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CHAPTER 2 Literature Review

2.1 Introduction

Aging sewer pipelines pose significant challenges to urban infrastructure management. The
deterioration of these pipelines can result in structural failures, leading to environmental and public
health risks. Effective asset management and rehabilitation strategies are crucial to ensure the
longevity and functionality of sewer pipelines. This literature review aims to provide a
comprehensive overview of the research findings related to asset management and rehabilitation of
aging sewer pipelines.

Buried infrastructure, including water distribution and sewerage systems, are bloodlines of modern
society that may cause significant environmental and economic impacts through their life cycle
(Halfawy et al., 2008). The network of sewer pipes, which collects sewage from buildings and storm
runoff and conveys the wastewater to locations of treatment or disposal, forms the main component
of the underground sewer network infrastructure (Ariaratnam and MacLeod, 2002). In North
America, a large portion of urban water infrastructure including water and wastewater piping
networks of underground structures are reaching the end of their useful service life of 50-75 years
(Younis and Knight, 2010). Increasing needs for new urban water infrastructure are challenging,
particularly in the presence of existing environmental constraints and limited funding. In the past,
the problems caused by deteriorating sewer pipes were dealt with by adopting a reactive asset
management approach, whereby repair or rehabilitation was only done once a pipe failed.
Traditional infrastructure management only focused on maximizing the economic benefits (Mirza,
2007) while ignoring the environmental impacts and long-term socio-economic consequences.
However, this type of approach was deemed unsustainable due to consideration of short-term cost
only. Environmental performance and sustainable development are additional key aspects in
effective maintenance of sewer systems (Mihelcic et al., 2003; Muga and Mihelcic, 2008). The term
“sustainability” in the context of infrastructure systems has been applied to refer to a broad variety
of performance conditions or performance indicators that concern different groups, and may imply
different meanings (e.g. see Ashley and Hopkinson, 2002; Foxon et al., 2002; Haas et al., 2009; Ugwu
et al., 2006; Venkatesh and Brattebo, 2013). Despite the fact that a standard definition is elusive,
sustainability evaluation has been defined more in the sense of taking a longer-term view of effects
on future generations, well beyond the immediate business cycles, considering short- and long-term
environmental impacts and socio-economic consequences (Ashley and Hopkinson, 2002)

2.2 Influence of Material Attributes on Pipe Structural Condition

One important aspect of sewer pipeline asset management is the selection of appropriate pipe
materials. Akhtar et al. (2015) conducted a life cycle sustainability assessment (LCSA) to evaluate the
environmental, economic, and social impacts of different sewer pipe materials. Their findings
indicate that material attributes have the highest influence on pipe structural condition, followed by
the geometric and physical attribute group. This highlights the importance of considering the
material properties when making decisions regarding sewer pipe materials (Akhtar et al., 2015).

Additionally, the study by van der Velden et alalso emphasizes the importance of material selection
in environmentally conscious product design. The choice of pipe material has a significant impact on
the structural condition of sewer pipelines, as emphasized by Akhtar et al.'s life cycle sustainability

assessment. This assessment evaluated the environmental, economic, and social impacts of various
sewer pipe materials and highlighted the influential role of material attributes. Beyond the
LCSA(Risch, E. et al., 2015), the study by van der Velden et al. further underscores the importance of
material selection in environmentally conscious product design.

