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The interpersonal metafunction of this advertisement is to establish a close

and empathetic relationship between the producer and the receiver. The

producer uses the second-person pronoun "you" to address the receiver

directly and involve them in the message. The producer also uses modal

verbs, such as "can" and "should", to express possibility and obligation, and

rhetorical questions, such as "Do you think you're more beautiful than you

say?", to engage the receiver and invite them to reflect. The producer also

uses positive adjectives, such as "beautiful", "pretty", and "nice", to

compliment and encourage the receiver.

The textual metafunction of this advertisement is to organize the elements

in a logical and coherent way. The commercial follows a narrative structure,

with a beginning, a middle, and an end. The beginning introduces the premise

and the participants, the middle shows the development and the contrast,

and the end reveals the outcome and the message. The verbal and visual

elements are aligned and synchronized, as the voice-over narrates the story

and the images illustrate it. The commercial also uses transitions, such as

fades and cuts, to connect the scenes and create a smooth flow.

The second advertisement is a print ad from the Campaign for Real Beauty,

which was launched in 2004. The ad shows six women of different ages,

sizes, and ethnicities posing in white underwear and smiling at the camera.
The ad has a headline that reads "New Dove Firming. As tested on real

curves." and a subhead that reads "Firms skin in just two weeks. Works

wonders on all shapes and sizes."

The ideational metafunction of this advertisement is to represent the

women as the main participants, who are involved in the process of displaying

and celebrating their bodies. The women are shown in a studio, with a plain

white background, suggesting that they are the focus of attention. The

action is mainly visual, as the women pose and smile at the camera. The

circumstance is spatial, as the women are arranged in a diagonal line,

creating a dynamic and balanced composition.

The interpersonal metafunction of this advertisement is to establish a

friendly and inclusive relationship between the producer and the receiver.

The producer uses the first-person plural pronoun "we" to address the

receiver as part of a group and share a common goal. The producer also uses

adjectives, such as "real", "firming", and "wonders", to describe the product

and the women, and imply a positive evaluation. The producer also uses a

direct gaze, as the women look at the camera and the receiver, and a smile,

as the women express happiness and confidence, to create a rapport and a


The textual metafunction of this advertisement is to organize the elements

in a clear and concise way. The ad follows a descriptive structure, with a

headline, a subhead, and an image. The headline summarizes the main

message and the product, the subhead provides more information and

details, and the image supports and exemplifies the message and the

product. The verbal and visual elements are complementary and consistent,

as the words and the image convey the same meaning and tone. The ad also

uses contrast, such as the white background and the colorful underwear, to

highlight the women and the product.

The third advertisement is a social media post from the Project #ShowUs,

which was launched in 2019. The post shows a photo of a woman with vitiligo,

a skin condition that causes patches of skin to lose their pigment, smiling and

holding a Dove product. The post has a caption that reads "Meet Kgothi, a

South African model and activist who is proud of her vitiligo. She believes

that beauty is not defined by the color of your skin, but by the content of

your character. Join Kgothi and thousands of other women who are part of

the Project #ShowUs, a photo collection created by Dove, Girlgaze, and

Getty Images to shatter beauty stereotypes and show the world a more

diverse and inclusive vision of beauty. #ShowUs your beauty and share your

story with us."

The ideational metafunction of this advertisement is to represent the

woman as the main participant, who is

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