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The Second Committee of Kemaman Badminton Club ,5/2023

Minutes of the Second Committee Meeting of the Kemaman Badminton Club,
5/2023 will be held on Sunday, 7 May 2023,3.00 p.m at the Mars Meeting Room,
Present :

1. Muhammad Aiman Bin Azlin - Chairman

2. Mohamad Azhan Bin Mohamad Fauzi - Treasurer
3. Ahmad Syahmi Bin Abdul Rahman - Secretary
4. Muhammad Aiman Naqib Bin Roslan - Committee of logistic
5. Muhammad Amzar Bin Zulkefli - Committee of safety and welfare
6. Nur Nabila Binti Md Zain - Committee member of special task

1.0 Chairman Address

1.1. The Chairman welcomed the member and thanked them for their
cooperation coming to the meeting.He also briefed on the objectives of

2.0 Apologies for Absence

2.1. An apologies for absence was received from Mrs Nabila,the committee
member of special task because she was on medical leaves being admitted
to the hospital.

3.0 Minutes of the First Committee Meeting

3.1. The amendment are as follows :
• There is a correction on the amount from the donations for the
tournament and the exact amount RM 8000 not RM 5000

• The date of the tournament was actually 29 th May not 23rd May 2023.
4.0 Matters Arising from The Previous Meeting
4.1. Mr Secretary stated that all preparation have almost 90% done. That 10% is
on progress in preparation of the gift for the winners and lucky draw.

4.2. Mr Chairman stated about the difficulties with current sponsor with previous
sponsor and have a solution by replaced to the new sponsor.

4.3. Committee member talked about tell that door gift during badminton
tournament have been managed.

5.0 Reports from The Committee Member

5.1. Treasurer’s Report
The treasurer presented on the report in making badminton tournament
which are:
Company capital RM 7000
Amount donation RM 8000


5.2. Report from Committee of Safety and Welfare
The Committee of Safety and Welfare, Mr Amzar list out the rules for the
match and player which are the playing surface is clear of any unsafe thing
and all player are wearing correct equipment, no wearing any jewellery. Mr
Amzar also had explained equipment to prepared before start the
5.3. Report from Committee of Logistic
The Committee of Logistic, Mr Naqib had prepared for the event schedule.
Mr Naqib also had set the date and venue for tournament. He also had
prepare before the court from any problem such as the lighting problem.

6.0 Special Business

6.1. Committee member have planned tournament being on 29th May until 30th
May 2023, first day dedicated the preliminary and the second day for the
semifinal and final. The tournament will have 4 categories which are men’s
singles, women’s singles, men’s doubles and mix’s doubles. The Chairman
and the members agreed with the planning.

6.2. The treasurer ensure that equipment such as net, shuttlecocks, and other
equipments were enough as per attachment

6.3. Mr Syahmi suggested the entrance needed to have temperature check at

the main entry,and ensure that the players and spectators wear a masks
and maintain social distancing. The location of hand sanitizers will be
determined by parts of spectators seater.
7.0 Any Other Business
7.1. Mr Azhan reported that the cost of the building was really in poor for
example the lightshow need to replaced to new one

7.2. The technician did not attending to fixed the problem until now. Mr Azhan
will become person in charge to hired a new technician.

7.3. Mr Azhan also suggested to sell merchandise and prepare some food and
beverages for the audience, so some income will be profit from it.

8.0 Close
8.1. There being no further business, the secretary informed the next meeting
will be held on 12.5.2023 at 2.00 pm. with a vote thanks from the Chairman

Secretary, Mr Chairman,



Date: 7th MAY 2023

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