When evaluating the structural condition of sewer pipelines, it is crucial to delve into the intricate
relationship between material attributes and performance. Material properties such as strength,
durability, corrosion resistance, and flexibility play a pivotal role in determining the structural
integrity and longevity of sewer pipes(Petit‐Boix, A. et al., 2014). Additionally, the interaction
between material attributes and environmental factors, such as soil composition and moisture levels,
further complicates the assessment of pipe structural condition and necessitates a comprehensive
understanding of material behavior in varying environmental conditions.(Vahidi, E. et al., 2016)

Furthermore, the influence of material attributes extends beyond just the mechanical properties of
the pipe. It also encompasses aspects of manufacturability, installation ease, and long-term
maintenance requirements, all of which contribute to the overall structural condition of sewer
pipelines.In the realm of asset management and rehabilitation of aging sewer pipelines, a thorough
consideration of material attributes is indispensable for informed decision-making. Managers and
engineers must meticulously analyze the specific environmental and operating conditions of the
pipeline system in conjunction with the material characteristics to ensure the optimal structural
performance and longevity of the infrastructure.(Cardoso, A, M., Almeida, C, M. and Silva, S, M.,

2.3 State of the Art and Research Needs in Sewer Asset Management

Tscheikner-Gratl et al. (2019) conducted a comprehensive review of the state of the art and research
needs in sewer asset management. They identified several key research areas that require further
investigation. These include the development of accurate deterioration models, advancements in
non-destructive testing techniques, and the integration of asset management systems with decision
support tools. Additionally, they emphasized the need for research on the optimization of
maintenance and rehabilitation activities, timing, and work zones for short survey sections and
multiple distress types (Tscheikner-Gratl et al., 2019).

2.4 Structural Condition Assessment of Sewer Pipelines

Khan et al. (2010) focused specifically on the structural condition assessment of sewer pipelines.
Through their research, they proposed a methodology for assessing the structural condition of sewer
pipelines using visual inspection and non-destructive testing techniques. Their findings revealed the
importance of regular condition assessments to identify potential defects and prioritize rehabilitation
activities. They emphasized the significance of using reliable and accurate assessment methods to
ensure the effective management of aging sewer pipelines (Khan et al., 2010).

2.5Corrosion and Materials in Sewer Pipelines

Corrosion is a major concern in the deterioration of sewer pipelines. Javaherdashti et al. (2013)
highlighted the importance of understanding corrosion and its effects on sewer pipeline materials,
particularly in the oil and gas industries. Their research focused on various corrosion mechanisms
and the selection of suitable materials to mitigate corrosion damage. This knowledge is vital for
developing effective corrosion prevention and rehabilitation strategies for aging sewer pipelines
(Javaherdashti et al., 2013).

2.6Rehabilitation Strategies for Sewer Pipelines

Rashidi et al. (2017) explored remedial modeling of steel bridges and its application to sewer pipeline
rehabilitation. They employed the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) to prioritize rehabilitation
strategies based on various criteria such as cost, environmental impact, and technical feasibility.
Their research demonstrated the importance of using systematic decision-making approaches to
optimize rehabilitation activities and ensure the long-term performance of sewer pipelines (Rashidi
et al., 2017).

2.7Advanced Technologies for Sewer Pipeline Rehabilitation

Saegrov and Konig (2015) discussed the use of computer-aided rehabilitation techniques for sewer
and stormwater networks. They presented various technologies, including robotics, remote sensing,
and virtual reality, that can aid in the inspection, monitoring, and rehabilitation of aging sewer
pipelines. These advanced technologies offer potential solutions for efficient asset management and
rehabilitation, improving the overall performance and longevity of sewer pipelines (Saegrov & Konig,

2.8Future Research Directions and Knowledge Gaps

While significant research has been conducted on asset management and rehabilitation of aging
sewer pipelines, there are several knowledge gaps that need to be addressed. Firstly, further
research is needed to develop accurate deterioration models that can predict the condition of sewer
pipelines with higher precision. This would enable proactive maintenance and rehabilitation
planning, leading to cost-effective and sustainable asset management strategies (Tscheikner-Gratl et
al., 2019).Secondly, advancements in non-destructive testing techniques are essential for accurate
condition assessment of sewer pipelines. Research should focus on developing innovative
technologies that can effectively identify defects and deterioration mechanisms in different pipe
materials. This would enable targeted and prioritized rehabilitation interventions, optimizing the use
of limited resources (Tscheikner-Gratl et al., 2019).

