
that considers not only the environmental impact but also the potential benefits to the
economy and public health(Ikechukwu, E, E., 2015). As such, the debate on solid waste
management should take into account a broader spectrum of viewpoints, including the
potential economic opportunities and advancements in waste management technologies for
developing countries like Zimbabwe.

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