Lastly, the optimization of maintenance and rehabilitation activities, particularly for short survey
sections and multiple distress types, requires further investigation. Research should aim to develop
efficient scheduling and work zone allocation strategies to minimize disruptions, reduce costs, and
ensure the continuous functionality of sewer pipelines (Tscheikner-Gratl et al., 2019


In conclusion, effective asset management and rehabilitation strategies are vital for the longevity and
functionality of aging sewer pipelines. The research findings discussed in this literature review

highlight the influence of material attributes on pipe structural condition, the state of the art in
sewer asset management, the importance of structural condition assessment, corrosion and material
considerations, rehabilitation strategies, and the role of advanced technologies. However, there are
knowledge gaps that need to be addressed, including the development of accurate deterioration
models, advancements in non-destructive testing techniques, and optimization of maintenance and
rehabilitation activities. Future research should focus on filling these gaps to enhance the asset
management and rehabilitation practices for aging sewer pipelines.


1. Rashidi, M.., Ghodrat, M.., Samali, B.., Kendall, Brent., & Zhang, Chunwei. (2017). Remedial
Modelling of Steel Bridges through Application of Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). <i>Applied
Sciences</i> , 7 , 168 .

2. Saegrov, S.., & Konig, A.. (2015). Computer aided rehabilitation of sewer and storm water
networks. , 53 , 336-347 .

3. Putrino, D.. (2014). Telerehabilitation and emerging virtual reality approaches to stroke
rehabilitation.. <i>Current opinion in neurology</i> , 27 6 ,



4. Syachrani, S.., Jeong, H.., & Chung, C.. (2013). Decision Tree–Based Deterioration Model for Buried
Wastewater Pipelines. <i>Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities</i> , 27 , 633-645 .

5. Khan, Z.., Zayed, T.., & Moselhi, O.. (2010). Structural Condition Assessment of Sewer Pipelines.
<i>Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities</i> , 24 , 170-179 .

6. Javaherdashti, R.., Nwaoha, C.., & Tan, Henry. (2013). Corrosion and Materials in the Oil and Gas
Industries. .

7. Su, T.., & Yang, M.. (2014). Application of Morphological Segmentation to Leaking Defect Detection
in Sewer Pipelines. <i>Sensors (Basel, Switzerland)</i> , 14 , 8686 - 8704 .

8. Tscheikner-Gratl, F.., Caradot, N.., Cherqui, F.., Leitão, J.., Ahmadi, M.., Langeveld, J.., Gat, Y. Le.,
Scholten, L.., Roghani, B.., Rodríguez, J.., Lepot, M.., Stegeman, Bram., Heinrichsen, Anna., Kropp, I..,
Kerres, Karsten., Almeida, M.., Bach, P.., Vitry, M. Moy de., Marques, A. Sá., Simões, N.., Rouault, P..,
Hernández, Nathalie., Torres, A.., Werey, C.., Rulleau, B.., & Clemens, F.. (2019). Sewer asset
management – state of the art and research needs. <i>Urban Water Journal</i> , 16 , 662 - 675 .

9. Akhtar, S.., Reza, B.., Hewage, K.., Shahriar, A.., Zargar, Amin., & Sadiq, R.. (2015). Life cycle
sustainability assessment (LCSA) for selection of sewer pipe materials. <i>Clean Technologies and
Environmental Policy</i> , 17 , 973-992 .

10. Harvey, R. J.., McBean, E.., & Gharabaghi, Bahram. (2014). Predicting the Timing of Water Main
Failure Using Artificial Neural Networks. <i>Journal of Water Resources Planning and
Management</i> , 140 , 425-434 .


12. Donev, V.., & Hoffmann, Markus. (2018). Optimisation of pavement maintenance and
rehabilitation activities, timing and work zones for short survey sections and multiple distress types.
<i>International Journal of Pavement Engineering</i> , 21 , 583 - 607 .

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